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Lesson #1/Assignment/queries

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Om Gurave Namaha




Respected Sanjay Guru Ji,


As suggested by you, I sincerely acted upon the instructions

yesterday for initiation. Later I went to the Krishna Mandir and

present the offering to the Lord Krishna to accept on behalf of my

spiritual Diksha Guru Sant Som Prakash Ji.



I have started lesson#1. May I request your goodself to throw some

light on the following thoughts cropped up while studying Lesson#1:



§ Why is Atman separated from Paramatman?


§ If atman is a mute spectator and it is the body which is

doing karmas why does atman has to suffer from the bad deeds of the

mind as it is not its (Atman) fault.


§ If its ultimate aim is to merge with the Paramataman, does

it take any initiative to achieve the goal or remains just at the

mercy of the body which is occupied by it?


§ Does atman know the future, if yes, why can't it select the

body which will do good karmas?







1. Try to define the role of God in your life.



God has been kind enough to take care of me by giving me birth in the

form of Manushya who has the liberty to do karmas of his own to

enable the atman residing in the body to achieve/reach to much closer

of its ultimate aim.


Though the mind of the present body is very chanchal but still its

satvic guna seems to be more which helps it do less bad karmas.


I am grateful to God that it has made this body met with various holy

spiritual gurus who have showered their blessings on it and according

to its karmas it has received its share.



2. What have you done in the past one year to come closer to God?


It has tried its level best by keeping in touch with holy

gurus/visiting holy places and doing meditations. Though not

successful to a great extent but still I am happy that it is atleast

doing efforts.



3. Which statement is more relevant:



a) God is all; or


b) All is God.



I think " God is all " .



Since God is all i.e., present everywhere (sarv-vyapi) and it is

every thing, the other statement becomes true that all is God.



4. Make a list of all Sanskrit….dictionary of Jyotish/Sanskrit



I have started this activity.



Best regards,



Subhash Rana

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