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Graha Malika Yoga

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Om Gurave Namah


Dear Jaan,


Before we go deeper into this, let us see a few superficial points.

Dasamsa Narayana Dasa of Sagittarius with Jupiter started in 1997 and

this is when your political activism would have started. Now since

you feel/claim that your career does not have any direction, this

cannot be the tenth house (OR PERHAPS THIS IS YOUR TENTH HOUSE).

Well, how is it that a planet like Jupiter owning the 2nd and 11th

houses is doing precious little for your career? So, perhaps we need

to take a fresh look at your Lagna itself. Try the Janma Ghatika

calculation and tell us what is the Ghatika Graha when the lagna is

around 6 Deg 40 Min to 7 Deg.


The Sun in the fifth house makes a person very intelligent, to be

precise very brilliant. However the middle part of life is full of

challenges and the best part shall be after 50 years of age. Brighu

recommends that such a person shall begin worshipping the Sun and

shall be come fortunate. Sun is also the AK. Now we find the GRAHA

MALIKA YOGA in your horoscope from the Sun in the fifth to the

Jupiter in the ninth house... what does this imply? Study the Graha

Malika Yoga from 'Every Saint had a past and every sinner has a



Jupiter in the ninth in debility is the Goal of your life.. what is

this goal of the Graha Malika Yoga. Tell your mother to save her

tears for she realises not that this son of hers shall one day be a

great researcher. One of the greatest astronomers had this jupiter in

the ninth in debility (look for this in Notable Horoscopes by Dr

Raman (I will not spoon feed..you have to study that book).


REST LATER. I am copying this to the list as it is another of my

policies to be as open as I can with all of my students. We all need

to learn together. Other comments are given under. I hope you edit

portions of this message and give it to Varahamihira List. I am

finishing here although there a lot more to say.


With Best Wishes,

Sanjay Rath




Rath: Well you have to handle that delicately. Let the sun come and

your education improves.

is there any light at the end of the tunnel ? sometimes i feel that i


immersing myself with astrology to get away from the responsibilities


getting a job and sorting out my career/education.


from an astrological point of view can you as the learned guru see

what is

causing the problems? another point being that i recently ( within

the last

3 yrs) got involved with politics in a big way and did something quite

unique. would you be able to say when that happened or roughly what i


no one else has been able to come close.


my navamsa chart doesnt seem to show any political involvement or

desire of

strength. atmakaraka sun and navamsa lagna lord saturn are in mutual


there is no sign of political involvement other than suns influence on

karakamsa and link to navamsa lagna lord.surely the other planets

must also

help? especially venus as that is the lord of mahadasa running right



i am attaching the chart in jhd format for your consideration.




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