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RE: [Hare Rama Krishna] RE: Solai

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Namaste Solari and Lakshmi,

I am presently in Sade-sadi and am using this as an opportunity to learn the effects of Sani on me...I say this because many people have differing opinions ion Sani's influence, but nothing beats a real experience.


This may or may not interest you, but let me put my observations forward for your consideration.

I posted this (below) a few weeks back , but have interest in your observations.


I have an noticed a few personal things about Sadhe sadi. So far I have completed one Sadhe sadi years ago ( 1968 -1975).I am now just past the middle of the second Dhayya of Sadhesadi's second cycle which started in 1998.


Sani is conjunct with natal Chandra this week which flags the half way point for this cycle.I am inquisitive about the approach of Sani to the natal position of Chandra….My experience has been the ingressgenerates the most angst and misfortune generated by Sani approaching Chandra i.e. in the 11th and 12th houses moving to Chandra ( located in my 7th house, Ta). This transit also generates Rasi dristi to Lagna ( Sc) as it transits the12th ( Ar) indicating physical discomfort and illness. Then in Janma Rasi ( Ta), Sani gives Graha dristi again to Lagnafor more physical discomfort ( which I have been fortunate to have little) and to Paka Lagna ( Li) by Rasi dristi.( so from this perspective I think I can speak as a knowledge native on Sani's effects)The next experiment is to see Sani leaving natal Chandra as it transits across Ta and compare and contrast the exit to Sani's entrance.

Does anyone have information here on the ingress vs.. the exit of Sani over Janma Rasi?Again, I am not complete with this cycle but can say a few things: 1. Compared to the first cycle ( 1968-1975) this cycle has been more mentally stressful than the first cycle. a. I think this is so, due to not only being in Sadhe sati period , but also Sani-Sani Vimshottari Dasa that startedin 1998..this changes to Sani-Buddha next month ( August) and I can compare.b. Since Sadhe sati is the transit of Sani across the 12th , 1st and 2nd from Janma Rasi you also need to look at the other natal houses Sani transits…. In my case it was the 6th house, which in general is a poor gochara and causedmental stress, poor clarity of mind, relationship problems and daily angst.c. You also need to look at natal Sani and it's aspects. For me, Sani is the owner of the 3rd and 4th ( Cp and Aq) placed in the 11th (Vi), a good house placement. From Janma Rasi , Sani owns the 9th and 10th ( YogaKaraka ) and you wouldthink would He be less demanding and more uplifting due to being YogaKaraka. The round, Sani was in full strengthand gave me all the pressures one could have with people, jobs and superiors. This was not the case during the first round of Sadhe sadi. d.Sani is located in Virgo ( Dual sign) which gives Rasi dristi to all the dual signs ( Ag, Pi, Ge) and givesGraha dristi to Sc( my Lagna), Pi my 11th house, and to Ge my 8th house.e. Another point of reference is in looking at Sani's transits w.r.t SAV bindu's in ea. rasi. I will refer you to Sanjayji book, Vedic Remedies on bindu count ( less then 20 to 25) and it's implications. I will not bore you with my SAV's.So what good came from this? much more attention to my study of Jyotish...(stick to the knitting as they say). It's unfortunate that my inspiration and focus on Jyotish has not given me Maximum return on my study time... Clarity of mind is just nowcoming back, so I can now have better comprehension.

2. That being said , I conclude that the major difference between round 1 of Sadhe sati ( which was memorable e.g. Sani wasfelt but 10X less than the experiences to date) and Rahu-Rahu was the dasa period then( also co-owner with Sani of Aq)The major difference for this round is Sani-Sani Vimshottari dasa period. So, a native getting a "double helping" of Sani has been a ( daily) experience to say the least!!!

Has anyone else have a similar chart that would coo berate this experience? I now have the opportunity to look at the next period of Sani-Buddha and compare. Buddha is my AtmaKaraka...andFor Ashtottari Dasa Buddha-Sukra is now running. So we will see what unfolds. Stay tuned!

Frank In Austin/ fschmidt


Laksmi (Lynne Kary) [laksmi_k] Saturday, July 28, 2001 10:10 AMvarahamihira Subject: [Hare Rama Krishna] RE: Solai

Jaya Jagannatha !


Dear Solai,


Not to take away from Sanjay answering but I'd like to say that you are in the middle of Sadi-sati . Saturn is transiting OVER your Moon now - and, aspecting your Sun and Mercury, and by 10th glance, your ascendant. Sat showing his influence in so many major places. You are feeling mentally and physically melancholi. best thing to do is welcome Saturns spiritual influence and increase your japa. he is just passing through. Please dont be discouraged. We all go through periods where things are slowed down and discouraging, it will pass. You are an observant astrologer and we have all appreciate the hours you have spent gathereing info for the files. saturn is associated with the wheel of time- he makes us look within- if you surrender to his influence you will beable to have many realizations that in turn will make you a better astrologer.

This is my observation, maybe Sanjay can offer something- he has a way to give deep realizations.


LakshmiOM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database

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