Guest guest Posted August 3, 2001 Report Share Posted August 3, 2001 Dear Sarajit, I have written some commentary on the chart you 've given first, and left it in unsent box, since I was in a hurry and asked you to check the birthtime..The chart of course couldn't fit, due to its aries lagna being given with several mahayogadas in the chart, and strong navamsa lagna, ruled by atmakaraka. Further, the chart you submitted was a clear case of terrible Bahoo Stree Yoga and very immoral personality. D-3 didn't fit at all.. I will be on the leave for a few days, so cannot aford some time to look at the corrected chart at the moment. As soon as I come back, I will look at the chart, and also answer other mails sent to me or on the list. Best wishes, Zoran Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 7, 2001 Report Share Posted August 7, 2001 AUM NAMAH SIVAYA Dear Jyotisha! I am giving here the analysis of the horscope. I hope some one among you should suggest some remedies to the problem. Zoran, Thanks for taking pain to validate the events in the previous chart I gave. However, I am sorry for the inconvenience caused due to the wrong birth data, I gave previously. The Narayana Dasa for the horoscope is as follows: The dasa starts with Capricorn as the lord Saturn is placed with the discpositor Mars and aspected by Mercury. Capricorn - 8 1970-1978 Sagittarius - 10 1978-1988 Scorpio - 5 1988-1993 Libra - 6 1993-1999 Virgo - 5 1999-2004 Leo - 6 2004-2010 Cancer - 4 2010-2014 Gemini - 8 2014-2022 Taurus - 11 2022-2033 Aries - 12 2033-2045 Pisces - 5 2045-2050 Aquarius - 9 2050-2059 Current Dasa is Virgo for 5 years Antardasa in Vurgo Dasa: Pisces is stronger than Virgo Pisces lord Jupiter is placed in Libra which is a odd sign hence the progression is zodiacal. Each of the antardasa is of 5 months each. Libra 3/99-8/99 Scorpio 8/99-1/00 Sagittarius 1/00-6/00 Capricorn 6/00-11/00 Aquarius 11/00-4/01 Pisces 4/01-9/01 Aries 9/01-2/02 Taurus 2/02-7/02 Gemini 7/02-12/02 Cancer 12/02-5/03 Leo 5/03-10/03 Virgo 10/03-3/04 Analysis of the drekkana for Brothers and sisters. As I said she has two younger sisters. It is said that the lords will give female birth if the they are placed in even sign (Excepting Cancer and Pisces) or debilitated or placed with female planets. I see in the horoscope non of the planets are sitting in the mentioned position. How is it possible that she has two younger sister? Drekkana lagna is an even sign and hence the counting is in an antizodiacal direction. The third from the D-3 Lagna Virgo is Cancer, whose lord Moon is placed in Cancer (male birth), in its own sign, aspected by Jupiter (Male planet). The 5th from Virgo (in reverse direction) is Taurus and the lord Venus is placed in its exaltation (Male birth). The 7th house is Pisces, where Venus is placed showing there won't be any more birth, this is again aspected by Rahu, confirming the same. She has asthma as Rahu is her 12th aspecting the Lagna. Married in end on 1997 or early 1998. Got divorce in 6 months. The dasa-antardasa during this time is Libra - Capricorn Antardasa in Libra Dasa Aries 3/93-9/93 Taurus 9/93-3/94 Gemini 3/94-9/94 Cancer 9/94-3/95 Leo 3/95-9/95 Virgo 9/95-3/96 Libra 3/96-9/96 Scorpio 9/96-3/97 Sagittarius 3/97-9/97 Capricorn 9/97-3/98 Both the Libra and Capricorn aspect the Upapada. However they are in Bad places from the upapada i.e. 3rd and 6th, showing the early breakup. The 2nd lord from the UL, Mercury is afflicted by Rahu and aspected by Saturn and Mars, showing the early breakup. Shoola Dasa: The shoola dasa starts from the stronger of Lagna and the 7th. As mentioned above in Narayana Dasa calculation that Lagna, Capricorn is stronger. Each of the shoola is of 9 years length. In the asdt. shoola, the asdt., the paka lagna and the significator of the paka lagna is aspected by Ketu, showing the mental disturbances. In the 2nd shoola of Aquarius, the debilitated lagna lord, Saturn and Mars are aspecting, and Aquarius contain eclipsed Atmakaraka Sun and afflicted Mercury. Mercury's affliction by Rahu and Saturn's and Mars's aspect show a lot of mental disturbance. However, Atmakaraka and Lagna lord saved her. The next shoola from 18-27 was that of Pisces with a dangerous Rudra yoga. This could have caused her death and she attempted many suicide. The next shoola is running from 27 onwards. This is of Aries and and contain two dire malefics Saturn and Mars. Saturn becomes the Rudra (comparision of strength between Saturn and Sun, the 2nd and 8th lord). This will not kill as atmakaraka aspects the same. However, this would cause a lot of affliction to the Dhi shakti as Lagna lors is aspected and conjoined with many malefics. Can anyone suggest any remedies for the same. Please.......... Regards Sarajit - Sarajit Poddar varahamihira Friday, August 03, 2001 7:07 PM [Hare Rama Krishna] Fw: Urgent help needed HARE RAMA KRISHNA Dear Jyotisha! Pranaam There is a small correction in the chart. The date of birth mentioned here is not 9 May 1970, but it 9th March 1970. I am attaching the revised .Jhd file. Sorry for the inconviniece. Regards Sarajit - Sarajit varahamihira Thursday, August 02, 2001 4:47 PM Urgent help needed HARE RAMA KRISHNA Dear Jyotisha! I am very much worried about this horoscope and want you to suggest some remedies to the problem. This is regarding Sister of a friend of mine. She is very depressed for the timebeing and attempted suicide more than once. Though she behaves normally with others, she has a typical problem of getting depressed with almost everything and also to harm herself. She gets depressed with very minor things and never satisfied with anything. By profession she is a doctor and perceived to be very good in paedetrician (I hope I spelled it correctly)i.e, child specialist. Some of the background Information that I have are1. Father retired- She got very high ideals from him- lot of self respect 2. she is kind of perfectionist and get worried with very little inconsistencies 3. She have an attitude to help others 4. She is an asthma patient- Her father is also an asthma patient 5. Mother was supportive earlier- however this has changed after Divorce 6.Has 2 Sisters. Among three, she is the eldest. Middle sister has a medical problem that she can't conceive. Youngest sister completed her graduation in computer engineering and now looking for a job. 7. Completed MBBS (graduation in medicine in 1995). Presently got a job in an hospital between 14-16 July 2001 8. Wishes to do higher studies(MD) 9.Married in end on 1997 or early 1998. Got divorce in 6 months. This is a very urgent call for help. She might do suicide, if not tackled fast. Though I can analyse the chart. I am not good at giving remedies.... yet to learn that... I am attaching herewith the .jhd file for the native. Birth Details 9 May 1970 4:05 AM IST; +5:30 E of GMT 95E22; 27N30 I hope the learned Jyotisha will give their views in this regard. With humble regards Sarajit Poddar _________________________________Sarajit PoddarConsultant, Business Solutions GroupHCL Infosystems LimitedE 4,5,6; Sector 11, Noida 201 301IndiaPhone: +91 (011) 455109 Res: 281, Sector 29, Noida 201301________________________________ OM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 8, 2001 Report Share Posted August 8, 2001 Jaya Jaya Jagannatha, Dear Sarajit, You have done a good work and let me put my view only for few points. As you know me too a learning member of our class, and there could be so many mistakes. The Narayana Dasa for the horoscope is as follows: The dasa starts with Capricorn as the lord Saturn is placed with the discpositor Mars and aspected by Mercury. No, we are looking for the stronger rasi among 1st and 7th to initiate dasa. Since both Cancer and Capricorn are not occupied, look for aspect from Jupiter, Mercury and dispositer. Cancer aspects by Mercury and Cancer stronger. So dasa as follows. Capricorn - 8 1970-1978 Cancer 4 70-74 Sagittarius - 10 1978-1988 Gemini 8 74-82 Scorpio - 5 1988-1993 Taurus 11 82- 93 Libra - 6 1993-1999 Aries 12 93-05 Virgo - 5 1999-2004 She has asthma as Rahu is her 12th aspecting the Lagna. Cannot agree. 4th house show breating and Saturn bring obstruction. Saturn conjoined here 4th lord in 4th house. Look at the role of the bhadakesh for lagna and 4th house. do not forget to see Rogesha too. Married in end on 1997 or early 1998. Got divorce in 6 months. The dasa-antardasa during this time is Libra - Capricorn It was Aries Maha dasa. Look at 7th from aries (Libra) aspect UL and Ketu, watery planets. Sub is Leo (March 97-March 98) where UL and Ketu in. Now see bhadakesh for Libra and Leo. Do they influence UL ? Looks you have a doubt about the exact dates of marriage. It looks to me, from January to March 98 when Jupiter transit in Aquaries. See, Jupiter aspect 2nd from Upapada in rasi chart ? Hope this will help you & Learned members comments welcome. Karu Antardasa in Libra Dasa Aries 3/93-9/93 Taurus 9/93-3/94 Gemini 3/94-9/94 Cancer 9/94-3/95 Leo 3/95-9/95 Virgo 9/95-3/96 Libra 3/96-9/96 Scorpio 9/96-3/97 Sagittarius 3/97-9/97 Capricorn 9/97-3/98 Both the Libra and Capricorn aspect the Upapada. However they are in Bad places from the upapada i.e. 3rd and 6th, showing the early breakup. The 2nd lord from the UL, Mercury is afflicted by Rahu and aspected by Saturn and Mars, showing the early breakup. Shoola Dasa: The shoola dasa starts from the stronger of Lagna and the 7th. As mentioned above in Narayana Dasa calculation that Lagna, Capricorn is stronger. Each of the shoola is of 9 years length. In the asdt. shoola, the asdt., the paka lagna and the significator of the paka lagna is aspected by Ketu, showing the mental disturbances. In the 2nd shoola of Aquarius, the debilitated lagna lord, Saturn and Mars are aspecting, and Aquarius contain eclipsed Atmakaraka Sun and afflicted Mercury. Mercury's affliction by Rahu and Saturn's and Mars's aspect show a lot of mental disturbance. However, Atmakaraka and Lagna lord saved her. The next shoola from 18-27 was that of Pisces with a dangerous Rudra yoga. This could have caused her death and she attempted many suicide. The next shoola is running from 27 onwards. This is of Aries and and contain two dire malefics Saturn and Mars. Saturn becomes the Rudra (comparision of strength between Saturn and Sun, the 2nd and 8th lord). This will not kill as atmakaraka aspects the same. However, this would cause a lot of affliction to the Dhi shakti as Lagna lors is aspected and conjoined with many malefics. Can anyone suggest any remedies for the same. Please.......... Regards Sarajit - Sarajit Poddar varahamihira Friday, August 03, 2001 7:07 PM [Hare Rama Krishna] Fw: Urgent help needed HARE RAMA KRISHNA Dear Jyotisha! Pranaam There is a small correction in the chart. The date of birth mentioned here is not 9 May 1970, but it 9th March 1970. I am attaching the revised .Jhd file. Sorry for the inconviniece. Regards Sarajit - Sarajit varahamihira Thursday, August 02, 2001 4:47 PM Urgent help needed HARE RAMA KRISHNA Dear Jyotisha! I am very much worried about this horoscope and want you to suggest some remedies to the problem. This is regarding Sister of a friend of mine. She is very depressed for the timebeing and attempted suicide more than once. Though she behaves normally with others, she has a typical problem of getting depressed with almost everything and also to harm herself. She gets depressed with very minor things and never satisfied with anything. By profession she is a doctor and perceived to be very good in paedetrician (I hope I spelled it correctly)i.e, child specialist. Some of the background Information that I have are1. Father retired- She got very high ideals from him- lot of self respect 2. she is kind of perfectionist and get worried with very little inconsistencies 3. She have an attitude to help others 4. She is an asthma patient- Her father is also an asthma patient 5. Mother was supportive earlier- however this has changed after Divorce 6.Has 2 Sisters. Among three, she is the eldest. Middle sister has a medical problem that she can't conceive. Youngest sister completed her graduation in computer engineering and now looking for a job. 7. Completed MBBS (graduation in medicine in 1995). Presently got a job in an hospital between 14-16 July 2001 8. Wishes to do higher studies(MD) 9.Married in end on 1997 or early 1998. Got divorce in 6 months. This is a very urgent call for help. She might do suicide, if not tackled fast. Though I can analyse the chart. I am not good at giving remedies.... yet to learn that... I am attaching herewith the .jhd file for the native. Birth Details 9 May 1970 4:05 AM IST; +5:30 E of GMT 95E22; 27N30 I hope the learned Jyotisha will give their views in this regard. With humble regards Sarajit Poddar _________________________________Sarajit PoddarConsultant, Business Solutions GroupHCL Infosystems LimitedE 4,5,6; Sector 11, Noida 201 301IndiaPhone: +91 (011) 455109 Res: 281, Sector 29, Noida 201301________________________________ OM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 8, 2001 Report Share Posted August 8, 2001 Saturn gives breathing trouble. Moon should be afflicted for asthma Best regards, Vijay pvklnrao karu [heen]Wednesday, August 08, 2001 4:55 PMvarahamihira Subject: Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Urgent help needed Jaya Jaya Jagannatha, Dear Sarajit, You have done a good work and let me put my view only for few points. As you know me too a learning member of our class, and there could be so many mistakes. The Narayana Dasa for the horoscope is as follows: The dasa starts with Capricorn as the lord Saturn is placed with the discpositor Mars and aspected by Mercury. No, we are looking for the stronger rasi among 1st and 7th to initiate dasa. Since both Cancer and Capricorn are not occupied, look for aspect from Jupiter, Mercury and dispositer. Cancer aspects by Mercury and Cancer stronger. So dasa as follows. Capricorn - 8 1970-1978 Cancer 4 70-74 Sagittarius - 10 1978-1988 Gemini 8 74-82 Scorpio - 5 1988-1993 Taurus 11 82- 93 Libra - 6 1993-1999 Aries 12 93-05 Virgo - 5 1999-2004 She has asthma as Rahu is her 12th aspecting the Lagna. Cannot agree. 4th house show breating and Saturn bring obstruction. Saturn conjoined here 4th lord in 4th house. Look at the role of the bhadakesh for lagna and 4th house. do not forget to see Rogesha too. Married in end on 1997 or early 1998. Got divorce in 6 months. The dasa-antardasa during this time is Libra - Capricorn It was Aries Maha dasa. Look at 7th from aries (Libra) aspect UL and Ketu, watery planets. Sub is Leo (March 97-March 98) where UL and Ketu in. Now see bhadakesh for Libra and Leo. Do they influence UL ? Looks you have a doubt about the exact dates of marriage. It looks to me, from January to March 98 when Jupiter transit in Aquaries. See, Jupiter aspect 2nd from Upapada in rasi chart ? Hope this will help you & Learned members comments welcome. Karu Antardasa in Libra Dasa Aries 3/93-9/93 Taurus 9/93-3/94 Gemini 3/94-9/94 Cancer 9/94-3/95 Leo 3/95-9/95 Virgo 9/95-3/96 Libra 3/96-9/96 Scorpio 9/96-3/97 Sagittarius 3/97-9/97 Capricorn 9/97-3/98 Both the Libra and Capricorn aspect the Upapada. However they are in Bad places from the upapada i.e. 3rd and 6th, showing the early breakup. The 2nd lord from the UL, Mercury is afflicted by Rahu and aspected by Saturn and Mars, showing the early breakup. Shoola Dasa: The shoola dasa starts from the stronger of Lagna and the 7th. As mentioned above in Narayana Dasa calculation that Lagna, Capricorn is stronger. Each of the shoola is of 9 years length. In the asdt. shoola, the asdt., the paka lagna and the significator of the paka lagna is aspected by Ketu, showing the mental disturbances. In the 2nd shoola of Aquarius, the debilitated lagna lord, Saturn and Mars are aspecting, and Aquarius contain eclipsed Atmakaraka Sun and afflicted Mercury. Mercury's affliction by Rahu and Saturn's and Mars's aspect show a lot of mental disturbance. However, Atmakaraka and Lagna lord saved her. The next shoola from 18-27 was that of Pisces with a dangerous Rudra yoga. This could have caused her death and she attempted many suicide. The next shoola is running from 27 onwards. This is of Aries and and contain two dire malefics Saturn and Mars. Saturn becomes the Rudra (comparision of strength between Saturn and Sun, the 2nd and 8th lord). This will not kill as atmakaraka aspects the same. However, this would cause a lot of affliction to the Dhi shakti as Lagna lors is aspected and conjoined with many malefics. Can anyone suggest any remedies for the same. Please.......... Regards Sarajit - Sarajit Poddar varahamihira Friday, August 03, 2001 7:07 PM [Hare Rama Krishna] Fw: Urgent help needed HARE RAMA KRISHNA Dear Jyotisha! Pranaam There is a small correction in the chart. The date of birth mentioned here is not 9 May 1970, but it 9th March 1970. I am attaching the revised .Jhd file. Sorry for the inconviniece. Regards Sarajit - Sarajit varahamihira Thursday, August 02, 2001 4:47 PM Urgent help needed HARE RAMA KRISHNA Dear Jyotisha! I am very much worried about this horoscope and want you to suggest some remedies to the problem. This is regarding Sister of a friend of mine. She is very depressed for the timebeing and attempted suicide more than once. Though she behaves normally with others, she has a typical problem of getting depressed with almost everything and also to harm herself. She gets depressed with very minor things and never satisfied with anything. By profession she is a doctor and perceived to be very good in paedetrician (I hope I spelled it correctly)i.e, child specialist. Some of the background Information that I have are1. Father retired- She got very high ideals from him- lot of self respect 2. she is kind of perfectionist and get worried with very little inconsistencies 3. She have an attitude to help others 4. She is an asthma patient- Her father is also an asthma patient 5. Mother was supportive earlier- however this has changed after Divorce 6.Has 2 Sisters. Among three, she is the eldest. Middle sister has a medical problem that she can't conceive. Youngest sister completed her graduation in computer engineering and now looking for a job. 7. Completed MBBS (graduation in medicine in 1995). Presently got a job in an hospital between 14-16 July 2001 8. Wishes to do higher studies(MD) 9.Married in end on 1997 or early 1998. Got divorce in 6 months. This is a very urgent call for help. She might do suicide, if not tackled fast. Though I can analyse the chart. I am not good at giving remedies.... yet to learn that... I am attaching herewith the .jhd file for the native. Birth Details 9 May 1970 4:05 AM IST; +5:30 E of GMT 95E22; 27N30 I hope the learned Jyotisha will give their views in this regard. With humble regards Sarajit Poddar _________________________________Sarajit PoddarConsultant, Business Solutions GroupHCL Infosystems LimitedE 4,5,6; Sector 11, Noida 201 301IndiaPhone: +91 (011) 455109 Res: 281, Sector 29, Noida 201301________________________________ OM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 8, 2001 Report Share Posted August 8, 2001 HARE RAMA KRISHNA Dear Karu! My replies are as follows- - karu varahamihira Wednesday, August 08, 2001 4:55 PM Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Urgent help needed Jaya Jaya Jagannatha, Dear Sarajit, You have done a good work and let me put my view only for few points. As you know me too a learning member of our class, and there could be so many mistakes. The Narayana Dasa for the horoscope is as follows: The dasa starts with Capricorn as the lord Saturn is placed with the discpositor Mars and aspected by Mercury. No, we are looking for the stronger rasi among 1st and 7th to initiate dasa. Since both Cancer and Capricorn are not occupied, look for aspect from Jupiter, Mercury and dispositer. Cancer aspects by Mercury and Cancer stronger. So dasa as follows. Capricorn - 8 1970-1978 Cancer 4 70-74 Sagittarius - 10 1978-1988 Gemini 8 74-82 Scorpio - 5 1988-1993 Taurus 11 82- 93 Libra - 6 1993-1999 Aries 12 93-05 Virgo - 5 1999-2004 Sarajit: I will get back to you on this later. Let me recompute the same. She has asthma as Rahu is her 12th aspecting the Lagna. Cannot agree. 4th house show breating and Saturn bring obstruction. Saturn conjoined here 4th lord in 4th house. Look at the role of the bhadakesh for lagna and 4th house. do not forget to see Rogesha too. Sarajit: This is a specific dictum taught by Pt. Sanjayji. You might be correct by saying that, 4th house is involved as 4th indicate the chest region of the Kalapurusha, however, Rahu's aspect on the Lagna is potent enough to cause Asthma. Married in end on 1997 or early 1998. Got divorce in 6 months. The dasa-antardasa during this time is Libra - Capricorn It was Aries Maha dasa. Look at 7th from aries (Libra) aspect UL and Ketu, watery planets. Sub is Leo (March 97-March 98) where UL and Ketu in. Now see bhadakesh for Libra and Leo. Do they influence UL ? Looks you have a doubt about the exact dates of marriage. It looks to me, from January to March 98 when Jupiter transit in Aquaries. See, Jupiter aspect 2nd from Upapada in rasi chart ? Hope this will help you & Learned members comments welcome. Karu Sarajit: Thanks a lot for your comments. However, I specifically asked for remedy to the problem of psychological depression. Any help in that regard is highly welcome. Antardasa in Libra Dasa Aries 3/93-9/93 Taurus 9/93-3/94 Gemini 3/94-9/94 Cancer 9/94-3/95 Leo 3/95-9/95 Virgo 9/95-3/96 Libra 3/96-9/96 Scorpio 9/96-3/97 Sagittarius 3/97-9/97 Capricorn 9/97-3/98 Both the Libra and Capricorn aspect the Upapada. However they are in Bad places from the upapada i.e. 3rd and 6th, showing the early breakup. The 2nd lord from the UL, Mercury is afflicted by Rahu and aspected by Saturn and Mars, showing the early breakup. Shoola Dasa: The shoola dasa starts from the stronger of Lagna and the 7th. As mentioned above in Narayana Dasa calculation that Lagna, Capricorn is stronger. Each of the shoola is of 9 years length. In the asdt. shoola, the asdt., the paka lagna and the significator of the paka lagna is aspected by Ketu, showing the mental disturbances. In the 2nd shoola of Aquarius, the debilitated lagna lord, Saturn and Mars are aspecting, and Aquarius contain eclipsed Atmakaraka Sun and afflicted Mercury. Mercury's affliction by Rahu and Saturn's and Mars's aspect show a lot of mental disturbance. However, Atmakaraka and Lagna lord saved her. The next shoola from 18-27 was that of Pisces with a dangerous Rudra yoga. This could have caused her death and she attempted many suicide. The next shoola is running from 27 onwards. This is of Aries and and contain two dire malefics Saturn and Mars. Saturn becomes the Rudra (comparision of strength between Saturn and Sun, the 2nd and 8th lord). This will not kill as atmakaraka aspects the same. However, this would cause a lot of affliction to the Dhi shakti as Lagna lors is aspected and conjoined with many malefics. Can anyone suggest any remedies for the same. Please.......... Regards Sarajit - Sarajit Poddar varahamihira Friday, August 03, 2001 7:07 PM [Hare Rama Krishna] Fw: Urgent help needed HARE RAMA KRISHNA Dear Jyotisha! Pranaam There is a small correction in the chart. The date of birth mentioned here is not 9 May 1970, but it 9th March 1970. I am attaching the revised .Jhd file. Sorry for the inconviniece. Regards Sarajit - Sarajit varahamihira Thursday, August 02, 2001 4:47 PM Urgent help needed HARE RAMA KRISHNA Dear Jyotisha! I am very much worried about this horoscope and want you to suggest some remedies to the problem. This is regarding Sister of a friend of mine. She is very depressed for the timebeing and attempted suicide more than once. Though she behaves normally with others, she has a typical problem of getting depressed with almost everything and also to harm herself. She gets depressed with very minor things and never satisfied with anything. By profession she is a doctor and perceived to be very good in paedetrician (I hope I spelled it correctly)i.e, child specialist. Some of the background Information that I have are1. Father retired- She got very high ideals from him- lot of self respect 2. she is kind of perfectionist and get worried with very little inconsistencies 3. She have an attitude to help others 4. She is an asthma patient- Her father is also an asthma patient 5. Mother was supportive earlier- however this has changed after Divorce 6.Has 2 Sisters. Among three, she is the eldest. Middle sister has a medical problem that she can't conceive. Youngest sister completed her graduation in computer engineering and now looking for a job. 7. Completed MBBS (graduation in medicine in 1995). Presently got a job in an hospital between 14-16 July 2001 8. Wishes to do higher studies(MD) 9.Married in end on 1997 or early 1998. Got divorce in 6 months. This is a very urgent call for help. She might do suicide, if not tackled fast. Though I can analyse the chart. I am not good at giving remedies.... yet to learn that... I am attaching herewith the .jhd file for the native. Birth Details 9 May 1970 4:05 AM IST; +5:30 E of GMT 95E22; 27N30 I hope the learned Jyotisha will give their views in this regard. With humble regards Sarajit Poddar _________________________________Sarajit PoddarConsultant, Business Solutions GroupHCL Infosystems LimitedE 4,5,6; Sector 11, Noida 201 301IndiaPhone: +91 (011) 455109 Res: 281, Sector 29, Noida 201301________________________________ OM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 8, 2001 Report Share Posted August 8, 2001 HARE RAMA KRISHNA! Dear Karu and Jyotisha! There is a goofup in the Asthma portion. Rahu is not aspecting the Lagna here as it is the 2nd house from the Lagna. Sorry for that. Regards Sarajit - Sarajit Poddar varahamihira Wednesday, August 08, 2001 5:54 PM Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Urgent help needed HARE RAMA KRISHNA Dear Karu! My replies are as follows- - karu varahamihira Wednesday, August 08, 2001 4:55 PM Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Urgent help needed Jaya Jaya Jagannatha, Dear Sarajit, You have done a good work and let me put my view only for few points. As you know me too a learning member of our class, and there could be so many mistakes. The Narayana Dasa for the horoscope is as follows: The dasa starts with Capricorn as the lord Saturn is placed with the discpositor Mars and aspected by Mercury. No, we are looking for the stronger rasi among 1st and 7th to initiate dasa. Since both Cancer and Capricorn are not occupied, look for aspect from Jupiter, Mercury and dispositer. Cancer aspects by Mercury and Cancer stronger. So dasa as follows. Capricorn - 8 1970-1978 Cancer 4 70-74 Sagittarius - 10 1978-1988 Gemini 8 74-82 Scorpio - 5 1988-1993 Taurus 11 82- 93 Libra - 6 1993-1999 Aries 12 93-05 Virgo - 5 1999-2004 Sarajit: I will get back to you on this later. Let me recompute the same. She has asthma as Rahu is her 12th aspecting the Lagna. Cannot agree. 4th house show breating and Saturn bring obstruction. Saturn conjoined here 4th lord in 4th house. Look at the role of the bhadakesh for lagna and 4th house. do not forget to see Rogesha too. Sarajit: This is a specific dictum taught by Pt. Sanjayji. You might be correct by saying that, 4th house is involved as 4th indicate the chest region of the Kalapurusha, however, Rahu's aspect on the Lagna is potent enough to cause Asthma. Married in end on 1997 or early 1998. Got divorce in 6 months. The dasa-antardasa during this time is Libra - Capricorn It was Aries Maha dasa. Look at 7th from aries (Libra) aspect UL and Ketu, watery planets. Sub is Leo (March 97-March 98) where UL and Ketu in. Now see bhadakesh for Libra and Leo. Do they influence UL ? Looks you have a doubt about the exact dates of marriage. It looks to me, from January to March 98 when Jupiter transit in Aquaries. See, Jupiter aspect 2nd from Upapada in rasi chart ? Hope this will help you & Learned members comments welcome. Karu Sarajit: Thanks a lot for your comments. However, I specifically asked for remedy to the problem of psychological depression. Any help in that regard is highly welcome. Antardasa in Libra Dasa Aries 3/93-9/93 Taurus 9/93-3/94 Gemini 3/94-9/94 Cancer 9/94-3/95 Leo 3/95-9/95 Virgo 9/95-3/96 Libra 3/96-9/96 Scorpio 9/96-3/97 Sagittarius 3/97-9/97 Capricorn 9/97-3/98 Both the Libra and Capricorn aspect the Upapada. However they are in Bad places from the upapada i.e. 3rd and 6th, showing the early breakup. The 2nd lord from the UL, Mercury is afflicted by Rahu and aspected by Saturn and Mars, showing the early breakup. Shoola Dasa: The shoola dasa starts from the stronger of Lagna and the 7th. As mentioned above in Narayana Dasa calculation that Lagna, Capricorn is stronger. Each of the shoola is of 9 years length. In the asdt. shoola, the asdt., the paka lagna and the significator of the paka lagna is aspected by Ketu, showing the mental disturbances. In the 2nd shoola of Aquarius, the debilitated lagna lord, Saturn and Mars are aspecting, and Aquarius contain eclipsed Atmakaraka Sun and afflicted Mercury. Mercury's affliction by Rahu and Saturn's and Mars's aspect show a lot of mental disturbance. However, Atmakaraka and Lagna lord saved her. The next shoola from 18-27 was that of Pisces with a dangerous Rudra yoga. This could have caused her death and she attempted many suicide. The next shoola is running from 27 onwards. This is of Aries and and contain two dire malefics Saturn and Mars. Saturn becomes the Rudra (comparision of strength between Saturn and Sun, the 2nd and 8th lord). This will not kill as atmakaraka aspects the same. However, this would cause a lot of affliction to the Dhi shakti as Lagna lors is aspected and conjoined with many malefics. Can anyone suggest any remedies for the same. Please.......... Regards Sarajit - Sarajit Poddar varahamihira Friday, August 03, 2001 7:07 PM [Hare Rama Krishna] Fw: Urgent help needed HARE RAMA KRISHNA Dear Jyotisha! Pranaam There is a small correction in the chart. The date of birth mentioned here is not 9 May 1970, but it 9th March 1970. I am attaching the revised .Jhd file. Sorry for the inconviniece. Regards Sarajit - Sarajit varahamihira Thursday, August 02, 2001 4:47 PM Urgent help needed HARE RAMA KRISHNA Dear Jyotisha! I am very much worried about this horoscope and want you to suggest some remedies to the problem. This is regarding Sister of a friend of mine. She is very depressed for the timebeing and attempted suicide more than once. Though she behaves normally with others, she has a typical problem of getting depressed with almost everything and also to harm herself. She gets depressed with very minor things and never satisfied with anything. By profession she is a doctor and perceived to be very good in paedetrician (I hope I spelled it correctly)i.e, child specialist. Some of the background Information that I have are1. Father retired- She got very high ideals from him- lot of self respect 2. she is kind of perfectionist and get worried with very little inconsistencies 3. She have an attitude to help others 4. She is an asthma patient- Her father is also an asthma patient 5. Mother was supportive earlier- however this has changed after Divorce 6.Has 2 Sisters. Among three, she is the eldest. Middle sister has a medical problem that she can't conceive. Youngest sister completed her graduation in computer engineering and now looking for a job. 7. Completed MBBS (graduation in medicine in 1995). Presently got a job in an hospital between 14-16 July 2001 8. Wishes to do higher studies(MD) 9.Married in end on 1997 or early 1998. Got divorce in 6 months. This is a very urgent call for help. She might do suicide, if not tackled fast. Though I can analyse the chart. I am not good at giving remedies.... yet to learn that... I am attaching herewith the .jhd file for the native. Birth Details 9 May 1970 4:05 AM IST; +5:30 E of GMT 95E22; 27N30 I hope the learned Jyotisha will give their views in this regard. With humble regards Sarajit Poddar _________________________________Sarajit PoddarConsultant, Business Solutions GroupHCL Infosystems LimitedE 4,5,6; Sector 11, Noida 201 301IndiaPhone: +91 (011) 455109 Res: 281, Sector 29, Noida 201301________________________________ OM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 8, 2001 Report Share Posted August 8, 2001 In the chart you sent to the list, In D-1, La is Cp and Rahu is in 2nd not 12th. In D-6, La is Pi and Rahu is in Cancer. You wrote " She has asthma as Rahu is her 12th aspecting the Lagna. " In both D-1 and D-6, Rahu is not aspecting Lagna! In Rasi, Sani is debiliated in 4th house and he aspects A6. 6th lord Budha is with Ravi (inherited from father), and afflicted by Rahu. In D-6, Sani is in 4th house. Ravi occupies 6th (Leo). She may also have some nervous troubles. Her D-27 Lagna is afflicted. I am not an expert in remedies. But, let me try. Lagna is occupied by Ravi, Keth, Budh and (Guru). She may do well to meditate to pacify Kethu - The planet giving frustation is afflicting Lagna, Lagna lord and natural atma karaka Ravi and 8th lord (retrogant) Guru is there adding more trouble. Presence of Guru may have made her get upset with minor problem (as the Lagna is afflicted). I do not really know whether to pacify Kethu or strengthen Ravi. If you see ashtaka varga (D-27) Guru is quite strong out there. So, she should try to please Guru and strengthen Ravi at the same time. Let here offer payasam on Thursdays to Sun and Guru. But, Sanjay wanrs us to be sure before suggesting a remedy. I do not know if the remedy I suggested could be risky. Use your own judgement. Narayana Dasa of D-1 chart (a general purpose phalita dasa): Maha Dasas: Cn: 1970-03-09 (04:05:00) - 1974-03-09 (04:41:29) Ge: 1974-03-09 (04:41:29) - 1982-03-09 (05:56:24) Ta: 1982-03-09 (05:56:24) - 1993-03-09 (01:38:49) Ar: 1993-03-09 (01:38:49) - 2005-03-09 (03:29:13) Pi: 2005-03-09 (03:29:13) - 2010-03-09 (10:21:26) Aq: 2010-03-09 (10:21:26) - 2019-03-09 (17:30:48) Cp: 2019-03-09 (17:30:48) - 2027-03-09 (18:51:37) Sg: 2027-03-09 (18:51:37) - 2037-03-09 (08:31:53) Sc: 2037-03-09 (08:31:53) - 2042-03-09 (15:15:13) Li: 2042-03-09 (15:15:13) - 2048-03-09 (04:11:54) Vi: 2048-03-09 (04:11:54) - 2055-03-09 (23:08:23) Le: 2055-03-09 (23:08:23) - 2061-03-09 (12:13:34) Cn: 2061-03-09 (12:13:34) - 2069-03-09 (13:21:58) Ge: 2069-03-09 (13:21:58) - 2073-03-09 (14:04:08) Ta: 2073-03-09 (14:04:08) - 2074-03-09 (20:12:25) Ar: 2074-03-09 (20:12:25) - 2074-03-09 (20:12:25) Pi: 2074-03-09 (20:12:25) - 2081-03-09 (15:14:21) Aq: 2081-03-09 (15:14:21) - 2084-03-09 (09:42:18) Cp: 2084-03-09 (09:42:18) - 2088-03-09 (10:17:51) Sg: 2088-03-09 (10:17:51) - 2090-03-09 (22:34:53) Sc: 2090-03-09 (22:34:53) - 2097-03-09 (17:47:23) Li: 2097-03-09 (17:47:23) - 2103-03-11 (06:31:50) Vi: 2103-03-11 (06:31:50) - 2108-03-10 (13:26:27) Le: 2108-03-10 (13:26:27) - 2114-03-11 (02:15:09) Narayana Dasa of D-1 chart (a general purpose phalita dasa): Ar MD: 1993-03-09 (01:38:49) - 2005-03-09 (03:29:13) Antardasas in this MD: Ar: 1993-03-09 (01:38:49) - 1994-03-09 (07:50:25) Ta: 1994-03-09 (07:50:25) - 1995-03-09 (13:47:26) Ge: 1995-03-09 (13:47:26) - 1996-03-08 (20:01:18) Cn: 1996-03-08 (20:01:18) - 1997-03-09 (02:10:11) Le: 1997-03-09 (02:10:11) - 1998-03-09 (08:23:03) Vi: 1998-03-09 (08:23:03) - 1999-03-09 (14:41:49) Li: 1999-03-09 (14:41:49) - 2000-03-08 (20:43:06) Sc: 2000-03-08 (20:43:06) - 2001-03-09 (02:55:37) Sg: 2001-03-09 (02:55:37) - 2002-03-09 (09:08:33) Cp: 2002-03-09 (09:08:33) - 2003-03-09 (15:05:43) Aq: 2003-03-09 (15:05:43) - 2004-03-08 (21:20:53) Pi: 2004-03-08 (21:20:53) - 2005-03-09 (03:29:13) Narayana Dasa of D-1 chart (a general purpose phalita dasa): Ar MD: 1993-03-09 (01:38:49) - 2005-03-09 (03:29:13) Sg AD: 2001-03-09 (02:55:37) - 2002-03-09 (09:08:33) Pratyantardasas in this AD: Li: 2001-03-09 (02:55:37) - 2001-04-08 (09:12:16) Sc: 2001-04-08 (09:12:16) - 2001-05-09 (03:56:07) Sg: 2001-05-09 (03:56:07) - 2001-06-09 (09:04:30) Cp: 2001-06-09 (09:04:30) - 2001-07-10 (19:36:37) Aq: 2001-07-10 (19:36:37) - 2001-08-11 (04:55:07) Pi: 2001-08-11 (04:55:07) - 2001-09-11 (06:44:01) Ar: 2001-09-11 (06:44:01) - 2001-10-11 (20:59:34) Ta: 2001-10-11 (20:59:34) - 2001-11-10 (22:53:16) Ge: 2001-11-10 (22:53:16) - 2001-12-10 (14:52:31) Cn: 2001-12-10 (14:52:31) - 2002-01-09 (01:52:47) Le: 2002-01-09 (01:52:47) - 2002-02-07 (14:01:14) Vi: 2002-02-07 (14:01:14) - 2002-03-09 (09:08:33) She is currently having Ar-Sg. Ar is occupied by debilitated Saturn along with 4th and 11th lord Mars. Sg is 9th from Aries. Things should not be too bad right now! UL is Le. As per the time for marriage given by your (97 end or 98 start), her marriage must have taken place in Ar-Le or Ar-Vi. Ar and Le are both trines to UL which makes sence. Ar is also aspected by Leo (UL). Don’t really see why marriage broke up so early. DK and natural signifier Sukra is in exaltation. As per Narayana Dasa of D-9 chart (a general purpose phalita dasa): Vi MD: 1996-03-08 (20:01:18) - 2004-03-08 (21:20:53) Antardasas in this MD: Cp: 1996-03-08 (20:01:18) - 1996-11-10 (16:08:48) Sg: 1996-11-10 (16:08:48) - 1997-07-10 (18:59:00) Sc: 1997-07-10 (18:59:00) - 1998-03-09 (08:23:03) Li: 1998-03-09 (08:23:03) - 1998-11-11 (04:28:59) Vi: 1998-11-11 (04:28:59) - 1999-07-11 (07:12:27) Le: 1999-07-11 (07:12:27) - 2000-03-08 (20:43:06) Cn: 2000-03-08 (20:43:06) - 2000-11-10 (16:46:21) Ge: 2000-11-10 (16:46:21) - 2001-07-10 (19:36:37) Ta: 2001-07-10 (19:36:37) - 2002-03-09 (09:08:33) Ar: 2002-03-09 (09:08:33) - 2002-11-11 (04:57:48) Pi: 2002-11-11 (04:57:48) - 2003-07-11 (07:48:49) Aq: 2003-07-11 (07:48:49) - 2004-03-08 (21:20:53) She was having Vi-Sc when got married. UL is Sc. Kethu is stronger (longitude) than Kuja. Kethu the UL lord is in Vi. Vi-Sc was a good candidate. Still do not really understand why problems with Marriage. As you say in D-1 2nd lord Budha and UL lord Ravi are afflicted by Rahu in Aq. This might have led to early break-up Soola Dasa calculation: Shoola dasa (troubles and death): Maha Dasas: Cn: 1970-03-09 (04:05:00) - 1979-03-09 (11:25:05) Le: 1979-03-09 (11:25:05) - 1988-03-08 (18:55:36) Vi: 1988-03-08 (18:55:36) - 1997-03-09 (02:10:11) Li: 1997-03-09 (02:10:11) - 2006-03-09 (09:36:23) Sc: 2006-03-09 (09:36:23) - 2015-03-09 (17:07:38) Sg: 2015-03-09 (17:07:38) - 2024-03-09 (00:28:30) Cp: 2024-03-09 (00:28:30) - 2033-03-09 (07:44:10) Aq: 2033-03-09 (07:44:10) - 2042-03-09 (15:15:13) Pi: 2042-03-09 (15:15:13) - 2051-03-09 (22:35:32) Ar: 2051-03-09 (22:35:32) - 2060-03-09 (05:59:54) Ta: 2060-03-09 (05:59:54) - 2069-03-09 (13:21:58) Ge: 2069-03-09 (13:21:58) - 2078-03-09 (20:44:49) She is running Li. You wrote 18-27 she attempted many suicides. At that time she was running Vi. Vi is 8th house in D-11 (AK is in trines to it). In D-1, Vi is 8th from Ravi (AK). I do not thing Li is a maraka dasa. It is occupied by Moon (in D-11). Moon is 6th lord. And Li has A6. In Rasi also, Li has A6. She may have some serious illness during this period. But not death. Please re-do a analysis as your Soola dasa and Narayana Dasa calculations were wrong. Why don’t you do a longevity study (using method of three pairs). I do not see any concerns for the given charts. Best regards, Vijay pvklnrao -----Original Message----- Sarajit Poddar [sarajitp] Tuesday, August 07, 2001 6:42 PM varahamihira Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Urgent help needed Importance: High AUM NAMAH SIVAYA Dear Jyotisha! I am giving here the analysis of the horscope. I hope some one among you should suggest some remedies to the problem. Zoran, Thanks for taking pain to validate the events in the previous chart I gave. However, I am sorry for the inconvenience caused due to the wrong birth data, I gave previously. The Narayana Dasa for the horoscope is as follows: The dasa starts with Capricorn as the lord Saturn is placed with the discpositor Mars and aspected by Mercury. Capricorn - 8 1970-1978 Sagittarius - 10 1978-1988 Scorpio - 5 1988-1993 Libra - 6 1993-1999 Virgo - 5 1999-2004 Leo - 6 2004-2010 Cancer - 4 2010-2014 Gemini - 8 2014-2022 Taurus - 11 2022-2033 Aries - 12 2033-2045 Pisces - 5 2045-2050 Aquarius - 9 2050-2059 Current Dasa is Virgo for 5 years Antardasa in Vurgo Dasa: Pisces is stronger than Virgo Pisces lord Jupiter is placed in Libra which is a odd sign hence the progression is zodiacal. Each of the antardasa is of 5 months each. Libra 3/99-8/99 Scorpio 8/99-1/00 Sagittarius 1/00-6/00 Capricorn 6/00-11/00 Aquarius 11/00-4/01 Pisces 4/01-9/01 Aries 9/01-2/02 Taurus 2/02-7/02 Gemini 7/02-12/02 Cancer 12/02-5/03 Leo 5/03-10/03 Virgo 10/03-3/04 Analysis of the drekkana for Brothers and sisters. As I said she has two younger sisters. It is said that the lords will give female birth if the they are placed in even sign (Excepting Cancer and Pisces) or debilitated or placed with female planets. I see in the horoscope non of the planets are sitting in the mentioned position. How is it possible that she has two younger sister? For Drekkana chart there Drekkana lagna is an even sign and hence the counting is in an antizodiacal direction. The third from the D-3 Lagna Virgo is Cancer, whose lord Moon is placed in Cancer (male birth), in its own sign, aspected by Jupiter (Male planet). The 5th from Virgo (in reverse direction) is Taurus and the lord Venus is placed in its exaltation (Male birth). The 7th house is Pisces, where Venus is placed showing there won't be any more birth, this is again aspected by Rahu, confirming the same. She has asthma as Rahu is her 12th aspecting the Lagna. Married in end on 1997 or early 1998. Got divorce in 6 months. The dasa-antardasa during this time is Libra - Capricorn Antardasa in Libra Dasa Aries 3/93-9/93 Taurus 9/93-3/94 Gemini 3/94-9/94 Cancer 9/94-3/95 Leo 3/95-9/95 Virgo 9/95-3/96 Libra 3/96-9/96 Scorpio 9/96-3/97 Sagittarius 3/97-9/97 Capricorn 9/97-3/98 Both the Libra and Capricorn aspect the Upapada. However they are in Bad places from the upapada i.e. 3rd and 6th, showing the early breakup. The 2nd lord from the UL, Mercury is afflicted by Rahu and aspected by Saturn and Mars, showing the early breakup. Shoola Dasa: The shoola dasa starts from the stronger of Lagna and the 7th. As mentioned above in Narayana Dasa calculation that Lagna, Capricorn is stronger. Each of the shoola is of 9 years length. In the asdt. shoola, the asdt., the paka lagna and the significator of the paka lagna is aspected by Ketu, showing the mental disturbances. In the 2nd shoola of Aquarius, the debilitated lagna lord, Saturn and Mars are aspecting, and Aquarius contain eclipsed Atmakaraka Sun and afflicted Mercury. Mercury's affliction by Rahu and Saturn's and Mars's aspect show a lot of mental disturbance. However, Atmakaraka and Lagna lord saved her. The next shoola from 18-27 was that of Pisces with a dangerous Rudra yoga. This could have caused her death and she attempted many suicide. The next shoola is running from 27 onwards. This is of Aries and and contain two dire malefics Saturn and Mars. Saturn becomes the Rudra (comparision of strength between Saturn and Sun, the 2nd and 8th lord). This will not kill as atmakaraka aspects the same. However, this would cause a lot of affliction to the Dhi shakti as Lagna lors is aspected and conjoined with many malefics. Can anyone suggest any remedies for the same. Please.......... Regards Sarajit ----- Original Message ----- Sarajit Poddar varahamihira Friday, August 03, 2001 7:07 PM [Hare Rama Krishna] Fw: Urgent help needed HARE RAMA KRISHNA Dear Jyotisha! Pranaam There is a small correction in the chart. The date of birth mentioned here is not 9 May 1970, but it 9th March 1970. I am attaching the revised .Jhd file. Sorry for the inconviniece. Regards Sarajit ----- Original Message ----- Sarajit varahamihira Thursday, August 02, 2001 4:47 PM Urgent help needed HARE RAMA KRISHNA Dear Jyotisha! I am very much worried about this horoscope and want you to suggest some remedies to the problem. This is regarding Sister of a friend of mine. She is very depressed for the timebeing and attempted suicide more than once. Though she behaves normally with others, she has a typical problem of getting depressed with almost everything and also to harm herself. She gets depressed with very minor things and never satisfied with anything. By profession she is a doctor and perceived to be very good in paedetrician (I hope I spelled it correctly)i.e, child specialist. Some of the background Information that I have are 1. Father retired- She got very high ideals from him- lot of self respect 2. she is kind of perfectionist and get worried with very little inconsistencies 3. She have an attitude to help others 4. She is an asthma patient- Her father is also an asthma patient 5. Mother was supportive earlier- however this has changed after Divorce 6.Has 2 Sisters. Among three, she is the eldest. Middle sister has a medical problem that she can't conceive. Youngest sister completed her graduation in computer engineering and now looking for a job. 7. Completed MBBS (graduation in medicine in 1995). Presently got a job in an hospital between 14-16 July 2001 8. Wishes to do higher studies(MD) 9.Married in end on 1997 or early 1998. Got divorce in 6 months. This is a very urgent call for help. She might do suicide, if not tackled fast. Though I can analyse the chart. I am not good at giving remedies.... yet to learn that... I am attaching herewith the .jhd file for the native. Birth Details 9 May 1970 4:05 AM IST; +5:30 E of GMT 95E22; 27N30 I hope the learned Jyotisha will give their views in this regard. With humble regards Sarajit Poddar _________________________________ Sarajit Poddar Consultant, Business Solutions Group HCL Infosystems Limited E 4,5,6; Sector 11, Noida 201 301 India Phone: +91 (011) 455109 Res: 281, Sector 29, Noida 201301 ________________________________ OM TAT SAT Archive: varahamihira Files: varahamihira varahamihira/database Your use of is subject to the Terms of Service. OM TAT SAT Archive: varahamihira Files: varahamihira varahamihira/database Your use of is subject to the Terms of Service. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 9, 2001 Report Share Posted August 9, 2001 HARE RAMA KRISHNA Dear Vijay! Thank you for the analysis of the chart and the suggested remedies. I admit that there are some goof-ups regarding the Rahu's aspect and there is some miscalculation regarding Narayana Dasa and shoola dasa. This happened due to wrong judgement on the stronger among the 1st and the 7th house. This mosly happen, as I generally get distracted while working on Jyotish in the "office". Thank you for the calculation, this will help me in reanalysing the chart. Karu was also right in pointing out my mistake. The problem as I mentioned is not much about maraka, but about the tendency to get depresses always. Hence I asked for the remedies. I would like other members also to suggest something. Regards Sarajit - Narayan rao PVKL 'varahamihira ' Wednesday, August 08, 2001 7:45 PM RE: [Hare Rama Krishna] Urgent help needed In the chart you sent to the list, In D-1, La is Cp and Rahu is in 2nd not 12th. In D-6, La is Pi and Rahu is in Cancer. You wrote "She has asthma as Rahu is her 12th aspecting the Lagna." In both D-1 and D-6, Rahu is not aspecting Lagna! In Rasi, Sani is debiliated in 4th house and he aspects A6. 6th lord Budha is with Ravi (inherited from father), and afflicted by Rahu. In D-6, Sani is in 4th house. Ravi occupies 6th (Leo). She may also have some nervous troubles. Her D-27 Lagna is afflicted. I am not an expert in remedies. But, let me try. Lagna is occupied by Ravi, Keth, Budh and (Guru). She may do well to meditate to pacify Kethu - The planet giving frustation is afflicting Lagna, Lagna lord and natural atma karaka Ravi and 8th lord (retrogant) Guru is there adding more trouble. Presence of Guru may have made her get upset with minor problem (as the Lagna is afflicted). I do not really know whether to pacify Kethu or strengthen Ravi. If you see ashtaka varga (D-27) Guru is quite strong out there. So, she should try to please Guru and strengthen Ravi at the same time. Let here offer payasam on Thursdays to Sun and Guru. But, Sanjay wanrs us to be sure before suggesting a remedy. I do not know if the remedy I suggested could be risky. Use your own judgement. Narayana Dasa of D-1 chart (a general purpose phalita dasa): Maha Dasas: Cn: 1970-03-09 (04:05:00) - 1974-03-09 (04:41:29) Ge: 1974-03-09 (04:41:29) - 1982-03-09 (05:56:24) Ta: 1982-03-09 (05:56:24) - 1993-03-09 (01:38:49) Ar: 1993-03-09 (01:38:49) - 2005-03-09 (03:29:13) Pi: 2005-03-09 (03:29:13) - 2010-03-09 (10:21:26) Aq: 2010-03-09 (10:21:26) - 2019-03-09 (17:30:48) Cp: 2019-03-09 (17:30:48) - 2027-03-09 (18:51:37) Sg: 2027-03-09 (18:51:37) - 2037-03-09 (08:31:53) Sc: 2037-03-09 (08:31:53) - 2042-03-09 (15:15:13) Li: 2042-03-09 (15:15:13) - 2048-03-09 (04:11:54) Vi: 2048-03-09 (04:11:54) - 2055-03-09 (23:08:23) Le: 2055-03-09 (23:08:23) - 2061-03-09 (12:13:34) Cn: 2061-03-09 (12:13:34) - 2069-03-09 (13:21:58) Ge: 2069-03-09 (13:21:58) - 2073-03-09 (14:04:08) Ta: 2073-03-09 (14:04:08) - 2074-03-09 (20:12:25) Ar: 2074-03-09 (20:12:25) - 2074-03-09 (20:12:25) Pi: 2074-03-09 (20:12:25) - 2081-03-09 (15:14:21) Aq: 2081-03-09 (15:14:21) - 2084-03-09 (09:42:18) Cp: 2084-03-09 (09:42:18) - 2088-03-09 (10:17:51) Sg: 2088-03-09 (10:17:51) - 2090-03-09 (22:34:53) Sc: 2090-03-09 (22:34:53) - 2097-03-09 (17:47:23) Li: 2097-03-09 (17:47:23) - 2103-03-11 (06:31:50) Vi: 2103-03-11 (06:31:50) - 2108-03-10 (13:26:27) Le: 2108-03-10 (13:26:27) - 2114-03-11 (02:15:09) Narayana Dasa of D-1 chart (a general purpose phalita dasa): Ar MD: 1993-03-09 (01:38:49) - 2005-03-09 (03:29:13) Antardasas in this MD: Ar: 1993-03-09 (01:38:49) - 1994-03-09 (07:50:25) Ta: 1994-03-09 (07:50:25) - 1995-03-09 (13:47:26) Ge: 1995-03-09 (13:47:26) - 1996-03-08 (20:01:18) Cn: 1996-03-08 (20:01:18) - 1997-03-09 (02:10:11) Le: 1997-03-09 (02:10:11) - 1998-03-09 (08:23:03) Vi: 1998-03-09 (08:23:03) - 1999-03-09 (14:41:49) Li: 1999-03-09 (14:41:49) - 2000-03-08 (20:43:06) Sc: 2000-03-08 (20:43:06) - 2001-03-09 (02:55:37) Sg: 2001-03-09 (02:55:37) - 2002-03-09 (09:08:33) Cp: 2002-03-09 (09:08:33) - 2003-03-09 (15:05:43) Aq: 2003-03-09 (15:05:43) - 2004-03-08 (21:20:53) Pi: 2004-03-08 (21:20:53) - 2005-03-09 (03:29:13) Narayana Dasa of D-1 chart (a general purpose phalita dasa): Ar MD: 1993-03-09 (01:38:49) - 2005-03-09 (03:29:13) Sg AD: 2001-03-09 (02:55:37) - 2002-03-09 (09:08:33) Pratyantardasas in this AD: Li: 2001-03-09 (02:55:37) - 2001-04-08 (09:12:16) Sc: 2001-04-08 (09:12:16) - 2001-05-09 (03:56:07) Sg: 2001-05-09 (03:56:07) - 2001-06-09 (09:04:30) Cp: 2001-06-09 (09:04:30) - 2001-07-10 (19:36:37) Aq: 2001-07-10 (19:36:37) - 2001-08-11 (04:55:07) Pi: 2001-08-11 (04:55:07) - 2001-09-11 (06:44:01) Ar: 2001-09-11 (06:44:01) - 2001-10-11 (20:59:34) Ta: 2001-10-11 (20:59:34) - 2001-11-10 (22:53:16) Ge: 2001-11-10 (22:53:16) - 2001-12-10 (14:52:31) Cn: 2001-12-10 (14:52:31) - 2002-01-09 (01:52:47) Le: 2002-01-09 (01:52:47) - 2002-02-07 (14:01:14) Vi: 2002-02-07 (14:01:14) - 2002-03-09 (09:08:33) She is currently having Ar-Sg. Ar is occupied by debilitated Saturn along with 4th and 11th lord Mars. Sg is 9th from Aries. Things should not be too bad right now! UL is Le. As per the time for marriage given by your (97 end or 98 start), her marriage must have taken place in Ar-Le or Ar-Vi. Ar and Le are both trines to UL which makes sence. Ar is also aspected by Leo (UL). Don’t really see why marriage broke up so early. DK and natural signifier Sukra is in exaltation. As per Narayana Dasa of D-9 chart (a general purpose phalita dasa): Vi MD: 1996-03-08 (20:01:18) - 2004-03-08 (21:20:53) Antardasas in this MD: Cp: 1996-03-08 (20:01:18) - 1996-11-10 (16:08:48) Sg: 1996-11-10 (16:08:48) - 1997-07-10 (18:59:00) Sc: 1997-07-10 (18:59:00) - 1998-03-09 (08:23:03) Li: 1998-03-09 (08:23:03) - 1998-11-11 (04:28:59) Vi: 1998-11-11 (04:28:59) - 1999-07-11 (07:12:27) Le: 1999-07-11 (07:12:27) - 2000-03-08 (20:43:06) Cn: 2000-03-08 (20:43:06) - 2000-11-10 (16:46:21) Ge: 2000-11-10 (16:46:21) - 2001-07-10 (19:36:37) Ta: 2001-07-10 (19:36:37) - 2002-03-09 (09:08:33) Ar: 2002-03-09 (09:08:33) - 2002-11-11 (04:57:48) Pi: 2002-11-11 (04:57:48) - 2003-07-11 (07:48:49) Aq: 2003-07-11 (07:48:49) - 2004-03-08 (21:20:53) She was having Vi-Sc when got married. UL is Sc. Kethu is stronger (longitude) than Kuja. Kethu the UL lord is in Vi. Vi-Sc was a good candidate. Still do not really understand why problems with Marriage. As you say in D-1 2nd lord Budha and UL lord Ravi are afflicted by Rahu in Aq. This might have led to early break-up Soola Dasa calculation: Shoola dasa (troubles and death): Maha Dasas: Cn: 1970-03-09 (04:05:00) - 1979-03-09 (11:25:05) Le: 1979-03-09 (11:25:05) - 1988-03-08 (18:55:36) Vi: 1988-03-08 (18:55:36) - 1997-03-09 (02:10:11) Li: 1997-03-09 (02:10:11) - 2006-03-09 (09:36:23) Sc: 2006-03-09 (09:36:23) - 2015-03-09 (17:07:38) Sg: 2015-03-09 (17:07:38) - 2024-03-09 (00:28:30) Cp: 2024-03-09 (00:28:30) - 2033-03-09 (07:44:10) Aq: 2033-03-09 (07:44:10) - 2042-03-09 (15:15:13) Pi: 2042-03-09 (15:15:13) - 2051-03-09 (22:35:32) Ar: 2051-03-09 (22:35:32) - 2060-03-09 (05:59:54) Ta: 2060-03-09 (05:59:54) - 2069-03-09 (13:21:58) Ge: 2069-03-09 (13:21:58) - 2078-03-09 (20:44:49) She is running Li. You wrote 18-27 she attempted many suicides. At that time she was running Vi. Vi is 8th house in D-11 (AK is in trines to it). In D-1, Vi is 8th from Ravi (AK). I do not thing Li is a maraka dasa. It is occupied by Moon (in D-11). Moon is 6th lord. And Li has A6. In Rasi also, Li has A6. She may have some serious illness during this period. But not death. Please re-do a analysis as your Soola dasa and Narayana Dasa calculations were wrong. Why don’t you do a longevity study (using method of three pairs). I do not see any concerns for the given charts. Best regards, Vijay pvklnrao Sarajit Poddar [sarajitp]Tuesday, August 07, 2001 6:42 PMvarahamihira Subject: Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Urgent help neededImportance: High AUM NAMAH SIVAYA Dear Jyotisha! I am giving here the analysis of the horscope. I hope some one among you should suggest some remedies to the problem. Zoran, Thanks for taking pain to validate the events in the previous chart I gave. However, I am sorry for the inconvenience caused due to the wrong birth data, I gave previously. The Narayana Dasa for the horoscope is as follows: The dasa starts with Capricorn as the lord Saturn is placed with the discpositor Mars and aspected by Mercury. Capricorn - 8 1970-1978 Sagittarius - 10 1978-1988 Scorpio - 5 1988-1993 Libra - 6 1993-1999 Virgo - 5 1999-2004 Leo - 6 2004-2010 Cancer - 4 2010-2014 Gemini - 8 2014-2022 Taurus - 11 2022-2033 Aries - 12 2033-2045 Pisces - 5 2045-2050 Aquarius - 9 2050-2059 Current Dasa is Virgo for 5 years Antardasa in Vurgo Dasa: Pisces is stronger than Virgo Pisces lord Jupiter is placed in Libra which is a odd sign hence the progression is zodiacal. Each of the antardasa is of 5 months each. Libra 3/99-8/99 Scorpio 8/99-1/00 Sagittarius 1/00-6/00 Capricorn 6/00-11/00 Aquarius 11/00-4/01 Pisces 4/01-9/01 Aries 9/01-2/02 Taurus 2/02-7/02 Gemini 7/02-12/02 Cancer 12/02-5/03 Leo 5/03-10/03 Virgo 10/03-3/04 Analysis of the drekkana for Brothers and sisters. As I said she has two younger sisters. It is said that the lords will give female birth if the they are placed in even sign (Excepting Cancer and Pisces) or debilitated or placed with female planets. I see in the horoscope non of the planets are sitting in the mentioned position. How is it possible that she has two younger sister? For Drekkana chart there Drekkana lagna is an even sign and hence the counting is in an antizodiacal direction. The third from the D-3 Lagna Virgo is Cancer, whose lord Moon is placed in Cancer (male birth), in its own sign, aspected by Jupiter (Male planet). The 5th from Virgo (in reverse direction) is Taurus and the lord Venus is placed in its exaltation (Male birth). The 7th house is Pisces, where Venus is placed showing there won't be any more birth, this is again aspected by Rahu, confirming the same. She has asthma as Rahu is her 12th aspecting the Lagna. Married in end on 1997 or early 1998. Got divorce in 6 months. The dasa-antardasa during this time is Libra - Capricorn Antardasa in Libra Dasa Aries 3/93-9/93 Taurus 9/93-3/94 Gemini 3/94-9/94 Cancer 9/94-3/95 Leo 3/95-9/95 Virgo 9/95-3/96 Libra 3/96-9/96 Scorpio 9/96-3/97 Sagittarius 3/97-9/97 Capricorn 9/97-3/98 Both the Libra and Capricorn aspect the Upapada. However they are in Bad places from the upapada i.e. 3rd and 6th, showing the early breakup. The 2nd lord from the UL, Mercury is afflicted by Rahu and aspected by Saturn and Mars, showing the early breakup. Shoola Dasa: The shoola dasa starts from the stronger of Lagna and the 7th. As mentioned above in Narayana Dasa calculation that Lagna, Capricorn is stronger. Each of the shoola is of 9 years length. In the asdt. shoola, the asdt., the paka lagna and the significator of the paka lagna is aspected by Ketu, showing the mental disturbances. In the 2nd shoola of Aquarius, the debilitated lagna lord, Saturn and Mars are aspecting, and Aquarius contain eclipsed Atmakaraka Sun and afflicted Mercury. Mercury's affliction by Rahu and Saturn's and Mars's aspect show a lot of mental disturbance. However, Atmakaraka and Lagna lord saved her. The next shoola from 18-27 was that of Pisces with a dangerous Rudra yoga. This could have caused her death and she attempted many suicide. The next shoola is running from 27 onwards. This is of Aries and and contain two dire malefics Saturn and Mars. Saturn becomes the Rudra (comparision of strength between Saturn and Sun, the 2nd and 8th lord). This will not kill as atmakaraka aspects the same. However, this would cause a lot of affliction to the Dhi shakti as Lagna lors is aspected and conjoined with many malefics. Can anyone suggest any remedies for the same. Please.......... Regards Sarajit - Sarajit Poddar varahamihira Friday, August 03, 2001 7:07 PM [Hare Rama Krishna] Fw: Urgent help needed HARE RAMA KRISHNA Dear Jyotisha! Pranaam There is a small correction in the chart. The date of birth mentioned here is not 9 May 1970, but it 9th March 1970. I am attaching the revised .Jhd file. Sorry for the inconviniece. Regards Sarajit - Sarajit varahamihira Thursday, August 02, 2001 4:47 PM Urgent help needed HARE RAMA KRISHNA Dear Jyotisha! I am very much worried about this horoscope and want you to suggest some remedies to the problem. This is regarding Sister of a friend of mine. She is very depressed for the timebeing and attempted suicide more than once. Though she behaves normally with others, she has a typical problem of getting depressed with almost everything and also to harm herself. She gets depressed with very minor things and never satisfied with anything. By profession she is a doctor and perceived to be very good in paedetrician (I hope I spelled it correctly)i.e, child specialist. Some of the background Information that I have are1. Father retired- She got very high ideals from him- lot of self respect 2. she is kind of perfectionist and get worried with very little inconsistencies 3. She have an attitude to help others 4. She is an asthma patient- Her father is also an asthma patient 5. Mother was supportive earlier- however this has changed after Divorce 6.Has 2 Sisters. Among three, she is the eldest. Middle sister has a medical problem that she can't conceive. Youngest sister completed her graduation in computer engineering and now looking for a job. 7. Completed MBBS (graduation in medicine in 1995). Presently got a job in an hospital between 14-16 July 2001 8. Wishes to do higher studies(MD) 9.Married in end on 1997 or early 1998. Got divorce in 6 months. This is a very urgent call for help. She might do suicide, if not tackled fast. Though I can analyse the chart. I am not good at giving remedies.... yet to learn that... I am attaching herewith the .jhd file for the native. Birth Details 9 May 1970 4:05 AM IST; +5:30 E of GMT 95E22; 27N30 I hope the learned Jyotisha will give their views in this regard. With humble regards Sarajit Poddar _________________________________Sarajit PoddarConsultant, Business Solutions GroupHCL Infosystems LimitedE 4,5,6; Sector 11, Noida 201 301IndiaPhone: +91 (011) 455109 Res: 281, Sector 29, Noida 201301________________________________ OM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 9, 2001 Report Share Posted August 9, 2001 Jaya jaya Jagannatha, Dear Vijay and Sarajit, Though I cannot reccomend a remedy for this native, I beleve Ganapati removes many obstracles. " Om Hrim Gam Hrim Maha Ganapataya Namah Swaha " . AK, punish as Rogesha, and in mouth of Rahu.Please do not take this as remedy unless approved by any Guru of SJVC. Also can I bring your attention to few impotant points for all of leaning members benefit ? We might not see such a chart for while again to learn. both D-1 and D-6, Rahu is not aspecting Lagna! Why did you use D6 for health matters.My understanding is Lagna, D9 and D30 responsible for evil and D6 indicate mental tention in this regard. In Rasi, Sani is debiliated in 4th house and he aspects A6. 6th lord Budha is with Ravi (inherited from father), and afflicted by Rahu. In D-6, Sani is in 4th house. Ravi occupies 6th (Leo). She may also have some nervous troubles. She is currently having Ar-Sg. Ar is occupied by debilitated Saturn along with 4th and 11th lord Mars. Sg is 9th from Aries. Things should not be too bad right now! Since dasa initiate 7th, take the 7th from dasa rasi as lagna. So prediction must be done, from Libra. 7th occupied by Saturn and Mars and Libra containing A6. UL is Le. As per the time for marriage given by your (97 end or 98 start), her marriage must have taken place in Ar-Le or Ar-Vi. Ar and Le are both trines to UL which makes sence. Ar is also aspected by Leo (UL). According to my understanding it must be Aries- Leo. For a marriage, dasa rasi must aspect UL or/and watery planets (for Narayana Dasa). Trines to UL does not work (I think.) Don’t really see why marriage broke up so early. DK and natural signifier Sukra is in exaltation. My doubt, can we take this case as a marriage ? The couple must have relationship for at least one year to take as a marriage. How ever let it be a marriage for now. See lord of the UL conjoined Rahu and lord of the 2nd from UL is under Papakartari yoga. (If I am correct). Navamsa chart is afflicted from Sarp yoga. Virgo too participate this until 2004. Hope this help. Thanks, karu As per Narayana Dasa of D-9 chart (a general purpose phalita dasa): Vi MD: 1996-03-08 (20:01:18) - 2004-03-08 (21:20:53) Antardasas in this MD: Cp: 1996-03-08 (20:01:18) - 1996-11-10 (16:08:48) Sg: 1996-11-10 (16:08:48) - 1997-07-10 (18:59:00) Sc: 1997-07-10 (18:59:00) - 1998-03-09 (08:23:03) Li: 1998-03-09 (08:23:03) - 1998-11-11 (04:28:59) Vi: 1998-11-11 (04:28:59) - 1999-07-11 (07:12:27) Le: 1999-07-11 (07:12:27) - 2000-03-08 (20:43:06) Cn: 2000-03-08 (20:43:06) - 2000-11-10 (16:46:21) Ge: 2000-11-10 (16:46:21) - 2001-07-10 (19:36:37) Ta: 2001-07-10 (19:36:37) - 2002-03-09 (09:08:33) Ar: 2002-03-09 (09:08:33) - 2002-11-11 (04:57:48) Pi: 2002-11-11 (04:57:48) - 2003-07-11 (07:48:49) Aq: 2003-07-11 (07:48:49) - 2004-03-08 (21:20:53) She was having Vi-Sc when got married. UL is Sc. Kethu is stronger (longitude) than Kuja. Kethu the UL lord is in Vi. Vi-Sc was a good candidate. Still do not really understand why problems with Marriage. As you say in D-1 2nd lord Budha and UL lord Ravi are afflicted by Rahu in Aq. This might have led to early break-up Soola Dasa calculation: Shoola dasa (troubles and death): Maha Dasas: Cn: 1970-03-09 (04:05:00) - 1979-03-09 (11:25:05) Le: 1979-03-09 (11:25:05) - 1988-03-08 (18:55:36) Vi: 1988-03-08 (18:55:36) - 1997-03-09 (02:10:11) Li: 1997-03-09 (02:10:11) - 2006-03-09 (09:36:23) Sc: 2006-03-09 (09:36:23) - 2015-03-09 (17:07:38) Sg: 2015-03-09 (17:07:38) - 2024-03-09 (00:28:30) Cp: 2024-03-09 (00:28:30) - 2033-03-09 (07:44:10) Aq: 2033-03-09 (07:44:10) - 2042-03-09 (15:15:13) Pi: 2042-03-09 (15:15:13) - 2051-03-09 (22:35:32) Ar: 2051-03-09 (22:35:32) - 2060-03-09 (05:59:54) Ta: 2060-03-09 (05:59:54) - 2069-03-09 (13:21:58) Ge: 2069-03-09 (13:21:58) - 2078-03-09 (20:44:49) She is running Li. You wrote 18-27 she attempted many suicides. At that time she was running Vi. Vi is 8th house in D-11 (AK is in trines to it). In D-1, Vi is 8th from Ravi (AK). I do not thing Li is a maraka dasa. It is occupied by Moon (in D-11). Moon is 6th lord. And Li has A6. In Rasi also, Li has A6. She may have some serious illness during this period. But not death. Please re-do a analysis as your Soola dasa and Narayana Dasa calculations were wrong. Why don’t you do a longevity study (using method of three pairs). I do not see any concerns for the given charts. Best regards, Vijay pvklnrao Sarajit Poddar [sarajitp]Tuesday, August 07, 2001 6:42 PMvarahamihira Subject: Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Urgent help neededImportance: High AUM NAMAH SIVAYA Dear Jyotisha! I am giving here the analysis of the horscope. I hope some one among you should suggest some remedies to the problem. Zoran, Thanks for taking pain to validate the events in the previous chart I gave. However, I am sorry for the inconvenience caused due to the wrong birth data, I gave previously. The Narayana Dasa for the horoscope is as follows: The dasa starts with Capricorn as the lord Saturn is placed with the discpositor Mars and aspected by Mercury. Capricorn - 8 1970-1978 Sagittarius - 10 1978-1988 Scorpio - 5 1988-1993 Libra - 6 1993-1999 Virgo - 5 1999-2004 Leo - 6 2004-2010 Cancer - 4 2010-2014 Gemini - 8 2014-2022 Taurus - 11 2022-2033 Aries - 12 2033-2045 Pisces - 5 2045-2050 Aquarius - 9 2050-2059 Current Dasa is Virgo for 5 years Antardasa in Vurgo Dasa: Pisces is stronger than Virgo Pisces lord Jupiter is placed in Libra which is a odd sign hence the progression is zodiacal. Each of the antardasa is of 5 months each. Libra 3/99-8/99 Scorpio 8/99-1/00 Sagittarius 1/00-6/00 Capricorn 6/00-11/00 Aquarius 11/00-4/01 Pisces 4/01-9/01 Aries 9/01-2/02 Taurus 2/02-7/02 Gemini 7/02-12/02 Cancer 12/02-5/03 Leo 5/03-10/03 Virgo 10/03-3/04 Analysis of the drekkana for Brothers and sisters. As I said she has two younger sisters. It is said that the lords will give female birth if the they are placed in even sign (Excepting Cancer and Pisces) or debilitated or placed with female planets. I see in the horoscope non of the planets are sitting in the mentioned position. How is it possible that she has two younger sister? For Drekkana chart there Drekkana lagna is an even sign and hence the counting is in an antizodiacal direction. The third from the D-3 Lagna Virgo is Cancer, whose lord Moon is placed in Cancer (male birth), in its own sign, aspected by Jupiter (Male planet). The 5th from Virgo (in reverse direction) is Taurus and the lord Venus is placed in its exaltation (Male birth). The 7th house is Pisces, where Venus is placed showing there won't be any more birth, this is again aspected by Rahu, confirming the same. She has asthma as Rahu is her 12th aspecting the Lagna. Married in end on 1997 or early 1998. Got divorce in 6 months. The dasa-antardasa during this time is Libra - Capricorn Antardasa in Libra Dasa Aries 3/93-9/93 Taurus 9/93-3/94 Gemini 3/94-9/94 Cancer 9/94-3/95 Leo 3/95-9/95 Virgo 9/95-3/96 Libra 3/96-9/96 Scorpio 9/96-3/97 Sagittarius 3/97-9/97 Capricorn 9/97-3/98 Both the Libra and Capricorn aspect the Upapada. However they are in Bad places from the upapada i.e. 3rd and 6th, showing the early breakup. The 2nd lord from the UL, Mercury is afflicted by Rahu and aspected by Saturn and Mars, showing the early breakup. Shoola Dasa: The shoola dasa starts from the stronger of Lagna and the 7th. As mentioned above in Narayana Dasa calculation that Lagna, Capricorn is stronger. Each of the shoola is of 9 years length. In the asdt. shoola, the asdt., the paka lagna and the significator of the paka lagna is aspected by Ketu, showing the mental disturbances. In the 2nd shoola of Aquarius, the debilitated lagna lord, Saturn and Mars are aspecting, and Aquarius contain eclipsed Atmakaraka Sun and afflicted Mercury. Mercury's affliction by Rahu and Saturn's and Mars's aspect show a lot of mental disturbance. However, Atmakaraka and Lagna lord saved her. The next shoola from 18-27 was that of Pisces with a dangerous Rudra yoga. This could have caused her death and she attempted many suicide. The next shoola is running from 27 onwards. This is of Aries and and contain two dire malefics Saturn and Mars. Saturn becomes the Rudra (comparision of strength between Saturn and Sun, the 2nd and 8th lord). This will not kill as atmakaraka aspects the same. However, this would cause a lot of affliction to the Dhi shakti as Lagna lors is aspected and conjoined with many malefics. Can anyone suggest any remedies for the same. Please.......... Regards Sarajit - Sarajit Poddar varahamihira Friday, August 03, 2001 7:07 PM [Hare Rama Krishna] Fw: Urgent help needed HARE RAMA KRISHNA Dear Jyotisha! Pranaam There is a small correction in the chart. The date of birth mentioned here is not 9 May 1970, but it 9th March 1970. I am attaching the revised .Jhd file. Sorry for the inconviniece. Regards Sarajit - Sarajit varahamihira Thursday, August 02, 2001 4:47 PM Urgent help needed HARE RAMA KRISHNA Dear Jyotisha! I am very much worried about this horoscope and want you to suggest some remedies to the problem. This is regarding Sister of a friend of mine. She is very depressed for the timebeing and attempted suicide more than once. Though she behaves normally with others, she has a typical problem of getting depressed with almost everything and also to harm herself. She gets depressed with very minor things and never satisfied with anything. By profession she is a doctor and perceived to be very good in paedetrician (I hope I spelled it correctly)i.e, child specialist. Some of the background Information that I have are1. Father retired- She got very high ideals from him- lot of self respect 2. she is kind of perfectionist and get worried with very little inconsistencies 3. She have an attitude to help others 4. She is an asthma patient- Her father is also an asthma patient 5. Mother was supportive earlier- however this has changed after Divorce 6.Has 2 Sisters. Among three, she is the eldest. Middle sister has a medical problem that she can't conceive. Youngest sister completed her graduation in computer engineering and now looking for a job. 7. Completed MBBS (graduation in medicine in 1995). Presently got a job in an hospital between 14-16 July 2001 8. Wishes to do higher studies(MD) 9.Married in end on 1997 or early 1998. Got divorce in 6 months. This is a very urgent call for help. She might do suicide, if not tackled fast. Though I can analyse the chart. I am not good at giving remedies.... yet to learn that... I am attaching herewith the .jhd file for the native. Birth Details 9 May 1970 4:05 AM IST; +5:30 E of GMT 95E22; 27N30 I hope the learned Jyotisha will give their views in this regard. With humble regards Sarajit Poddar _________________________________Sarajit PoddarConsultant, Business Solutions GroupHCL Infosystems LimitedE 4,5,6; Sector 11, Noida 201 301IndiaPhone: +91 (011) 455109 Res: 281, Sector 29, Noida 201301________________________________ OM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 10, 2001 Report Share Posted August 10, 2001 HARE RAMA KRISHNA Dear Karu and Vijay! Here are my comments.... - karu varahamihira Thursday, August 09, 2001 3:25 PM Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Urgent help needed Jaya jaya Jagannatha, Dear Vijay and Sarajit, Though I cannot reccomend a remedy for this native, I beleve Ganapati removes many obstracles. "Om Hrim Gam Hrim Maha Ganapataya Namah Swaha". AK, punish as Rogesha, and in mouth of Rahu.Please do not take this as remedy unless approved by any Guru of SJVC. Sarajit: Please do not hesitate to suggest anything as if you don't speak your mind, it will become very difficult to clarify your own concepts. Gurus here are always helpful and they take care that we get right knowledge in this gurukul. Thanks a lot for the remedy. Also can I bring your attention to few impotant points for all of leaning members benefit ? We might not see such a chart for while again to learn. both D-1 and D-6, Rahu is not aspecting Lagna! Why did you use D6 for health matters.My understanding is Lagna, D9 and D30 responsible for evil and D6 indicate mental tention in this regard. Sarajit: D-6 or Shastyamsa Narayana dasa is very good for timing diseases. While you are correct that D-30 also show evil, but this on a more subtle plane of consciousness as it is a higher order harmonic. This shows diseases due to inherent weakness. D-9 is the chart for Dharma and in general it shows general strength and weakness of an horoscope. D9 also shows inherent tendencies and skills of a person. In Rasi, Sani is debiliated in 4th house and he aspects A6. 6th lord Budha is with Ravi (inherited from father), and afflicted by Rahu. In D-6, Sani is in 4th house. Ravi occupies 6th (Leo). She may also have some nervous troubles. She is currently having Ar-Sg. Ar is occupied by debilitated Saturn along with 4th and 11th lord Mars. Sg is 9th from Aries. Things should not be too bad right now! Since dasa initiate 7th, take the 7th from dasa rasi as lagna. So prediction must be done, from Libra. 7th occupied by Saturn and Mars and Libra containing A6. Sarajit: You are correct, the prediction should be done from the 7th of the Dasa Sign. Hence the indications should be seen from Libra. So what are the indications of Libra? It is housing Retrograde Jupiter. Jupiter is the 3rd and the 12th lord, hence a functional malefic for the lagna. 3rd is the house of destruction and 12th is the house ruling hospitals. Retrograssion of Jupiter has given a little amount to maleficence to the most benefic planet (naturally). This will cause a lot of problem in the job. This would be the Guru becoming annoyed with the native and withdrawing all support and thinking of punishing the native. Hence the tension at the job front. This is aspected by Ketu and Rahu+Sun+Mercury from the 8th and 2nd respectively. Nodes aspecting the dhi shakti and the karaka of the paka lagna will cause a lot of mental problem. However, aspect of the 9th lord Mercury could have been a saving grace but it is afflicted with malefics and hence rendered weak. Mercury again a karaka for the intelligence is afflicted also because the dispositor Saturn is placed with Mars (a dreaded combination). This made Mecury very weak. However we might see that the Atmakaraka Sun is placed with Mercury and also aspecting Libra. This show that Sun is punshing the native to make him learn some important lession from these situations, she is passing through. Anyway, Atmakaraka's aspect is also a saving grace, even it the lord of eighth. Libra lord Venus is again strogly placed in the 3rd with 7th lord Moon......... what does it signify? What does the presence of Gulika, Mandi and A6 Signify here? This does show lot of mental turmoil!!! I think Mercury could be strengthened under such circumstances. 2nd is the house of speech and some mantra could be helpful. As the discpositor of Libra is the lord of house of recovery (5th, mantra), the native might recover with mantra. Gurudev! Please correct me. UL is Le. As per the time for marriage given by your (97 end or 98 start), her marriage must have taken place in Ar-Le or Ar-Vi. Ar and Le are both trines to UL which makes sence. Ar is also aspected by Leo (UL). According to my understanding it must be Aries- Leo. For a marriage, dasa rasi must aspect UL or/and watery planets (for Narayana Dasa). Trines to UL does not work (I think.) Don’t really see why marriage broke up so early. DK and natural signifier Sukra is in exaltation. My doubt, can we take this case as a marriage ? The couple must have relationship for at least one year to take as a marriage. How ever let it be a marriage for now. Sarajit: This should be considered a marriage if the same is done taking Agni as a witness. Even if it last less than a day. Vijay! your logic based on Venus's exaltation is incorrect. As Venus Stay in one sign approximately for a Month. Does this show that the natives born in that month will not have broken marriage? Karu! Trines support each other, hence trine to UL should give marriage. See lord of the UL conjoined Rahu and lord of the 2nd from UL is under Papakartari yoga. (If I am correct). Navamsa chart is afflicted from Sarp yoga. Virgo too participate this until 2004. Sarajit: The 2nd lord from the UL is afflicted by Rahu and Sun aspected By Sat,Mars, can show rge Break in marriage. When the lord of house of sustainance is so weak, how the signification of the house under study will sustain? Hope this help. Thanks, karu Regards Sarajit As per Narayana Dasa of D-9 chart (a general purpose phalita dasa): Vi MD: 1996-03-08 (20:01:18) - 2004-03-08 (21:20:53) Antardasas in this MD: Cp: 1996-03-08 (20:01:18) - 1996-11-10 (16:08:48) Sg: 1996-11-10 (16:08:48) - 1997-07-10 (18:59:00) Sc: 1997-07-10 (18:59:00) - 1998-03-09 (08:23:03) Li: 1998-03-09 (08:23:03) - 1998-11-11 (04:28:59) Vi: 1998-11-11 (04:28:59) - 1999-07-11 (07:12:27) Le: 1999-07-11 (07:12:27) - 2000-03-08 (20:43:06) Cn: 2000-03-08 (20:43:06) - 2000-11-10 (16:46:21) Ge: 2000-11-10 (16:46:21) - 2001-07-10 (19:36:37) Ta: 2001-07-10 (19:36:37) - 2002-03-09 (09:08:33) Ar: 2002-03-09 (09:08:33) - 2002-11-11 (04:57:48) Pi: 2002-11-11 (04:57:48) - 2003-07-11 (07:48:49) Aq: 2003-07-11 (07:48:49) - 2004-03-08 (21:20:53) She was having Vi-Sc when got married. UL is Sc. Kethu is stronger (longitude) than Kuja. Kethu the UL lord is in Vi. Vi-Sc was a good candidate. Still do not really understand why problems with Marriage. As you say in D-1 2nd lord Budha and UL lord Ravi are afflicted by Rahu in Aq. This might have led to early break-up Soola Dasa calculation: Shoola dasa (troubles and death): Maha Dasas: Cn: 1970-03-09 (04:05:00) - 1979-03-09 (11:25:05) Le: 1979-03-09 (11:25:05) - 1988-03-08 (18:55:36) Vi: 1988-03-08 (18:55:36) - 1997-03-09 (02:10:11) Li: 1997-03-09 (02:10:11) - 2006-03-09 (09:36:23) Sc: 2006-03-09 (09:36:23) - 2015-03-09 (17:07:38) Sg: 2015-03-09 (17:07:38) - 2024-03-09 (00:28:30) Cp: 2024-03-09 (00:28:30) - 2033-03-09 (07:44:10) Aq: 2033-03-09 (07:44:10) - 2042-03-09 (15:15:13) Pi: 2042-03-09 (15:15:13) - 2051-03-09 (22:35:32) Ar: 2051-03-09 (22:35:32) - 2060-03-09 (05:59:54) Ta: 2060-03-09 (05:59:54) - 2069-03-09 (13:21:58) Ge: 2069-03-09 (13:21:58) - 2078-03-09 (20:44:49) She is running Li. You wrote 18-27 she attempted many suicides. At that time she was running Vi. Vi is 8th house in D-11 (AK is in trines to it). In D-1, Vi is 8th from Ravi (AK). I do not thing Li is a maraka dasa. It is occupied by Moon (in D-11). Moon is 6th lord. And Li has A6. In Rasi also, Li has A6. She may have some serious illness during this period. But not death. Please re-do a analysis as your Soola dasa and Narayana Dasa calculations were wrong. Why don’t you do a longevity study (using method of three pairs). I do not see any concerns for the given charts. Best regards, Vijay pvklnrao Sarajit Poddar [sarajitp]Tuesday, August 07, 2001 6:42 PMvarahamihira Subject: Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Urgent help neededImportance: High AUM NAMAH SIVAYA Dear Jyotisha! I am giving here the analysis of the horscope. I hope some one among you should suggest some remedies to the problem. Zoran, Thanks for taking pain to validate the events in the previous chart I gave. However, I am sorry for the inconvenience caused due to the wrong birth data, I gave previously. The Narayana Dasa for the horoscope is as follows: The dasa starts with Capricorn as the lord Saturn is placed with the discpositor Mars and aspected by Mercury. Capricorn - 8 1970-1978 Sagittarius - 10 1978-1988 Scorpio - 5 1988-1993 Libra - 6 1993-1999 Virgo - 5 1999-2004 Leo - 6 2004-2010 Cancer - 4 2010-2014 Gemini - 8 2014-2022 Taurus - 11 2022-2033 Aries - 12 2033-2045 Pisces - 5 2045-2050 Aquarius - 9 2050-2059 Current Dasa is Virgo for 5 years Antardasa in Vurgo Dasa: Pisces is stronger than Virgo Pisces lord Jupiter is placed in Libra which is a odd sign hence the progression is zodiacal. Each of the antardasa is of 5 months each. Libra 3/99-8/99 Scorpio 8/99-1/00 Sagittarius 1/00-6/00 Capricorn 6/00-11/00 Aquarius 11/00-4/01 Pisces 4/01-9/01 Aries 9/01-2/02 Taurus 2/02-7/02 Gemini 7/02-12/02 Cancer 12/02-5/03 Leo 5/03-10/03 Virgo 10/03-3/04 Analysis of the drekkana for Brothers and sisters. As I said she has two younger sisters. It is said that the lords will give female birth if the they are placed in even sign (Excepting Cancer and Pisces) or debilitated or placed with female planets. I see in the horoscope non of the planets are sitting in the mentioned position. How is it possible that she has two younger sister? For Drekkana chart there Drekkana lagna is an even sign and hence the counting is in an antizodiacal direction. The third from the D-3 Lagna Virgo is Cancer, whose lord Moon is placed in Cancer (male birth), in its own sign, aspected by Jupiter (Male planet). The 5th from Virgo (in reverse direction) is Taurus and the lord Venus is placed in its exaltation (Male birth). The 7th house is Pisces, where Venus is placed showing there won't be any more birth, this is again aspected by Rahu, confirming the same. She has asthma as Rahu is her 12th aspecting the Lagna. Married in end on 1997 or early 1998. Got divorce in 6 months. The dasa-antardasa during this time is Libra - Capricorn Antardasa in Libra Dasa Aries 3/93-9/93 Taurus 9/93-3/94 Gemini 3/94-9/94 Cancer 9/94-3/95 Leo 3/95-9/95 Virgo 9/95-3/96 Libra 3/96-9/96 Scorpio 9/96-3/97 Sagittarius 3/97-9/97 Capricorn 9/97-3/98 Both the Libra and Capricorn aspect the Upapada. However they are in Bad places from the upapada i.e. 3rd and 6th, showing the early breakup. The 2nd lord from the UL, Mercury is afflicted by Rahu and aspected by Saturn and Mars, showing the early breakup. Shoola Dasa: The shoola dasa starts from the stronger of Lagna and the 7th. As mentioned above in Narayana Dasa calculation that Lagna, Capricorn is stronger. Each of the shoola is of 9 years length. In the asdt. shoola, the asdt., the paka lagna and the significator of the paka lagna is aspected by Ketu, showing the mental disturbances. In the 2nd shoola of Aquarius, the debilitated lagna lord, Saturn and Mars are aspecting, and Aquarius contain eclipsed Atmakaraka Sun and afflicted Mercury. Mercury's affliction by Rahu and Saturn's and Mars's aspect show a lot of mental disturbance. However, Atmakaraka and Lagna lord saved her. The next shoola from 18-27 was that of Pisces with a dangerous Rudra yoga. This could have caused her death and she attempted many suicide. The next shoola is running from 27 onwards. This is of Aries and and contain two dire malefics Saturn and Mars. Saturn becomes the Rudra (comparision of strength between Saturn and Sun, the 2nd and 8th lord). This will not kill as atmakaraka aspects the same. However, this would cause a lot of affliction to the Dhi shakti as Lagna lors is aspected and conjoined with many malefics. Can anyone suggest any remedies for the same. Please.......... Regards Sarajit - Sarajit Poddar varahamihira Friday, August 03, 2001 7:07 PM [Hare Rama Krishna] Fw: Urgent help needed HARE RAMA KRISHNA Dear Jyotisha! Pranaam There is a small correction in the chart. The date of birth mentioned here is not 9 May 1970, but it 9th March 1970. I am attaching the revised .Jhd file. Sorry for the inconviniece. Regards Sarajit - Sarajit varahamihira Thursday, August 02, 2001 4:47 PM Urgent help needed HARE RAMA KRISHNA Dear Jyotisha! I am very much worried about this horoscope and want you to suggest some remedies to the problem. This is regarding Sister of a friend of mine. She is very depressed for the timebeing and attempted suicide more than once. Though she behaves normally with others, she has a typical problem of getting depressed with almost everything and also to harm herself. She gets depressed with very minor things and never satisfied with anything. By profession she is a doctor and perceived to be very good in paedetrician (I hope I spelled it correctly)i.e, child specialist. Some of the background Information that I have are1. Father retired- She got very high ideals from him- lot of self respect 2. she is kind of perfectionist and get worried with very little inconsistencies 3. She have an attitude to help others 4. She is an asthma patient- Her father is also an asthma patient 5. Mother was supportive earlier- however this has changed after Divorce 6.Has 2 Sisters. Among three, she is the eldest. Middle sister has a medical problem that she can't conceive. Youngest sister completed her graduation in computer engineering and now looking for a job. 7. Completed MBBS (graduation in medicine in 1995). Presently got a job in an hospital between 14-16 July 2001 8. Wishes to do higher studies(MD) 9.Married in end on 1997 or early 1998. Got divorce in 6 months. This is a very urgent call for help. She might do suicide, if not tackled fast. Though I can analyse the chart. I am not good at giving remedies.... yet to learn that... I am attaching herewith the .jhd file for the native. Birth Details 9 May 1970 4:05 AM IST; +5:30 E of GMT 95E22; 27N30 I hope the learned Jyotisha will give their views in this regard. With humble regards Sarajit Poddar _________________________________Sarajit PoddarConsultant, Business Solutions GroupHCL Infosystems LimitedE 4,5,6; Sector 11, Noida 201 301IndiaPhone: +91 (011) 455109 Res: 281, Sector 29, Noida 201301________________________________ OM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 10, 2001 Report Share Posted August 10, 2001 Dear Sarajit, Try Sanjivani Mantra for both mental and physical health.. Further, Venus is strongly influencing 12th from Karakamsa Best wishes, Zoran Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 10, 2001 Report Share Posted August 10, 2001 HARE RAMA KRISHNA Dear Zoran! Pranaam Thanks for the remedy. Even I arrived at the same conclusion (ref: my last mail). However, I still ask Gurudev! to comment on my analysis. Can Emerald be prescribed for strengthening Mercury! One more thing to note. She is passing her 4th shoola of Libra and there is a strong connection between the rogesha Sun and Shoola Sign Libra. Ketu's aspect here can also show some undiagnosable disease. 10th house rules Knees and Sun shows fire. Can it show problems of artheritis? Anyway the nodes aspect on the Dhi shakti karaka Jupiter does so psychological problem in this shoola!!!! Regards Sarajit - <ahimsa <varahamihira > Friday, August 10, 2001 4:24 PM Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Urgent help needed > Dear Sarajit, > Try Sanjivani Mantra for both mental and physical health.. Further, > Venus is strongly influencing 12th from Karakamsa > Best wishes, > Zoran > > > > > > OM TAT SAT > Archive: varahamihira > Files: varahamihira > varahamihira/database > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 10, 2001 Report Share Posted August 10, 2001 Om Gurave Namah----Dear Sarajit, 1.Seventh house is aspected by Mercury and is stronger to initiate the Narayana Dasa. 2. First see what the Rasi chart says before you do to the Varga chart. See my explanations for the coborn in COVA and other works. The AL is in Aries with Saturn - debilitated and Mars. This normally makes a person the eldest born. Next see the third from AL. This is Gemini aspected by Venus and Moon - both feminine planets. Thus, expect two sisters with a strong Venus and Moon determining their ruling stars. Please post her sisters charts for confirmation. 3. What is the Lagna? The JHD file gives Makara Lagna and with Rahu in Aquarius aspecting Pisces, I wonder how can Rahu aspect sagittarius her 12th house. Rahu as giving breathing problems is correct, after all his neck was cut off and he is always pressing other peoples neck.. 4. Lagna is too weak as the Lagna Lord is debilitated etc. try Lagnamsaka Dasa instead of Narayana. It will help you. LAGNAMSAKA DASA Vi: 1970-03-09 (04:05:00) - 1977-03-08 (23:15:26) Cp: 1977-03-08 (23:15:26) - 1985-03-09 (00:19:46) Ta: 1985-03-09 (00:19:46) - 1996-03-08 (20:01:18) Ge: 1996-03-08 (20:01:18) - 2004-03-08 (21:20:53) Li: 2004-03-08 (21:20:53) - 2010-03-09 (10:21:26) Aq: 2010-03-09 (10:21:26) - 2019-03-09 (17:30:48) Pi: 2019-03-09 (17:30:48) - 2024-03-09 (00:28:30) Cn: 2024-03-09 (00:28:30) - 2028-03-09 (01:01:24) Sc: 2028-03-09 (01:01:24) - 2033-03-09 (07:44:10) Sg: 2033-03-09 (07:44:10) - 2043-03-09 (21:15:21) The marriage happened in the Lagnamsaka dasa of Gemini. Gemini is aspected by the Moon & Venus. UL is in the 8th from Lagna (debt from past life) and is conjoined Ketu with Moon in the 8th and Saturn+ Mars aspecting it from its ninth house. Did anybody ask her for money?? Also Venus & Moon aspect the second from UL in Virgo, but Gemini is generally not good for a lasting marriage. Your Mercury point with Rahu etc, is correct. Of course you can say all this and more from the Narayana Dasa from 7th house. Try this yourself.With Best Wishes,Sanjay Rath - Sarajit Poddar varahamihira Tuesday, August 07, 2001 6:41 PM Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Urgent help needed AUM NAMAH SIVAYA Dear Jyotisha! I am giving here the analysis of the horscope. I hope some one among you should suggest some remedies to the problem. Zoran, Thanks for taking pain to validate the events in the previous chart I gave. However, I am sorry for the inconvenience caused due to the wrong birth data, I gave previously. The Narayana Dasa for the horoscope is as follows: The dasa starts with Capricorn as the lord Saturn is placed with the discpositor Mars and aspected by Mercury. Capricorn - 8 1970-1978 Sagittarius - 10 1978-1988 Scorpio - 5 1988-1993 Libra - 6 1993-1999 Virgo - 5 1999-2004 Leo - 6 2004-2010 Cancer - 4 2010-2014 Gemini - 8 2014-2022 Taurus - 11 2022-2033 Aries - 12 2033-2045 Pisces - 5 2045-2050 Aquarius - 9 2050-2059 Current Dasa is Virgo for 5 years Antardasa in Vurgo Dasa: Pisces is stronger than Virgo Pisces lord Jupiter is placed in Libra which is a odd sign hence the progression is zodiacal. Each of the antardasa is of 5 months each. Libra 3/99-8/99 Scorpio 8/99-1/00 Sagittarius 1/00-6/00 Capricorn 6/00-11/00 Aquarius 11/00-4/01 Pisces 4/01-9/01 Aries 9/01-2/02 Taurus 2/02-7/02 Gemini 7/02-12/02 Cancer 12/02-5/03 Leo 5/03-10/03 Virgo 10/03-3/04 Analysis of the drekkana for Brothers and sisters. As I said she has two younger sisters. It is said that the lords will give female birth if the they are placed in even sign (Excepting Cancer and Pisces) or debilitated or placed with female planets. I see in the horoscope non of the planets are sitting in the mentioned position. How is it possible that she has two younger sister? Drekkana lagna is an even sign and hence the counting is in an antizodiacal direction. The third from the D-3 Lagna Virgo is Cancer, whose lord Moon is placed in Cancer (male birth), in its own sign, aspected by Jupiter (Male planet). The 5th from Virgo (in reverse direction) is Taurus and the lord Venus is placed in its exaltation (Male birth). The 7th house is Pisces, where Venus is placed showing there won't be any more birth, this is again aspected by Rahu, confirming the same. She has asthma as Rahu is her 12th aspecting the Lagna. Married in end on 1997 or early 1998. Got divorce in 6 months. The dasa-antardasa during this time is Libra - Capricorn Antardasa in Libra Dasa Aries 3/93-9/93 Taurus 9/93-3/94 Gemini 3/94-9/94 Cancer 9/94-3/95 Leo 3/95-9/95 Virgo 9/95-3/96 Libra 3/96-9/96 Scorpio 9/96-3/97 Sagittarius 3/97-9/97 Capricorn 9/97-3/98 Both the Libra and Capricorn aspect the Upapada. However they are in Bad places from the upapada i.e. 3rd and 6th, showing the early breakup. The 2nd lord from the UL, Mercury is afflicted by Rahu and aspected by Saturn and Mars, showing the early breakup. Shoola Dasa: The shoola dasa starts from the stronger of Lagna and the 7th. As mentioned above in Narayana Dasa calculation that Lagna, Capricorn is stronger. Each of the shoola is of 9 years length. In the asdt. shoola, the asdt., the paka lagna and the significator of the paka lagna is aspected by Ketu, showing the mental disturbances. In the 2nd shoola of Aquarius, the debilitated lagna lord, Saturn and Mars are aspecting, and Aquarius contain eclipsed Atmakaraka Sun and afflicted Mercury. Mercury's affliction by Rahu and Saturn's and Mars's aspect show a lot of mental disturbance. However, Atmakaraka and Lagna lord saved her. The next shoola from 18-27 was that of Pisces with a dangerous Rudra yoga. This could have caused her death and she attempted many suicide. The next shoola is running from 27 onwards. This is of Aries and and contain two dire malefics Saturn and Mars. Saturn becomes the Rudra (comparision of strength between Saturn and Sun, the 2nd and 8th lord). This will not kill as atmakaraka aspects the same. However, this would cause a lot of affliction to the Dhi shakti as Lagna lors is aspected and conjoined with many malefics. Can anyone suggest any remedies for the same. Please.......... Regards Sarajit - Sarajit Poddar varahamihira Friday, August 03, 2001 7:07 PM [Hare Rama Krishna] Fw: Urgent help needed HARE RAMA KRISHNA Dear Jyotisha! Pranaam There is a small correction in the chart. The date of birth mentioned here is not 9 May 1970, but it 9th March 1970. I am attaching the revised .Jhd file. Sorry for the inconviniece. Regards Sarajit - Sarajit varahamihira Thursday, August 02, 2001 4:47 PM Urgent help needed HARE RAMA KRISHNA Dear Jyotisha! I am very much worried about this horoscope and want you to suggest some remedies to the problem. This is regarding Sister of a friend of mine. She is very depressed for the timebeing and attempted suicide more than once. Though she behaves normally with others, she has a typical problem of getting depressed with almost everything and also to harm herself. She gets depressed with very minor things and never satisfied with anything. By profession she is a doctor and perceived to be very good in paedetrician (I hope I spelled it correctly)i.e, child specialist. Some of the background Information that I have are1. Father retired- She got very high ideals from him- lot of self respect 2. she is kind of perfectionist and get worried with very little inconsistencies 3. She have an attitude to help others 4. She is an asthma patient- Her father is also an asthma patient 5. Mother was supportive earlier- however this has changed after Divorce 6.Has 2 Sisters. Among three, she is the eldest. Middle sister has a medical problem that she can't conceive. Youngest sister completed her graduation in computer engineering and now looking for a job. 7. Completed MBBS (graduation in medicine in 1995). Presently got a job in an hospital between 14-16 July 2001 8. Wishes to do higher studies(MD) 9.Married in end on 1997 or early 1998. Got divorce in 6 months. This is a very urgent call for help. She might do suicide, if not tackled fast. Though I can analyse the chart. I am not good at giving remedies.... yet to learn that... I am attaching herewith the .jhd file for the native. Birth Details 9 May 1970 4:05 AM IST; +5:30 E of GMT 95E22; 27N30 I hope the learned Jyotisha will give their views in this regard. With humble regards Sarajit Poddar _________________________________Sarajit PoddarConsultant, Business Solutions GroupHCL Infosystems LimitedE 4,5,6; Sector 11, Noida 201 301IndiaPhone: +91 (011) 455109 Res: 281, Sector 29, Noida 201301________________________________ OM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 10, 2001 Report Share Posted August 10, 2001 Aum Gurave Namah Dear Sanjay, Namaste. I have some questions, and some points i would like you to clear up; 2. Understanding that Rasi should give us a good view of the siblings, as well as children, why isn't the Drekkana considered in this case? 4. You've rectified the Navamsa Lagna to Virgo; for Lagnamsaka(Rasi containing Navamsa Lagna) Dasa. Please explain why? Best wishes, Visti. - Sanjay Rath varahamihira Friday, August 10, 2001 9:22 PM Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Urgent help needed Om Gurave Namah----Dear Sarajit, 1.Seventh house is aspected by Mercury and is stronger to initiate the Narayana Dasa. 2. First see what the Rasi chart says before you do to the Varga chart. See my explanations for the coborn in COVA and other works. The AL is in Aries with Saturn - debilitated and Mars. This normally makes a person the eldest born. Next see the third from AL. This is Gemini aspected by Venus and Moon - both feminine planets. Thus, expect two sisters with a strong Venus and Moon determining their ruling stars. Please post her sisters charts for confirmation. 3. What is the Lagna? The JHD file gives Makara Lagna and with Rahu in Aquarius aspecting Pisces, I wonder how can Rahu aspect sagittarius her 12th house. Rahu as giving breathing problems is correct, after all his neck was cut off and he is always pressing other peoples neck.. 4. Lagna is too weak as the Lagna Lord is debilitated etc. try Lagnamsaka Dasa instead of Narayana. It will help you. LAGNAMSAKA DASA Vi: 1970-03-09 (04:05:00) - 1977-03-08 (23:15:26) Cp: 1977-03-08 (23:15:26) - 1985-03-09 (00:19:46) Ta: 1985-03-09 (00:19:46) - 1996-03-08 (20:01:18) Ge: 1996-03-08 (20:01:18) - 2004-03-08 (21:20:53) Li: 2004-03-08 (21:20:53) - 2010-03-09 (10:21:26) Aq: 2010-03-09 (10:21:26) - 2019-03-09 (17:30:48) Pi: 2019-03-09 (17:30:48) - 2024-03-09 (00:28:30) Cn: 2024-03-09 (00:28:30) - 2028-03-09 (01:01:24) Sc: 2028-03-09 (01:01:24) - 2033-03-09 (07:44:10) Sg: 2033-03-09 (07:44:10) - 2043-03-09 (21:15:21) The marriage happened in the Lagnamsaka dasa of Gemini. Gemini is aspected by the Moon & Venus. UL is in the 8th from Lagna (debt from past life) and is conjoined Ketu with Moon in the 8th and Saturn+ Mars aspecting it from its ninth house. Did anybody ask her for money?? Also Venus & Moon aspect the second from UL in Virgo, but Gemini is generally not good for a lasting marriage. Your Mercury point with Rahu etc, is correct. Of course you can say all this and more from the Narayana Dasa from 7th house. Try this yourself.With Best Wishes,Sanjay Rath Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 11, 2001 Report Share Posted August 11, 2001 Om Gurave Namah Namasthe Gurudeva Sanjay, The marriage happened in the Lagnamsaka dasa of Gemini. Gemini is aspected by the Moon & Venus. UL is in the 8th from Lagna (debt from past life) and is conjoined Ketu with Moon in the 8th and Saturn+ Mars aspecting it from its ninth house. Did anybody ask her for money?? Also Venus & Moon aspect the second from UL in Virgo, but Gemini is generally not good for a lasting marriage. Your Mercury point with Rahu etc, is correct. Even I am not hesitating to accept your view, could you kindly consider my understanding for clear my doubt ? Rule-1 When ever, Ketu occupied in AL, all counting, Argala etc must be in reverse.(COVA) My argument is about 2nd from UL. I am trying to prove above rule. 1.UL( AL of 12th) is in Leo with Ketu in it. 2nd from UL is Cancer and Rahu aspect both lord of the 2nd from UL (Moon) and 2nd from UL. Also Lord of the Cancer(2nd from UL) is under influences of Papa Kartari Yoga. I think this may be enough to break the marriage. 2.To prove my point let me bring the following rule too. Rule-2 Transits Jupiter must be aspect 2nd from UL for marry. Leo AD of Aries MD (Narayana Dasa) ruled from March 1997 to March 1998. Sarajith Say Married in end on 1997 or early 1998. Got divorce in 6 months. Jupiter Transits as follows, in this period. Dec 1996 Capricorn Jan 1998 Aquarius May 1998 Pisces Oct 1998 Aquarius Jan 1999 Pisces. If the 2nd from UL is Virgo, marriage can take a place After may 1998, when Jupiter transit in Pisces. If the 2nd from UL is Cancer, Marriage can take a place Jan to May 1998, as mentioned as 'early 98'. 3.According to Vimsottari Dasa it was in Ketu MD. Ketu is in UL (RASI chart) and in Lagna of the D9. There is no argument about Ketu. Rahu sub of Ketu MD starts on end of Feb,98 with Virgo AD (Narayana dasa). Rahu gives great obstructions to UL, Lord of the UL, 2nd lord of the UL (Virgo or Cancer) , lord of the A7, Venus, in rasi chart while in the 7th from D9. Can such a Rahu could give a marriage ? If the Answer is no, Marriage must be taken the place before Rahu AD, means Mars AD, when Jupiter transits in Aquarius. Hence, Jupiter aspect cancer, 2nd from UL. So, according to my limited knowledge, I feel above rule 1 must be applicable here and count must be in reverse. In fact there may be lot of exemptions. Could you kindly give some light on this for us ? Hare Krishna, Your sishya Karu Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 11, 2001 Report Share Posted August 11, 2001 HARE RAMA KRISHNA Dear Gurudev! Pranaam I corrected myself in my subsequent mails about the stregth of the Lagna and the 7th and also Rahu's aspect. Thank you very much for the insight on the Co-borns from the Rasi chart. I only knew that the 11th from the AL if aspected by Venus, the elder co-borns are not there or are destroyed. Thank you for the additional information on Saturn and Mars. I will verify the lagna of the younger co-borns. In one of my subsequent mails, I tried to find out the event of marriage from the 7th of the dasa sign. However, the insight on the Lagnamsaka dasa is helpful. Can anyone please give brief guidelines, under what conditions, the Lagnamsaka dasa is used. I am also waiting for your reply on the Karu's mail on whether the counting of houses from a specific house is reverses, if Ketu is placed in the specific house. Can you please suggest some remedies for the ongoing psychological problems, she is suffering with. Regards Sarajit - Sanjay Rath varahamihira Saturday, August 11, 2001 12:52 AM Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Urgent help needed Om Gurave Namah----Dear Sarajit, 1.Seventh house is aspected by Mercury and is stronger to initiate the Narayana Dasa. 2. First see what the Rasi chart says before you do to the Varga chart. See my explanations for the coborn in COVA and other works. The AL is in Aries with Saturn - debilitated and Mars. This normally makes a person the eldest born. Next see the third from AL. This is Gemini aspected by Venus and Moon - both feminine planets. Thus, expect two sisters with a strong Venus and Moon determining their ruling stars. Please post her sisters charts for confirmation. 3. What is the Lagna? The JHD file gives Makara Lagna and with Rahu in Aquarius aspecting Pisces, I wonder how can Rahu aspect sagittarius her 12th house. Rahu as giving breathing problems is correct, after all his neck was cut off and he is always pressing other peoples neck.. 4. Lagna is too weak as the Lagna Lord is debilitated etc. try Lagnamsaka Dasa instead of Narayana. It will help you. LAGNAMSAKA DASA Vi: 1970-03-09 (04:05:00) - 1977-03-08 (23:15:26) Cp: 1977-03-08 (23:15:26) - 1985-03-09 (00:19:46) Ta: 1985-03-09 (00:19:46) - 1996-03-08 (20:01:18) Ge: 1996-03-08 (20:01:18) - 2004-03-08 (21:20:53) Li: 2004-03-08 (21:20:53) - 2010-03-09 (10:21:26) Aq: 2010-03-09 (10:21:26) - 2019-03-09 (17:30:48) Pi: 2019-03-09 (17:30:48) - 2024-03-09 (00:28:30) Cn: 2024-03-09 (00:28:30) - 2028-03-09 (01:01:24) Sc: 2028-03-09 (01:01:24) - 2033-03-09 (07:44:10) Sg: 2033-03-09 (07:44:10) - 2043-03-09 (21:15:21) The marriage happened in the Lagnamsaka dasa of Gemini. Gemini is aspected by the Moon & Venus. UL is in the 8th from Lagna (debt from past life) and is conjoined Ketu with Moon in the 8th and Saturn+ Mars aspecting it from its ninth house. Did anybody ask her for money?? Also Venus & Moon aspect the second from UL in Virgo, but Gemini is generally not good for a lasting marriage. Your Mercury point with Rahu etc, is correct. Of course you can say all this and more from the Narayana Dasa from 7th house. Try this yourself.With Best Wishes,Sanjay Rath - Sarajit Poddar varahamihira Tuesday, August 07, 2001 6:41 PM Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Urgent help needed AUM NAMAH SIVAYA Dear Jyotisha! I am giving here the analysis of the horscope. I hope some one among you should suggest some remedies to the problem. Zoran, Thanks for taking pain to validate the events in the previous chart I gave. However, I am sorry for the inconvenience caused due to the wrong birth data, I gave previously. The Narayana Dasa for the horoscope is as follows: The dasa starts with Capricorn as the lord Saturn is placed with the discpositor Mars and aspected by Mercury. Capricorn - 8 1970-1978 Sagittarius - 10 1978-1988 Scorpio - 5 1988-1993 Libra - 6 1993-1999 Virgo - 5 1999-2004 Leo - 6 2004-2010 Cancer - 4 2010-2014 Gemini - 8 2014-2022 Taurus - 11 2022-2033 Aries - 12 2033-2045 Pisces - 5 2045-2050 Aquarius - 9 2050-2059 Current Dasa is Virgo for 5 years Antardasa in Vurgo Dasa: Pisces is stronger than Virgo Pisces lord Jupiter is placed in Libra which is a odd sign hence the progression is zodiacal. Each of the antardasa is of 5 months each. Libra 3/99-8/99 Scorpio 8/99-1/00 Sagittarius 1/00-6/00 Capricorn 6/00-11/00 Aquarius 11/00-4/01 Pisces 4/01-9/01 Aries 9/01-2/02 Taurus 2/02-7/02 Gemini 7/02-12/02 Cancer 12/02-5/03 Leo 5/03-10/03 Virgo 10/03-3/04 Analysis of the drekkana for Brothers and sisters. As I said she has two younger sisters. It is said that the lords will give female birth if the they are placed in even sign (Excepting Cancer and Pisces) or debilitated or placed with female planets. I see in the horoscope non of the planets are sitting in the mentioned position. How is it possible that she has two younger sister? Drekkana lagna is an even sign and hence the counting is in an antizodiacal direction. The third from the D-3 Lagna Virgo is Cancer, whose lord Moon is placed in Cancer (male birth), in its own sign, aspected by Jupiter (Male planet). The 5th from Virgo (in reverse direction) is Taurus and the lord Venus is placed in its exaltation (Male birth). The 7th house is Pisces, where Venus is placed showing there won't be any more birth, this is again aspected by Rahu, confirming the same. She has asthma as Rahu is her 12th aspecting the Lagna. Married in end on 1997 or early 1998. Got divorce in 6 months. The dasa-antardasa during this time is Libra - Capricorn Antardasa in Libra Dasa Aries 3/93-9/93 Taurus 9/93-3/94 Gemini 3/94-9/94 Cancer 9/94-3/95 Leo 3/95-9/95 Virgo 9/95-3/96 Libra 3/96-9/96 Scorpio 9/96-3/97 Sagittarius 3/97-9/97 Capricorn 9/97-3/98 Both the Libra and Capricorn aspect the Upapada. However they are in Bad places from the upapada i.e. 3rd and 6th, showing the early breakup. The 2nd lord from the UL, Mercury is afflicted by Rahu and aspected by Saturn and Mars, showing the early breakup. Shoola Dasa: The shoola dasa starts from the stronger of Lagna and the 7th. As mentioned above in Narayana Dasa calculation that Lagna, Capricorn is stronger. Each of the shoola is of 9 years length. In the asdt. shoola, the asdt., the paka lagna and the significator of the paka lagna is aspected by Ketu, showing the mental disturbances. In the 2nd shoola of Aquarius, the debilitated lagna lord, Saturn and Mars are aspecting, and Aquarius contain eclipsed Atmakaraka Sun and afflicted Mercury. Mercury's affliction by Rahu and Saturn's and Mars's aspect show a lot of mental disturbance. However, Atmakaraka and Lagna lord saved her. The next shoola from 18-27 was that of Pisces with a dangerous Rudra yoga. This could have caused her death and she attempted many suicide. The next shoola is running from 27 onwards. This is of Aries and and contain two dire malefics Saturn and Mars. Saturn becomes the Rudra (comparision of strength between Saturn and Sun, the 2nd and 8th lord). This will not kill as atmakaraka aspects the same. However, this would cause a lot of affliction to the Dhi shakti as Lagna lors is aspected and conjoined with many malefics. Can anyone suggest any remedies for the same. Please.......... Regards Sarajit - Sarajit Poddar varahamihira Friday, August 03, 2001 7:07 PM [Hare Rama Krishna] Fw: Urgent help needed HARE RAMA KRISHNA Dear Jyotisha! Pranaam There is a small correction in the chart. The date of birth mentioned here is not 9 May 1970, but it 9th March 1970. I am attaching the revised .Jhd file. Sorry for the inconviniece. Regards Sarajit - Sarajit varahamihira Thursday, August 02, 2001 4:47 PM Urgent help needed HARE RAMA KRISHNA Dear Jyotisha! I am very much worried about this horoscope and want you to suggest some remedies to the problem. This is regarding Sister of a friend of mine. She is very depressed for the timebeing and attempted suicide more than once. Though she behaves normally with others, she has a typical problem of getting depressed with almost everything and also to harm herself. She gets depressed with very minor things and never satisfied with anything. By profession she is a doctor and perceived to be very good in paedetrician (I hope I spelled it correctly)i.e, child specialist. Some of the background Information that I have are1. Father retired- She got very high ideals from him- lot of self respect 2. she is kind of perfectionist and get worried with very little inconsistencies 3. She have an attitude to help others 4. She is an asthma patient- Her father is also an asthma patient 5. Mother was supportive earlier- however this has changed after Divorce 6.Has 2 Sisters. Among three, she is the eldest. Middle sister has a medical problem that she can't conceive. Youngest sister completed her graduation in computer engineering and now looking for a job. 7. Completed MBBS (graduation in medicine in 1995). Presently got a job in an hospital between 14-16 July 2001 8. Wishes to do higher studies(MD) 9.Married in end on 1997 or early 1998. Got divorce in 6 months. This is a very urgent call for help. She might do suicide, if not tackled fast. Though I can analyse the chart. I am not good at giving remedies.... yet to learn that... I am attaching herewith the .jhd file for the native. Birth Details 9 May 1970 4:05 AM IST; +5:30 E of GMT 95E22; 27N30 I hope the learned Jyotisha will give their views in this regard. With humble regards Sarajit Poddar _________________________________Sarajit PoddarConsultant, Business Solutions GroupHCL Infosystems LimitedE 4,5,6; Sector 11, Noida 201 301IndiaPhone: +91 (011) 455109 Res: 281, Sector 29, Noida 201301________________________________ OM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 11, 2001 Report Share Posted August 11, 2001 Jaya Jaya Jagannatha, Namasthe Sarajit, In one of my subsequent mails, I tried to find out the event of marriage from the 7th of the dasa sign. However, the insight on the Lagnamsaka dasa is helpful. Can anyone please give brief guidelines, under what conditions, the Lagnamsaka dasa is used. Lagan+Amsa is the navamsa of the Lagna. (Like ketamsa- the navamsa occupied by Ketu). How ever we have never discuss about Lagnamsa dasa before. But according to my understanding it is exactly like Narayana Dasa of navamsa chart. Just take Navamsa chart, and treat as rasi chart for this. Do not try to find 9th lord of rasi chart and placement. See D9, lagna and 7th occupied by nodes. No aspects from Jupiter, Mercury etc. Both Lords are in Capricorn. Which rasi win ? Secondly dasa starts from lagna and without consider Ketu exemption rule, just calculated as Narayana dasa. This is all mu understanding so far. Let's see others comments. thanks, Karu I am also waiting for your reply on the Karu's mail on whether the counting of houses from a specific house is reverses, if Ketu is placed in the specific house. Can you please suggest some remedies for the ongoing psychological problems, she is suffering with. Regards Sarajit - Sanjay Rath varahamihira Saturday, August 11, 2001 12:52 AM Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Urgent help needed Om Gurave Namah----Dear Sarajit, 1.Seventh house is aspected by Mercury and is stronger to initiate the Narayana Dasa. 2. First see what the Rasi chart says before you do to the Varga chart. See my explanations for the coborn in COVA and other works. The AL is in Aries with Saturn - debilitated and Mars. This normally makes a person the eldest born. Next see the third from AL. This is Gemini aspected by Venus and Moon - both feminine planets. Thus, expect two sisters with a strong Venus and Moon determining their ruling stars. Please post her sisters charts for confirmation. 3. What is the Lagna? The JHD file gives Makara Lagna and with Rahu in Aquarius aspecting Pisces, I wonder how can Rahu aspect sagittarius her 12th house. Rahu as giving breathing problems is correct, after all his neck was cut off and he is always pressing other peoples neck.. 4. Lagna is too weak as the Lagna Lord is debilitated etc. try Lagnamsaka Dasa instead of Narayana. It will help you. LAGNAMSAKA DASA Vi: 1970-03-09 (04:05:00) - 1977-03-08 (23:15:26) Cp: 1977-03-08 (23:15:26) - 1985-03-09 (00:19:46) Ta: 1985-03-09 (00:19:46) - 1996-03-08 (20:01:18) Ge: 1996-03-08 (20:01:18) - 2004-03-08 (21:20:53) Li: 2004-03-08 (21:20:53) - 2010-03-09 (10:21:26) Aq: 2010-03-09 (10:21:26) - 2019-03-09 (17:30:48) Pi: 2019-03-09 (17:30:48) - 2024-03-09 (00:28:30) Cn: 2024-03-09 (00:28:30) - 2028-03-09 (01:01:24) Sc: 2028-03-09 (01:01:24) - 2033-03-09 (07:44:10) Sg: 2033-03-09 (07:44:10) - 2043-03-09 (21:15:21) The marriage happened in the Lagnamsaka dasa of Gemini. Gemini is aspected by the Moon & Venus. UL is in the 8th from Lagna (debt from past life) and is conjoined Ketu with Moon in the 8th and Saturn+ Mars aspecting it from its ninth house. Did anybody ask her for money?? Also Venus & Moon aspect the second from UL in Virgo, but Gemini is generally not good for a lasting marriage. Your Mercury point with Rahu etc, is correct. Of course you can say all this and more from the Narayana Dasa from 7th house. Try this yourself.With Best Wishes,Sanjay Rath - Sarajit Poddar varahamihira Tuesday, August 07, 2001 6:41 PM Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Urgent help needed AUM NAMAH SIVAYA Dear Jyotisha! I am giving here the analysis of the horscope. I hope some one among you should suggest some remedies to the problem. Zoran, Thanks for taking pain to validate the events in the previous chart I gave. However, I am sorry for the inconvenience caused due to the wrong birth data, I gave previously. The Narayana Dasa for the horoscope is as follows: The dasa starts with Capricorn as the lord Saturn is placed with the discpositor Mars and aspected by Mercury. Capricorn - 8 1970-1978 Sagittarius - 10 1978-1988 Scorpio - 5 1988-1993 Libra - 6 1993-1999 Virgo - 5 1999-2004 Leo - 6 2004-2010 Cancer - 4 2010-2014 Gemini - 8 2014-2022 Taurus - 11 2022-2033 Aries - 12 2033-2045 Pisces - 5 2045-2050 Aquarius - 9 2050-2059 Current Dasa is Virgo for 5 years Antardasa in Vurgo Dasa: Pisces is stronger than Virgo Pisces lord Jupiter is placed in Libra which is a odd sign hence the progression is zodiacal. Each of the antardasa is of 5 months each. Libra 3/99-8/99 Scorpio 8/99-1/00 Sagittarius 1/00-6/00 Capricorn 6/00-11/00 Aquarius 11/00-4/01 Pisces 4/01-9/01 Aries 9/01-2/02 Taurus 2/02-7/02 Gemini 7/02-12/02 Cancer 12/02-5/03 Leo 5/03-10/03 Virgo 10/03-3/04 Analysis of the drekkana for Brothers and sisters. As I said she has two younger sisters. It is said that the lords will give female birth if the they are placed in even sign (Excepting Cancer and Pisces) or debilitated or placed with female planets. I see in the horoscope non of the planets are sitting in the mentioned position. How is it possible that she has two younger sister? Drekkana lagna is an even sign and hence the counting is in an antizodiacal direction. The third from the D-3 Lagna Virgo is Cancer, whose lord Moon is placed in Cancer (male birth), in its own sign, aspected by Jupiter (Male planet). The 5th from Virgo (in reverse direction) is Taurus and the lord Venus is placed in its exaltation (Male birth). The 7th house is Pisces, where Venus is placed showing there won't be any more birth, this is again aspected by Rahu, confirming the same. She has asthma as Rahu is her 12th aspecting the Lagna. Married in end on 1997 or early 1998. Got divorce in 6 months. The dasa-antardasa during this time is Libra - Capricorn Antardasa in Libra Dasa Aries 3/93-9/93 Taurus 9/93-3/94 Gemini 3/94-9/94 Cancer 9/94-3/95 Leo 3/95-9/95 Virgo 9/95-3/96 Libra 3/96-9/96 Scorpio 9/96-3/97 Sagittarius 3/97-9/97 Capricorn 9/97-3/98 Both the Libra and Capricorn aspect the Upapada. However they are in Bad places from the upapada i.e. 3rd and 6th, showing the early breakup. The 2nd lord from the UL, Mercury is afflicted by Rahu and aspected by Saturn and Mars, showing the early breakup. Shoola Dasa: The shoola dasa starts from the stronger of Lagna and the 7th. As mentioned above in Narayana Dasa calculation that Lagna, Capricorn is stronger. Each of the shoola is of 9 years length. In the asdt. shoola, the asdt., the paka lagna and the significator of the paka lagna is aspected by Ketu, showing the mental disturbances. In the 2nd shoola of Aquarius, the debilitated lagna lord, Saturn and Mars are aspecting, and Aquarius contain eclipsed Atmakaraka Sun and afflicted Mercury. Mercury's affliction by Rahu and Saturn's and Mars's aspect show a lot of mental disturbance. However, Atmakaraka and Lagna lord saved her. The next shoola from 18-27 was that of Pisces with a dangerous Rudra yoga. This could have caused her death and she attempted many suicide. The next shoola is running from 27 onwards. This is of Aries and and contain two dire malefics Saturn and Mars. Saturn becomes the Rudra (comparision of strength between Saturn and Sun, the 2nd and 8th lord). This will not kill as atmakaraka aspects the same. However, this would cause a lot of affliction to the Dhi shakti as Lagna lors is aspected and conjoined with many malefics. Can anyone suggest any remedies for the same. Please.......... Regards Sarajit - Sarajit Poddar varahamihira Friday, August 03, 2001 7:07 PM [Hare Rama Krishna] Fw: Urgent help needed HARE RAMA KRISHNA Dear Jyotisha! Pranaam There is a small correction in the chart. The date of birth mentioned here is not 9 May 1970, but it 9th March 1970. I am attaching the revised .Jhd file. Sorry for the inconviniece. Regards Sarajit - Sarajit varahamihira Thursday, August 02, 2001 4:47 PM Urgent help needed HARE RAMA KRISHNA Dear Jyotisha! I am very much worried about this horoscope and want you to suggest some remedies to the problem. This is regarding Sister of a friend of mine. She is very depressed for the timebeing and attempted suicide more than once. Though she behaves normally with others, she has a typical problem of getting depressed with almost everything and also to harm herself. She gets depressed with very minor things and never satisfied with anything. By profession she is a doctor and perceived to be very good in paedetrician (I hope I spelled it correctly)i.e, child specialist. Some of the background Information that I have are1. Father retired- She got very high ideals from him- lot of self respect 2. she is kind of perfectionist and get worried with very little inconsistencies 3. She have an attitude to help others 4. She is an asthma patient- Her father is also an asthma patient 5. Mother was supportive earlier- however this has changed after Divorce 6.Has 2 Sisters. Among three, she is the eldest. Middle sister has a medical problem that she can't conceive. Youngest sister completed her graduation in computer engineering and now looking for a job. 7. Completed MBBS (graduation in medicine in 1995). Presently got a job in an hospital between 14-16 July 2001 8. Wishes to do higher studies(MD) 9.Married in end on 1997 or early 1998. Got divorce in 6 months. This is a very urgent call for help. She might do suicide, if not tackled fast. Though I can analyse the chart. I am not good at giving remedies.... yet to learn that... I am attaching herewith the .jhd file for the native. Birth Details 9 May 1970 4:05 AM IST; +5:30 E of GMT 95E22; 27N30 I hope the learned Jyotisha will give their views in this regard. With humble regards Sarajit Poddar _________________________________Sarajit PoddarConsultant, Business Solutions GroupHCL Infosystems LimitedE 4,5,6; Sector 11, Noida 201 301IndiaPhone: +91 (011) 455109 Res: 281, Sector 29, Noida 201301________________________________ OM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 11, 2001 Report Share Posted August 11, 2001 HARE RAMA KRISHNA Dear Karu! Namaste The lagnamsaka Dasa is calculated as follows. As we take a seed from the Rasi chart and calculate the narayana dasa of the Divisional chart such as for navamsa narayana dasa we take the 9th placement of the 9th lord of the Rasi chart in the navamsa and initiate the dasa. Similarly we can take seed from a divisional chart and initiate the dasa in the rasi chart which will show the fructification of the indications of the concerned divisional chart. Here in marriage the concerned Divisional chart is Navamsa, hence we take the navamsa lagna as the seed and initiate the narayana dasa in the rasi chart. In this case, the navamsa lagna is Virgo. We start Lagnamsaka dasa of the navamsa chart from Virgo. Virgo is a common sign, hence the dasa will progress by 5 signs and because the 9th sign is odd footed, the dasa progression will be zodiacal. The sequence of the dasa and their period is as follows... Virgo: Even Footed: Anti zodiacal count: 8 - 1= 7 years Capricorn: Even Footed: Anti Zodiacal: 10-1-1 = 8 years Taurus: Odd footed: Zodiacal: 11-1+1 = 11 years Gemini: Odd footed: Zodiacal: 9-1 =8 years Libra: Even Footed: Odd Zodiacal: 6-1+1=6 years And so on.... The periods are according to the placements of planets in the rasi chart and not navamsa chart. Similarly Lagnamsaka dasa can be found for other divisional charts. I asked Gurudev, under what circumstnaces, the lagnamsaka dasa is applied. Regards Sarajit karu varahamihira Saturday, August 11, 2001 2:40 PM Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Urgent help needed Jaya Jaya Jagannatha, Namasthe Sarajit, In one of my subsequent mails, I tried to find out the event of marriage from the 7th of the dasa sign. However, the insight on the Lagnamsaka dasa is helpful. Can anyone please give brief guidelines, under what conditions, the Lagnamsaka dasa is used. Lagan+Amsa is the navamsa of the Lagna. (Like ketamsa- the navamsa occupied by Ketu). How ever we have never discuss about Lagnamsa dasa before. But according to my understanding it is exactly like Narayana Dasa of navamsa chart. Just take Navamsa chart, and treat as rasi chart for this. Do not try to find 9th lord of rasi chart and placement. See D9, lagna and 7th occupied by nodes. No aspects from Jupiter, Mercury etc. Both Lords are in Capricorn. Which rasi win ? Secondly dasa starts from lagna and without consider Ketu exemption rule, just calculated as Narayana dasa. This is all mu understanding so far. Let's see others comments. thanks, Karu I am also waiting for your reply on the Karu's mail on whether the counting of houses from a specific house is reverses, if Ketu is placed in the specific house. Can you please suggest some remedies for the ongoing psychological problems, she is suffering with. Regards Sarajit - Sanjay Rath varahamihira Saturday, August 11, 2001 12:52 AM Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Urgent help needed Om Gurave Namah----Dear Sarajit, 1.Seventh house is aspected by Mercury and is stronger to initiate the Narayana Dasa. 2. First see what the Rasi chart says before you do to the Varga chart. See my explanations for the coborn in COVA and other works. The AL is in Aries with Saturn - debilitated and Mars. This normally makes a person the eldest born. Next see the third from AL. This is Gemini aspected by Venus and Moon - both feminine planets. Thus, expect two sisters with a strong Venus and Moon determining their ruling stars. Please post her sisters charts for confirmation. 3. What is the Lagna? The JHD file gives Makara Lagna and with Rahu in Aquarius aspecting Pisces, I wonder how can Rahu aspect sagittarius her 12th house. Rahu as giving breathing problems is correct, after all his neck was cut off and he is always pressing other peoples neck.. 4. Lagna is too weak as the Lagna Lord is debilitated etc. try Lagnamsaka Dasa instead of Narayana. It will help you. LAGNAMSAKA DASA Vi: 1970-03-09 (04:05:00) - 1977-03-08 (23:15:26) Cp: 1977-03-08 (23:15:26) - 1985-03-09 (00:19:46) Ta: 1985-03-09 (00:19:46) - 1996-03-08 (20:01:18) Ge: 1996-03-08 (20:01:18) - 2004-03-08 (21:20:53) Li: 2004-03-08 (21:20:53) - 2010-03-09 (10:21:26) Aq: 2010-03-09 (10:21:26) - 2019-03-09 (17:30:48) Pi: 2019-03-09 (17:30:48) - 2024-03-09 (00:28:30) Cn: 2024-03-09 (00:28:30) - 2028-03-09 (01:01:24) Sc: 2028-03-09 (01:01:24) - 2033-03-09 (07:44:10) Sg: 2033-03-09 (07:44:10) - 2043-03-09 (21:15:21) The marriage happened in the Lagnamsaka dasa of Gemini. Gemini is aspected by the Moon & Venus. UL is in the 8th from Lagna (debt from past life) and is conjoined Ketu with Moon in the 8th and Saturn+ Mars aspecting it from its ninth house. Did anybody ask her for money?? Also Venus & Moon aspect the second from UL in Virgo, but Gemini is generally not good for a lasting marriage. Your Mercury point with Rahu etc, is correct. Of course you can say all this and more from the Narayana Dasa from 7th house. Try this yourself.With Best Wishes,Sanjay Rath - Sarajit Poddar varahamihira Tuesday, August 07, 2001 6:41 PM Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Urgent help needed AUM NAMAH SIVAYA Dear Jyotisha! I am giving here the analysis of the horscope. I hope some one among you should suggest some remedies to the problem. Zoran, Thanks for taking pain to validate the events in the previous chart I gave. However, I am sorry for the inconvenience caused due to the wrong birth data, I gave previously. The Narayana Dasa for the horoscope is as follows: The dasa starts with Capricorn as the lord Saturn is placed with the discpositor Mars and aspected by Mercury. Capricorn - 8 1970-1978 Sagittarius - 10 1978-1988 Scorpio - 5 1988-1993 Libra - 6 1993-1999 Virgo - 5 1999-2004 Leo - 6 2004-2010 Cancer - 4 2010-2014 Gemini - 8 2014-2022 Taurus - 11 2022-2033 Aries - 12 2033-2045 Pisces - 5 2045-2050 Aquarius - 9 2050-2059 Current Dasa is Virgo for 5 years Antardasa in Vurgo Dasa: Pisces is stronger than Virgo Pisces lord Jupiter is placed in Libra which is a odd sign hence the progression is zodiacal. Each of the antardasa is of 5 months each. Libra 3/99-8/99 Scorpio 8/99-1/00 Sagittarius 1/00-6/00 Capricorn 6/00-11/00 Aquarius 11/00-4/01 Pisces 4/01-9/01 Aries 9/01-2/02 Taurus 2/02-7/02 Gemini 7/02-12/02 Cancer 12/02-5/03 Leo 5/03-10/03 Virgo 10/03-3/04 Analysis of the drekkana for Brothers and sisters. As I said she has two younger sisters. It is said that the lords will give female birth if the they are placed in even sign (Excepting Cancer and Pisces) or debilitated or placed with female planets. I see in the horoscope non of the planets are sitting in the mentioned position. How is it possible that she has two younger sister? Drekkana lagna is an even sign and hence the counting is in an antizodiacal direction. The third from the D-3 Lagna Virgo is Cancer, whose lord Moon is placed in Cancer (male birth), in its own sign, aspected by Jupiter (Male planet). The 5th from Virgo (in reverse direction) is Taurus and the lord Venus is placed in its exaltation (Male birth). The 7th house is Pisces, where Venus is placed showing there won't be any more birth, this is again aspected by Rahu, confirming the same. She has asthma as Rahu is her 12th aspecting the Lagna. Married in end on 1997 or early 1998. Got divorce in 6 months. The dasa-antardasa during this time is Libra - Capricorn Antardasa in Libra Dasa Aries 3/93-9/93 Taurus 9/93-3/94 Gemini 3/94-9/94 Cancer 9/94-3/95 Leo 3/95-9/95 Virgo 9/95-3/96 Libra 3/96-9/96 Scorpio 9/96-3/97 Sagittarius 3/97-9/97 Capricorn 9/97-3/98 Both the Libra and Capricorn aspect the Upapada. However they are in Bad places from the upapada i.e. 3rd and 6th, showing the early breakup. The 2nd lord from the UL, Mercury is afflicted by Rahu and aspected by Saturn and Mars, showing the early breakup. Shoola Dasa: The shoola dasa starts from the stronger of Lagna and the 7th. As mentioned above in Narayana Dasa calculation that Lagna, Capricorn is stronger. Each of the shoola is of 9 years length. In the asdt. shoola, the asdt., the paka lagna and the significator of the paka lagna is aspected by Ketu, showing the mental disturbances. In the 2nd shoola of Aquarius, the debilitated lagna lord, Saturn and Mars are aspecting, and Aquarius contain eclipsed Atmakaraka Sun and afflicted Mercury. Mercury's affliction by Rahu and Saturn's and Mars's aspect show a lot of mental disturbance. However, Atmakaraka and Lagna lord saved her. The next shoola from 18-27 was that of Pisces with a dangerous Rudra yoga. This could have caused her death and she attempted many suicide. The next shoola is running from 27 onwards. This is of Aries and and contain two dire malefics Saturn and Mars. Saturn becomes the Rudra (comparision of strength between Saturn and Sun, the 2nd and 8th lord). This will not kill as atmakaraka aspects the same. However, this would cause a lot of affliction to the Dhi shakti as Lagna lors is aspected and conjoined with many malefics. Can anyone suggest any remedies for the same. Please.......... Regards Sarajit - Sarajit Poddar varahamihira Friday, August 03, 2001 7:07 PM [Hare Rama Krishna] Fw: Urgent help needed HARE RAMA KRISHNA Dear Jyotisha! Pranaam There is a small correction in the chart. The date of birth mentioned here is not 9 May 1970, but it 9th March 1970. I am attaching the revised .Jhd file. Sorry for the inconviniece. Regards Sarajit - Sarajit varahamihira Thursday, August 02, 2001 4:47 PM Urgent help needed HARE RAMA KRISHNA Dear Jyotisha! I am very much worried about this horoscope and want you to suggest some remedies to the problem. This is regarding Sister of a friend of mine. She is very depressed for the timebeing and attempted suicide more than once. Though she behaves normally with others, she has a typical problem of getting depressed with almost everything and also to harm herself. She gets depressed with very minor things and never satisfied with anything. By profession she is a doctor and perceived to be very good in paedetrician (I hope I spelled it correctly)i.e, child specialist. Some of the background Information that I have are1. Father retired- She got very high ideals from him- lot of self respect 2. she is kind of perfectionist and get worried with very little inconsistencies 3. She have an attitude to help others 4. She is an asthma patient- Her father is also an asthma patient 5. Mother was supportive earlier- however this has changed after Divorce 6.Has 2 Sisters. Among three, she is the eldest. Middle sister has a medical problem that she can't conceive. Youngest sister completed her graduation in computer engineering and now looking for a job. 7. Completed MBBS (graduation in medicine in 1995). Presently got a job in an hospital between 14-16 July 2001 8. Wishes to do higher studies(MD) 9.Married in end on 1997 or early 1998. Got divorce in 6 months. This is a very urgent call for help. She might do suicide, if not tackled fast. Though I can analyse the chart. I am not good at giving remedies.... yet to learn that... I am attaching herewith the .jhd file for the native. Birth Details 9 May 1970 4:05 AM IST; +5:30 E of GMT 95E22; 27N30 I hope the learned Jyotisha will give their views in this regard. With humble regards Sarajit Poddar _________________________________Sarajit PoddarConsultant, Business Solutions GroupHCL Infosystems LimitedE 4,5,6; Sector 11, Noida 201 301IndiaPhone: +91 (011) 455109 Res: 281, Sector 29, Noida 201301________________________________ OM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 11, 2001 Report Share Posted August 11, 2001 Om Gurave Namah----Dear Sarajit & Karu, You will get all the details in my latest book on Narayana Dasa including its innumerable variations and how to judge results, paka - bhoga, and everything else all packed into a small handbook for the intelligent readers. The Lagnamsaka dasa is a dasa of the RASI CHART and not Navamsa.. Lagna + Amsa + Ka..With Best Wishes,Sanjay Rath - Sarajit Poddar varahamihira Saturday, August 11, 2001 4:13 PM Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Urgent help needed HARE RAMA KRISHNA Dear Karu! Namaste The lagnamsaka Dasa is calculated as follows. As we take a seed from the Rasi chart and calculate the narayana dasa of the Divisional chart such as for navamsa narayana dasa we take the 9th placement of the 9th lord of the Rasi chart in the navamsa and initiate the dasa. Similarly we can take seed from a divisional chart and initiate the dasa in the rasi chart which will show the fructification of the indications of the concerned divisional chart. Here in marriage the concerned Divisional chart is Navamsa, hence we take the navamsa lagna as the seed and initiate the narayana dasa in the rasi chart. In this case, the navamsa lagna is Virgo. We start Lagnamsaka dasa of the navamsa chart from Virgo. Virgo is a common sign, hence the dasa will progress by 5 signs and because the 9th sign is odd footed, the dasa progression will be zodiacal. The sequence of the dasa and their period is as follows... Virgo: Even Footed: Anti zodiacal count: 8 - 1= 7 years Capricorn: Even Footed: Anti Zodiacal: 10-1-1 = 8 years Taurus: Odd footed: Zodiacal: 11-1+1 = 11 years Gemini: Odd footed: Zodiacal: 9-1 =8 years Libra: Even Footed: Odd Zodiacal: 6-1+1=6 years And so on.... The periods are according to the placements of planets in the rasi chart and not navamsa chart. Similarly Lagnamsaka dasa can be found for other divisional charts. I asked Gurudev, under what circumstnaces, the lagnamsaka dasa is applied. Regards Sarajit karu varahamihira Saturday, August 11, 2001 2:40 PM Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Urgent help needed Jaya Jaya Jagannatha, Namasthe Sarajit, In one of my subsequent mails, I tried to find out the event of marriage from the 7th of the dasa sign. However, the insight on the Lagnamsaka dasa is helpful. Can anyone please give brief guidelines, under what conditions, the Lagnamsaka dasa is used. Lagan+Amsa is the navamsa of the Lagna. (Like ketamsa- the navamsa occupied by Ketu). How ever we have never discuss about Lagnamsa dasa before. But according to my understanding it is exactly like Narayana Dasa of navamsa chart. Just take Navamsa chart, and treat as rasi chart for this. Do not try to find 9th lord of rasi chart and placement. See D9, lagna and 7th occupied by nodes. No aspects from Jupiter, Mercury etc. Both Lords are in Capricorn. Which rasi win ? Secondly dasa starts from lagna and without consider Ketu exemption rule, just calculated as Narayana dasa. This is all mu understanding so far. Let's see others comments. thanks, Karu I am also waiting for your reply on the Karu's mail on whether the counting of houses from a specific house is reverses, if Ketu is placed in the specific house. Can you please suggest some remedies for the ongoing psychological problems, she is suffering with. Regards Sarajit - Sanjay Rath varahamihira Saturday, August 11, 2001 12:52 AM Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Urgent help needed Om Gurave Namah----Dear Sarajit, 1.Seventh house is aspected by Mercury and is stronger to initiate the Narayana Dasa. 2. First see what the Rasi chart says before you do to the Varga chart. See my explanations for the coborn in COVA and other works. The AL is in Aries with Saturn - debilitated and Mars. This normally makes a person the eldest born. Next see the third from AL. This is Gemini aspected by Venus and Moon - both feminine planets. Thus, expect two sisters with a strong Venus and Moon determining their ruling stars. Please post her sisters charts for confirmation. 3. What is the Lagna? The JHD file gives Makara Lagna and with Rahu in Aquarius aspecting Pisces, I wonder how can Rahu aspect sagittarius her 12th house. Rahu as giving breathing problems is correct, after all his neck was cut off and he is always pressing other peoples neck.. 4. Lagna is too weak as the Lagna Lord is debilitated etc. try Lagnamsaka Dasa instead of Narayana. It will help you. LAGNAMSAKA DASA Vi: 1970-03-09 (04:05:00) - 1977-03-08 (23:15:26) Cp: 1977-03-08 (23:15:26) - 1985-03-09 (00:19:46) Ta: 1985-03-09 (00:19:46) - 1996-03-08 (20:01:18) Ge: 1996-03-08 (20:01:18) - 2004-03-08 (21:20:53) Li: 2004-03-08 (21:20:53) - 2010-03-09 (10:21:26) Aq: 2010-03-09 (10:21:26) - 2019-03-09 (17:30:48) Pi: 2019-03-09 (17:30:48) - 2024-03-09 (00:28:30) Cn: 2024-03-09 (00:28:30) - 2028-03-09 (01:01:24) Sc: 2028-03-09 (01:01:24) - 2033-03-09 (07:44:10) Sg: 2033-03-09 (07:44:10) - 2043-03-09 (21:15:21) The marriage happened in the Lagnamsaka dasa of Gemini. Gemini is aspected by the Moon & Venus. UL is in the 8th from Lagna (debt from past life) and is conjoined Ketu with Moon in the 8th and Saturn+ Mars aspecting it from its ninth house. Did anybody ask her for money?? Also Venus & Moon aspect the second from UL in Virgo, but Gemini is generally not good for a lasting marriage. Your Mercury point with Rahu etc, is correct. Of course you can say all this and more from the Narayana Dasa from 7th house. Try this yourself.With Best Wishes,Sanjay Rath - Sarajit Poddar varahamihira Tuesday, August 07, 2001 6:41 PM Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Urgent help needed AUM NAMAH SIVAYA Dear Jyotisha! I am giving here the analysis of the horscope. I hope some one among you should suggest some remedies to the problem. Zoran, Thanks for taking pain to validate the events in the previous chart I gave. However, I am sorry for the inconvenience caused due to the wrong birth data, I gave previously. The Narayana Dasa for the horoscope is as follows: The dasa starts with Capricorn as the lord Saturn is placed with the discpositor Mars and aspected by Mercury. Capricorn - 8 1970-1978 Sagittarius - 10 1978-1988 Scorpio - 5 1988-1993 Libra - 6 1993-1999 Virgo - 5 1999-2004 Leo - 6 2004-2010 Cancer - 4 2010-2014 Gemini - 8 2014-2022 Taurus - 11 2022-2033 Aries - 12 2033-2045 Pisces - 5 2045-2050 Aquarius - 9 2050-2059 Current Dasa is Virgo for 5 years Antardasa in Vurgo Dasa: Pisces is stronger than Virgo Pisces lord Jupiter is placed in Libra which is a odd sign hence the progression is zodiacal. Each of the antardasa is of 5 months each. Libra 3/99-8/99 Scorpio 8/99-1/00 Sagittarius 1/00-6/00 Capricorn 6/00-11/00 Aquarius 11/00-4/01 Pisces 4/01-9/01 Aries 9/01-2/02 Taurus 2/02-7/02 Gemini 7/02-12/02 Cancer 12/02-5/03 Leo 5/03-10/03 Virgo 10/03-3/04 Analysis of the drekkana for Brothers and sisters. As I said she has two younger sisters. It is said that the lords will give female birth if the they are placed in even sign (Excepting Cancer and Pisces) or debilitated or placed with female planets. I see in the horoscope non of the planets are sitting in the mentioned position. How is it possible that she has two younger sister? Drekkana lagna is an even sign and hence the counting is in an antizodiacal direction. The third from the D-3 Lagna Virgo is Cancer, whose lord Moon is placed in Cancer (male birth), in its own sign, aspected by Jupiter (Male planet). The 5th from Virgo (in reverse direction) is Taurus and the lord Venus is placed in its exaltation (Male birth). The 7th house is Pisces, where Venus is placed showing there won't be any more birth, this is again aspected by Rahu, confirming the same. She has asthma as Rahu is her 12th aspecting the Lagna. Married in end on 1997 or early 1998. Got divorce in 6 months. The dasa-antardasa during this time is Libra - Capricorn Antardasa in Libra Dasa Aries 3/93-9/93 Taurus 9/93-3/94 Gemini 3/94-9/94 Cancer 9/94-3/95 Leo 3/95-9/95 Virgo 9/95-3/96 Libra 3/96-9/96 Scorpio 9/96-3/97 Sagittarius 3/97-9/97 Capricorn 9/97-3/98 Both the Libra and Capricorn aspect the Upapada. However they are in Bad places from the upapada i.e. 3rd and 6th, showing the early breakup. The 2nd lord from the UL, Mercury is afflicted by Rahu and aspected by Saturn and Mars, showing the early breakup. Shoola Dasa: The shoola dasa starts from the stronger of Lagna and the 7th. As mentioned above in Narayana Dasa calculation that Lagna, Capricorn is stronger. Each of the shoola is of 9 years length. In the asdt. shoola, the asdt., the paka lagna and the significator of the paka lagna is aspected by Ketu, showing the mental disturbances. In the 2nd shoola of Aquarius, the debilitated lagna lord, Saturn and Mars are aspecting, and Aquarius contain eclipsed Atmakaraka Sun and afflicted Mercury. Mercury's affliction by Rahu and Saturn's and Mars's aspect show a lot of mental disturbance. However, Atmakaraka and Lagna lord saved her. The next shoola from 18-27 was that of Pisces with a dangerous Rudra yoga. This could have caused her death and she attempted many suicide. The next shoola is running from 27 onwards. This is of Aries and and contain two dire malefics Saturn and Mars. Saturn becomes the Rudra (comparision of strength between Saturn and Sun, the 2nd and 8th lord). This will not kill as atmakaraka aspects the same. However, this would cause a lot of affliction to the Dhi shakti as Lagna lors is aspected and conjoined with many malefics. Can anyone suggest any remedies for the same. Please.......... Regards Sarajit - Sarajit Poddar varahamihira Friday, August 03, 2001 7:07 PM [Hare Rama Krishna] Fw: Urgent help needed HARE RAMA KRISHNA Dear Jyotisha! Pranaam There is a small correction in the chart. The date of birth mentioned here is not 9 May 1970, but it 9th March 1970. I am attaching the revised .Jhd file. Sorry for the inconviniece. Regards Sarajit - Sarajit varahamihira Thursday, August 02, 2001 4:47 PM Urgent help needed HARE RAMA KRISHNA Dear Jyotisha! I am very much worried about this horoscope and want you to suggest some remedies to the problem. This is regarding Sister of a friend of mine. She is very depressed for the timebeing and attempted suicide more than once. Though she behaves normally with others, she has a typical problem of getting depressed with almost everything and also to harm herself. She gets depressed with very minor things and never satisfied with anything. By profession she is a doctor and perceived to be very good in paedetrician (I hope I spelled it correctly)i.e, child specialist. Some of the background Information that I have are1. Father retired- She got very high ideals from him- lot of self respect 2. she is kind of perfectionist and get worried with very little inconsistencies 3. She have an attitude to help others 4. She is an asthma patient- Her father is also an asthma patient 5. Mother was supportive earlier- however this has changed after Divorce 6.Has 2 Sisters. Among three, she is the eldest. Middle sister has a medical problem that she can't conceive. Youngest sister completed her graduation in computer engineering and now looking for a job. 7. Completed MBBS (graduation in medicine in 1995). Presently got a job in an hospital between 14-16 July 2001 8. Wishes to do higher studies(MD) 9.Married in end on 1997 or early 1998. Got divorce in 6 months. This is a very urgent call for help. She might do suicide, if not tackled fast. Though I can analyse the chart. I am not good at giving remedies.... yet to learn that... I am attaching herewith the .jhd file for the native. Birth Details 9 May 1970 4:05 AM IST; +5:30 E of GMT 95E22; 27N30 I hope the learned Jyotisha will give their views in this regard. With humble regards Sarajit Poddar _________________________________Sarajit PoddarConsultant, Business Solutions GroupHCL Infosystems LimitedE 4,5,6; Sector 11, Noida 201 301IndiaPhone: +91 (011) 455109 Res: 281, Sector 29, Noida 201301________________________________ OM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 11, 2001 Report Share Posted August 11, 2001 Om Gurave Namah----Dear Karu, Comments are given below: -With Best Wishes,Sanjay Rath - karu varahamihira Saturday, August 11, 2001 9:05 AM Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Urgent help needed Om Gurave Namah Namasthe Gurudeva Sanjay, ----- Rath: The marriage happened in the Lagnamsaka dasa of Gemini. Gemini is aspected by the Moon & Venus. UL is in the 8th from Lagna (debt from past life) and is conjoined Ketu with Moon in the 8th and Saturn+ Mars aspecting it from its ninth house. Did anybody ask her for money?? Also Venus & Moon aspect the second from UL in Virgo, but Gemini is generally not good for a lasting marriage. Your Mercury point with Rahu etc, is correct. Karu: Even I am not hesitating to accept your view, could you kindly consider my understanding for clear my doubt ? Rule-1: When ever, Ketu occupied in AL, all counting, Argala etc must be in reverse.(COVA) My argument is about 2nd from UL. I am trying to prove above rule. 1.UL( AL of 12th) is in Leo with Ketu in it. 2nd from UL is Cancer and Rahu aspect both lord of the 2nd from UL (Moon) and 2nd from UL. Also Lord of the Cancer(2nd from UL) is under influences of Papa Kartari Yoga. I think this may be enough to break the marriage. 2.To prove my point let me bring the following rule too. Rule-2 Transits Jupiter must be aspect 2nd from UL for marry. Leo AD of Aries MD (Narayana Dasa) ruled from March 1997 to March 1998. Sarajith Say Married in end on 1997 or early 1998. Got divorce in 6 months. Jupiter Transits as follows, in this period. Dec 1996 Capricorn Jan 1998 Aquarius May 1998 Pisces Oct 1998 Aquarius Jan 1999 Pisces. If the 2nd from UL is Virgo, marriage can take a place After may 1998, when Jupiter transit in Pisces. If the 2nd from UL is Cancer, Marriage can take a place Jan to May 1998, as mentioned as 'early 98'. RATH: Karu, the UL is in Leo and the second from the Bhava is Virgo even if Ketu is in it. We are not considering the effect from the second from Ketu, but from the second from Leo. This is a common mistake and you have done well in pointing this out as this will be clear for all from now on. Secondly, if Jupiter had aspected, the marriage may have survived longer. That was no marriage. see my definition of marriage under 'Dharma and marriage'. People have so many relationships and this can be treated as yet another life experience as the marriage did not last at least one saura Varsha. 3.According to Vimsottari Dasa it was in Ketu MD. Ketu is in UL (RASI chart) and in Lagna of the D9. There is no argument about Ketu. Rahu sub of Ketu MD starts on end of Feb,98 with Virgo AD (Narayana dasa). Rahu gives great obstructions to UL, Lord of the UL, 2nd lord of the UL (Virgo or Cancer) , lord of the A7, Venus, in rasi chart while in the 7th from D9. Can such a Rahu could give a marriage ? If the Answer is no, Marriage must be taken the place before Rahu AD, means Mars AD, when Jupiter transits in Aquarius. Hence, Jupiter aspect cancer, 2nd from UL. So, according to my limited knowledge, I feel above rule 1 must be applicable here and count must be in reverse. In fact there may be lot of exemptions. Could you kindly give some light on this for us ? Hare Krishna, Your sishya Karu Well done Karu, But then you must see the position of Ketu from the seventh Lord in rasi chart and in the Navamsa the marriage occured in Ketu Mars and must have broken in Ketu-Rahu. See their position along 1-7 axis in the navamsa. The most important point is the position of Venus in the 12th from Navamsa Lagna. Do you think such people with Venus in 12th will have a permanent marriage? If not what is the solution (See the chart of Vajpayee ji and my comments thereunder). Best wishes. sanjayOM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 16, 2001 Report Share Posted August 16, 2001 HARE RAMA KRISHNA Dear Gurudev and Zoran! Maa Laxshmi is her Ista devata, I suggested her to worship her with for the guidance in the life. I got to know that she used to worship Lakshmi in her childhood and somehow she discontinued. Because the planet of vitality Sun is highly afflicted I asked her to worship sun at sunrise, daily with the Mantra OM GHRINI SURYAYA NAMAH. However, I couldn't find Sanjivani Mantra in Gurudev's "Vedic Remedies". Any Help!!! What to do with the weak Lagna lord Saturn? regards Sarajit - <ahimsa <varahamihira > Friday, August 10, 2001 4:24 PM Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Urgent help needed > Dear Sarajit,> Try Sanjivani Mantra for both mental and physical health.. Further,> Venus is strongly influencing 12th from Karakamsa> Best wishes,> Zoran> > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 16, 2001 Report Share Posted August 16, 2001 Om Gurave Namah----Dear Sarajit Mritunjaya is also called Sanjivani Mantra.With Best Wishes,Sanjay Rath - Sarajit Poddar varahamihira Thursday, August 16, 2001 2:32 PM Fw: [Hare Rama Krishna] Urgent help needed Hare Rama Krishna Dear Jyotisha! I am resending it again as this didn't appear in the varahamihira list... Regards Sarajit - Sarajit Poddar varahamihira Thursday, August 16, 2001 10:47 AM Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Urgent help needed HARE RAMA KRISHNA Dear Gurudev and Zoran! Maa Laxshmi is her Ista devata, I suggested her to worship her with for the guidance in the life. I got to know that she used to worship Lakshmi in her childhood and somehow she discontinued. Because the planet of vitality Sun is highly afflicted I asked her to worship sun at sunrise, daily with the Mantra OM GHRINI SURYAYA NAMAH. However, I couldn't find Sanjivani Mantra in Gurudev's "Vedic Remedies". Any Help!!! What to do with the weak Lagna lord Saturn? regards Sarajit - <ahimsa <varahamihira > Friday, August 10, 2001 4:24 PM Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Urgent help needed > Dear Sarajit,> Try Sanjivani Mantra for both mental and physical health.. Further,> Venus is strongly influencing 12th from Karakamsa> Best wishes,> Zoran> > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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