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Lesson 5 Part 1

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Namaste Gurudeva Sanjayji and Jyotishas


Here is the first part of my attempt at Lesson 5


1. What is the meaning of the word Raja Yoga

Raja=kingly, royal Yoga = to join Rajayoga = Royal Combination.


Eg. When there is an association between Kendra and Trikona Lords. In my chart Moon and Jupiter are conjoined in the 12th house. Moon is lord of 1 and Jup is Lord of 9.


2. What is the meaning of Pravrajya Yoga


Whan malefic planets are 3rd/6th from Arudha Lagna and they are weak or debilitated in Rasi/Navamsa Vipareeta Pravrajyoga occurs and native becomes spiritual. Tow powerful benefics in 6th from AL esp Ju Me or Ve can cause powerful Pravarajyoga (Renunication) especially if they are very strong - like being exalted in Rasi or Navamsa.


Eg. Srila Prabhupada's Chart. Me and Ve are 6th from AL in Me dasa, Ve antaradasa he attained complete renunciation.


3. Would you consider your own horoscope one of Rajayoga or Pravrajya Yoga or is there too much confusion.


I have Gaja Kesari Yoga Moon and Ju conjunx in 12th. My Lagna Lord Moon is in 12 and AL is in House 11 Taurus. I have no planets in 11. Saturn is 6th from AL in Libra 4th house. I do not have Pravrajya Yoga.


4. Chart I What happened in 5th year of life


It apears that native received financial gains from father through inheritance. I am not sure if father died. Sun karaka for father is in 3rd house with Ketu indicating loss. 9th house representing father is aspected by Mars (harm) and occupied by Ra (sudden changes). Dasa at age 5 was Mars Ra. Mars is ruler of 6 (health). 6th from 9th - father's health is Ve (YK) andin house of finance and domestic affairs and aspects 8th house of death and inheritance. Lord of 9th is in 11- gains thru father. Ra in 9th - sudden prosperity and exalted in Aquarius.


How was Rahu Dasa


(Please give some guidance on how to evaluate the effect of a dasa)


Ra in Trine gives auspicious positive results. Ra rules and is exalted in Aquarius (?) and is karaka for life in foreign lands and travelling and materialism. Ra in 9, sudden properity, lord of 9 is in 11, gains from father. Ra dasa shows disruption of education - possible he left to sudy in a foreigh country , left Ra-Me, Ra 10th from Moon - setbacks in profession Ra-Mo then returned Ra-Ma. Ra 10th from Mo and Sa in 11 indicate material success later in life. Ra dasa gave rapid gain and loss. Ra in 9 - spiritual or political career - nonconventional. Gem ascendant and Ra - sudden gains and sudden loss.


Is there VRY in this chart


Lords of 3 -Su 6-Ma 8-Sa 12-Ve do not form any conjunx. There is no VRY although native did gain through loss? of a loved one.


I would be grateful if I have got something right in my analysis and if not please accept my contribution.


If Guruji or anyone would like to give us a Chart Checklist it would really help beginners with stagefright when we look at a chart. A step by step guide on what to look at in a chart so that we can come up with a formula or system to check out the basics. I know that every chart is different and every astrologer has their own unique approach, however if Guruji thinks it is appropriate it would really help.


Please let us know Guruji if you will be recording your workshop at BAVA. I believe that all of your sisyas and myself would find it very inspiring to be able to hear your voice on tapes which we can purchase through SJVC, if you think that this would be in keeping with your teaching methods.


I understand that you are probably very busy preparing for your trip and wish you a safe and productive journey.


Thank you for continuing to include me in the group, even though I am not always prompt with my homework and my course readings.





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