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Pranam Gurudeva,


Thank you very much for your reply.


I am unable to list the lords of the 30 days in a month. Can you please give some more clues, so that I can think further.


Meanwhile, based on your reply, I calculated the Varsheswara and Madhathipathi for New Delhi and Bahrain (my place) for this year and Meshashankaranthi.


New Delhi: The IST Longitude is 82E30 and Delhi's longitude is 77E12.

{82.5-77.2 = 5.3} x 4 = 21.2 = 21' 12"


So, adding this to 6.AM we will get 6:21':12" IST, which is the HORA starting time for New Delhi.


Mesha Shankarnati was at 11:30':05" PM on 13th April 2001 (Friday). This falls during 17th Hora. 17th Hora on Friday is ruled by MOON. So, Moon is the Varsheswara for this year and Moon was the Madhathiipathi for the Meshashankarati for New Delhi.


For Bahrain: The IST Longitude is 45E0 and Bahrain's longitude is 50E35.

{45.0 - 50.58333 = (-) 5.58333} x 4 = 22.3333 = 22' 20"


So, subtracting this from 6 AM we will get 5:37':40" (+3 east TZ), which is the HORA starting time for Bahrain.



Mesha Shankarnati was at 9:0':05" PM on 13th April 2001 (Friday). This falls during 15th Hora. 15th Hora on Friday is ruled by Venus. So, Venus is the Varsheswara for this year and Moon was the Madhathipathi for the Meshashankarati for Bahrain.


Kindly, check whether these calculations and lords are correct.



Your sisya

Solai Kannan




Sanjay Rath [srath]Monday, August 06, 2001 1:19 PMvarahamihira Subject: Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Hora


Om Gurave Namah----Dear Solai,

Use the same rationality. The time the Sun enters a sign need not be early in the morning and can be at any time of the day. Then do we use the same day or the next day if this is at night. Maasa or the month has two definitions - one that was used by the Jyotish to calculate the date from Sankranti and the other, the Lunar Month that was the daily calander used for religious purposes etc. Now, before we answer that question, let us have a small exercise of wits for this class..

------------------Brain Teaser------------------

We know that the days of the week are ruled by SEVEN planets and there are seven STHIRA KARAKA.

Now, good vedic astrologers used to time the vimsottari dasa on the basis of the solar motion and specifically on the number of days reckoned from Sankranti. There is a specific order to therulership of these days by planets and THIS IS BASED ON THE NUMBER (OF YEARS) OF THESE PLANETS IN VIMSOTTARI DASA. Thus, once again we are entering into another BIG SECRET of the Vimsottari dasa. For example, the Sun has 6 years, so it is the lord of the sixth day from Sankranti, Moon has 10 years so it lords the 10th day and so on. Now, Ketu and Mars have equal number of 7 years, hence Ketu is excluded from this scheme and only the EIGHT PLANETS from Sun to Rahu which is also the planets in the CHARA KARAKA SCHEME lord over the days reckoned from Sankranti.


Question: Can anyone give the entire list of lordship of these eight planets over the 30 days from Sankranti? Hint: Sun-6, Moon-10, Mars -7, Rahu-18, Jup-16, Sat-19, Merc-17, Ven-20.

With Best Wishes,Sanjay Rath



- Solai Kannan


Saturday, August 04, 2001 6:55 PM

[Hare Rama Krishna] Hora





Pranam Gurudeva,


In the Hora lesson you have mentioned


".....Thus, the order of the days in the week is obtained based on the lordship of the first hour of the day. This is an important concept in Jyotish. In a similar vein, the lord of the first day (or first Hora) of a month becomes the Lord of the Month and the Lord of the first day (or first Hora) in a Year becomes the lord of the year. These Lords are called Masadhipati (Lord of Month) and Varsheshwara (Lord of the Year)......"


How to calculate this Masadhipati and Varsheshwara? If we calculate the Month starting and Varsha starting from the Sunrise then the Vara of the first day of the month or year will be the respective lord. If we calculate based on the Sun's longitude, by considering the time it enters into each sign for the month and the time it enters into Aries for the Varsha, then the respective hora lord will be the lords of month and year. Which method is correct or is there any other method to calculate this. (There are other method which I have seen in other basic books which calculates based on some arbitrary number which represents the beginning of the yuga or world. But, I am not convinced about its usage. Your hora method is more convincing).



Your sisya

Solai Kannan




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