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Jaan-scorpio/libra- cancerdoctor

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Jaya Jagannatha! May you please guide me.


Dear Jaan,

First let me say I'm only a student, so this is for my practice and maybe it will give you some ideas also.Hopefully someone knowledgeble will answer. Sometimes I'm hesitant to comment for fear I say the wrong thing.There are so many gurus on this list, but so few comment-maybe they are very busy-at any rate I hope someone corrects any errors.

It is a sad story a young doctor with cancer .Well, regarding the question of scorpio lagna- ex mars doesnt look like a younger sister- however when in doubt I look at Chandra Lagna.Especially since he is in Moon maha dasha

In our Chandra lagna leo rises and Moon is conjunct Ketu.

Here we have leo with Moon and Rahu influencing the 7th-this explains the beautiful women. And a chandra mangala yoga by aspect.From Leo AC mars becomes powerful yogakaraka and is his AK. AK and Moon are in 6/8angle

(Regarding Dhana yogas he has the 10th,11th,2nd lords conj.in the 4th from Moon. You didnt mention anything about his mother.)

Mars 4/9th lord ex in 6th. So he has powerful but tainted 6th house.

One catch to this chart is the intricate association of Mars and Sat-not only are they involved in parivartana they aspect each other!

This makes for a very malefic combination.

Looking at chandra lagna-He is in Moon Maha dasha- Moon is 12th lord in lagna, Sat owns 2 bad houses- the 6thand7th.from the lagna and (Moon) and deposits Mars/Rahu in his houses.

Inaddition hes deb,neecha retrograde,etc

Sat himself is mutually aspecting the 8th lordJup. and aspecting his own house the 6th.!

So, Moon is 12th lord,conjKetu and aspected by a very strong Mars.

I assume the "cancer" is in scorpio with venus . The sun,karaka of body,etc and AC. lord for this chandra lagna chart is conjunct venus/merc.

Sat is malefic and resides in mars house- Currently sat is transiting through taurus aspecting the 8th sign,Venus,merc.and the 7th/rahu. These planets all reside in MARS house.

Sat is indicater of chronic disease and I think he becomes very malefic with his close association/interaction with mars and rahu.

Can we take arudhas from a chandra lagna chart? if we can it becomes interesting.

Regarding a solution or answer I let someone else answer. except to say that nowadays most people who get good care DO live for extended periods of time even with cancer.

When someone has an affliction I always recommend the chanting of the Lords Holy Names.Hare Krsna. I think Chanting the Maha Mantra is more powerful than all other mantras.And it is always beneficial. It is called the great mantra for deliverance. So in any case, ask him to chant- it can only help. The maha mantra is to be chanted like a small child calling for its mother, in a humble state of mind then surely the Lord will come. I hope the best for your friend.

Hare Krsna.Hare Krsna.Krsna Krsna .Hare Hare. Hare Rama Hare Rama.Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.




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Namaste Lakshmi,


Thanks for your mail. Unless we all contribute and make mistake we

cannot learn. Especially, in a Subject where practice is more

important, we should better make mistake in learning than in real

life application.


Coming to the chart. I think chandra lagna should be considered when

the matter concerned is about mental state and as per Sage

Sathyacharya, when Chandra lagna is stronger than lagna. Here Chandra

lagna is weak by conjoining with Ketu, i.e, eclicpse, and as per

Gurudeva's recent mail, only when moon passes through Rahu or Ketu,

Moon becomes stronger. So, here it is weak and we will consider only



In my opinion, Libra suits better than Scorpio. If it is Scorpio, the

lagna lord, AK, is stronger, which is not showing the cancer.

Whereas, the functional malefic and 6th lord Jupiter is placed in the

lagna. The Akash tatwa Jupiter indicates cancer and it aspects 7th

house. 7th house represents the bladder area. As you have mentioned

in your mail, 7th house is afflicted. Especially, when Saturn is

weak, its malefic activities are high. 7th house is also the maraka



Jaan, I am also, unable to help you in giving remedial measures.

Plus, in this regard, we should see the Longivity, in which I am not

familiar. However, I think, moon, though conjoined Ketu, it is

otherwise, strong in Ashtakavarga and it is in Vargothama and it

aspects lagna. So, its period will not be a problem. Next is the

Mars' period. He is the Maraka. But at the same time he is the AK.

So, I don't how to judge.



Solai Kannan


varahamihira, " Laksmi (Lynne Kary) " <laksmi_k@n...> wrote:

> Jaya Jagannatha! May you please guide me.

> Greetings.

> Dear Jaan,

> First let me say I'm only a student, so this is for my practice and

maybe it will give you some ideas also.Hopefully someone knowledgeble

will answer. Sometimes I'm hesitant to comment for fear I say the

wrong thing.There are so many gurus on this list, but so few comment-

maybe they are very busy-at any rate I hope someone corrects any


> It is a sad story a young doctor with cancer .Well, regarding the

question of scorpio lagna- ex mars doesnt look like a younger sister-

however when in doubt I look at Chandra Lagna.Especially since he is

in Moon maha dasha

> In our Chandra lagna leo rises and Moon is conjunct Ketu.

> Here we have leo with Moon and Rahu influencing the 7th-this

explains the beautiful women. And a chandra mangala yoga by

aspect.From Leo AC mars becomes powerful yogakaraka and is his AK.

AK and Moon are in 6/8angle

> (Regarding Dhana yogas he has the 10th,11th,2nd lords conj.in the

4th from Moon. You didnt mention anything about his mother.)

> Mars 4/9th lord ex in 6th. So he has powerful but tainted 6th house.

> One catch to this chart is the intricate association of Mars and

Sat-not only are they involved in parivartana they aspect each other!

> This makes for a very malefic combination.

> Looking at chandra lagna-He is in Moon Maha dasha- Moon is 12th

lord in lagna, Sat owns 2 bad houses- the 6thand7th.from the lagna

and (Moon) and deposits Mars/Rahu in his houses.

> Inaddition hes deb,neecha retrograde,etc

> Sat himself is mutually aspecting the 8th lordJup. and aspecting

his own house the 6th.!

> So, Moon is 12th lord,conjKetu and aspected by a very strong Mars.

> I assume the " cancer " is in scorpio with venus . The sun,karaka of

body,etc and AC. lord for this chandra lagna chart is conjunct


> Sat is malefic and resides in mars house- Currently sat is

transiting through taurus aspecting the 8th sign,Venus,merc.and the

7th/rahu. These planets all reside in MARS house.

> Sat is indicater of chronic disease and I think he becomes very

malefic with his close association/interaction with mars and rahu.

> Can we take arudhas from a chandra lagna chart? if we can it

becomes interesting.

> Regarding a solution or answer I let someone else answer. except to

say that nowadays most people who get good care DO live for extended

periods of time even with cancer.

> When someone has an affliction I always recommend the chanting of

the Lords Holy Names.Hare Krsna. I think Chanting the Maha Mantra is

more powerful than all other mantras.And it is always beneficial. It

is called the great mantra for deliverance. So in any case, ask him

to chant- it can only help. The maha mantra is to be chanted like a

small child calling for its mother, in a humble state of mind then

surely the Lord will come. I hope the best for your friend.

> Hare Krsna.Hare Krsna.Krsna Krsna .Hare Hare. Hare Rama Hare

Rama.Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.

> Lakshmi

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