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Om Gurave Namah,


Namasthe Gurudeva Sanjay and friends,


I am studing a chart of a little one year old baby who suffering from lot of health problems including Astma, Hernia etc. His parents are really worrying about this 2nd child. The charts of both father and sun is attached for your study.

There are lot of negative affects in father's chart and Son (Aries Lagna) too having few malefic combinations as follows.

1. He is passing Lagna Narayana Dasa with Saturn in it. Nodes are in Kendra too.

2.Moon is in Jupiter's sign, who owned 22nd Dekkana. (Moon is week)

3.In 30D, Moon conjoined lord of the 64th Navamsa.

4. Parivartana Yoga between lagna and Bhadaka place.

5.Bhadakesh is in Dasa (Narayana) sign and Aries MD Aries sub starts on Mid of next month.

6. AK is Sun conjoined 6th lord.


Is there any Balarista yoga in this chart ? Can you recommend any remedies for this child. Can I ask parents to do Mritunjaya Mantra ? Any other comment to remove obstructions of Badakesh (Saturn)?


Thanks for your time.






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