Guest guest Posted August 15, 2001 Report Share Posted August 15, 2001 Om Gurave Namah, Dear Gurudeva, I am trying to regularly do the So-Ham Mantra. I have another question. I have been reciting Gayatri Mantra since 1994 with Om Bhoorbhuvah swah prefixed. I was given this mantra by a friend of mine. In Vedic Remedies you have given it without the prefix. Can you please advice me as to which one I should recite. I also have another matter to say to you, 2 months back (around June 1st) one morning about 5:30 AM I recited Hrim mantra for 15minutes as suggested by you in Vedic Remedies to know about my Ishta Devta. After two days in the evening I think I saw a White somewhat glittering image with a tingling feeling from my feet to my hip. The first name which came up in my mind was Sarawathi. In My navamsa I have ketu full aspect and venus on 12th from atmakaraka and 6th from amatya karaka. I take my ishta devata to be Laxmi and Ganesha. Please give me your advice. Your Shishya Sanjay Prabhakaran - Sanjay Rath varahamihira Saturday, July 28, 2001 2:57 AM Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Jup & Rahu Om Gurave Namah----Dear Sanjay, Yes.. Gayatri Mantra and mediate on the centre of the Solar disc with the mantra "SO-HAM". Mentally say "SO" as you breathe in and "HAM" as you breathe out. First do this very fast and then allow your breath to stabilise slowly. keep your eyes closed. Do not be afraid of the lights..With Best Wishes,Sanjay Rath - SanjayPrabhakaran varahamihira Friday, July 27, 2001 1:56 AM Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Jup & Rahu Om Gurave Namah,Dear Gurudeva, I have a similar combination of Lagnesh Sun conjunct Ketu in the 12th house. Sun is 2Cn21 and Ketu in 21Cn56 Jupiter is in 3Sc10. Sun is vargottama and Guru is exalted in Navamsha. Is the Sun strong enough to win from Ketu?. This conjunction is also in 2nd from AL with Mercury in it. Mercury is debilitated in Navamsha. I do have problem of mental disturbances and Irregular sleep problem(being in 12th house). But I thought them to because of Saturns Conjunction and Mars aspect on Moon. Is there any remedy to this Lagnesh conjunction with Ketu?. Please give me your directions,Your Shishya,S.Prabhakaran varahamihira, "Sanjay Rath" <srath@h...> wrote:> > Om Gurave Namah> ----> > Dear Zoran,> > Excellent reply. Then tell me "In which cases will the conjunction of Ketu with the Lagnesh cause mental aberration and in which cases can we say that the Lagnesh has prevailed?". Take your own case and see the degrees of Ketu and Jupiter carefully and then reply.> > There was another vital point in the example I had stated. Although the conjunction cannot strengthen Jupiter, but Jupiter will also not allow the nodes to be exalted. Thus, in Narayana Dasa where Jupiter aspects or conjoins exalted nodes, they cannot get a year in addition for Aquarius or Scorpio dasa as Jupiter shall annul them. This is important in explaining your chart as well. Thus, come what may you will not compromise with some Adharma situations and will, sooner or later, react.> > With Best Wishes,> Sanjay Rath> > > - > ahimsa@p... > varahamihira > Tuesday, July 24, 2001 1:57 AM> Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Jup & Rahu> > > Dear Sanjay,> > > Dear Sanjay,> > Jyotish cannot just be a bunch of rules. There is a finer> > understanding of these rules that makes the subject "an art as well as a> > science".> > The situation where "Jupiter is aspecting the nodes" is very different> > from "Jupiter conjoining the nodes". Take a situation where a Purohit of a> temple> > is sitting inside a temple and then he is approached by a murderer (Rahu)> > for some task. Here Jupiter (purohit) is in strength in sagittarius (work> > place)and Rahu has entered sagittarius. The conjunction of the two makes> > Jupiter weaker by a polluting conjunction and then the Purohit is normally> > concernd to help the criminal.> > Take another situation where the Purohit was in his house (Pisces)> > and then he gets information about some theif (Ketu) breaking into his> > temple> > (Ketu in Sagittarius aspected by Jupiter from Pisces). The result is> > simple. He takes preventive measures by calling the police (Mars) or others> > to> > prevent the theft.. the theif is caught and Ketu's exaltation i.e. to> > steal> > the idols itself (untruth of the highest level) is broken.> > Conjunction cannot strengthen Jupiter. In fact, the sign occupied by> > the Lord of Lagna is called the Paka Lagna and if this sign is conjoined> > Ketu, then invariably it creates some serious mental aberration or autism> > etc. The Dhi-shakti is lost. In this manner try to understand the> > Guru-Sthana.> >> > With Best Wishes,> > Sanjay Rath> > As you said, the jyotish cannot be the bunch of rules. In my own chart,> Guru> is lord of lagna (dhanu) and is with ketu in 10th in paka lagna. Guru as> natural significator of paka lagna makes dhi shakti protected being in> paka> lagna itself. Doesn't he?> Its yuti with ketu needn't necessarily bring mental abberations in paka> lagna, since I opine that ketu apart from thief is moskha karak graha,> where> dhi shakti is indluenced to the point of applying intelligence in ketu's> realm, such as jyotisha and spiritual fields.This is further confirmed> of> course by ketu placement in karakamsa in pisces with saturn ruling 12th> from> it. However, as the case is, I have seen charts, where lagnesh is placed> with> ketu giving mental abberations. In most cases, the power of Guru*dhi> shakti ,> was weakened, or even when the guru was placed with ketu in paka lagna,> it> was severly afflicted, therby failling to protect paka lagna.> Guru and rahu conjunction was inverably found to be bad in most charts.> Best wishes,> Zoran> > OM TAT SAT> Archive: varahamihira> Files: varahamihira> varahamihira/database> > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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