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Om Gurave Namah,

Dear Gurudeva and Jyotishas,

I am sorry, I overlooked the fact that Saturn is also badak co-lord for the chart.

What should one do when the significator house lord is also a badakesh?.

Your shishya

Sanjay Prabhakaran





- Sanjay Prabhakaran


Wednesday, August 15, 2001 5:21 PM

Muhurtha Questions


Om Gurave Namah,



Pranaam Gurudeva and Jyotisha's

My friend's brother is planning to open Garments shop on 22Aug Ganesh Chaturthi.

When he asked me what time open the shop on that day I requested his brother's

chart and and felt that the appropriate time counld be 8-9AM since it is the hora of

Saturn the 10th lord or 3 to 4 PM.

He has requested a pandit to do the pooja who has suggested muhurtha of 10:30AM

at Madras,India.

I was thinking as to why did the pandit choose 10:30AM which is hora of Mars which is

the 8th lord for the native's horoscope (Mesha Lagnam).


I have few other questions regarding horas


1. What is appropriate hora to look into charts for jyotish purposes?.


Is it 8th lord. since 8th indicates knowledge of past present and future?.


2. should the house lordship be looked from Rasi chart or the divisional chart?

Like to for appropriate time to start a venture should 10th house of Rasi

or Dasamas be looked into?.


I think it should be Rasi chart. As hora is concept from Rasi chart. Is my

thought right?.


3. What is the appropriate time to start an investment ?.. 11th or 2nd lord hora?.


4.What is the priority sequence in determining muhurtha?.

Hora,Tithi,Karana,Dina,Nakshatra, Sun-Moon Yoga.

From hora chapter I feel that Hora should be selected first. Am I right?.



Your shishya,

Sanjay Prabhakaran






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