Guest guest Posted August 16, 2001 Report Share Posted August 16, 2001 HARE RAMA KRISHNA Dear Jyotisha! As this message didn't appear in the message list of varahamihira, I am posting this again... Regards Sarajit - Sarajit Poddar varahamihira Tuesday, August 14, 2001 10:23 AM Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Urgent help needed- please suggest some remedies HARE RAMA KRISHNA Dear Gurudev! I am still at a loss. Still to know what could be the right remedies for the ailments the native is facing. As I am very new to Remedies, I am not sure what should be the correct remedy for the psychological depression, the native is going through. On the one hand we see that the Lagna lord Saturn and afflicted is very weak and on the other we see that Bhagyapati Mercury is also highly afflicted. The planet in strength is 5th and 10th lord Venus. Venus is the sign dispositor of the Narayana as well as the shools dasa sign Libra. Jupiter is also not saving the native as it is retrograde and might give punishment in the area of Job (10th house). Jupiter is more afflicted by the aspect of Ketu and Mercury, Sun and Rahu. As you say Venus can only pacify Jupiter, can I suggest Sanjivani for the same, which is ruled by Venus (as suggested by Zoran) or Can I suggest Mrityunjaya Mantra which pacifies Saturn. Or shall I ask her to wear a Blue Sapphire to strenthen her Saturn who is her Lagna Lord (for a good health). However, I see that Sun is also very weak and afflicted with association of Rahu and aspect of Saturn and Mars in the 2nd house. Should the Sun be also strengthened as it is one of the tripod of life. The only good thing I see is that a strong waxing Moon is with Exalted Venus, the 5th lord (lord of recovery). Please suggest me, what shall I do... Your Shisya Sartajit - Sanjay Rath varahamihira Saturday, August 11, 2001 12:52 AM Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Urgent help needed Om Gurave Namah----Dear Sarajit, 1.Seventh house is aspected by Mercury and is stronger to initiate the Narayana Dasa. 2. First see what the Rasi chart says before you do to the Varga chart. See my explanations for the coborn in COVA and other works. The AL is in Aries with Saturn - debilitated and Mars. This normally makes a person the eldest born. Next see the third from AL. This is Gemini aspected by Venus and Moon - both feminine planets. Thus, expect two sisters with a strong Venus and Moon determining their ruling stars. Please post her sisters charts for confirmation. 3. What is the Lagna? The JHD file gives Makara Lagna and with Rahu in Aquarius aspecting Pisces, I wonder how can Rahu aspect sagittarius her 12th house. Rahu as giving breathing problems is correct, after all his neck was cut off and he is always pressing other peoples neck.. 4. Lagna is too weak as the Lagna Lord is debilitated etc. try Lagnamsaka Dasa instead of Narayana. It will help you. LAGNAMSAKA DASA Vi: 1970-03-09 (04:05:00) - 1977-03-08 (23:15:26) Cp: 1977-03-08 (23:15:26) - 1985-03-09 (00:19:46) Ta: 1985-03-09 (00:19:46) - 1996-03-08 (20:01:18) Ge: 1996-03-08 (20:01:18) - 2004-03-08 (21:20:53) Li: 2004-03-08 (21:20:53) - 2010-03-09 (10:21:26) Aq: 2010-03-09 (10:21:26) - 2019-03-09 (17:30:48) Pi: 2019-03-09 (17:30:48) - 2024-03-09 (00:28:30) Cn: 2024-03-09 (00:28:30) - 2028-03-09 (01:01:24) Sc: 2028-03-09 (01:01:24) - 2033-03-09 (07:44:10) Sg: 2033-03-09 (07:44:10) - 2043-03-09 (21:15:21) The marriage happened in the Lagnamsaka dasa of Gemini. Gemini is aspected by the Moon & Venus. UL is in the 8th from Lagna (debt from past life) and is conjoined Ketu with Moon in the 8th and Saturn+ Mars aspecting it from its ninth house. Did anybody ask her for money?? Also Venus & Moon aspect the second from UL in Virgo, but Gemini is generally not good for a lasting marriage. Your Mercury point with Rahu etc, is correct. Of course you can say all this and more from the Narayana Dasa from 7th house. Try this yourself.With Best Wishes,Sanjay Rath - Sarajit Poddar varahamihira Tuesday, August 07, 2001 6:41 PM Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Urgent help needed AUM NAMAH SIVAYA Dear Jyotisha! I am giving here the analysis of the horscope. I hope some one among you should suggest some remedies to the problem. Zoran, Thanks for taking pain to validate the events in the previous chart I gave. However, I am sorry for the inconvenience caused due to the wrong birth data, I gave previously. The Narayana Dasa for the horoscope is as follows: The dasa starts with Capricorn as the lord Saturn is placed with the discpositor Mars and aspected by Mercury. Capricorn - 8 1970-1978 Sagittarius - 10 1978-1988 Scorpio - 5 1988-1993 Libra - 6 1993-1999 Virgo - 5 1999-2004 Leo - 6 2004-2010 Cancer - 4 2010-2014 Gemini - 8 2014-2022 Taurus - 11 2022-2033 Aries - 12 2033-2045 Pisces - 5 2045-2050 Aquarius - 9 2050-2059 Current Dasa is Virgo for 5 years Antardasa in Vurgo Dasa: Pisces is stronger than Virgo Pisces lord Jupiter is placed in Libra which is a odd sign hence the progression is zodiacal. Each of the antardasa is of 5 months each. Libra 3/99-8/99 Scorpio 8/99-1/00 Sagittarius 1/00-6/00 Capricorn 6/00-11/00 Aquarius 11/00-4/01 Pisces 4/01-9/01 Aries 9/01-2/02 Taurus 2/02-7/02 Gemini 7/02-12/02 Cancer 12/02-5/03 Leo 5/03-10/03 Virgo 10/03-3/04 Analysis of the drekkana for Brothers and sisters. As I said she has two younger sisters. It is said that the lords will give female birth if the they are placed in even sign (Excepting Cancer and Pisces) or debilitated or placed with female planets. I see in the horoscope non of the planets are sitting in the mentioned position. How is it possible that she has two younger sister? Drekkana lagna is an even sign and hence the counting is in an antizodiacal direction. The third from the D-3 Lagna Virgo is Cancer, whose lord Moon is placed in Cancer (male birth), in its own sign, aspected by Jupiter (Male planet). The 5th from Virgo (in reverse direction) is Taurus and the lord Venus is placed in its exaltation (Male birth). The 7th house is Pisces, where Venus is placed showing there won't be any more birth, this is again aspected by Rahu, confirming the same. She has asthma as Rahu is her 12th aspecting the Lagna. Married in end on 1997 or early 1998. Got divorce in 6 months. The dasa-antardasa during this time is Libra - Capricorn Antardasa in Libra Dasa Aries 3/93-9/93 Taurus 9/93-3/94 Gemini 3/94-9/94 Cancer 9/94-3/95 Leo 3/95-9/95 Virgo 9/95-3/96 Libra 3/96-9/96 Scorpio 9/96-3/97 Sagittarius 3/97-9/97 Capricorn 9/97-3/98 Both the Libra and Capricorn aspect the Upapada. However they are in Bad places from the upapada i.e. 3rd and 6th, showing the early breakup. The 2nd lord from the UL, Mercury is afflicted by Rahu and aspected by Saturn and Mars, showing the early breakup. Shoola Dasa: The shoola dasa starts from the stronger of Lagna and the 7th. As mentioned above in Narayana Dasa calculation that Lagna, Capricorn is stronger. Each of the shoola is of 9 years length. In the asdt. shoola, the asdt., the paka lagna and the significator of the paka lagna is aspected by Ketu, showing the mental disturbances. In the 2nd shoola of Aquarius, the debilitated lagna lord, Saturn and Mars are aspecting, and Aquarius contain eclipsed Atmakaraka Sun and afflicted Mercury. Mercury's affliction by Rahu and Saturn's and Mars's aspect show a lot of mental disturbance. However, Atmakaraka and Lagna lord saved her. The next shoola from 18-27 was that of Pisces with a dangerous Rudra yoga. This could have caused her death and she attempted many suicide. The next shoola is running from 27 onwards. This is of Aries and and contain two dire malefics Saturn and Mars. Saturn becomes the Rudra (comparision of strength between Saturn and Sun, the 2nd and 8th lord). This will not kill as atmakaraka aspects the same. However, this would cause a lot of affliction to the Dhi shakti as Lagna lors is aspected and conjoined with many malefics. Can anyone suggest any remedies for the same. Please.......... Regards Sarajit - Sarajit Poddar varahamihira Friday, August 03, 2001 7:07 PM [Hare Rama Krishna] Fw: Urgent help needed HARE RAMA KRISHNA Dear Jyotisha! Pranaam There is a small correction in the chart. The date of birth mentioned here is not 9 May 1970, but it 9th March 1970. I am attaching the revised .Jhd file. Sorry for the inconviniece. Regards Sarajit - Sarajit varahamihira Thursday, August 02, 2001 4:47 PM Urgent help needed HARE RAMA KRISHNA Dear Jyotisha! I am very much worried about this horoscope and want you to suggest some remedies to the problem. This is regarding Sister of a friend of mine. She is very depressed for the timebeing and attempted suicide more than once. Though she behaves normally with others, she has a typical problem of getting depressed with almost everything and also to harm herself. She gets depressed with very minor things and never satisfied with anything. By profession she is a doctor and perceived to be very good in paedetrician (I hope I spelled it correctly)i.e, child specialist. Some of the background Information that I have are1. Father retired- She got very high ideals from him- lot of self respect 2. she is kind of perfectionist and get worried with very little inconsistencies 3. She have an attitude to help others 4. She is an asthma patient- Her father is also an asthma patient 5. Mother was supportive earlier- however this has changed after Divorce 6.Has 2 Sisters. Among three, she is the eldest. Middle sister has a medical problem that she can't conceive. Youngest sister completed her graduation in computer engineering and now looking for a job. 7. Completed MBBS (graduation in medicine in 1995). Presently got a job in an hospital between 14-16 July 2001 8. Wishes to do higher studies(MD) 9.Married in end on 1997 or early 1998. Got divorce in 6 months. This is a very urgent call for help. She might do suicide, if not tackled fast. Though I can analyse the chart. I am not good at giving remedies.... yet to learn that... I am attaching herewith the .jhd file for the native. Birth Details 9 May 1970 4:05 AM IST; +5:30 E of GMT 95E22; 27N30 I hope the learned Jyotisha will give their views in this regard. With humble regards Sarajit Poddar _________________________________Sarajit PoddarConsultant, Business Solutions GroupHCL Infosystems LimitedE 4,5,6; Sector 11, Noida 201 301IndiaPhone: +91 (011) 455109 Res: 281, Sector 29, Noida 201301________________________________ OM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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