Guest guest Posted August 16, 2001 Report Share Posted August 16, 2001 Om Gurave Namah----Dear Lakshmi, There are many riders to the general rules that the article taught to you. This should also have been mentioned. One such rule is "If the lord of a dusthana or trika is a natural friend of the Lagna Lord, then the beneficial results will prevail, especially if they are mutually well disposed or involved in Yoga". In the case you cite, the Moon & Jupiter are involved in Gajakesari Yoga and that too in Lagna. This is one of the finest and highest Yoga's and the sesult of the Yoga led you to worship the divine mother (Moon) and not vice-versa i.e. Moon being pacified with the mantra. Further tripura Sundari is worshipped on Thursdays, the days when your Gaja-kesari gets activated. Thus during the dasa of the Moon, you got the results of a brilliant yoga with the Goddess. Keep this yoga alive. It is a great blessing and don't listen to fools who dissuade you from this grand experience. Another rule is " The lord of a trine can give difficult experiences if it also becomes the Atmakaraka." to be read with " All planets placed in the most inimical place from the lord of lagna as per pachakadi sambandha, will prove to be evil". Now, Mars is not only the AK, it is also placed in the sixth from Jupiter (based on what I read from your letter. With Best Wishes,Sanjay Rath - lakshmi ramesh varahamihira Thursday, August 16, 2001 10:55 AM [Hare Rama Krishna] Period of 8th Lord Om Gurave Namah----------------Shri Sanjay and dear friends,Namaste. I've been reading up some beginers' books onastrology by B.V. Raman. It's invariably mentionedthat the lords of 3rd, 6th, 8th and 12th houses arebad, and I've read in one of the SATWA articles I'vedownloaded from BAVA website that if any of thesehouses happen to contain Moolatrikona sign, then thathouse lord is especially bad for the native.I was born in Sag. ascendant, so the 8th house isCancer (moolatrikona) and the lord, Moon, the mostmalefic planet according to BAVA article, is in theLagna along with Jupiter(Lagna & 4thlord) and Saturn(2nd and 3rd lord). My Chandra dasa ran from 1976 to 1986, and accordingto BAVA, should have been the most troublesome. On thecontrary, it is the best period to this date in mylife. I excelled in academics,topped in allcompetitions, my parents built a huge house, I got agood job and got married. I was exceptionally healthyall through this period. Now, what is this paradox? Is it becausea) Moon himself is a natural benefic, so can not bereally malefic b) Moon was less malefic, even though it's conjunctSaturn, because it's in strong Jupiter's house.c) Is it because Moon is Amatyakaraka?d)or is it because I mysteriously started doingLalitha Sahasranamam during this period, driven bysome strange inner compulsion? I remember how I just started it uninitiated and everyone I met dissuaded me from chanting such a powerfulmantra and worshipping Srichakram at such a young age.But, I wouldn't let go of it or Mother, even duringsleep. Is that what offset the evil of the Moonperiod?Mars major, which came after Moon's dasa, wasextremely disturbing and difficult, which I canunderstand since Mars (5th and 12th Lord)is in 6th.Ofcourse, I emerged intact, wiser and stronger fromthe Mars period, despite the struggle. Atmakaraka?But about Chandra Dasa, I am really puzzled. Is theresomething that I am unable to understand? Can someonehelp me?Regards,Lakshmi Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Messengerhttp://phonecard./OM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 16, 2001 Report Share Posted August 16, 2001 Lakshmi, According to one of the classics, Laghu Parashari, when the sun or the moon own the 8th house, they do not really become malefic. I have found this to be the case before in practice. According to the same book, from memory, the following rules hold. A benefic owning the a kendra loses its benefic nature (but not necessarily become malefic) and similarly a malefic owning a kendra loses is malefic nature. The net result depends on whether they own another kona (1,5 or 9) when they become benefic, or whether they own another malefic house (3,6,8,11) when they become benefic. 2 and 12 are considered neutral. So ownership of either of these does not change the basic nature of the graha, you have to look at the other rulerships if any. Regards, Nimmi - " lakshmi ramesh " <b_lakshmi_ramesh <varahamihira > Thursday, August 16, 2001 6:25 AM [Hare Rama Krishna] Period of 8th Lord > > Om Gurave Namah > ---------------- > > Shri Sanjay and dear friends, > > Namaste. I've been reading up some beginers' books on > astrology by B.V. Raman. It's invariably mentioned > that the lords of 3rd, 6th, 8th and 12th houses are > bad, and I've read in one of the SATWA articles I've > downloaded from BAVA website that if any of these > houses happen to contain Moolatrikona sign, then that > house lord is especially bad for the native. > > I was born in Sag. ascendant, so the 8th house is > Cancer (moolatrikona) and the lord, Moon, the most > malefic planet according to BAVA article, is in the > Lagna along with Jupiter(Lagna & 4thlord) and Saturn > (2nd and 3rd lord). > > My Chandra dasa ran from 1976 to 1986, and according > to BAVA, should have been the most troublesome. On the > contrary, it is the best period to this date in my > life. I excelled in academics,topped in all > competitions, my parents built a huge house, I got a > good job and got married. I was exceptionally healthy > all through this period. > > Now, what is this paradox? Is it because > > a) Moon himself is a natural benefic, so can not be > really malefic > > b) Moon was less malefic, even though it's conjunct > Saturn, because it's in strong Jupiter's house. > > c) Is it because Moon is Amatyakaraka? > > d)or is it because I mysteriously started doing > Lalitha Sahasranamam during this period, driven by > some strange inner compulsion? > > I remember how I just started it uninitiated and every > one I met dissuaded me from chanting such a powerful > mantra and worshipping Srichakram at such a young age. > But, I wouldn't let go of it or Mother, even during > sleep. Is that what offset the evil of the Moon > period? > > Mars major, which came after Moon's dasa, was > extremely disturbing and difficult, which I can > understand since Mars (5th and 12th Lord)is in 6th. > Ofcourse, I emerged intact, wiser and stronger from > the Mars period, despite the struggle. Atmakaraka? > > But about Chandra Dasa, I am really puzzled. Is there > something that I am unable to understand? Can someone > help me? > > Regards, > Lakshmi > > > > > > Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Messenger > http://phonecard./ > > OM TAT SAT > Archive: varahamihira > Files: varahamihira > varahamihira/database > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 16, 2001 Report Share Posted August 16, 2001 Om Gurave Namah -------------------- Shri Solai, Namaste. Thanks a lot for your reply. I agree with you that a planet in a chart needs to be looked at in totality and not in isolation. What you've said about Gajakesari Yoga does make sense. Earlier I've not given it much thought, because I thought that the Gajakesari yoga will fructify majorly in Guru mahadasa, because, as per B.V. Raman's analysis, the planet having more shadbala would deliver the results. This plus the thought that Moon is the 8th lord perhaps made me discount this. After I received your reply, my interest was really triggered off and I rushed into more analysis: 1) I discovered that Cancer is my Ghati Lagna. After going through the article on Sree Lagna and doing some rough calculations, I discovered that Cancer is again my Sree Lagna (I might be wrong, if so, please correct me). The lord of GL and SL (Moon)is in Lagna with Lagna & Rasi Lord (Jupiter), lord of Bhava Lagna (Saturn) and in mutual aspect with Lord of Hora Lagna and Arudha Lagna, Venus, by rasi drishti. Did this make Chandra Dasa so fruitful? 2) In the article on Vipareeta Rajayoga, by Guru Sanjayji, I read that the Lords of dusthanas, when strongly placed in kendra/trikona, can transfer the VRY power to the Lagna Lord by conjunction or aspect. Could Moon have been a benefic because he's a party to VRY (minor?) in my case (3rd & 8th Lord in 1st house, along with Lagna lord)? and because VRY is in the house of Jupiter, it led to academic distinction, a prime government job and a good husband(Jupiter-darakaraka & significator for husband)? Now, I am really intrigued and want to learn more. And, I also know that I have aeons to travel before I can even sight the ocean of Light, Jyotish. But, with Gurudeva's guidance and your help, I just might. Thanx again & regards, Lakshmi --- Solai Kannan <solai wrote: > OHM SHRI RAGAVENDRAYA NAMAH > JAYA JAGANNATHA > > Namaste Lakshmi, > > The 1st rule in Jyotish is we should not look at > matters in isolation. We > should combine all the influencing forces and decide > the effect. We have to > see the full picture of your chart and discuss. > Meanwhile, Moon is having a > powerful Gajakesari yoga in lagna. This will nullify > all the malefic > effects. We can also look at this way. If Moon is > not the 8th lord and > Saturn is not in lagna, you would have reached much > higher position than the > present one. Because, your Gajakesari yoga is such a > powerful yoga. > > In addition, there are so many variations for > Vimshotari and the > applicability of Ashtothari and Tara dasa also has > to be looked at. > > If you read standard books, you can see so many > dictums for the dasa > effects, we have to absorb and apply according to > the nature and effect of > the chart. > > Thanks > Solai Kannan > > Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Messenger http://phonecard./ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 16, 2001 Report Share Posted August 16, 2001 Om Gurave Namah --------------- Namaste Sanjayji, I am deeply honoured and touched by the reply you've given. Your reply has cleared a lot of doubts and also made a lot of hitherto inexplicable events seem plausible. Guruji, my mother, who had lost 3 sons before me and gave up hope of further issues (she was 37 & my father 43 then)dreamt one evening around 8pm, while she was mentally reciting Bhagavadgita, that she was gifted a girl child by a splendorously jewelled girl, aged around 10-12 years (Bala Tripura Sundari-Chandra). Almost immediately she conceived. A little while later, Bhagawan Sri Satya Sai Baba (Guru), created a " Raksha " , and gave it to my mother, saying that a girl would be born to her safely and would live long. I was born on a Thursday, Sukra Dasa-Guru Bhukti. I am very lucky indeed that Satya Sai himself did my " aksharabhyasam " when I was barely one and a half years old. Earlier, I have never really taken dreams and such things seriously. But with your explanation, everything seems to fall into place. Strangely and suddenly, I am totally convinced. I am sure that the very same umbilical Gajakesari yoga led me to You and the varahamihira list. Regards, Lakshmi --- Sanjay Rath <srath wrote: > > Om Gurave Namah > ---- > Dear Lakshmi, > > There are many riders to the general rules that the > article taught to you. > This should also have been mentioned. > > One such rule is " If the lord of a dusthana or trika > is a natural friend of > the Lagna Lord, then the beneficial results will > prevail, especially if they > are mutually well disposed or involved in Yoga " . > In the case you cite, the Moon & Jupiter are > involved in Gajakesari Yoga and > that too in Lagna. This is one of the finest and > highest Yoga's and the > sesult of the Yoga led you to worship the divine > mother (Moon) and not > vice-versa i.e. Moon being pacified with the mantra. > Further tripura Sundari > is worshipped on Thursdays, the days when your > Gaja-kesari gets activated. > Thus during the dasa of the Moon, you got the > results of a brilliant yoga > with the Goddess. Keep this yoga alive. It is a > great blessing and don't > listen to fools who dissuade you from this grand > experience. > > Another rule is " The lord of a trine can give > difficult experiences if it > also becomes the Atmakaraka. " to be read with " All > planets placed in the > most inimical place from the lord of lagna as per > pachakadi sambandha, will > prove to be evil " . Now, Mars is not only the AK, it > is also placed in the > sixth from Jupiter (based on what I read from your > letter. > > With Best Wishes, > Sanjay Rath > > > - > lakshmi ramesh > varahamihira > Thursday, August 16, 2001 10:55 AM > [Hare Rama Krishna] Period of 8th Lord > > > Om Gurave Namah > ---------------- > > Shri Sanjay and dear friends, > > Namaste. I've been reading up some beginers' books > on > astrology by B.V. Raman. It's invariably mentioned > that the lords of 3rd, 6th, 8th and 12th houses are > bad, and I've read in one of the SATWA articles I've > downloaded from BAVA website that if any of these > houses happen to contain Moolatrikona sign, then > that > house lord is especially bad for the native. > > I was born in Sag. ascendant, so the 8th house is > Cancer (moolatrikona) and the lord, Moon, the most > malefic planet according to BAVA article, is in the > Lagna along with Jupiter(Lagna & 4thlord) and Saturn > (2nd and 3rd lord). > > My Chandra dasa ran from 1976 to 1986, and according > to BAVA, should have been the most troublesome. On > the > contrary, it is the best period to this date in my > life. I excelled in academics,topped in all > competitions, my parents built a huge house, I got a > good job and got married. I was exceptionally > healthy > all through this period. > > Now, what is this paradox? Is it because > > a) Moon himself is a natural benefic, so can not be > really malefic > > b) Moon was less malefic, even though it's conjunct > Saturn, because it's in strong Jupiter's house. > > c) Is it because Moon is Amatyakaraka? > > d)or is it because I mysteriously started doing > Lalitha Sahasranamam during this period, driven by > some strange inner compulsion? > > I remember how I just started it uninitiated and > every > one I met dissuaded me from chanting such a powerful > mantra and worshipping Srichakram at such a young > age. > But, I wouldn't let go of it or Mother, even during > sleep. Is that what offset the evil of the Moon > period? > > Mars major, which came after Moon's dasa, was > extremely disturbing and difficult, which I can > understand since Mars (5th and 12th Lord)is in 6th. > Ofcourse, I emerged intact, wiser and stronger from > the Mars period, despite the struggle. Atmakaraka? > > But about Chandra Dasa, I am really puzzled. Is > there > something that I am unable to understand? Can > someone > help me? > > Regards, > Lakshmi > > > > > > Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute > with Messenger > http://phonecard./ > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 17, 2001 Report Share Posted August 17, 2001 Dear Nimmi, Namaste. The 2nd statment is also in BPHS, i believe its known as Kendradhipati Dosha. There is a pdf-file in the archives about this, but i'm not sure it reached any conclussions. Best wishes, Visti - Nimmi Ragavan varahamihira Thursday, August 16, 2001 8:41 AM Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Period of 8th Lord Lakshmi,According to one of the classics, Laghu Parashari, when the sun or the moonown the 8th house, they do not really become malefic.I have found this to be the case before in practice.According to the same book, from memory, the following rules hold.A benefic owning the a kendra loses its benefic nature (but not necessarilybecome malefic) and similarly a malefic owning a kendra loses is maleficnature. The net result depends on whether they own another kona (1,5 or 9)when they become benefic, or whether they own another malefic house(3,6,8,11) when they become benefic. 2 and 12 are considered neutral. Soownership of either of these does not change the basic nature of the graha,you have to look at the other rulerships if any.Regards,Nimmi-"lakshmi ramesh" <b_lakshmi_ramesh<varahamihira >Thursday, August 16, 2001 6:25 AM[Hare Rama Krishna] Period of 8th Lord>> Om Gurave Namah> ---------------->> Shri Sanjay and dear friends,>> Namaste. I've been reading up some beginers' books on> astrology by B.V. Raman. It's invariably mentioned> that the lords of 3rd, 6th, 8th and 12th houses are> bad, and I've read in one of the SATWA articles I've> downloaded from BAVA website that if any of these> houses happen to contain Moolatrikona sign, then that> house lord is especially bad for the native.>> I was born in Sag. ascendant, so the 8th house is> Cancer (moolatrikona) and the lord, Moon, the most> malefic planet according to BAVA article, is in the> Lagna along with Jupiter(Lagna & 4thlord) and Saturn> (2nd and 3rd lord).>> My Chandra dasa ran from 1976 to 1986, and according> to BAVA, should have been the most troublesome. On the> contrary, it is the best period to this date in my> life. I excelled in academics,topped in all> competitions, my parents built a huge house, I got a> good job and got married. I was exceptionally healthy> all through this period.>> Now, what is this paradox? Is it because>> a) Moon himself is a natural benefic, so can not be> really malefic>> b) Moon was less malefic, even though it's conjunct> Saturn, because it's in strong Jupiter's house.>> c) Is it because Moon is Amatyakaraka?>> d)or is it because I mysteriously started doing> Lalitha Sahasranamam during this period, driven by> some strange inner compulsion?>> I remember how I just started it uninitiated and every> one I met dissuaded me from chanting such a powerful> mantra and worshipping Srichakram at such a young age.> But, I wouldn't let go of it or Mother, even during> sleep. Is that what offset the evil of the Moon> period?>> Mars major, which came after Moon's dasa, was> extremely disturbing and difficult, which I can> understand since Mars (5th and 12th Lord)is in 6th.> Ofcourse, I emerged intact, wiser and stronger from> the Mars period, despite the struggle. Atmakaraka?>> But about Chandra Dasa, I am really puzzled. Is there> something that I am unable to understand? Can someone> help me?>> Regards,> Lakshmi>>>> > > Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Messenger> http://phonecard./>> OM TAT SAT> Archive: varahamihira> Files: varahamihira> varahamihira/database>>> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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