Guest guest Posted August 16, 2001 Report Share Posted August 16, 2001 Om Gurave Namah----Dear Visti, Very accomplished and an excellent reading. Other comments are given below in blue color.With Best Wishes,Sanjay Rath - Visti Larsen varahamihira Tuesday, August 14, 2001 5:21 PM [Hare Rama Krishna] Lesson 4 (Attempt) Aum Gurave Namah------------------------- Dear Guru's, Namaste. Heres my attempt at Lesson 4. Date of Birth: June 3, 2000Time of Birth: 5:00:00 amTime Zone of Birth: 5:30 East of GMTLongitude of Birth: 77 E 13Latitude of Birth: 28 N 39 +----------------------+| | | Jup HL | || | GL | Asc BL | || | | | Mer || | Sat | Ven Sun | || | | Moo Mar | ||-------------|---------------------------|-------------|| | | || Glk | | || | | Rah || Mnd | | || | | ||-------------| R A S I |-------------|| | | || | | || Ket | | || | | || | | ||-------------|---------------------------|-------------|| | | | || | | | || | | | || | | | || | | | |+----------------------+ Yesterday early in the morning i dreamt that there was some rush in my home and my wife is waking me up and yelling "Why are you sleeping so late? Just see what is happening outside!" 5 grahas are joined in the lagna, indicating alot of activity. The first person to initiate the dream is your wife yelling with a loud voice to wake you, represented by Darakaraka Jupiter in its venusian enemies sign. Rath: Lagna or arambha, begining is a Venusian sign Taurus with Jupiter in it showing the presence of a Jyotir Linga. See Vedic Remedies for specific form. Taurus indicates Somanath, especially with the exalted Moon. I go out to find a milk white colored spotless Shiva Linga in the Drawing Room. It is so big that its top is almost touching the ceiling. The Sun represents Shiva, and in Venus' sign he tries to wear clothes for others to see. So Mahadeva has taken form as a Shiva Linga. Ashok(my student and Jyotish Guru of SJVC) is lying prostrated near by and in silent worship while many others are in awe. Children and Followers, along with Students are seen from the 5th house/lord and Putrakaraka. Among them, Putrakaraka is Venus and isn't combust as are the other planets in this Yoga, showing the others peoples astonishment, Just like a Pravrayja Yoga where only one planet is active, or a palace maintained only by the kings wife, whilst the others are stunned. Rath: Combustion will indicate the dominance of Shiva. Yes this is a perfectly fine reading. There is a lot of noise from outside the house and I rush to the balcony to find another huge Shiva Linga, again of spotless milk white color. It is so big that its top reaches the third floor and it is placed in its full majesty in the central lawn of our builing. Mahadeva here, Mahadeva there.. Mahadeva everywhere!!Mahadeva is in the 4th from Arudha Lagna and combust all grahas but Venus. It also lords the 4th house. The former indicates that the activity is in your presumed home, and Mahadeva will bring Raja Yoga through your followers. The latter indicates that Mahadeva is bringing fortune to the home. Rath: Somanath, yes correct. There is a temple that has to be rebuilt/ repaired. This is indicated by the activity outside. Rudrabhishek indicates the highest worship of Lord Shiva. So, it indicates achievement of knowledge .. Jyotirlinga. People are trying to make a ladder to reach its top to bathe it as they feel that the heat of the day could trouble Mahadeva. Paravati caring for her husband, by bathing him, however in ignorance; Moon joined and combust with/by Sun. Rath: Bathing of Lord Shiva is not by ignorance. It is the highest form of worshipping Shiva. Everybody is in state of shock and awe. My son goes running to the Shiva Linga and touches it and start to tell me something...the dream ends.. Again the many planets combust, whilst Putra karaka is clear in its goal of bringing you closer to Bhagawan. The dream comes from a recent accomplishment. Saturn the Yogakaraka is in 12th, indicating a big contribution to soceity. This fortune has represented itself in your writing; as its in 3rd from Arudha Lagna. Ghati Lagna is joined Saturn to indicate fame to your parampara/guru's; 9th lord and joining Gurupada. The Lagna has Hora Lagna, and all these planets will bring some wealth. Offcourse the dream couldn't have such spiritual proportions if not for your Ketu in the 9th house, showing that the dream was a result of spiritual activity(Karma of 12th=9th). Rath: Simple brilliant and very good observation. What are the implications of Ketu being aspected by the planets in Lagna. Other notes:Kala Sarpa(not amrita) Yoga in the 3rd and 9th houses, broken by Jupiter, Moon & Venus in Lagna.. You owe alot to the women and children in your family. Rath: You are the only person who saw this and for this I shall give you total credit. Masterpiece. The results should read as follows: " The Kala Sarpa Yoga is along the 9-3 houses indicating the need for Parakrama ton overcome adharma. since Kala Sarpa Yoga is present, you will associate with some criminal type of people or with some very corrupt people to achieve your objective. Circumstances will force you to do this. There will also be a lot of hardship and many struggles to achieve the final result of a very high Rajyoga. Since four benefic planets come together to break the evil, the end of the struggle willl be spectacular and like a lotus coming out of dirty water, you will be saved from the clutches of the Kala Sarpa." This is also true. I hope my effort is worth closer scrutiny. Rath: Nobody has commented on the timing of the Kala Sarpa (leave alone mentioning it) and its end etc. Timing of the events is important. Can you attempt this.Best wishes, Visti. p.s. I would like to view a correct Shastiamsa of this chart, to see the events upto the dream more clearly. Rath: Not possible the timing of a dream is tentative and is based on various factors. I do not remember the prasna time of first disclosure, else could have worked this out. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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