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[Hare Rama Krishna] Direction of worship

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Om Gurave Namah----Dear Sarajit,

This is very very vital and maybe noted by all. Ista Devata is always in the EAST, Palana Karta in the North and Guru Devata is worshipped in the South direction.With Best Wishes,Sanjay Rath



- Sarajit Poddar


Thursday, August 16, 2001 2:48 PM

[Hare Rama Krishna] Direction of worship


Hari Aum Tat Sat

Dear Gurudev!




Having found the Ista Devata from the 12th of Atmakaraka, how can we find the direction of worship. Is it the direction shown by the "Planet" governing the Ista Devata?



SarajitOM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database

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Dear gurudev and list members,

As per Miss.Rema's mail, deities should be facing

North or East whereas by Gurudev Sanjayji's mail,


" Ista Devata is always in the EAST, Palana Karta in

the North and Guru Devata is worshipped in the South

direction. "


If the deity is facing east, then will not the

direction of worship become west and hence against

Gurudev's dictum?


Kindly clarify,




Your shishya,





--- Rema Menon <remamenon wrote:




Dear Laksmi, <BR>

The puja Room is best placed on the North East


of the House. The dieties facing either North or


Best Wishes,<BR>


--- & quot;Laksmi (Lynne Kary) & quot;

& lt;laksmi_k & gt; wrote:<BR>

& gt; Jaya Jagannatha!<BR>

& gt; <BR>

& gt; Dear Gurudeva Sanjay,<BR>

& gt; Pranams and Greetings. <BR>

& gt; I have been following the discussion with


& gt; regarding entry into new residence as I will soon


& gt; able to move into my new house-it has been in<BR>

& gt; construction for a long time.<BR>

& gt; Could you please tell me.....I also made a


& gt; temple room for our large Deities, Radha


& gt; Gopal. Can you please tell me anything I should


& gt; so that they & nbsp; enter auspiciously.? <BR>

& gt; Thank-you, your student<BR>

& gt; Lakshmi (Kary)<BR>

& gt; <BR>




Rema Menon<BR>






Get your free @.co.uk address at http://mail..co.uk

or your free @.ie address at http://mail..ie

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Hare Rama Krishna,


To all List Members,


I had sent the mail before reading GuruDeva's mail.It

is just that at home ie, India, my parents always had

this North/East rule.


I stand corrected.





--- " Sriram.N.Kizhakkemadam " <snk110



> Dear gurudev and list members,

> As per Miss.Rema's mail, deities should be facing

> North or East whereas by Gurudev Sanjayji's mail,


> " Ista Devata is always in the EAST, Palana Karta in

> the North and Guru Devata is worshipped in the South

> direction. "


> If the deity is facing east, then will not the

> direction of worship become west and hence against

> Gurudev's dictum?


> Kindly clarify,


> Thanks,


> Your shishya,


> K.N.Sriram



> --- Rema Menon <remamenon wrote:

> <HR>

> <html><body>

> <tt>

> Dear Laksmi, <BR>

> The puja Room is best placed on the North East

> corner<BR>

> of the House. The dieties facing either North or

> East.<BR>

> Best Wishes,<BR>

> Rema<BR>

> --- & quot;Laksmi (Lynne Kary) & quot;

> & lt;laksmi_k & gt; wrote:<BR>

> & gt; Jaya Jagannatha!<BR>

> & gt; <BR>

> & gt; Dear Gurudeva Sanjay,<BR>

> & gt; Pranams and Greetings. <BR>

> & gt; I have been following the discussion with

> Rema<BR>

> & gt; regarding entry into new residence as I will

> soon

> be<BR>

> & gt; able to move into my new house-it has been

> in<BR>

> & gt; construction for a long time.<BR>

> & gt; Could you please tell me.....I also made a

> new<BR>

> & gt; temple room for our large Deities, Radha

> Govinda<BR>

> & gt; Gopal. Can you please tell me anything I should

> know<BR>

> & gt; so that they & nbsp; enter auspiciously.? <BR>

> & gt; Thank-you, your student<BR>

> & gt; Lakshmi (Kary)<BR>

> & gt; <BR>

> <BR>

> <BR>

> =====<BR>

> Rema Menon<BR>

> <BR>






> Get your free @.co.uk address at

> http://mail..co.uk

> or your free @.ie address at

> http://mail..ie





Rema Menon




Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Messenger


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Hare Rama Krishna,


To all List Members,


I had sent the mail before reading GuruDeva's mail.It

is just that at home ie, India, my parents always had

this North/East rule.


I stand corrected.




--- " Sriram.N.Kizhakkemadam " <snk110



> Dear gurudev and list members,

> As per Miss.Rema's mail, deities should be facing

> North or East whereas by Gurudev Sanjayji's mail,


> " Ista Devata is always in the EAST, Palana Karta in

> the North and Guru Devata is worshipped in the South

> direction. "


> If the deity is facing east, then will not the

> direction of worship become west and hence against

> Gurudev's dictum?


> Kindly clarify,


> Thanks,


> Your shishya,


> K.N.Sriram



> --- Rema Menon <remamenon wrote:

> <HR>

> <html><body>

> <tt>

> Dear Laksmi, <BR>

> The puja Room is best placed on the North East

> corner<BR>

> of the House. The dieties facing either North or

> East.<BR>

> Best Wishes,<BR>

> Rema<BR>

> --- & quot;Laksmi (Lynne Kary) & quot;

> & lt;laksmi_k & gt; wrote:<BR>

> & gt; Jaya Jagannatha!<BR>

> & gt; <BR>

> & gt; Dear Gurudeva Sanjay,<BR>

> & gt; Pranams and Greetings. <BR>

> & gt; I have been following the discussion with

> Rema<BR>

> & gt; regarding entry into new residence as I will

> soon

> be<BR>

> & gt; able to move into my new house-it has been

> in<BR>

> & gt; construction for a long time.<BR>

> & gt; Could you please tell me.....I also made a

> new<BR>

> & gt; temple room for our large Deities, Radha

> Govinda<BR>

> & gt; Gopal. Can you please tell me anything I should

> know<BR>

> & gt; so that they & nbsp; enter auspiciously.? <BR>

> & gt; Thank-you, your student<BR>

> & gt; Lakshmi (Kary)<BR>

> & gt; <BR>

> <BR>

> <BR>

> =====<BR>

> Rema Menon<BR>

> <BR>






> Get your free @.co.uk address at

> http://mail..co.uk

> or your free @.ie address at

> http://mail..ie





Rema Menon




Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Messenger


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