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Basis for yoga formation

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Dear Nimmi,


Hello and thanx for your clarifications. Solai's

answer, followed by Sanjayji's explanation along with

your mail had cleared my doubts.


You know, right now, I am at a juncture, where I read

quite a lot, but assimilate only a part of it. The

rest percolates randomly, over a period of time. But,

Guruji's gentle rebuke yesterday reminded me that I

must concentrate more and aim for comprehensive



Now, I have another doubt. While pondering over

Gajakesari Yoga yesterday, I was wondering whether

Jupiter+moon combination gives it the effect of

Jupiter in Cancer(exaltation sign). I was trying to

recall similar combinations and found that

Moon-Venus(Moon in Taurus-exaltation sign) and

Saturn-Venus (Saturn in Libra-exaltation sign)

combinations have also been much talked about.


Is it so for Sun-Mars(Aries), Mars-Saturn(Capricorn)

and Venus-Jupiter(Pisces)too?


If this is so, then notwithstanding the lordships of

houses, these combinations will always prove to be



I request you, other friends on the list and Gurudeva,

if possible to enlighten me on this point.





--- Nimmi Ragavan <106350.3660 wrote:

> Lakshmi,


> According to one of the classics, Laghu Parashari,

> when the sun or the moon

> own the 8th house, they do not really become

> malefic.


> I have found this to be the case before in practice.


> According to the same book, from memory, the

> following rules hold.


> A benefic owning the a kendra loses its benefic

> nature (but not necessarily

> become malefic) and similarly a malefic owning a

> kendra loses is malefic

> nature. The net result depends on whether they own

> another kona (1,5 or 9)

> when they become benefic, or whether they own

> another malefic house

> (3,6,8,11) when they become benefic. 2 and 12 are

> considered neutral. So

> ownership of either of these does not change the

> basic nature of the graha,

> you have to look at the other rulerships if any.


> Regards,


> Nimmi

> -

> " lakshmi ramesh " <b_lakshmi_ramesh

> <varahamihira >

> Thursday, August 16, 2001 6:25 AM

> [Hare Rama Krishna] Period of 8th Lord



> >

> > Om Gurave Namah

> > ----------------

> >

> > Shri Sanjay and dear friends,

> >

> > Namaste. I've been reading up some beginers' books

> on

> > astrology by B.V. Raman. It's invariably mentioned

> > that the lords of 3rd, 6th, 8th and 12th houses

> are

> > bad, and I've read in one of the SATWA articles

> I've

> > downloaded from BAVA website that if any of these

> > houses happen to contain Moolatrikona sign, then

> that

> > house lord is especially bad for the native.

> >

> > I was born in Sag. ascendant, so the 8th house is

> > Cancer (moolatrikona) and the lord, Moon, the most

> > malefic planet according to BAVA article, is in

> the

> > Lagna along with Jupiter(Lagna & 4thlord) and

> Saturn

> > (2nd and 3rd lord).

> >

> > My Chandra dasa ran from 1976 to 1986, and

> according

> > to BAVA, should have been the most troublesome. On

> the

> > contrary, it is the best period to this date in my

> > life. I excelled in academics,topped in all

> > competitions, my parents built a huge house, I got

> a

> > good job and got married. I was exceptionally

> healthy

> > all through this period.

> >

> > Now, what is this paradox? Is it because

> >

> > a) Moon himself is a natural benefic, so can not

> be

> > really malefic

> >

> > b) Moon was less malefic, even though it's

> conjunct

> > Saturn, because it's in strong Jupiter's house.

> >

> > c) Is it because Moon is Amatyakaraka?

> >

> > d)or is it because I mysteriously started doing

> > Lalitha Sahasranamam during this period, driven by

> > some strange inner compulsion?

> >

> > I remember how I just started it uninitiated and

> every

> > one I met dissuaded me from chanting such a

> powerful

> > mantra and worshipping Srichakram at such a young

> age.

> > But, I wouldn't let go of it or Mother, even

> during

> > sleep. Is that what offset the evil of the Moon

> > period?

> >

> > Mars major, which came after Moon's dasa, was

> > extremely disturbing and difficult, which I can

> > understand since Mars (5th and 12th Lord)is in

> 6th.

> > Ofcourse, I emerged intact, wiser and stronger

> from

> > the Mars period, despite the struggle. Atmakaraka?

> >

> > But about Chandra Dasa, I am really puzzled. Is

> there

> > something that I am unable to understand? Can

> someone

> > help me?

> >

> > Regards,

> > Lakshmi

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute

> with Messenger

> > http://phonecard./

> >


> > Archive:

> varahamihira

> > Files:

> varahamihira

> >

> varahamihira/database

> >

> >

> >

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