Guest guest Posted August 17, 2001 Report Share Posted August 17, 2001 OHM SHRI RAGAVENDRAYA NAMAH JAYA JAGANNATHA Namaste Lakshmi, You wrote: "...But, with Gurudeva's guidance and your help, I just might..." Here persons who are guiding us is only Gurudeva and other Gurus. My suggestions are like HKG person correcting a LKG student. Nothing more than that. Regarding VRY, the planets involved must be naisargika (natural) malefic and they must conjoin in dusthana and transfer the yoga to Lagna lord by drishti or conjoining. But, in your case there is no VRY. In addition, VRY is not always good, because, it makes the native suffer in the first instant. Plus, as I said we should see your full chart. Thanks Solai Kannan lakshmi ramesh [b_lakshmi_ramesh]Thursday, August 16, 2001 2:30 PMvarahamihira Subject: Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Period of 8th LordOm Gurave Namah-------------------- Shri Solai, Namaste. Thanks a lot for your reply. I agree with youthat a planet in a chart needs to be looked at intotality and not in isolation. What you've said aboutGajakesari Yoga does make sense. Earlier I've notgiven it much thought, because I thought that theGajakesari yoga will fructify majorly in Gurumahadasa, because, as per B.V. Raman's analysis, theplanet having more shadbala would deliver the results.This plus the thought that Moon is the 8th lordperhaps made me discount this.After I received your reply, my interest was reallytriggered off and I rushed into more analysis:1) I discovered that Cancer is my Ghati Lagna. Aftergoing through the article on Sree Lagna and doing somerough calculations, I discovered that Cancer is againmy Sree Lagna (I might be wrong, if so, please correctme). The lord of GL and SL (Moon)is in Lagna withLagna & Rasi Lord (Jupiter), lord of Bhava Lagna(Saturn) and in mutual aspect with Lord of Hora Lagnaand Arudha Lagna, Venus, by rasi drishti. Did thismake Chandra Dasa so fruitful?2) In the article on Vipareeta Rajayoga, by GuruSanjayji, I read that the Lords of dusthanas, whenstrongly placed in kendra/trikona, can transfer theVRY power to the Lagna Lord by conjunction or aspect.Could Moon have been a benefic because he's a party toVRY (minor?) in my case (3rd & 8th Lord in 1st house,along with Lagna lord)? and because VRY is in thehouse of Jupiter, it led to academic distinction, aprime government job and a goodhusband(Jupiter-darakaraka & significator forhusband)?Now, I am really intrigued and want to learn more.And, I also know that I have aeons to travel before Ican even sight the ocean of Light, Jyotish. But, withGurudeva's guidance and your help, I just might.Thanx again & regards,Lakshmi--- Solai Kannan <solai wrote:> OHM SHRI RAGAVENDRAYA NAMAH> JAYA JAGANNATHA> > Namaste Lakshmi,> > The 1st rule in Jyotish is we should not look at> matters in isolation. We> should combine all the influencing forces and decide> the effect. We have to> see the full picture of your chart and discuss.> Meanwhile, Moon is having a> powerful Gajakesari yoga in lagna. This will nullify> all the malefic> effects. We can also look at this way. If Moon is> not the 8th lord and> Saturn is not in lagna, you would have reached much> higher position than the> present one. Because, your Gajakesari yoga is such a> powerful yoga.> > In addition, there are so many variations for> Vimshotari and the> applicability of Ashtothari and Tara dasa also has> to be looked at.> > If you read standard books, you can see so many> dictums for the dasa> effects, we have to absorb and apply according to> the nature and effect of> the chart.> > Thanks> Solai Kannan> > Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Messengerhttp://phonecard./OM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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