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Hari Aum Tat Sat

Dear Vivek!


About basics of Jyotish, the first book you should have is Brihat Parasari

Hora Shastra by Santhanam. You can also have PVR Narasimha Rao's Vedic

Astrology- an integrated approach for basics.


You might get disheartened by the calculations and complexities involved

in both mathematical and applied astrology, but with persistent effort

things will get clear. Keep trying and do regular meditation.


About the ascendant. There is a very simple procedure, not accurate

though. Find the degree of Sun at Sunrise time. Then calculate the time

passed from the Sunrise to the Birth of the native. Move from the Sun's

position @ 2hrs per sign and the native's ascendant will be the point

where you will stop when the counting is over.


For example. The sunrise time of a place is 5:20 AM and the native's birth

is 2:10 PM. What is the time difference of the Sunrise and Native's birth

time 8hrs 50 min. Let the Sun's longtide at sunrise is 10deg of Libra.

Count from 10deg of Libra @2hrs/ Sign. In 8hrs the Lagna will move to

Aquarius 10deg. In the remaining 50min the Lagna will move

50*30/120=12.5deg. Adding 12.5deg to 10deg Aquarius, we will get 22.5deg

aquarius. Hence the Ascendant becomes 22.5deg of Aquarius.


This method is not accurate as the the Rising time of Signs are not

uniformly 2hrs. i.e., the Lagna doesn't move through all the signs at a

uniform rate or 2hr. This is only an approximation. The rising time the

signs vary with the latitude.


I hope this is enough for the time being. Ponder over the method I gave,

things will get clearer.....


I am forwarding the mail so that others beginners can also understand the

calculation of Lagna or the Ascendant.







On Fri, 17 Aug 2001, Vivek Sharma wrote:


> Hi Sarajit,



> I am Vivek Sharma and I am also with HCL Insys. PSO

> Noida. Presently, i am on a project in UK, into SAP

> implementation.


> I am trying to learn Astrology and have d to

> Sanjay Rath's Classes. From there only, I got ur mail

> ID. From your mails, it seems you have learnt a lot.


> Can you suggest me some good books to start with ? I

> have one Book - Indian Predictive Astrology by Gopesh

> Kumar Ojha, but I could not understand the chapter on

> calculation of ascendant sign. I am lost, at this step

> only.


> In which division of PSO are you working and you are

> on which project.



> Please reply.



> regards

> Vivek






> =====

> Vivek Sharma.


> vivecksharma




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Cc: Sanjay Rath

24 mm 2003 7:49 AM

your mail



Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya


Dear shri Sanjayji,


Sashtang Pranam,


Sir, Thanks for your kind words. I am preparing on the topic and will get back with you soon. The subject given to me was Kirti and apakirti yogas. I will complete the article and will send it to you for your guidance and corrections.


Sir, kindly comment on the kalchakra and yoginis. I have applied them in tithi pravesh charts. they work miraculously. They also work with the muhurtas. Even though the marriage happens on the good Muhurta of a well matched couple and the inauspicious yogini falls on that momment the some kind of problems occur in the married life. I have not been able to assess the time period of the probelm or Ido not know the technique of it. But the experience tell that the problems persists for the some period and then it disappear.


Sir, please guide me on the same and also tell me the additional mateial on it.


Thanking you


Yours faithfully,


Dewavrat Buit

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