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RE: [Hare Rama Krishna] your mail: new Sisya

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Namaste Vivek,( I keep this email as a std. for new sisya's , you may find this of use ....)here's a few recommendations. Please consider adding the following books to your library:1. Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra - we all have favorite Authors ( so pick the one that makes sense to you ( I have G.C. Sharma, there are others) You will see the group use BPHS as the abbreviation for this book.

2. Vedic Remedies in Astrology - by Sanjay Rath ( abbrev VRIA) - all mantras for your benefit should be here.

3. Crux of Vedic Astrology - By Sanjayji (abbrv COVA)

4. Upadesa Sutras - by Sanjayji ( abbrev ( US)

5.Vedic Astrology an Integrated Approach - by Narasimha Rao

6a. Additional books worth a look - Nakshatra , Constellation based predictions with remedial measures , by K.T. Shubhakaran two volume set.

6b. Hora Ratnam - ( originally by Bala Bhadra) English translation by R. Santhanam6c. Other members will have recommendations along the way...asd will the Guru's and Sanjayji.

7. Location for Long and Lat degrees world wide http://www.astro.com/cgi-bin/atlw3/aq.cgi?lang=e

8. Your request for Mangala Mantra - what is your purpose?There are 6 groups ( Shadkarma) to consider - Shanti, ( Pacification) and most likely , Vasyam, Stambhanam, Vidvesana, Ucchatana, Marana. Interested in this ? read page 124 of VRIA to find out their application. Mangala is on page 161 and there is Prarthana ( prayer), Dhyana, Mangala Graha Mantra ( Om Karam Krim Sah Bhoumaya Namah), Mangala Beeja ( seed)Mantra of Om Am Angarakaya namah and Gayatri ( from Rig Ved).

9. Other Books and selections:


Manorama Occult Publications Manorama Bhawan, 170B, Bank Enclave, Delhi, India 110092

Phone 91-11-2468683

Shiv Chadha [manoramaoccult]

Contact Shiv by email and he will send you a book list and instructions for payment.


10. Some general mantras: http://mantraonnet.com/saraswati-nonmembers.html#Vidya yet, I recommend you read Sanjay's book VRIA before general practices

11. Files, assignments and reading materials from the SJVC site that has no problems: varahamihira

12. Last: Om Adityaaya Somaaya Mangalaaya Budhaaya cha | Guru Shukra Shanibhyashcha Raahaveketave namah || Salutations to the navagrahaas, the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu.

Hope this helps.

Frank In Austin/ fschmidt


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