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Lesson 4 (continued)

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Om Gurave Namah


Namaste Sanjay.


Rath: Very accomplished and an excellent reading.


Visti: Thankyou!!


Rath: Simple brilliant and very good observation. What are the implications of Ketu being aspected by the planets in Lagna.


Visti: They show the type of worship you performed, and the deities worshipped.

Sun no doubt shows shiva, and as you allready pointed out, there was a combination for Sommanath.


I caught strong notice to Jupiter being in Makara Navamsa, with Buhdda and Ketu.. please explain this union.


Rath: You are the only person who saw this and for this I shall give you total credit. Masterpiece. The results should read as follows: " The Kala Sarpa Yoga is along the 9-3 houses indicating the need for Parakrama ton overcome adharma. since Kala Sarpa Yoga is present, you will associate with some criminal type of people or with some very corrupt people to achieve your objective. Circumstances will force you to do this. There will also be a lot of hardship and many struggles to achieve the final result of a very high Rajyoga. Since four benefic planets come together to break the evil, the end of the struggle willl be spectacular and like a lotus coming out of dirty water, you will be saved from the clutches of the Kala Sarpa." This is also true.


Visti: Thankyou, this give me insight into my own Kala Amrita Yoga in 3rd & 9th.


Rath: Nobody has commented on the timing of the Kala Sarpa (leave alone mentioning it) and its end etc. Timing of the events is important. Can you attempt this.


Visti: Kala Sarpa Yoga usually ends in the 42nd year.

The Raja Yoga will come in the period of the Maharaja Yogada; Mars, which lords Ghati Lagna, is joined with Lagna and Hora Lagna. Does it become Kevala Maharaja Yogada through the joining with Moon?


The Chart is currently running the Vimshottari Maha Dasa of Mars(calculated from Moon):


The Antar Dasa of Saturn(9/2001 - 10/2002), should let the Parampara be spoken throughout the land, through writing. Saturn also causes Vipareet Raja Yoga, due to the failing of an effort(debilitated in 3rd from AL).


The Antar Dasa of Venus(03/2004 - 05/2005), should show you the words of your Son, clearly.

The Antar Dasa of Sun(5/2005 - 9/2005) should show the finishing of the temple and fortune through associations(lording darapada).

The Antar Dasa of Moon(9/2005 - 4/2006): enemies demobilized and final Raja Yoga exists.


I also considered timing the whole thing through natural years, but may need some more guidance in this area.


Please consider and correct my efforts.

Best wishes, Visti.


p.s. The Current Vimshottari Dasa of Mars-Jup-Rahu must be giving you some increased interaction with these adharmic types, and the next PratyAntar of Saturn will be giving you the trip abroad to england, where you can manifest some of the knowledge of your Parampara.. can't wait to see you there.

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