Guest guest Posted August 17, 2001 Report Share Posted August 17, 2001 Dear Sarajit. <Dear Gurudev! I want to ask you something. There are many instances when the native take remedial measures immediately after he got suggestion from the Jyotishi where as at other times, they delay or fail to comply with the suggestions. Can we see from the horoscope, whether the person will undertake the remedial measures or not?> Sanjay explained in Vedic Remedies that one should also give the remedial messures in the appropriate dasa period, which should be associated with the 5th lord. Best wishes, Visti. - Sarajit Poddar varahamihira ; Sanjay Rath Friday, August 17, 2001 6:29 AM [Hare Rama Krishna] Re: leaving for Chennai Hari Aum Tat Sat Dear Gurudev Pranaam Sun is the Bhagyapati and most auspicious planet for the Dhanu lagna as it is the friend of Lagnapati Jupiter also. It has caused one of the most fruitful yoga, the Dharmakarmadhipatya yoga in conjunction with 10th lord Mercury. And many more yoga are happening in the house of the Sun, involving the Sun also such as Budhaditya yoga and assoication of lords of 5-10, 5-7, 7-9 and also the Lagna and 4th lord Jupiter is in samasaptak of the combination of Mercury, Sun and Mars, thus giving them the vitality. Then what's the problem with the Sun!!! I thought about it and I found something. Mercury is the badhaka in the horoscope and with Sun, it obstructs some of the effect of the Rajyoga. Moreover Saturn aspects the combination from 7th by Rasi Drishti. Saturn is a karaka for delay and hence showing its colour by delaying everything. The power of Sun was subdued to some extent by the presence of the Badhaka with it and aspect of Saturn (the greatest enemy of Sun) on him. Hence the need to strengthen Sun (which also gives vitality to other yogas in the horoscope too) by wearing a Ruby. Did I leave any crucial point here? Dear Gurudev! I want to ask you something. There are many instances when the native take remedial measures immediately after he got suggestion from the Jyotishi where as at other times, they delay or fail to comply with the suggestions. Can we see from the horoscope, whether the person will undertake the remedial measures or not? I personally think that if the planetary positions and the dasas are very bad then the native might fail to undertake remedial measures or does some mistake even if he tries. The otherway is also true i.e., if the planetary positions and the periods are supportive the native undertakes the remedial measures properly. Thus the remedial measures can also be timed. Am I correct? Regards Sarajit - Sanjay Rath Sarajit Poddar Thursday, August 16, 2001 8:20 PM Re: leaving for Chennai Om Gurave Namah----Dear Sarajit, Few things I want to remind you.. 1. I have been after your blood to wear that ruby, and only when you decided to wear it this has happened....THINK 2. In the last class I had asked you about your training and you were worried that all your batchmates have left ..what was going to happen?? Now, recollect the job offer days in the recent past. You were good, yet for some reason, this was getting delayed and you were among the last. Here also you are among the last in the batch to get trained...why is this so? What planet in your chart is showing this? What is the remedy...and you will arrive at the RUBY.With Best Wishes,Sanjay Rath - Sarajit Poddar Pt. Sanjay Rath Thursday, August 16, 2001 2:02 PM leaving for Chennai HARI AUM TAT SAT Dear Gurudev! Pranaam I am leaving for chennai on 17th (tomorrow) for a 5 weeks training starting on 20th of August. I will be returning on 24th. This is so unfortunate that only some days ago we resumed the classes of SJVC and this happened. I will really miss the classes. Only lord Jagannath know, what is there in our destiny. Also, I might not meet you before you leave for the BAVA conference. All the best for the same. I pray the lord to make the conference successful. I seek the blessing from Lord Jagannath and You, for my mission of life be fulfilled. Pranaam SarajitOM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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