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[Hare Rama Krishna] child's Health

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Om Gurave Namah


Namaste Karu.


Heres my view of the chart, I hope Gurudeva will correct me.


Boys chart;

Date of Birth: January 14, 2000Time of Birth: 3:26:00 pmTime Zone of Birth: 11:00 East of GMTLongitude of Birth: 144 E 50Latitude of Birth: 37 S 47+----------------------+| | Jup | | || | | | || Moo | Sat | BL | || | | | || | Asc | | ||-------------|---------------------------|-------------|| | | || Mnd | | || | | Rah || Mar | | || | | ||-------------| R A S I |-------------|| | | || Ket | | || | | || Glk | | || | | ||-------------|---------------------------|-------------|| | | | || Mer | Ven | | || | | HL | || Sun | GL | | || | | | |+----------------------+


Debilitated Badhakesh; Saturn in Lagna, this will no doubt create some health problems in the begining of life. 4th lord Moon is in the 12th house, indicating the need for hospitalisation due to the chest/lungs. 4th house has Rahu indicating problems breathing.. i.e. Asthma.


As per the dictum of Parasara; if Jupiter is strong in lagna, all evils are warded off. Jupiter is in Vargottama in Lagna, weakened by Saturn's debilitated conjunction, yet should be strong enough to remove all evils.


The current Vimshottari Dasa is of; Merc-Rahu; confirming the lung problems. Jupiters Antar Dasa starts in November, and should remove the evils.



Fathers Saptamsa:

Date of Birth: December 18, 1964Time of Birth: 7:45:00 pmTime Zone of Birth: 5:30 East of GMTLongitude of Birth: 79 E 51Latitude of Birth: 6 N 56+----------------------+| | | | || Glk | | Moo | Mnd || | | | || Sat | | Rah | Ven || | | | ||-------------|---------------------------|-------------|| | | || | | || Mar | | || | | || | | ||-------------| D - 7 |-------------|| | | || | | || | | GL || | | || | | ||-------------|---------------------------|-------------|| Asc | BL | | || | | | || Sun | Ket | | JupR || | | | || MerR | HL | | |+----------------------+


Lagna is Odd, but Lagna lord is in Parivartana with Mercury.

First child is seen from the 9th house, lorded by Sun. Sun is joined with Mercury; Girl, which is in parivartana with Jupiter; Boy.


Next child is seen from the 7th house occupied by Venus. The lord of 7th is Mercury which is joined with Sun; Boy.


The 4th from Sun & Merc has Saturn joined with Gulika confirming the chest problems, as Lord of the same is retrogade and aspects the same house, indicating alternative means of breathing during this time. The Father is running the PratyAntar Dasa of Saturn which is in the 4th house, so the Mrityunjaya mantra should be taken up by the father, or the Mantra for Mercury.



Now i'd like to see Gurudeva's comment.


Best wishes, Visti.






Wednesday, August 15, 2001 11:58 AM

[Hare Rama Krishna] child's Health


Om Gurave Namah,


Namasthe Gurudeva Sanjay and friends,


I am studing a chart of a little one year old baby who suffering from lot of health problems including Astma, Hernia etc. His parents are really worrying about this 2nd child. The charts of both father and sun is attached for your study.

There are lot of negative affects in father's chart and Son (Aries Lagna) too having few malefic combinations as follows.

1. He is passing Lagna Narayana Dasa with Saturn in it. Nodes are in Kendra too.

2.Moon is in Jupiter's sign, who owned 22nd Dekkana. (Moon is week)

3.In 30D, Moon conjoined lord of the 64th Navamsa.

4. Parivartana Yoga between lagna and Bhadaka place.

5.Bhadakesh is in Dasa (Narayana) sign and Aries MD Aries sub starts on Mid of next month.

6. AK is Sun conjoined 6th lord.


Is there any Balarista yoga in this chart ? Can you recommend any remedies for this child. Can I ask parents to do Mritunjaya Mantra ? Any other comment to remove obstructions of Badakesh (Saturn)?


Thanks for your time.





OM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database

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Dear Visti,


I am really busy with some other works. did not had a minuite for look your comments.

I will contact you after few weaks. Thanks for your time.


Thanks again.



Om Gurave Namah


Namaste Karu.


Heres my view of the chart, I hope Gurudeva will correct me.


Boys chart;

Date of Birth: January 14, 2000Time of Birth: 3:26:00 pmTime Zone of Birth: 11:00 East of GMTLongitude of Birth: 144 E 50

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