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Period of Rahu : heart disease

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Shri Solai,


Namaste. Thanx for your guidance. I understand very

well that he's a true friend that shows the brakes.

Though my study methods are essentially sequential, I

agree that sometimes my methods are non-sequetur too,

and I learn equally through them.


I've bought BPHS on Saturday and been reading it. The

same configuration I've quoted is given as an example

in the Rahu-mercury dasa part. For me, transits of

Rahu have been very beneficial since both my sons are

born during those periods. Incidentally, Rahu is my



Actually, I've become interested in Rahu Mahadasa, as

my friend-philosopher-guide, who's a soft spoken,

straight forward Muslim (I met him during my

Rahu-guru) had started Rahu mahadasa in Feb'2001. He's

an IITian, a legend in banking circles for his

creativity and a complete teacher. He'd saved the Bank

crores by his innovations and trained hundreds across

the country in software. However, he'd quit the Bank a

frustrated man in June, 2000 and is at present with a

premier software company based in Hyderabad as a

senior consultatnt.


He has vargottama Sag ascendant, with 6 vargottama



Vargottama Rahu is in the 3rd(Aquarius), Jupiter

(retrograde) asc.and 4th house lord is in 4th

house(pisces), Vargottama 8th lord Moon in 5th(Aries),

Mars is the 5th & 12th lord in 9th (Leo), along with

vargottama Ketu and 6th & 11th lord vargottama Venus.

Saturn is in the 10th (virgo)with vargottama Sun, &

vargottama Mercury (combust?).


He had severe heart trouble (arithmia- malfunctioning

of electrical impulse in the heart muscle) during

1994-1998, which started during Rahu,and continued in

Saturn and Mercury antardasas of Mars Mahadasa.

He was not at all troubled in Jupiter antardasa.

However, the third attack during Mercury antardasa had

been particularly severe. Mercury is also a maraka

for sag. ascendant, owning 7th house.


I quote extracts from HEART DISEASE AND ITS CAUSES-

By G.K.GOEL, which I've downloaded from SJVC site and

which I found startlingly accurate.


1) Lord of the fifth house acts as a Maraka to heart

muscle & promotes heart disease if placed in

Makha-true in this case


2)In the presence of sufficient affliction, the Dasa

of planets associating with SUN, the 5th house, the

5th lord leads to Cardiac illness- again true.


Mars is the 5th lord with Ketu and Venus in the

9th(leo-the natural 5th house). Venus, according to

BPHS, is very malefic for Sag. ascendants. Saturn(

Maraka as 2nd lord) is afflicting the Sun(conjunction)

& 4th house (signifying heart) and the 4th & ascendant

lord too. The Sun-Saturn-mercury conjunction is in


3) Rahu in 3rd and Aquarius is supposed to be good,

according to BPHS,so I am hopeful. Again, I am worried

because Rahu is like Saturn and he's in Saturn's house

too. Further, he's in the 12 house from the ascendant

lord. Rahu also aspects 11th house(aquarius is the

natural 11th house) with his special 9th house aspect.


From the article: In chapter I, sloka 8 of

BrihatJatak, Varah Mihira identified Aquarius as

“HIRDYAROGA”. Further the star " Satabisham " (in which

Rahu is placed),the article states, rules over

Electricity, which is vital for proper and regular

functioning of the heart. Both Rahu and Hershel rule

over Electricity and are the co-rulers of sign

Aquarius. This star rules Rheumatic heart disease,

high blood pressure, palpitation and other

mal-functioning in the heart on account of its

electrical system. Both Rahu and Hershel play vital

role for such problems in the heart.


Only the vargottama Full Moon, placed in 5th, seems to

be unafflicted.


Though he's a Muslim, on the suggestion of an

astrologer-friend, he started wearing a " gomedh "

(Opal)ring, set in silver, on his middle finger. Will

the Rahu transit be kind to him, or can you suggest

some more remedial measures which are not at total

variance with his religious beliefs? He has great

faith in God. Please help him.





B i r t h D a t e# : 15-10-1951

B i r t h D a y # : Monday

B i r t h T i m e# : 1:00pm

B i r t h P l a c e# : AURANGABAD

Latitude of Birth Place : 19-53 N

Longitude of BirthPlace : 75-23 E

Standard Diff. From GMT : 05:30:00

J a n m a L a g n a : SAGITTARIUS

B i r t h R a s i : ARIES

B i r t h Nakshtra : Ashwini

Charana : 1

Sun Sign (Western Style): LIBRA






** ***


*11* * 9 *

* 7*

*RAH * * ASC *

* *

* * * *

* *

* * 10 * * 8

* *

* * *


* * 12 * * 6

* *

* * JUP *** ************* SUN

MER * *

* * *** ************* SAT

NEP * *

* * *** ****

* *

** **********************


* * **** ***

* 5 *

* 1 * ************* ***


*MON * ************* ***

* KET *

* * * *

* *

* * *


* * 2 * * 4

* *

* * * * PLU

* *

* * * HAR *

* *

* * * 3 *

* *

** ***





RasiChakra Kundli




** ***


* 3* * 1 *

* 11*

*HAR * * ASC MON *

* RAH *

* * * *JUP

* *

* * 2 * * 12

* *

* * *


* * 4 * * 10

* *

* * PLU *** *************

* *

* * *** *************

* *

* * *** ****

* *

** **********************


* * **** ***

* 9 *

* 5 * ************* ***

* *

*MAR VEN * ************* ***

* *

*KET * * *

* *

* * *


* * 6 * * 8

* *

* * SUN MER SAT* *

* *

* * NEP * *

* *

* * * 7 *

* *

** ***




Navmansha Kundli




** ***


*11* * 9 *

* 7*

*RAH * * ASC *

* *

* * * *JUP

* *

* * 10 * * 8

* *

* * *


* * 12 * * 6

* *

* * PLU *** ************* SUN

MER * *

* * *** *************

* *

* * *** ****

* *

** **********************


* * **** ***

* 5 *

* 1 * ************* ***


*MON HAR * ************* ***

* NEP *

* * * *

* *

* * *


* * 2 * * 4

* *

* * SAT * * MAR

* *

* * * *

* *

* * * 3 *

* *

** ***










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