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Multiple Dasa Example: Bill Gates

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Namaste friends,


I promised an example of multiple dasas in one chart in the past, but did not get time fulfil the promise until now.


Readers may be tempted to think that I am an expert in multiple dasas and that what I am teaching is perfect. I may also sometimes unknowingly encourage such impressions. The fact, however, is that I am also continuously searching for perfect knowledge and what I teach reflects what I know at this moment. I am only teaching you what I could comprehend.from the teachings of my gurus and my parampara. I only hope that it is useful to you and to the world.






I am taking Bill Gates as the case study. I do not want to go into the details of birthtime rectification. Let us assume that this birthdata is accurate.


October 28, 1955Time: 21:21:30Time Zone: 8:00:00 (West of GMT)Longitude: 122 W 20' 00"Latitude: 47 N 36' 00"

Let us take his accumulation of wealth in the 1990's and analyze it from various perspectives using various dasas.


Rasi Chart


As we will frequently refer to it, I am giving the rasi chart in text format:


+--------------+|Moo | |Ket |Asc || | | | || | | | || | | | || | | | ||-----------+-----------------------+-----------|| | |Glk || | | || | | || | | || | | ||-----------| Rasi |-----------|| | |Jup Mnd || | | || | | || | | || | | ||-----------+-----------------------+-----------||HL |Rah |Sun Ven |Mar Mer || | |Sat GL |AL || | | | || | | | || | | | |+--------------+


Rasi +--------------+| \ / \ / || \ Glk / \ Ket / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / ||Jup Mnd x Asc x || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / Mer \ 3 / \ || / \ / \ || Mar x Moo || \ / \ / || \ AL / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / ||Sat \ / \ / ||Sun Ven x HL x ||GL / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / Rah \ / \ || / \ / \ |+--------------+


\ | | / \ | | / \ | | / \ | | / Asc \ Ket | | Moo / \ | | / \ | | / \ | | / ----------------+---------------+---------------- | | Glk | | | | | Rasi | | | | | | | ----------------+---------------+---------------- / | | \ Mnd / | Sun Ven | \ / | Sat GL | \ Jup / Mar | | Rah \ HL / | | \ / AL Mer | | \ / | | \ / | | \


Dasamsa Chart



As we will frequently refer to it, I am giving the dasamsa chart in text format:


+--------------+|Moo Rah |AL | |Ven GL || | | | || | | | || | | | || | | | ||-----------+-----------------------+-----------||Asc | |Sat || | | || | | || | | || | Dasamsa | ||-----------| |-----------||Sun | D-10 | || | | || | | || | | || | | ||-----------+-----------------------+-----------||Mer |Glk |Mar |Jup Ket || | | |HL Mnd || | | | || | | | || | | | |+--------------+


Dasamsa D-10+--------------+| \ Rah / \ / || \ Moo / \ Sun / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / ||AL x Asc x Mer || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ 11 / \ || / \ / \ || x Glk || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / ||Ven GL x x Mar || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / Mnd \ || / Sat \ / Jup \ || / \ / Ket HL \ |+--------------+


\ | | / \ | | / \ | AL | Rah / \ | | / Ven \ | | Moo / Asc \ | | / GL \ | | / \ | | / ----------------+---------------+---------------- | | Sat | | Sun | Dasamsa | | | | D-10 | | | | | ----------------+---------------+---------------- / | | \ / | Mar | \ / | | \ / Jup | | Glk \ Mer / | | \ / HL Ket | | \ / Mnd | | \ / | | \




Dasa Analysis


(1) Vimsottari Dasa (from Moon)


Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon):


Maha Dasas:


Sat: 1940-02-29 (09:25:03) - 1958-08-06 (23:33:58) Mer: 1958-08-06 (23:33:58) - 1975-03-04 (02:50:14) Ket: 1975-03-04 (02:50:14) - 1981-12-17 (12:13:20) Ven: 1981-12-17 (12:13:20) - 2001-05-14 (15:51:21) Sun: 2001-05-14 (15:51:21) - 2007-03-11 (10:08:12) Moo: 2007-03-11 (10:08:12) - 2016-12-20 (08:00:35) Mar: 2016-12-20 (08:00:35) - 2023-10-05 (19:52:13) Rah: 2023-10-05 (19:52:13) - 2041-03-24 (17:43:56) Jup: 2041-03-24 (17:43:56) - 2056-10-30 (22:29:24)


He ran Venus dasa during 1980s and 1990s. Why was it a good dasa?


(a) Venus is the 5th lord in 5th. He shows name, fame and power. As per Parasara, lagna lord, 5th lord, AK and PK bring raja yoga when in 1st/5th. Here AK (Saturn), PK (Sun) and 5th lord Venus are together in 5th. This is a brilliant raja yoga.


(b) Of all the three planets, Venus is the most powerful as per shadbala. He is exceedingly strong. So he gives the results of the raja yoga.


© GL is the seat of power in a chart. Venus is GL lord in GL and promises a powerful position.


(d) In D-10 (career) also, Venus is a yogakaraka in the 5th house from Aquarius lagna. He is in GL in D-10 too.


For all these reasons, Venus dasa is a great dasa.


However, Vimsottari dasa only shows events from the point of view of mind. One may feel very powerful despite being in a small position. One may not feel powerful despite being in a big position. However, it should be conceded that experiences of mind often reflect what happens at the material level.


(2) Vimsottari Dasa (from Mandi)


Vimsottari Dasa (started from Maandi):


Maha Dasas:


Ket: 1953-09-13 (05:13:30) - 1960-06-29 (00:12:48) Ven: 1960-06-29 (00:12:48) - 1979-12-23 (09:12:36) Sun: 1979-12-23 (09:12:36) - 1985-10-17 (23:11:13) Moo: 1985-10-17 (23:11:13) - 1995-07-02 (18:40:55) Mar: 1995-07-02 (18:40:55) - 2002-04-17 (12:18:38) Rah: 2002-04-17 (12:18:38) - 2019-10-02 (15:18:16) Jup: 2019-10-02 (15:18:16) - 2035-05-11 (14:10:56) Sat: 2035-05-11 (14:10:56) - 2053-10-16 (08:57:59) Mer: 2053-10-16 (08:57:59) - 2070-05-14 (05:12:39)


He is running Mars dasa since 1995. Gulika shows the evils that the native does towards others and Mandi shows the evils of others towards the native. Vimsottari dasa started from Mandi shows the sufferings thrown at one by the world.


Mars is a functional malefic for Gemini lagna. He is the 6th lord and shows enemies. So his dasa brought him worries from enemies. Rahu is in the 6th house and his dasa may increase the troubles. Enemies may go after him very aggressively in Rahu dasa.


(3) Narayana Dasa of Rasi Chart


Narayana Dasa of D-1 chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa):


Maha Dasas:


Ge: 1955-10-28 (21:21:30) - 1959-10-28 (22:00:28) Aq: 1959-10-28 (22:00:28) - 1964-10-28 (04:46:06) Li: 1964-10-28 (04:46:06) - 1976-10-28 (06:33:12) Vi: 1976-10-28 (06:33:12) - 1988-10-28 (08:25:33) Ta: 1988-10-28 (08:25:33) - 1993-10-28 (15:02:31) Cp: 1993-10-28 (15:02:31) - 1997-10-28 (15:50:18) Sg: 1997-10-28 (15:50:18) - 2005-10-28 (16:59:43) Le: 2005-10-28 (16:59:43) - 2014-10-29 (00:18:53) Ar: 2014-10-29 (00:18:53) - 2019-10-29 (07:12:53) Pi: 2019-10-29 (07:12:53) - 2026-10-29 (02:09:36) Sc: 2026-10-29 (02:09:36) - 2036-10-28 (15:39:05) Cn: 2036-10-28 (15:39:05) - 2040-10-28 (16:21:41)

While Vimsottari dasa shows things from the perspective of mind, Narayana dasa shows what happens in reality. Narayana dasa shows the progress of lagna throughout one's life. So we get 12 charts for each person in different parts of life. It shows one's efforts in the changing environment.


In Ta dasa, Ta becomes lagna. Combination of lagna lord and 10th lord and also exalted 5th lord in 5th made him successful. But the best was to come in Cp dasa. Taking Cp as lagna, lagna lord Saturn is exalted in 10th and yogakaraka (5th and 10th lod) Venus joins him. With both being very strong, there is a great raja yoga. The 4th lord Mars with exalted 9th lord Mercury in 9th shows accumulation of lands, real estate and fortune.


Sg dasa is running right now. From Sg, 5th and 10th lords conjoin in 10th. Mercury and Mars in 10th show intelligent, enterprising and aggressive work. Lagna lord (Jupiter) in 9th shows some dharmik work. Though there are a few planets in 11th showing gains, debilitation of Sun (9th lord!) is unfavorable. The 9th lord is very important as he shows our protection. "Fortune" is nothing but the protection we enjoy. This shows some loss of fortune. More importantly, Rahu in 12th from Sg shows constant fear in Sg dasa. So there will be worries (Rahu in 12th) and setbacks (debilitation 9th lord), but he will do fine and some of his best work will come now (Mercury and Mars in 10th).


Narayana dasa is the progress of lagna. It sheds light on one's efforts with changing time. Raja yoga in the 10th house from Narayana dasa sign only shows that he will put in excellent efforts. Whether the raja yogas of his natal chart fructify or not and whether he enjoys prosperity or not is seen from other dasas better. Narayana dasa defines, with time, what the native does and what his environment is.


(4) Narayana Dasa of Dasamsa Chart


Narayana Dasa of D-10 chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa):


Maha Dasas:


Vi: 1955-10-28 (21:21:30) - 1964-10-28 (04:46:06) Ta: 1964-10-28 (04:46:06) - 1965-10-28 (10:52:36) Cp: 1965-10-28 (10:52:36) - 1971-10-28 (23:51:06) Sg: 1971-10-28 (23:51:06) - 1980-10-28 (07:09:35) Le: 1980-10-28 (07:09:35) - 1987-10-29 (02:15:08) Ar: 1987-10-29 (02:15:08) - 1993-10-28 (15:02:31) Pi: 1993-10-28 (15:02:31) - 1999-10-29 (04:08:14) Sc: 1999-10-29 (04:08:14) - 2009-10-28 (17:31:01) Cn: 2009-10-28 (17:31:01) - 2013-10-28 (18:16:00) Ge: 2013-10-28 (18:16:00) - 2019-10-29 (07:12:53) Aq: 2019-10-29 (07:12:53) - 2030-10-29 (02:48:47) Li: 2030-10-29 (02:48:47) - 2038-10-29 (03:58:06)

Dasamsa Narayana dasa shows the changes in the environment in which his karma (activities/career) is conducted. Narayana dasa of Rasi chart also shows the environment in which the native operates physically, but the stress is on activities (career) in D-10 Narayana dasa.


In Pisces dasa, the native became very successful and made money and fame. Rahu is lagna lord and he has rasi aspect on HL and GL (all in D-10). So Rahu is a maha yogada in D-10. He is in Pisces and gives fame and money (possibly through unscrupulous means - Rahu) in Pisces dasa. Actually, we should rephrase it to be more accurate. Strictly speaking, Narayana dasa only shows the environment in which one's activities (karma) are conducted. So Pisces dasa brings an environment that is conducive to making money (HL) and fame (GL). Whether one makes money/fame or not is better seen from Sudasa ruled by Lakshmi. Narayana dasa ruled by Narayana shows efforts and environment. OTOH, Vimsottari dasa shows whether one feels wealthy or not and powerful or not.


Often, there is link between all these aspects, but the point I want to drive home is that each aspect is different and different dasas are ideal for each aspect,


In Pisces dasa (aspecting GL and HL), power and wealth came in his career. Because it is the 12th from AL containing Rahu, some setbacks to his image (in his activities in society) are possible. Rahu in 12th from AL causes defamation or scandals. Nevertheless, Pisces has A11 and A5. While the 11th house shows gains, A11 shows material gains that can be seen by the whole world. A5 shows trappings of power and authority. So this dasa brought a powerful position and a lot of material gains.


From October 1999, Scorpio dasa started. Scorpio has A6 (enemies and quarrels in career). So this dasa is bringing lawsuits etc.


(5) Lagna Kendradi Rasi Dasa


Lagna Kendradi Rasi Dasa (fructification of yogas):


Maha Dasas:


Ge: 1955-10-28 (21:21:30) - 1959-10-28 (22:00:28) Vi: 1959-10-28 (22:00:28) - 1971-10-28 (23:51:06) Sg: 1971-10-28 (23:51:06) - 1979-10-29 (00:58:35) Pi: 1979-10-29 (00:58:35) - 1986-10-28 (20:07:51) Cn: 1986-10-28 (20:07:51) - 1990-10-28 (20:37:13) Li: 1990-10-28 (20:37:13) - 2002-10-28 (22:32:18) Cp: 2002-10-28 (22:32:18) - 2006-10-28 (23:05:29) Ar: 2006-10-28 (23:05:29) - 2011-10-29 (05:55:04) Le: 2011-10-29 (05:55:04) - 2020-10-28 (13:16:58) Sc: 2020-10-28 (13:16:58) - 2030-10-29 (02:48:47) Aq: 2030-10-29 (02:48:47) - 2035-10-29 (09:37:31) Ta: 2035-10-29 (09:37:31) - 2040-10-28 (16:21:41)

Libra dasa ran during 1990's. As Libra contains GL and raja yogas already mentioned, this dasa will see the fructification of that raja yoga. Unless LKR dasa shows fructification of yogas, one's efforts will not result in the fructification of the yogas in natal chart.



(6) Sudasa


Sudasa (phalita dasa showing Lakshmi's blessings):


Maha Dasas:


Ta: 1955-10-28 (21:21:30) - 1960-06-19 (04:13:15) Le: 1960-06-19 (04:13:15) - 1969-06-19 (11:37:16) Sc: 1969-06-19 (11:37:16) - 1979-06-20 (01:06:48) Aq: 1979-06-20 (01:06:48) - 1984-06-19 (07:52:49) Ge: 1984-06-19 (07:52:49) - 1988-06-19 (08:20:04) Vi: 1988-06-19 (08:20:04) - 2000-06-19 (10:15:24) Sg: 2000-06-19 (10:15:24) - 2008-06-19 (11:26:28) Pi: 2008-06-19 (11:26:28) - 2015-06-20 (06:29:43) Cn: 2015-06-20 (06:29:43) - 2019-06-20 (07:01:53) Li: 2019-06-20 (07:01:53) - 2031-06-20 (08:51:14) Cp: 2031-06-20 (08:51:14) - 2035-06-20 (09:22:00) Ar: 2035-06-20 (09:22:00) - 2040-06-19 (16:16:55)

While Narayana gives efforts, Lakshmi gives prosperity. Virgo dasa with AL and an exalted planet and aspecting HL gave status and wealth. So 1988-2000 was a brilliant period. If only Narayana dasa and LKR dasa were good, the native would've been exposed to a conducive environment and experienced yogas, but would not have prospered at the same level. Unless Sudasa is also favorable, there will be no prosperity.


While Narayana dasa and LKR dasa are based on lagna (physical being and physical environment) and Vimsottari dasa is based on Moon (mind), Sudasa combines both (Sree Lagna depends on both!) and shows prosperity - which is partly mental and partly physical/material! Sudasa is the link between the mind and physical enviroment!



(7) Trikona Dasa


Trikona Dasa (dasa showing purusharthas - four purposes in life):


Maha Dasas:


Li: 1955-10-28 (21:21:30) - 1967-10-28 (23:12:19) Aq: 1967-10-28 (23:12:19) - 1972-10-28 (06:02:44) Ge: 1972-10-28 (06:02:44) - 1976-10-28 (06:33:12) Sc: 1976-10-28 (06:33:12) - 1986-10-28 (20:07:51) Pi: 1986-10-28 (20:07:51) - 1993-10-28 (15:02:31) Cn: 1993-10-28 (15:02:31) - 1997-10-28 (15:50:18) Sg: 1997-10-28 (15:50:18) - 2005-10-28 (16:59:43) Ar: 2005-10-28 (16:59:43) - 2010-10-28 (23:45:21) Le: 2010-10-28 (23:45:21) - 2019-10-29 (07:12:53) Cp: 2019-10-29 (07:12:53) - 2023-10-29 (07:44:35) Ta: 2023-10-29 (07:44:35) - 2028-10-28 (14:24:08) Vi: 2028-10-28 (14:24:08) - 2040-10-28 (16:21:41)

Trikona dasa shows how one follows the four purusharthas (purposes of man) in life - dharma (duty), artha (money), kama (desiresz) and moksha (liberation). I only make brief comments, as this dasa is not very popular.


We can see that dharma plays an important role in 1955-1976 (dasas of 5th, 9th and 1st houses). Artha (money) plays an important role in life in 1976-1997 (dasas of 6th, 10th and 2nd houses). Kama (desires) plays an important role in life in 1997-2019.


This is the basic idea. However, we should look at planets too. Mercury and Jupiter show dharma; Sun and Mars show artha; Saturn shows Kama; and, Moon and Venus show moksha. (Note: Digbala of shadbalas is based on purushartha significations.)


(8) DrigDasa


Drigdasa (religious and spiritual activities):


Maha Dasas:


Aq: 1955-10-28 (21:21:30) - 1960-10-28 (04:09:22) Li: 1960-10-28 (04:09:22) - 1972-10-28 (06:02:44) Cn: 1972-10-28 (06:02:44) - 1976-10-28 (06:33:12) Ar: 1976-10-28 (06:33:12) - 1981-10-28 (13:18:38) Cp: 1981-10-28 (13:18:38) - 1985-10-28 (13:56:05) Sc: 1985-10-28 (13:56:05) - 1995-10-29 (03:29:43) Le: 1995-10-29 (03:29:43) - 2004-10-28 (10:47:13) Ta: 2004-10-28 (10:47:13) - 2009-10-28 (17:31:01) Sg: 2009-10-28 (17:31:01) - 2017-10-28 (18:43:18) Pi: 2017-10-28 (18:43:18) - 2024-10-28 (13:57:13) Ge: 2024-10-28 (13:57:13) - 2028-10-28 (14:24:08) Vi: 2028-10-28 (14:24:08) - 2040-10-28 (16:21:41)

Drigdasa shows the directions taken in life, from a spiritual perspectives. During 1985 to 1995, dasa of Scorpio with Rahu ran. Scorpio has no aspect on lagna or AL. It contains Rahu, who gives materialism. The native is not likely to follow a spiritual path. He runs Leo dasa with Jupiter until 2004. Jupiter may give association with wise and learned people and some noble acts. Next dasa of Taurus (12th house with Ketu!) from 2004 to 2009 is likely to see him discovering the spiritual side of himself! While Rahu dasa (1985-1995) may have seen him play the material side of himself to the core, Ketu in 12th can bring some quest of liberation (moksha). With Ta aspecting A5, he may even start to do some kind of sadhana. After Ta dasa, dasas of signs aspecting lagna and AL will come. This may take him more on the spiritual path. This promise may further be analyzed in D-20.



(9) Moola Dasa


Moola Dasa (dasa showing the root of events - past karma):


Maha Dasas:


Sat: 1955-10-28 (21:21:30) - 1969-10-28 (11:27:12) Ven: 1969-10-28 (11:27:12) - 1989-10-28 (14:34:13) Sun: 1989-10-28 (14:34:13) - 1992-10-28 (08:57:59) Jup: 1992-10-28 (08:57:59) - 2004-10-28 (10:47:13) Ket: 2004-10-28 (10:47:13) - 2005-10-28 (16:59:43) Rah: 2005-10-28 (16:59:43) - 2020-10-28 (13:16:58) Mer: 2020-10-28 (13:16:58) - 2037-10-28 (21:52:59) Mar: 2037-10-28 (21:52:59) - 2044-10-28 (16:54:49) Moo: 2044-10-28 (16:54:49) - 2052-10-28 (18:02:14)

Moola means root and Moola dasa shows the root of events, i.e. past karma.


Maheswara gives moksha. Sun is in 12th (moksha) with mokshakaraka Ketu in D-60. He is in Maheswaramsa - a shashtyamsa (D-60 part) owned by Maheswara, who gives moksha. If this D-60 is accurate, it shows a sadhaka in past life, who made great progress towards moksha. Sun represents all that punya. However, Sun's arudha pada is in Cancer with lagna lord Venus's arudha pada and so Sun represents the desire for a powerful position in career (arudhas of planets in D-60 show desires of past life). So Sun shows a sadhaka who had a secret desire for power. His moola dasa in this life rewards for the sadhana by giving the desires of past life - a powerful position.


Next dasa is of Jupiter. Jupiter is also in moksha trikona like Sun and shows sadhana. In Vahnyamsa (fire) in 8th, he shows dedicated sadhana under pressure. His arudha in 4th house with those of nodes shows desire of comforts. In Jupiter dasa in this life, that past life background acts as the root behind events.


Ketu dasa will run in 2004-2005. Though Ketu is in the 12th house in D-60, he is in Kulaghnamsa (breaking succession). The native of past life may have been into spiritual matters, but been attracted to material things and broken the succession with dishonest acts. In Ketu dasa of this life, events may take place which will make him pay for and correct the mistakes. Considering Ketu in 12th in this life's rasi chart also and considering that the corresponding Drigdasa runs from 2004, I am inclined to think that Bill Gates will become quite spiritual in 2004-2005.



(10) Kalachakra Dasa


Kalachakra Dasa (Savya group, Paramayush = 83 years):


Maha Dasas:


Ge: 1947-11-02 (22:00:09) - 1956-07-27 (17:28:51) Ta: 1956-07-27 (17:28:51) - 1972-03-04 (23:50:15) Ar: 1972-03-04 (23:50:15) - 1978-12-19 (10:15:01) Pi: 1978-12-19 (10:15:01) - 1988-08-31 (06:08:17) Aq: 1988-08-31 (06:08:17) - 1992-07-19 (17:09:27) Cp: 1992-07-19 (17:09:27) - 1996-06-05 (15:58:39) Sg: 1996-06-05 (15:58:39) - 2006-02-18 (03:27:58) Ar: 2006-02-18 (03:27:58) - 2012-12-03 (12:37:39) Ta: 2012-12-03 (12:37:39) - 2028-07-11 (13:49:23)


Kalachakra dasa is also based on Moon, but based on his navamsa. While Vimsottari dasa shows one's reactions and impressions, Kalachakra dasa is better at showing attitudes, motivations and driving forces.


For example, Aq contains lagna in D-10 and a lot of positive energy and the spirit of fresh start and development may have gone into his work in Aq dasa (1988-1992). The next dasa is of Cp and it contains A3. The 3rd house shows initiative and boldness and A3 shows how boldness shows up materially. A3 shows bold and aggressive acts. A fiery planet in it adds fire. So, during the Kalachakra dasa of Cp, the native is likely to feel aggressive and feel like engaging in bold acts.


OTOH, Mercury in Sg aspected by Venus will give the desire to do something smart and innovative in Sg dasa (1996-2006).





A topic as complicated as this cannot be clarified just by reading an article by a fellow student like me. Sincere effort from inside is required for good insight in such matters.


May Jupiter's light shine on us,Narasimha ---------------------Narasimha P.V.R. Rao email: pvr10826 Seaver Farm Lane Tel: (508) 839-1218South Grafton, MA 01560 email: pvr **** Note the address change **** Homepage: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org---------------------

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Dear Frank,


> Namaste Narasimha,

> this information is extremely timely and useful, thank you.

> A few simple Questions:

> 1. I see that you chose Vimshottari Dasa from Chandra. Would also

> Vimshottari from Lagna also be appropriate?

> I mention this because Buddha is exalted in Virgo ( residing in

> Hasta Nakshatra, ruled by 9th lord- Fortunes, Sani)


I was told by Sanjay to ignore lagna unless lagna was much more

powerful than Moon. Moon is the default starting point and lagna. As

long as lagna is not considerably stronger, prefer Moon.


> 2. Is Utpanna Nakshatra of value in this analysis?... I see no


> in the 5th from Janma Nakshatra ( Krittika).


Because Moon is in the 4th quarter of Uttarabhadra, look at the *4th

quarter* of Krittika when looking at Utpanna tara. It's in Ta.

Compare the strengths of Ta and Pi. Look at planets in the rasis and

also in quadrants. Whenever you are in doubt, fall back to the

standard option - Moon's nakshatra.


I do not see Vimsottari dasa from Utpanna nakshatra to be of much

value in this chart.


May Jupiter's light shine on us,


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