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[Hare Rama Krishna] chart help please

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In a message dated 8/23/2001 8:09:37 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

gilimary writes:


Jaya Jagganatha


Dear Gili,


Welcome to the list and thanks for participating. I want to encourage you to

continue to do this for it will help your own learning and the learning of

all on the list. I will look at this tomorrow for you and give some response

and maybe others will too. It's late to-nite and have to sleep.







> Dear Group Members,

> I would be very grateful to hear your comments and insights on the chart


> a boy born 5th February, 1992 at 10 49 p.m. in Richmond, Virginia, USA


> W 28, 37 N 33 (Caesarian birth). I normally teach delinquent


> but have been assigned him because no one wishes to deal with him. He has

> been disliked by all the teachers and counsellors he has come in contact

> with. I rather like him and want to help him.

> My main question is will he read? Should I be looking at Mercury? Despite

> many attempts no one has succeeded in teaching him to read. I suspect he

> won’t rather than can’t as he seems highly intelligent and has an



> memory. If he could read he would be more in charge of his own learning


> that would suit him. He is terrified of being humiliated. He is very

> distrustful and resentful of authority figures but so far seems to trust



> probably because he doesn’t see me as one. His mother (he is adopted)

> welcomes any help you can give.

> Love and thanks,

> Gili

> In case it helps, my birth data is 2nd March, 1944 7.30 a.m.


> 2. W 14 52 N 23 England




> you can't transcend what you haven't experienced



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Jaya Jagganath


Dear Gili,


I've attached the chart in JHL format. Have you down loaded JHL from

Narasimha's web site. It is free and you should do that. It gives many

calculations that are not available in standard software and since you are an

SJVC student you should have.


Also, you should get a copy of Narasimha's book " Vedic Astrology: An

Integrated Approach " , as well as Sanjay's books " Crux of Vedic Astrology " and

" Upadesa Sutras " .


We should always examine a chart from the Sun, Moon and ascendant as these

represent the tripod of life (the soul, mind and body).


If we want to examine intelligence, we should examine Moon, Mercury, Jupiter,

the 5th house and also A5. Education is seen from Mercury and the 4th house

as well as A4. D-24 should also be examined.


I get 26deg 24 mins Virgo lagna with Mercury in the 5th house, conjoined the

5th lord Saturn who is in his own sign. The combination is also conjoined and

combusted by the Sun, the 12th lord.


LL Mercury conjoined the 5th lord Saturn is a Raja yoga. Saturn is also the

6th lord, so he has some taint in him. Mercury conjoined the Sun gives the

well known Budha-Aditya yoga and this gives intelligence.


Combustion by the 12th lord Sun does cause some affliction but in my opinion,

not enough to leave him with a mental defect that hinders reading. Note that

Mercury is in the sign of Gemini in the navamsa and he is hemmed-in between

malefics. He is the lord of the navamsa lagna and he is aspected by Mars (8th

lord) by graha drishti and by Moon and Jupiter by rasi drishti.


The arudha of the 5th house, A5, shows how intelligence manifests in the

world and here it is in the sign of Libra, which is aspected by Saturn, the

5th lord. It is also aspected by Moon and Jupiter by rasi drishti. This is

good. However, its lord Venus, is with Rahu & Mars, the 6th and 8th lord.

This is not favorable.


The real problem in the chart is the 4th house. He has Mars, Rahu and Venus

placed here in the sign of Sagittarius. Since they are in a mutuable sign

they aspect the lagna by rasi drishti. Mars is the 3rd and 8th lord and a

very dangerous planet for Virgo lagna. He is a violent and rebellious planet

and this is aggravated by his conjunction with Rahu, the 6th lord. It is

tempered by Venus, the 2nd and 9th lord, and by the aspect of Jupiter from

the 12th.


Venus is the lord of AL, the arudha lagna, and this combination is in the 8th

from AL indicating obstacles and struggles with 4th house issues - education.

Also, the arudha of the 4th itself, A4, is placed in the 8th. Jupiter, the

lord of the 4th is retrograde in the 12th which is also A8. All this

indicates obstruction, delay and hinderances to his education and learning



You might expect that his Jupiter dasa would bring him good results but the

above indicates that it cannot be good. Yes, Jupiter is placed in the 12th

and aspects the Moon, giving the Gaja-Kesari yoga but on the 6/12 axis, and

it aspects the 4th. However, the main point here is that 4th has a great deal

of sambanda with the 8th and this shows the obstruction, delay,

dissappointment in education.


We can also examine D-24. We have Rahu/Ketu in the 4th with the Moon neecha

in the 8th. A4 and A8 are conjoined in the 12th. Not favorable for education.


Mars and Rahu in the 4th are the cause of his rebelliousness and behavior

problems as well as his sensitivity to humiliation. He would rebel against

any authority. There is some chance here in Rahu/Venus (begins 8/01) and you

are his chance.


Note that he was born into Rahu/Moon and at approx 6 mos old he entered Rahu

Mars. All this led to the loss of his natural mother and father. Venus as 9th

lord suffers too much affliction.


Hope this helps,






> Dear Group Members,

> I would be very grateful to hear your comments and insights on the chart


> a boy born 5th February, 1992 at 10 49 p.m. in Richmond, Virginia, USA


> W 28, 37 N 33 (Caesarian birth). I normally teach delinquent


> but have been assigned him because no one wishes to deal with him. He has

> been disliked by all the teachers and counsellors he has come in contact

> with. I rather like him and want to help him.

> My main question is will he read? Should I be looking at Mercury? Despite

> many attempts no one has succeeded in teaching him to read. I suspect he

> won’t rather than can’t as he seems highly intelligent and has an



> memory. If he could read he would be more in charge of his own learning


> that would suit him. He is terrified of being humiliated. He is very

> distrustful and resentful of authority figures but so far seems to trust



> probably because he doesn’t see me as one. His mother (he is adopted)

> welcomes any help you can give.

> Love and thanks,

> Gili

> In case it helps, my birth data is 2nd March, 1944 7.30 a.m.


> 2. W 14 52 N 23 England





> you can't transcend what you haven't experienced



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