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[Hare Rama Krishna] Medical Astrology - The little (gigantic) question

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I am resending this with the JHL chart attached.


Jaya Jagganatha

Dear Sergey,


Thank you for your long note and a great case study. Since you are a medical

doctor you will do well to master medical astrology and ayurveda. I am

sending this to the group as I think it is a great case.


I wonder if she has a Scorpio lagna? What do you think? That would indicate

her Pitta disorder with Mars in Leo and powerfully aspecting the lagna. In

Jan 2001 she entered Venus/Mercury. Venus is maraka and Mercury is the lord

of her 8th house and has malefic Rahu transiting over it and this is very

difficult. Mercury rules Rasa dhatu (ayurveda) and is conjoined by the Sun

(Pitta) but also Jupiter. Sun disposits the Mars and Saturn in sign of Leo

and this increases the Pitta influences on Mercury. Mercury disposits Rahu



Benefic Jupiter is not innocent here as he is lord of Shatrupada (A6) and

Mrityupada (A8) and placed in 8th house with 8th lord. The Sun, Mercury and

Jupiter in the 8th is also aspected by Rahu and Ketu by graha drishti. This

combo aspects the gandanta Moon also and causes impurities in the blood and



Now, notice that Mercury is exactly on its Mrityubhaga degree (13 degrees of

Gemini) and this makes it very dangerous for health as 8th lord. He is also

lord of Roga Saham (29 Virgo) and disposits Maandi and Gulika. He also

qualifies as Rudra in her chart. I am very convinced that she has Scorpio

lagna as the Mercury antaradasa began in January 2001 and soon after the

health problems began. Does she have Scorpio traits in her personality?


If we examine the Vimshottari dasa based on lagna sphuta, and to me this is a

better indicator of physical problems, you will see that she started

Mercury/Mercury on Jan 11, 2001. Again, because of the condition of Mercury

in this chart, Rasa dhatu becomes a source through which symptoms appear.

Skin problems, boils in her case, are related to the excess Pitta being

released thro Rasa dhatu. The aspect of Pitta that relates to skin problems

is known as Brajaka Pitta. In simple terms, it could be said she is " boiling "

and no pun intended.


Let's look at D-6 and D-30 also. I'm assuming a very early Scorpio lagna and

I've adjusted the time to 20:02 hours. If her mother can't remember the time

within an hour, I do not trust her estimate between 6 - 7 pm to be correct.


In D-6, Venus is LL in fire sign Sag and he is also 8L and aspected by maraka

Mars. Sun aspects the L from the 8th house. Saturn aspects the L from Aries.

The influence of Mars and Sun on LL and L again indicate P imbalance.

Mercury is aspected by the 8L and is conjoined by maraka Mars. Mercury is

also aspected by neecha Saturn from the 7th.


In D-30, we have Venus as LL and 6L in virgo with Rahu/Ketu, indicating some

trouble and suffering in Venus dasa. It is also aspected by Jupiter, the 8L,

and by Mercury and Mars from 8H.


So, Venus/Mercury Vimshottari dasa (jamna tara) or Mercury/Mercury based on

lagna sputa, is not easy for her.


She needs Pitta reducing regimen with herbs and diet and also some blood &

liver cleansing herbs. I will write to you privately on methods of treatment.






> Hare Krishna

> Dear Brendan,

> It was so kind and mercy from you to answer on my letter. Please accept my

> deep gratitude. Thanks for recommendation about Dr. Charac book, I will

> accept it as soon as I can.

> About my question (it actually big so of course my sentence : " little

> question " was merely an irony).

> The question is about young girl (23 years old).

> She became ill at middle of February 2001. At the beginning of the February

> she began suffer from back pain (neck). The husband of her helpmate is a

> masseur so he offer to help and after second or third seance the back skin

> was dotted by boils (The pain leave the neck after it).

> Since middle February she is suffering from abscesses. It is very deep


> (deeper than the basal layer of skin) so they reserve the scars (about it

> she is very complicated). The nearest lymphatic nodes became suffer too


> pain and increasing of dimension). The field of ill includes: thigh (hips),

> seat, loins, back, shoulderblade (scapula), shoulders, armpits (the moist

> terrible and danger field).

> The process began from little not hot petit then it increases and became

> dark pink (colour) and from the centre begin issue the pus (before the pus

> issuing she suffer very much - the high temperature, violation of function

> (lameness or weak hand function)).

> I began to treat her at May. I ask her to keep diet decreasing the Pitta


> cut the sugar and sweet consumption. The acupuncture diagnosis reveal the

> Fair prevalence so I tried to reduce it through the activation of other

> points. The are light interval (two weeks) the treat was cancel her mother

> was arrived from far town so diet was cancel too.

> So at the end of June the boil was returned.

> She was must to go to GB so I try to use the more aggressive methods

> (autogemotherapy) but the were not any effect. So at London she suffer the

> operation under the left armpit. She write me that the are no day at GB

> without pain!

> I ask my tutorial Yashomatinandana about that - he make the prashna and

> advice to make the service to Srila Prabhupada. He said that rout of ill is

> the desire to earn the money at GB. (I respect the Yasomatinandana prabhu

> very much he give me very much information about Krishna consciousness but

> her spiritual level is higher than Jyotish so at present time he made only

> prashna and write books about Krisha consciousness).



> Her life:

> She was born at Noril'sk, Russia. 20 June 1978, Tuesday. Zone 7.00. 88E06;

> 69N20; SST.

> (My JHL software work with difficult with her cart because the are external

> North latitude of Noril'sk (pentium 75) but my work computer work OK as


> powerful).

> Her mother said that born time was between 18 and 19 hours (6-7 p.m.).


> Father.

> Born 28 April 1949. He have two past marriage when he was marriage with her

> mother (third father' marriage). He have daughter and son from previous

> marriages. He graduate the after school course (3 years) and warcwd at

> Norilsk' plant (steel constructions and so on). At 89 year the father


> the family and Norilsk- divorce of parents: 89 year, summer.


> Mother

> Born 27 Jule 1953. She lived at Norilsk with her mother (the father lived

> with other family). After school she went to Moscov to enter to the

> Institute of International Relations (The moist elite Institute of USSR).

> She fall and returned at Norilsk. At next year she enter to Norisk'

> Industrial Institute but she don't finish that Institute.

> After the deliverance of daughter she carry the post-child-birth psychosis

> during 10 years. At the present time she work at Norilsk as chief of

> personnel department (she finished the special courses).



> Every year she with mother went to Bleak Sea (it was a rule at North cities

> at the USSA).

> At 11-12 years she suffer from gastric ulcer during one or more years. She

> have the gastritis.

> The first sex: 20-21 June 1993 year.

> At 1995 year August she enter to Tomsk University (very elite university)


> English Language Faculty and at 2000 year she had finished it.

> At September 2000 she began work as teasher at Politechical Institute (the

> good and prestige job).


> Since 1996 (November) year she had the long relationship with young men

> till November 1999 (they had lived together).


> At 1998 year (25 December) she enter to lecture saw the Lider of Tomsk

> devote, buy the " Bagavat Gita " and became the devote. She friend became the

> devote too but at 1999 they had left each other. They are friends bud not

> couples.


> At 6 July 2001 year she had left Tomsk (at 9:03 a.m. - Tomsk time) and went

> to Moscow and at 20-21 hours (Moskow time) she had left Moskow.


> About 9 July (I will specify it) she bear the operation (the treating of

> abscess at the left armpit). She was at hospital during three days.


> I saw the her cart and the are my vision:


> The first question is the time of born. It's interesting that Mood had

> change the signs and Nakshatras during that time. I rectified it as 18:45

> with Moon at the beginning of Sg. The point is that in D-12 Moon is with Ra

> and accept the Vi influence (Vi have the Sat). At Rasi the forth from Moon

> is Pi with Ke, the Jupiter and Ra aspecting the Pi by Rasi drishty. So it

> can explain the psishosis and strandge attemt to enter at elite Institute

> of Intern. Relation at Moscow (Jupiter from forth from forth from Moon and

> as from ninth sign-house from Lg).


> According to tribhagi Dasa she pass through the P. Bhadra Nakshatra (after

> 17.02.2001 till 19.06.2006) . It rules by Jupiter and it is the seven

> naksatra from Janma nakshatra (death and suffering).

> The Moola (the sharp constellation with Nirrity demygod) aspect the

> Punarvasa (16 constellation from Janma nakshatra-socal activities) and

> Chitra. But both latter constellations aspect the actual at tribhagi Dasa

> P.Bhadrapada.

> Chitra also accept the aspect of Mrigashira with Surya (Su near to

> Betelgeyze star the holder of hard Ardra constellation).

> At D-6 the Lg conjunct with Gu the holder of six house.


> At Yogini Dasa (The birth was at day at Shukla Paksa so I take the Yogini).

> After June 16, 2000 she passed through the Su circle. Le at Rasi has the


> and Sa. At Rasi Su conjunct Me (L12 and 6) and Ju (L 6 and 3).

> At D-6 Gu on Lg (Cancer) and accept the aspect Su and Ma (Rasi drishty). So

> at Su-Ma (15 Dec 2000) at her body began the inner ill changes.

> 27 Marth 2001 the Su-Sa (Sa - Lord 8 with Ra at D-6 so she born the

> operation)

> 27 Jule 2001 the Su-Sk (Sk at Sg at D-6 at 6 House accept the Bu (L 12)

> aspect.

> 16 Dec 2001 the Su-Ra (Ra at 12 from 6 in D-6 aspect Moon the lord of 1 (8

> from 6)) so disease can began cut.

> 27 May 2002 the Su-Moon dasa (Mo L 1 - the 8 from 6 aspect 12 from 6 (Sc)


> she may be became health.



> At Moola dasa she pass the Ma mahadasa (I am not familiar with that dasa

> calculate so I can be wrong) till 2002. Ma -L 2 and 7 at Rasi. At D-6 he


> at Ta (L Ta - Ve at 6).


> Dear Brendan, I am weak as at Jyotish as Aurveda so I can only prostrate

> before your foots.

> Please help me to advice the poor girl correct recommendation. If it will


> possible that I can to accept the little part of your mercy and knowledge!

> It so difficult to study at Russia with wrong books and false Aurveda and

> Astrology

> " specialists " (of course the impostors and deceivers are at other world too

> but at Russia they are very spread at tat dark time).


> If you will want to speak with that girl directly, please write me and I

> give her e-mail.

> Wish deep sense of the gratitude. Thank for Your time.


> P.S. You write that I have the good clinical experience. My experience is

> the view of someone who looks at human stream that runs to grave. So my


> work is prevention medicine. But during the hospital duties I use the

> pharmacology drags with hard heart. So I try to learn the Jyotish and

> Aurveda (very little) and ask the God Jagannatha to change that situation.












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