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Functional vs Natural(Deafness Assesment.)

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Aum Gurave Namah!


Dear Nimmi.


<Would the 8th house rulership of mercury come into this since it aspects Jupiter?>


This is a hard pressed subject and i'm very reluctant to use the term functional malefic.. heres what i've gathered.


A benefic no matter its rulership cannot afflict. Benefics only incur damage on themselves. But the houses they are posited in shows the area where these ailments manifest. i.e. their fortune(paka).


A malefic can however incur damage unto others and is even worse when it also lords a malefic house(double whammy).


Similarly a malefic can give blessings but it may do so through diabolical means(terrorism, scandal, wars, death, etc).


Ontop of that Graha Dristi shows desire stemming from other bodies, hence since this hearing problem stems from birth, the only way the Merc-Jup aspect could have relevance, was due to someones desire in a past life, or during pregnancy.


I was going to say the same thing regarding Zorans comment, of Saturns dristi on the Moon.


I hope this helps and that the gurus will correct any mistakes.

Best wishes, Visti.

p.s. Any reference on the Shastyamsa divisions available in standard works today? If not is someone willing to compile the meanings of the 60 deities, for sjvc use?

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