Guest guest Posted August 29, 2001 Report Share Posted August 29, 2001 Om Gurave Namah----Dear Sarajit, You have not paid attention. Your mind is often elsewhere..perhaps I can get boring. We had a lesson on Swapna Kundali in Varahamihira and the need for a Prasna Kundali at the time of disclosure of Dream is to ascertain if the querist is sincere, besides other pointsWith Best Wishes,Sanjay Rath - Sarajit Poddar Pt. Sanjay Rath Monday, August 13, 2001 5:51 PM Lesson On Swapna Shastra AUM SRI GURAVE NAMAHDear Gurudev! I have written down whatever I could recollect from your teachings on Swapna Shastra. I have the some doubts (I have asked you in Blue colour), after they get clear, I can compile it and post it for the varahamihira group. Also correct whatever mistakes I have done. I am in the processes of compiling whatever you have taught in the classes recently. Once I am through, I will send them to you for your correction and comments. PranaamSarajit _______________Swapna Shastra The Sun rises in the Rasi where Sun is placed. In the 7th from the Sun rasi (Sun Sign), he sets. In the 4th from the Sun Rasi, he is on the meridian (above the head) i.e., this is the time of Noon. Sandhyas:There are four Sandhyas. Food is prohibited when the Sun is in the Rising sign or in the 7th Sign from the Rising Sign, when he sets. The two important house for eating is the 2nd house and the 8th house (2nd from the 7th), reckoned from the Sun sign. Why food is prohibited when Sun is in the Rising or the Setting sign? What are the four Sandhyas? According to my knowledge Sanshya is the time of Joining of Day and Night. This is the time when Sets and the Night starts. This happen in the evening when we pray to god. When you say four sandhyas, I assume this happen when Sun is 90 degree, 180degree away and 270 degree away from its position at Sunrise. Am I correct. Why people worship during the Sandhya (Evening one). We sleep down is in the 9th house from the rising sign and continue to sleep until the next Sunrise in the Rising Sign. Hence we sleep from 9th house to 12th house from the Sun Sign. We can see dreams only when the Lagna is in the 9th to 12th house from the Sun's position at Rising. So who has the lordship over the dreams. Sagittarius to Pisces are the 9th to 12th sign of the natural zodiac. Hence the lordship over the dreams are by lords of Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. Thus Jupiter, Saturn and Rahu become the lords of Dream. There can be three situations when we are dreaming, we are happy (indicated by Jupiter), we are Worried (Saturn) or there is some mishap (Rahu). (Not correct..think again) The time of fructification of Dream will be determined by the signs where the dream has happened. This is done in a reverse order starting from the Rasi adjoining Sun's. If the dream happens in the 12th house from the Sun(two hours before sunrise to Sunrise or 4am to 6am Arrox), 12th being Pisces in the natural Zodiac, which is lorded by Jupiter, the dream will be happening in the immediate future and certainly it will be fulfilled. If the dream occurs between 2 am to 4 am approx. then Aquarius or Rahu will be ruling the dreams. The nature of Saturn is to delay and hence the dreams will happen after some delay, however if Rahus is stronger than Saturn, then the dream will not be fulfilled. In such case the dream will be an outcome of the experiences in the day and doesnot indicate any future happening. If the dream is between 12:00 midnight to 2 am, then also Saturn will rule and hence it will fructify with delay. If the dream happens between 10PM to 12:00 Midnight, it is ruled by Dhanu's lord Jupiter. Though the dream will be certainly fulfilled, it will happen after a long delay as Dhanu comes after Aquarius and Capricorn. Erection of the Swapna Kundali (Dream Horoscope) The dream horoscope can be erected from the Pransna Kundali of dreams. When someone comes to an astrologer with a prasna on what does the dream (which occured to him) signify, ask the following things:1. What he has seen in the dream2. What is the probable time of the dream. Check the house starting in a reverse direction from the Prasna Lagna indicating the probable time of the occurance of the Dream. See the planets who are placed there who aspect the concerned house with Rasi Drishti or Sign Aspect. If the planets indicate the happenings, then fix the house which confirm the dream, as the swapna lagna. If there is some person of Kashyapa Gotra is sitting during the prasna, then declare the dream as "Asat" or untruth and the results will not fructify. If a person is of Atri Gotra, the indication of the dream will be fulfilled. If some one of Vashistha Gotra is there, there is no doubt that the dream will be fulfilled. Other indications: 1. If Moon is places in the Prasna Lagna- The dream will fructify in the same day 2. If Mars- 7 Days or multiple of 7 3. Sat- 1 year or its multiple. 4. Other planets- Take the periods from Prasna Marga. Illustration:One individual has seen a very bad dream in the early morning of 5th, August. He asks the indication for the same at 12:00 Noon.When the chart of the moment (12:00 Noon) is as follows: Ascdt 9 Li 51 Swathi 1 - Sun 19 Cn 02 Aasresha 1 BKMoon 0 Aq 11 Dhanishtha 3 DKMars 23 Sc 00 Jyeshtha 2 AKMercury 18 Cn 19 Aasresha 1 PiKJupiter 11 Ge 05 Aardra 2 PKVenus 10 Ge 27 Aardra 2 GKSaturn 18 Ta 42 Rohini 3 MKRahu 10 Ge 21 Aardra 2 AmKKetu 10 Sg 21 Moola 4 - As the dream occured in the early morning, we are interested in the 12th house from the Lagna i.e., Virgo. As this sign is aspected by Jupiter, Venus and Rahu from Gemini, though we say that the dream can't be explained by the combination of Jupiter and Venus (good drea), the presence of Rahu there shows that the dream is "Asat"or untrue and must be an outcome of the experiences during the day. (You missed out on the Surya Chakra which is the foundation-approach the subject systematically) Dear Gurudev! If the person is not clear what is the probable time of his dream, how could find the swapna lagna? I am not very clear about fixing the swapna lagna. Interpretation of the Dream.1. Detemine the House which signify the dream.2. Determine the planet which signify the dream.3. Take 9th house as the Lagna and calculate the signified house (ref. step 1). This would show the matter related to the dream.4. Put the significator planet (ref. step 2) in the sgnified house and Judge the indications. Illustration:Example 1: Dream related to Money (2nd). 2nd house is 6th from 9th. Hence the matter is related to enemies, litigation etc. Example 2: Dreams related to Sex (7th). 7th is 11th from 9th. Hence the matter of the dream is related to Gain. Example 3: What is the interpretation of a dream that the native has fallen in a pit full of human excreta. Excreta is ruled by Saturn and Eighth. From 9th, Saturn will be in the 12th. This is good as it shows income from illegal means or expenditure on unworthy causes. Example 4: The native sees that, he has ended up raping his own sister. What is the interpretation?Sisters are ruled by 5th and Sex is 7th from 5th i.e., 11th from Lagna. Raping is ruled by Mars and 11th is 3rd from the 9th. This indicate, some courageous activity as Mars is in the 3rd. Example 5: Death of self: Death is ruled by Mars and the concerned house is 8th. Reckoned from 9th, Mars will be placed in the 12th. This shows recovery from some diseases. Similarly, if one sees the death of enemies, then that would indicate good health of Enemies. Example 6: The native has seen in the dream that, he is travelling in a plane and the plane met with some problems and descending down at a very fast speed. The native is trying to hold the plane with all his might from falling and calling Lord Shiva for help. What does it mean?Fall and accidents are seen from the 9th house (Sagittarius is the house of fall/ accidents in the natural zodiac). This mean that there is some malefic in the Lagna. What is the indication? The native is going to suffer a great fall in his life and might be health. What would be the indication, if the native has seen that he has died in the accidant? This would mean, very powerful malefics in the lagna and would indicate physical death of the native. Example 7: Dream of Guru blessing the native. Guru is represented by Jupiter and blessing is signigied by 9th. This would mean that Jupiter is in the Lagna. This can be interpreted as- the native will have a very good health and he will be left scott free from all troubles. Dear Gurudev! In this class we have not seen the swapna kundali for any interpretation. In the examples, we interpreted the meaning of the dream only on the basis of the significator planet and the house. If this is so, what is the requirement of the swapna kundali? Please bless me with knowledge of "Satya" regards Sarajit Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 30, 2001 Report Share Posted August 30, 2001 AUM GURAVE NAMAH Dear Gurudev! I had sent the article for you review so that, I could have made necessary corrections and then send it to the group. I am very sorry for not living upto your expectations. I try hard, but I have my own limitations. My Manakaraka Chandra is debilitated and also afflicted by Rahu. I am not justfying my limitations, I am trying to overcome it. You are correct that I lose attention often, I try hard to concentrate, however, sometimes I fail. From next time onwards I won't give you chance to complain. I will be one of the most sincere student you have. Please never say that you could ever be boring. It is rather impossible to get an able astrologer coupled with an able teacher such as you in one person. With Apologies and humble regards Pranaam Sarajit varahamihira, " Sanjay Rath " <srath@v...> wrote: > > Om Gurave Namah > ---- > Dear Sarajit, > You have not paid attention. Your mind is often elsewhere..perhaps I can get > boring. We had a lesson on Swapna Kundali in Varahamihira and the need for a > Prasna Kundali at the time of disclosure of Dream is to ascertain if the > querist is sincere, besides other points > With Best Wishes, > Sanjay Rath > > > - > Sarajit Poddar > Pt. Sanjay Rath > Monday, August 13, 2001 5:51 PM > Lesson On Swapna Shastra > > > AUM SRI GURAVE NAMAH > Dear Gurudev! > > I have written down whatever I could recollect from your teachings on Swapna > Shastra. I have the some doubts (I have asked you in Blue colour), after > they get clear, I can compile it and post it for the varahamihira group. > Also correct whatever mistakes I have done. > > I am in the processes of compiling whatever you have taught in the classes > recently. Once I am through, I will send them to you for your correction and > comments. > > Pranaam > Sarajit > > _______________ > Swapna Shastra > > The Sun rises in the Rasi where Sun is placed. In the 7th from the Sun rasi > (Sun Sign), he sets. In the 4th from the Sun Rasi, he is on the meridian > (above the head) i.e., this is the time of Noon. > > Sandhyas: > There are four Sandhyas. Food is prohibited when the Sun is in the Rising > sign or in the 7th Sign from the Rising Sign, when he sets. The two > important house for eating is the 2nd house and the 8th house (2nd from the > 7th), reckoned from the Sun sign. > > Why food is prohibited when Sun is in the Rising or the Setting sign? > > What are the four Sandhyas? > According to my knowledge Sanshya is the time of Joining of Day and Night. > This is the time when Sets and the Night starts. This happen in the evening > when we pray to god. > > When you say four sandhyas, I assume this happen when Sun is 90 degree, > 180degree away and 270 degree away from its position at Sunrise. Am I > correct. Why people worship during the Sandhya (Evening one). > > We sleep down is in the 9th house from the rising sign and continue to sleep > until the next Sunrise in the Rising Sign. Hence we sleep from 9th house to > 12th house from the Sun Sign. We can see dreams only when the Lagna is in > the 9th to 12th house from the Sun's position at Rising. > > So who has the lordship over the dreams. Sagittarius to Pisces are the 9th > to 12th sign of the natural zodiac. Hence the lordship over the dreams are > by lords of Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. Thus Jupiter, > Saturn and Rahu become the lords of Dream. There can be three situations > when we are dreaming, we are happy (indicated by Jupiter), we are Worried > (Saturn) or there is some mishap (Rahu). (Not correct..think again) > > The time of fructification of Dream will be determined by the signs where > the dream has happened. This is done in a reverse order starting from the > Rasi adjoining Sun's. If the dream happens in the 12th house from the > Sun(two hours before sunrise to Sunrise or 4am to 6am Arrox), 12th being > Pisces in the natural Zodiac, which is lorded by Jupiter, the dream will be > happening in the immediate future and certainly it will be fulfilled. If the > dream occurs between 2 am to 4 am approx. then Aquarius or Rahu will be > ruling the dreams. The nature of Saturn is to delay and hence the dreams > will happen after some delay, however if Rahus is stronger than Saturn, then > the dream will not be fulfilled. In such case the dream will be an outcome > of the experiences in the day and doesnot indicate any future happening. If > the dream is between 12:00 midnight to 2 am, then also Saturn will rule and > hence it will fructify with delay. If the dream happens between 10PM to > 12:00 Midnight, it is ruled by Dhanu's lord Jupiter. Though the dream will > be certainly fulfilled, it will happen after a long delay as Dhanu comes > after Aquarius and Capricorn. > > > Erection of the Swapna Kundali (Dream Horoscope) > The dream horoscope can be erected from the Pransna Kundali of dreams. When > someone comes to an astrologer with a prasna on what does the dream (which > occured to him) signify, ask the following things: > 1. What he has seen in the dream > 2. What is the probable time of the dream. > > Check the house starting in a reverse direction from the Prasna Lagna > indicating the probable time of the occurance of the Dream. See the planets > who are placed there who aspect the concerned house with Rasi Drishti or > Sign Aspect. If the planets indicate the happenings, then fix the house > which confirm the dream, as the swapna lagna. If there is some person of > Kashyapa Gotra is sitting during the prasna, then declare the dream as > " Asat " or untruth and the results will not fructify. If a person is of Atri > Gotra, the indication of the dream will be fulfilled. If some one of > Vashistha Gotra is there, there is no doubt that the dream will be > fulfilled. > > Other indications: > 1. If Moon is places in the Prasna Lagna- The dream will fructify in the > same day > 2. If Mars- 7 Days or multiple of 7 > 3. Sat- 1 year or its multiple. > 4. Other planets- Take the periods from Prasna Marga. > > Illustration: > One individual has seen a very bad dream in the early morning of 5th, > August. He asks the indication for the same at 12:00 Noon. > When the chart of the moment (12:00 Noon) is as follows: > > Ascdt 9 Li 51 Swathi 1 - > Sun 19 Cn 02 Aasresha 1 BK > Moon 0 Aq 11 Dhanishtha 3 DK > Mars 23 Sc 00 Jyeshtha 2 AK > Mercury 18 Cn 19 Aasresha 1 PiK > Jupiter 11 Ge 05 Aardra 2 PK > Venus 10 Ge 27 Aardra 2 GK > Saturn 18 Ta 42 Rohini 3 MK > Rahu 10 Ge 21 Aardra 2 AmK > Ketu 10 Sg 21 Moola 4 - > > As the dream occured in the early morning, we are interested in the 12th > house from the Lagna i.e., Virgo. As this sign is aspected by Jupiter, Venus > and Rahu from Gemini, though we say that the dream can't be explained by the > combination of Jupiter and Venus (good drea), the presence of Rahu there > shows that the dream is " Asat " or untrue and must be an outcome of the > experiences during the day. (You missed out on the Surya Chakra which is the > foundation-approach the subject systematically) > > Dear Gurudev! > If the person is not clear what is the probable time of his dream, how could > find the swapna lagna? I am not very clear about fixing the swapna lagna. > > Interpretation of the Dream. > 1. Detemine the House which signify the dream. > 2. Determine the planet which signify the dream. > 3. Take 9th house as the Lagna and calculate the signified house (ref. step > 1). This would show the matter related to the dream. > 4. Put the significator planet (ref. step 2) in the sgnified house and Judge > the indications. > > Illustration: > Example 1: Dream related to Money (2nd). 2nd house is 6th from 9th. Hence > the matter is related to enemies, litigation etc. > > Example 2: Dreams related to Sex (7th). 7th is 11th from 9th. Hence the > matter of the dream is related to Gain. > > Example 3: What is the interpretation of a dream that the native has fallen > in a pit full of human excreta. Excreta is ruled by Saturn and Eighth. From > 9th, Saturn will be in the 12th. This is good as it shows income from > illegal means or expenditure on unworthy causes. > > Example 4: The native sees that, he has ended up raping his own sister. What > is the interpretation? > Sisters are ruled by 5th and Sex is 7th from 5th i.e., 11th from Lagna. > Raping is ruled by Mars and 11th is 3rd from the 9th. This indicate, some > courageous activity as Mars is in the 3rd. > > Example 5: Death of self: Death is ruled by Mars and the concerned house is > 8th. Reckoned from 9th, Mars will be placed in the 12th. This shows recovery > from some diseases. Similarly, if one sees the death of enemies, then that > would indicate good health of Enemies. > > Example 6: The native has seen in the dream that, he is travelling in a > plane and the plane met with some problems and descending down at a very > fast speed. The native is trying to hold the plane with all his might from > falling and calling Lord Shiva for help. What does it mean? > Fall and accidents are seen from the 9th house (Sagittarius is the house of > fall/ accidents in the natural zodiac). This mean that there is some malefic > in the Lagna. What is the indication? The native is going to suffer a great > fall in his life and might be health. What would be the indication, if the > native has seen that he has died in the accidant? This would mean, very > powerful malefics in the lagna and would indicate physical death of the > native. > > Example 7: Dream of Guru blessing the native. Guru is represented by Jupiter > and blessing is signigied by 9th. This would mean that Jupiter is in the > Lagna. This can be interpreted as- the native will have a very good health > and he will be left scott free from all troubles. > > Dear Gurudev! > In this class we have not seen the swapna kundali for any interpretation. In > the examples, we interpreted the meaning of the dream only on the basis of > the significator planet and the house. If this is so, what is the > requirement of the swapna kundali? > > Please bless me with knowledge of " Satya " > > regards > Sarajit Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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