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[Hare Rama Krishna] To Brendan and all...

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In a message dated 8/27/2001 11:52:59 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

pist writes:


Jaya Jagganath


Dear Sergey Shatrov:


My friend! Many thanks for your e-mail and your additional comments on this

case. It is a great case for study purposes and please share some more of

your fine work. Since you are a cardiac specialist it would be a pleasure to

work with you on any cases you have in that area also. Any medical case would

of course be of interest. I am no expert but I have made observations over

the years.


Please check-in either privately or on the list when you return from your 25

day trip to Moscow and we will continue to explore.






> Hare Krishna

> Jaya Jajannatha

> Dear Brendan, I try to repeat you thoughts and words as I want to learn the

> medical astrology. So, please will be patient to my sentences of beginner.


> First of all I agree with Sc Lg without doubt. I was merely attached to not

> reliable information. Haw does the women who bore the post - born -

> psychosis can precisely to report about the time of delivery? I think that

> impossible. There are not any special signings at documents so I wasn't to

> trust that information so carefully.

> By the way I was attached at information about her future trip at London


> when I saw the three planet at IX house (as I thought at that time) with

> transit Jupiter and RA I decided that all OK. So it was perfect lesson to


> to don't attached to lifeless construction at my head.

> Now I try to use the 20:54 Time.

> 20 Jun 1978, 20:54:00, Zone 7.00 SST Tuesday, Noril'sk, Russia. 88E06;

> 69N20.

> Ayanamsa: Lahiri: 23:33:22.

> Tithy 15th Tithy-Purnima of Waxing Moon.


> You asked about Sc traits at that girl. Yeas they are: she is a black as a

> coal hair girl with quite wait skin and eyes with shrill scorpio bright.

> Her face has a clear features.

> So at the first time I decided that she has a Scorpio Lg but her mother


> events was not accord to it.


> I try to imagine that I see at that cart at past time and try to see the

> future. It's one thing to describe the past things and quote different


> to predict future.


> +--------------+

> |Ke

> I A8 | | | SU |

> | | | | |

> | | | | Bu |

> | | | | Gu |

> | | | | |

> |-----------+-----------------------+-----------|

> | | |Sk |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> |-----------| Rasi |-----------|

> | | |SA MA AL |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> |-----------+-----------------------+-----------|

> |CH A6 |Lg | |RA |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> +--------------


> +--------------+

> | | CH |SU |MA BU |

> | | SA | | |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> |-----------+-----------------------+-----------|

> | AL | | GU |

> | | | A8 |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> |-----------| D-6 |-----------|

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> |-----------+-----------------------+-----------|

> |SK |Rah KE |Lg | |

> | | | | |

> | | A6 | | |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> +--------------


> +--------------+

> | | CH |Lg |GU |

> | | | | |

> | | SA | | |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> |-----------+-----------------------+-----------|

> | SU | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> |-----------| D-30 |-----------|

> | AL | |A6 |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> |-----------+-----------------------+-----------|

> |MA | | |RA |

> | | | |KE |

> | BU | | |SK |

> | | | | A8 |

> | | | | |

> +--------------


> Vimsottari Dasa:


> At age 6-7 years she had the gastric ulcer it was VE-VE period at

> Vimshottary Dasa so we can think that the influence of VE is not good for

> her health.

> Ve is a malefic (as L 12) and kill graha as L 7. She disposed at moist weak

> place according to sarva ashtaka.

> The L 6 is a MA, but he also is a L 1 and disposed at 10 H this made him

> more good.

> ME is a L 8 and 11, he is at own Mritubhaga so he may be look as Rudra.



> As ME have the RA at her house, as he disposed between two faire grahas and

> is at own Mritubhaga at VIII House, and asp MO (MO is at gandanta), A6,


> RA and A8, we can predict the problems at her antardasa.


> (As VE is a L12 at 12 from AL and with (conjunct) UL and asp A9 (rasi

> drishty) we can to wait the escape from own country but at that antardasa


> can be that?

> I see two variants the MO and ME.

> MO as graha at gandanta can give any strange and unexpected result he is L


> at Rasi and at D-4 and at D-16 he is a L of 12 H.

> ME also good candidature to such role: he conjunct JU, he asp L9 (MO), he

> have RA at own house and aspect nodes by rasi drishty. He is at 12 H from


> with VE. He disposed at 8 H. VE made argala to ME.

> So ME has a little more signs to help VE to escape girl from own country.

> (But it is other story)).


> But what pratyantaradasa? Without doubt the VE. So at period after 21 Dec

> 2000 year we can wait the ill connected with Rasa Dhatu, unclear limpha


> MO from gandanta) and Fair. The first boils arose at the loins (8 H).


> When we can wait the cancel of that disease without treatment? I suppose at

> VE- ME-RA as RA made argala to Ge and her cold influence can decreased the

> additional faire.



> Unfortunetly if be honest I not will be see the ill at Narayana Dasa (from

> Rasi) if I will not have known about ill.


> Of course (Cp-Ar from 18 Feb 2001) now look so dangerous as Cp is 6 from SA

> and Ar 6 H. And SA conjunct with MA at Le and made argala to VE the 12 L

> (and Lg L at D-6).


> But only after Narayana dasa I will not predict the disease (May be Sanjay

> book help me).


> Yogini dasa is more easy for my understanding.

> SU-ME period from 15 Dec 2000 and SU-SA and SU-SK till 16 Dec 2001 year

> (SU-RA) look unhealthy.

> SU and ME at Rasi asp MO and A6 and A8. They made argala to Le (with MA and

> SA) and MA - L6.

> At D-6 SY asp Lg and GU (L6) and ME asp VE (Lg L) and 6H and 12 H.


> At D-30 SU L A6, asp SA (nicha) and MO. BU asp VE (L 6), nodes and A8.



> At calchakra Dasa it moist easily to my view at the unhealthy situation.

> Vi-Cn from 15 Feb 2000 till 6 Jun 2003.


> ME and VE began actual but it is our old friends that grahas is actual at

> Vimshottari Dasa.

> At D-30 they connect with moist unhealthy points VE (with nodes and A8) at

> Vi and SA as it conjunct with MO at Ar.


> During gastric ulcer was actual Cn-Ta period so both this points was actual

> too.

> It's very interesting to faind the difference between diseases and graha

> relation. Why Vi-Cn - skin problem and Cn-Ta gastric problem?


> I think the remedies must be related with VE (Istha Devata), SA (GK), JU

> (day of born Tuesday). The main reason for that choice are above it

> information (in brackets) only additional.

> I recommended the Tuesday fast (she did), recite mantra to Lakshmy at


> (with attention that Lakshmy is Krishna devote and Her servant too) - she

> not did till past Friday (as it wrong to Krishna devotee recite mantra to

> demigods).


> About SA I not had done any recommendation as I not saw his influence at

> this question (I worked with wrong cart) (and I haven't Sanjay book at that

> time) so it will be mercy from you and anybody to recommend any doings.


> Dear Brandan I must travel during 25 days so not wonder on my silent (if I

> will can read and write at other place to inet I will do it).


> With gratitude, Sergey Shatrov.



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