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[Hare Rama Krishna] Om Gurave Namah! Please Consider my Attempt of Lesson # 1

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Dear Katti,

Jaya Jagannath

Fine replies. Preserve this and then after about six months try to give a reply to these very questions and see how much you would have changed.

Best Wishes

Sanjay Rath





Sunday, September 02, 2001 3:51 PM

[Hare Rama Krishna] Om Gurave Namah! Please Consider my Attempt of Lesson # 1

Om Gurave Namah! I would be greatly obliged if more learned people here and guru;s comment on this.God in my life.God in every one;s life exists in different forms and features. In my life, i think the questions i have is how god exists in me. God in my life is that energy that makes in ask questions. The essense of life (my life), the jeevatma is god. This energy that cannot be precieved unless one is self aware is god for me. This energy in me is god in my life.What have you done in the past one year to come closer to god?Coming closer to to god is one form of attachement. I sincerly feel that as long as one is seeking he/she will never find it. What i have done to come closer to god, is by knowing myself. Because god is not somewhere outside, but god is in me. Seeking and coming closer to god cannot be done my a particular method. As this supreme energy exists differently n everyone. For me i think god can be known when i am aware of myself. When i master the process of identifing the process of my thought. This is an effort for knowing god in me. Trying to know myself (to be self aware) is what i have done to come closer to god.God is all or All is god?Both the statements are true as god exists as the paramatman and god also exists in each beings as jeevatma. Paramatman is the supreme consicous and the jeevatma is the consicous self with the baggage of karma.Role of a jyotish different from a priest.The fundermental difference is that a priest by his services can only relate to the present. it is only a person who pratices jyotish can read the map of a persons karma from a horoscope and there by relating to the future aspect to a person.Thanks and RegardsKattti NarahariOM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database

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Pranam Shri Rath,


Om Gurave Namah! Thanks for taking time and giing through my first

attempt. I will surely follow your advice and re-visit the answers in

6 minths time.


I have tried mailing you (srath) from my official mail id.

It keeps bouncing!.


Can i humbly ask you to be my guru? I will be greatly obliged.


Thanks and Regards


Katti NArahari.



varahamihira, " Sanjay Rath " <srath@v...> wrote:

> Dear Katti,

> Jaya Jagannath

> Fine replies. Preserve this and then after about six months try to

give a reply to these very questions and see how much you would have


> Best Wishes

> Sanjay Rath

> -

> Hari

> varahamihira

> Sunday, September 02, 2001 3:51 PM

> [Hare Rama Krishna] Om Gurave Namah! Please Consider my

Attempt of Lesson # 1



> Om Gurave Namah!


> I would be greatly obliged if more learned people here and guru;s

> comment on this.



> God in my life.


> God in every one;s life exists in different forms and features.

In my

> life, i think the questions i have is how god exists in me. God

in my

> life is that energy that makes in ask questions. The essense of


> (my life), the jeevatma is god. This energy that cannot be


> unless one is self aware is god for me. This energy in me is god


> my life.


> What have you done in the past one year to come closer to god?


> Coming closer to to god is one form of attachement. I sincerly


> that as long as one is seeking he/she will never find it. What i


> done to come closer to god, is by knowing myself. Because god is


> somewhere outside, but god is in me. Seeking and coming closer to


> cannot be done my a particular method. As this supreme energy


> differently n everyone. For me i think god can be known when i am

> aware of myself. When i master the process of identifing the


> of my thought. This is an effort for knowing god in me. Trying to

> know myself (to be self aware) is what i have done to come closer


> god.


> God is all or All is god?


> Both the statements are true as god exists as the paramatman and


> also exists in each beings as jeevatma. Paramatman is the supreme

> consicous and the jeevatma is the consicous self with the baggage


> karma.


> Role of a jyotish different from a priest.


> The fundermental difference is that a priest by his services can


> relate to the present. it is only a person who pratices jyotish


> read the map of a persons karma from a horoscope and there by

> relating to the future aspect to a person.


> Thanks and Regards


> Kattti Narahari




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