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Basic Clarification request

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Respected list members and gurus,


I joined this list recently and am trying to understand the basic concepts.

I would appreciate it if someone could guide me to the right book or clarify

my following confusions:





My knowledge of astronomy is poor, so please forgive me if this issue seems

simple to other list members. My doubt is as follows:


The reference point that we take is based on an assumption of the last time

that the tropical and sidereal zodiac were perfectly aligned. Different

people have calculated different precession rates and all those logics seem

fine. However, if we are referring to the sidereal zodiac as that being in

reference to certain fixed stars, then is there any need for this

calculation? Can the position of the planets in the zodiac not be directly

determined by reference to these stars?


The second point connected with Ayanamsha is that even if we take it as with

reference to some fixed stars, the current astronomical observations show

that the universe is expanding AT ALL POINTS. As such, no fixed point at any

given time would remain in the same position at another time. While the

error on this account in calculating the Ayanamsha might be negligible, in

principle, it would seem to point against the use of a so called fixed point

to base an eternal system.


Ayanamsha is an extremely important number. A minor change in this can

change the ascendant or any of the divisional charts when one is on a

borderline. Rectification of the birth time would affect different things

(such as ascendant, etc.) differently. 4 minutes would change the ascendant

by a degree but would hardly change the longitude of Sun, let alone slower

planets. However, one degree change in Ayanamsha would bring about changes

in all planets and points in the horoscope. So, having the correct Ayanamsha

is more important in the overall sense.


This brings us to another aspect of the teaching of the ancient sages. If

their teachings were based on the reference to certain fixed points, which

are not in the same position today, perhaps some of those principles need to

be adapted. Of course, learned astrologers on the list might have tested out

all the principles and found these to be accurate.




I am curious to know the basic nature of planetary aspects and how these are

supposed to work. There is probably some energy relationship or sympathetic

force fields set up in the relevant points where the aspects are said to be

in operation. Is there any further information available on how exactly

Vedic aspects operate?




I am sure many people have asked similar questions in the past and I expect

that some things just have to be taken as given until one gets a deeper

rational or intuitive understanding. However, if I can be pointed to

previous discussions where such questions might have been answered, as

opposed to merely discussed, I would be grateful.


With kind regards










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