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[Hare Rama Krishna] Weekly/monthly prediction

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Dear Anton,



> Pranam, dear gurus and students,> > We would like to publish monthly or weekly forecast in our Russian-language> magazine "Vedic Astrology". It should be somewhat individualized for 12 groups> of people.

Well, I myself make monthly predictions on a Hungarian website, but it's based on the New Moon chart of hte month, so it's not individualised, just a mundane chart for the country. However this is what I take to be reasonable, as an individualised chart will not be exact anywas, as onyl the Lagna or Moon sign is not enough to take into consideration, whatever technique you use (Rasi transits or Sarvatobhadra cakra etc.)

> 1. What is the best way to individualize such predictions: by Jamna-rashi> or by Lagna-rashi?

The general people won't knwo either of their Moon or Lagna positions, so what is the use, Average people know only their tropical sun signs. Of course you masy give dates fro sidereal Sun signs, but still a transit chart can't be read properly on the basis of the natal sun sign.

> 2. How should predictions be done? For instance, it can be Gochara of all> grahas relative to Jamna-rashi (like exapmle at the end of message); it can be> consideration of functional grahas (Sthira Karakas) relative to Lagna.

f the two the first is more reasonable, as Sthira Karakas are only for longevity. But then again you should notice that a Tajaka monthly chart is more exact than a general transit assessment, but that is again individual and can't be done in a newspaper.

> 3. Which books can be learned for such type of predictions?

I don't even know of any seroius books on Gochara. Maybe is some list members know such books, they could mention it also for my benefit.

> 4. Maybe there are trustworthy forecasts in magazines and at internet> sites?

Try astroweek.com




Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer <gauranga Phone: +36-309-140-839 Jyotish Remedies: WWW.BRIHASPATI.NET



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Om Gurave Namah


Dear Gauranga,

Draw the chart for the sankranti (solar ingress into the Sun sign) and make

your predictions accordingly. USE VEDIC sun signs by giving the dates of

sankranti for each sign. Thus, we shall have 12 groups of people. Draw the

chart for the Sunrise of each day and give daily predictions. Recite hare

Rama Krishna and He will guide you through the rest of the process. Please

do not use the sun signs as given in the tropical chart as this will mislead

many others. People can easily find their natal Moon signs and give a

reference ot the web sites available for this. If possible, we can have an

on-line program that can give the natal moon sign for the birth details

being fed in. With the dawn of the computer age, we should help others to

also know the truth about themselves... after all then only will Bhagavan

help us.

Best Wishes

Sanjay Rath


Gauranga Das <gauranga

<varahamihira >

Thursday, September 06, 2001 5:22 PM

Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Weekly/monthly prediction





Dear Anton,




> Pranam, dear gurus and students,


> We would like to publish monthly or weekly forecast in our


> magazine " Vedic Astrology " . It should be somewhat individualized for 12


> of people.


Well, I myself make monthly predictions on a Hungarian website, but it's

based on the New Moon chart of hte month, so it's not individualised, just a

mundane chart for the country. However this is what I take to be reasonable,

as an individualised chart will not be exact anywas, as onyl the Lagna or

Moon sign is not enough to take into consideration, whatever technique you

use (Rasi transits or Sarvatobhadra cakra etc.)


> 1. What is the best way to individualize such predictions: by


> or by Lagna-rashi?


The general people won't knwo either of their Moon or Lagna positions, so

what is the use, Average people know only their tropical sun signs. Of

course you masy give dates fro sidereal Sun signs, but still a transit chart

can't be read properly on the basis of the natal sun sign.


> 2. How should predictions be done? For instance, it can be Gochara of


> grahas relative to Jamna-rashi (like exapmle at the end of message); it

can be

> consideration of functional grahas (Sthira Karakas) relative to Lagna.


f the two the first is more reasonable, as Sthira Karakas are only for

longevity. But then again you should notice that a Tajaka monthly chart is

more exact than a general transit assessment, but that is again individual

and can't be done in a newspaper.


> 3. Which books can be learned for such type of predictions?


I don't even know of any seroius books on Gochara. Maybe is some list

members know such books, they could mention it also for my benefit.


> 4. Maybe there are trustworthy forecasts in magazines and at internet

> sites?


Try astroweek.com




Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer


Phone: +36-309-140-839

Jyotish Remedies:


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