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Reply to Mr.Sanjay Jaggia- Basic Clarification request

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Namaste Mr.Sanjay Jaggia,

I will leave the Ayanamsa Part of your question, which I will comeback later. Let me give a reply to your DHRISHTI or Aspect part. This mail is rather big and I request the Gurus to correct me.

Your question:

I am curious to know the basic nature of planetary aspects and how these aresupposed to work. There is probably some energy relationship or sympatheticforce fields set up in the relevant points where the aspects are said to bein operation. Is there any further information available on how exactlyVedic aspects operate?

My Reply: There is no clear reference for how exactly the aspect is operating in the vedic texts. In fact most of the important matters in the vedic texts are not explained in detail. The reason for leaving them is, those matters highly varies as time passes, plus the effect of such matters may be innumerable, which will be difficult to list. So, the sages did not want to mislead the astrologer by just giving some standard examples, fearing that the astrologers will follow that example only.

Although, you are referring to Graha Drishti, I will discuss Rasi Drishti also. Otherwise, others may ask how Rasi Drishti is understood.

Drishti or aspect in general is the influence of planets on other planets and houses/ Bhavas. As we know in the ordinary world, many people influence us and we influence many in different manner. In addition, those influences also varies time to time. So, it is difficult to simplify and tell. For example, how you influence your mother is different from how your mother influence you. Similarly, your mother's influence on you will be different from your father's influence on you.

A small introduction to Graha and Rasi drishti.

Graha drishti: A planet aspects, the planets in the 7th house from it, by full and the outer planets like Mars (4th & 8th), Jupiter (5th & 9th) and Saturn (3rd & 10th) has special aspects on the houses mentioned in brackets. Grahas or planets are animate. Their drishti also animate in nature.

Rasi drishti: A movable rasi aspects all the fixed rasis except the one adjacent to it. For ex. Ar. aspects Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. A fixed rasi aspects all the movable rasis except the one adjacent to it. For ex. Ta. aspects Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. A dual sign aspects all other dual signs. A planet in a sign or rasi also aspect or drishiti as the sign it occupies.

Now your question how these aspects operate?

In management, when we study the leadership qualities we come across two powers. One is individual power. Other one is positional power. Individual power is a persons individual qualities, some people has inherent nature to get the works done by others, irrespective of the position they hold. For example, in my department, my assistant Mr.Chacko is more influencial with other staff than I. If I want something to be done out of the way, I ask Chacko to handle. This is Chacko's individual influence. This is because of his friendly nature with others. His influence is high among the people of Kerala state. This we can compare to the Graha drishti. Mr.Chacko is like Jupiter aspecting or influenceing 5th and 9th houses, he has his own influence on the Kerala state people.

Whereas Rasi Drishti is positional power. People respect me for my position as Financial Controller. I am powerful than Chacko as the department head. So, I have more influence on others than Chacko on normal business matters. I acquired the power because of the position. Similarly, a planet's rasi drishti is due to the sign/bhava it occupies.

In both Individual power and positional power the composite influence is based on the person and his position. For example, Jayalalitha's influence on Tamilnadu state as Chief Minister of the state is different from that of Karunanithi's, though the position is same in both cases. Similarly, Jupiter in Sagittarius aspecting other dual signs is different from Saturn in that sign and aspecting others.

In the Graha drishti also a planet's influence depends on the sign it occupies, but it is different from the Rasi drishti. In our example, when Mr.Chacko works in finance departments, his helping tendencies are mostly related to financial matters. Suppose, if he is transfered to Stores, his influence will be related to material purchase. In Jyotish, a planet's graha drishti also varies depending on the sign/bhava it occupies.

This blending of all the aspects and its influence and judging the correct prediction is the talent which will be acquired only by Gurubakthi and Prayer. In addition dasa influence also has to be considered.

I take my case as an example and explain.

Retrograde Jupiter is in my 3rd house of Aries and aspects (graha drishti) on 7th house, 9th house and 11th house. Rasi drishti on 1st bhava, Aq., 7th Bhava Leo and 10th Bhava Scorpio.

Graha drishti:He is in general benefic in nature, but during his retrograde nature it gives delayed or opposite effect. Because of its inherent nature, it blessed with religious wife (7th house) in its period, Higher studies and SJVC (9th house), gave lots of wealth to my elder sister (11th house). So, its individual qualities are prominent through the graha drishti.

Rasi drishti: He occupies the 3rd sign of brothers and sisters, Aries and placed 12th from Moon. The sign effects of Agni qualities shown up in its period. The marriage (7th house) was through my sister. I had peptic ulcer and stomach problems (7th house, but 5th house of Kalapurusha), I got jobs (10th house) through my sister. Troubles were indicated in all these signs due its retrograde nature and 12th from moon and the Agni tatwa of the sign. So, mental problems, due to sister (3rd house), in Job and in family life. So, the mental trouble and sister are influencial in all these 3 signs' affairs.

This is only my interpretation, it could be wrong also. I request the Gurus to correct me.


Solai KannanSanjay Jaggia [sanjaygg2001]Thursday, September 06, 2001 7:59 AMvarahamihira Subject: [Hare Rama Krishna] Basic Clarification request

Respected list members and gurus,I joined this list recently and am trying to understand the basic concepts.I would appreciate it if someone could guide me to the right book or clarifymy following confusions:---1. AYANAMSHAMy knowledge of astronomy is poor, so please forgive me if this issue seemssimple to other list members. My doubt is as follows:The reference point that we take is based on an assumption of the last timethat the tropical and sidereal zodiac were perfectly aligned. Differentpeople have calculated different precession rates and all those logics seemfine. However, if we are referring to the sidereal zodiac as that being inreference to certain fixed stars, then is there any need for thiscalculation? Can the position of the planets in the zodiac not be directlydetermined by reference to these stars?The second point connected with Ayanamsha is that even if we take it as withreference to some fixed stars, the current astronomical observations showthat the universe is expanding AT ALL POINTS. As such, no fixed point at anygiven time would remain in the same position at another time. While theerror on this account in calculating the Ayanamsha might be negligible, inprinciple, it would seem to point against the use of a so called fixed pointto base an eternal system.Ayanamsha is an extremely important number. A minor change in this canchange the ascendant or any of the divisional charts when one is on aborderline. Rectification of the birth time would affect different things(such as ascendant, etc.) differently. 4 minutes would change the ascendantby a degree but would hardly change the longitude of Sun, let alone slowerplanets. However, one degree change in Ayanamsha would bring about changesin all planets and points in the horoscope. So, having the correct Ayanamshais more important in the overall sense.This brings us to another aspect of the teaching of the ancient sages. Iftheir teachings were based on the reference to certain fixed points, whichare not in the same position today, perhaps some of those principles need tobe adapted. Of course, learned astrologers on the list might have tested outall the principles and found these to be accurate.2. ASPECTSI am curious to know the basic nature of planetary aspects and how these aresupposed to work. There is probably some energy relationship or sympatheticforce fields set up in the relevant points where the aspects are said to bein operation. Is there any further information available on how exactlyVedic aspects operate?--I am sure many people have asked similar questions in the past and I expectthat some things just have to be taken as given until one gets a deeperrational or intuitive understanding. However, if I can be pointed toprevious discussions where such questions might have been answered, asopposed to merely discussed, I would be grateful.With kind regardsSanjay_______Get your free @ address at OM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database

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