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Basic Questions - Muraly

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Namaste Muraly,


My comments are below.



1> Gauranga's point of What else would Bhagvan do except playing games somehow does not seem right to me. Also going to Pt. Sanjay Rath's point of imbalances of the gunas gives rise to the manifestation of this Universe - My question is why is the imbalance created. In my experience a bad person could completely lose his Tamo guna and become Satvik ( like Valmiki etc).So once gunas become Satvik they would not revert back to Rajas or Tamas. If NARAYANA is completely Satvik how come Rajas and Tamas are born out of him?


Solai: We cannot understand the secret of God's creation. The question of why god has created the world and universe is unanswered and it is beyond the capacity of our senses. But, we can only comprehend how does it works and what is expected out of us. All other religious teachings set one code of conduct for all, except Hindu (Gita and Bagavatam), where the whole community is divided into 3 groups based on the 3 gunas. If you are predominant with Satva guna, take the Gnyana yoga, the path of knowledge, if you are predominant with Rajas take the Karma yoga and if you are Tamasic in nature, blindly follow the Bakti yoga to reach the God.


Now let us come to your question of why and how Rajas and Tamas born out of Narayana. If you read Gita and Bagavatam in many places, it is mentioned one state which is above these 3 Gunas, which is nearer to Bagavan. Bagavan is above Satva Guna. From him these 3 Gunas evolved. If all are saint we will not recognise a saint. I am not saying that just because we have to recognise a saint god created Tamas. What I mean is, the 3 Guans are there in every body and every species. But, the predominent Guna will show up in a person or in a species.


Now, when we come to your next part of the question, when a person become Satvik he should not revert. This is why all religious teachings are there. Again this is where Jyotish comes into picture. Though a particular Guna will be predominant in a person, depending on the dasa running the Guna will change. When a person suffers he remembers God. But, when he gets wealth and fame, he concentrates on the Rajas than Satvik matters, this we are seeing in many people's life. That is why continuous reading and rereading of Vedic scriptures or Gita in particular is important.

2> Brahma's divisibility is MAYA. It seems like Brahma is having the greatest fun of all. Nothing wrong with it though. But if I want to be outside of Brahma's realm what do I need to do?


Solai: How can it be? There is no place outside of Brahma's realm. If you identify a place. Then it is OK. But there is no place.

3> Why is it difficult for me to talk to God? Why was Arjuna previleged to have Krishna by his side. Why cannot I have Krishna by my side? Basically I want to disolve myself. What is the procedure and what is the guarantee that it is the right procedure?

Solai: Who said you are not privileged? Who said Krishna is not beside you? He is there within you in the form of Atma. He is there within your neighbour. When Krishna was teaching to Uddhava in Bagavatam, he talks about a saint who learnt the spiritual teachings from 24 Gurus, like river, earth etc., So, it is not necessary that he should take the same form as Krishna and we should take Arjuna form.


Where do you want to dissolve? What for? Again it is very clearly given in Gita and in teachings to Uddhava, there is no one path. Depending on your Guna you can take a path and all meets at one place.

4> Getting back to Jyotish and Mantra Shastra - I have all the books of Pt. Sanjay Rath. I am already looking forward to the article that Pt. Sanjay Rath is going to write.I am sure its going to give a lot more details about Mantra shastra. The crucial thing about Mantra Shastra is that when we get to divisional charts birth time needs to be accurate. What constitutes birth time - when the baby first cries or when it touches the ground or when it is conceived?

Solai:As per Pt.Sanjay's teaching, the time of cutting the umbilical cord is the right time. That is the time the baby become independent in the world. The logic is we should take the nisheka chart or the chart drawn at the time of conceiving, at that time only the atma or the soul enter into the conception. That time is very difficult to find. So, we take the time when the baby is independent from the mother.

Question about my chart - Wedding was predicted for me by couple of SJVC gurus by September this year. Still there is time but I am not very confident about the prediction though.Solai: Pt.Sanjay has asked about your 7th and 8th house details. Please attach your chart in the form of JHD file. Gurudeva Pt.Sanjay will help you.



Solai Kannan

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