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Om Gurave Namah


Dear Chandru,

There are many rules correlatin the Rasi & Navamsa and I shall give you some

for a start..


RULE 1) A planet, even if exalted in rasi chart, if debilitated in navamsa

can cause rajabhanga Neecha Yoga.


a) If the said planet in the Kendra or trikona from Arudha Lagna and is a

benefic, then the native himself has Rajabhanga Yoga.

b) If the said planet is a benefic and is in a dusthana like 3 or 6 from

arudha Lagna, then the natives enemies have Rajabhanga and the native

actually enjoys Rajyoga.

c) If the said planet is a malefic in Kendra or Trikona from Arudha Lagna

then the native enjoys Rajyoga by the destruction of evil around him.

d) If the said planet is a malefic and is placed in the 3 or 6 from AL, then

the native although aspiring for rajyoga will lose to his enemies.


RULE 2) The sign in the second house from the Navamsa Lagna as viewed in the

rasi chart, shall be the focus for the past Karma of the native to fructify

in this life. For example, if the Navamsa Lagna is in the 11th house from

Natal Lagna, then the second from this is the sign in the 12th house from

Natal lagna. this deals with Moksha and Jaimini accordingly prescribes

spirituality and Moksha.


RULE 3) The chara Karakas placed in kendra and trikona from the Navamsa

Lagna shall prosper whereas those in dusthana shall suffer. For example even

if the Atmakaraka is strong in the rasi chart, if it is in the 6th house the

native shall be afflicted by diseases.


I can just go on and on from my little grey memory left...


Best Wishes

Sanjay Rath


Chandru Vasandani <chandruvasandani

<gjlist >

Monday, September 10, 2001 6:50 AM

[gjlist] Navamsha...



> Hello All,


> Can anyone give me few guidelines as to how do we

> interpret Navamsha Horoscope with respect to Natal

> Horoscope. I am fairly new to vedic astrology. Any

> help on this subject would be very helpful.


> Thanks in Advance


> Regards


> Chandru


> _____


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