Guest guest Posted September 10, 2001 Report Share Posted September 10, 2001 Om Gurave Namah -------------------------- Dear Visti, My observations: A3 is in the sixth from Sun showing some physical obstruction and this conjoined sat & Ketu shows that her tapasya is coming on the way or some other obstruction is there. She needs to see a doctor for this (perhaps!). See D-7: First two beautiful daughters and then a powerful son. Pisces Narayana dasa has just started this year and this will bloom to be a great pewriod for her. Can you see HAIR (KETU) CUTTING/SHORTEN (STAURN) in the 11th from her Arudha Lagna? So, this Karma is coming on her way. Best Wishes Sanjay Rath - Visti Larsen <vlarsen <varahamihira > Sunday, September 09, 2001 3:03 PM [Hare Rama Krishna] Childbirth prospects? > ------------------------------ > -- Om Gurave Namah -- > ------------------------------ > > Dear Guru's, Namaste. > > I have here the chart of a female hairdresser, who has saught guidance > regarding her ability to have children. Please consider the bellow chart and > correct my attempt bellow. > The whole chart is attached in jhd format. > > Date of Birth: January 22, 1974 > Time of Birth: 7:00:00 pm > Time Zone of Birth: 11:00 East of GMT > Longitude of Birth: 143 E 34 > Latitude of Birth: 35 S 21 > +----------------------+ > | | Glk | | Ket | > | | | | | > | | Mnd | | SatR | > | | | | | > | | Mar | | Asc | > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| > | | | | > | | | | > | | | BL | > | | | | > | | | | > |-------------| R A S I |-------------| > | Sun VenR | | | > | | | | > | Mer | | GL | > | | | | > | HL Jup | | | > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| > | | | | | > | Rah | | | | > | | | | | > | Moo | | | | > | | | | | > +----------------------+ > > > > + Rasi + > > - Deha - > The stronger of Lagna and 7th seems to be 7th. Hence the reference to either > 3rd house or 9th, becomes 9th(being 3rd from 7th house). > > The Arudha of the 9th house is in Libra. The 8th from Libra doesn't contain > Mercury or Venus, but does contain the aspect of the same. > > Sun(deha) isn't in 2nd, 8th, 6th or 12th from A9. This shouldn't show > complete deniance of fertility. > > - 9th house - > In female charts we should analyse the 9th house for childbirth, instead of > 5th. > 9th lord Saturn is in Lagna with Ketu.. Ganesh usually doesn't want > child-noises to disrupt his Sadhana. > > Saturn is retrogade giving Children from unorthodox sources. Mars aspects > 9th as well. > > - Putra Karaka - > Venus and Jupiter are in 8th house, where Jupiter is debilitated. Jupiter is > also Badhakesh causing obstructions in health through childbirth. Sun is > here to promote weak health along with Mercury. Her delicate body may not be > able to sustain childbirth. > > The 9th from Upapada(UL is an even sign) lorded by retrogade Putra karaka, > indicates children adopted through marriage. > > - Putra Pada - > Putrapada is in Shastashaka(6th/8th) from Lagnapada showing that she may be > opposed to the idea of having children. > > > + Dharmamsa + > If I move the Navamsa Lagna 00:20 degrees(Time: 07:01:30), Saturn lord > Lagna, whilst Mercury and > Ketu are in trines, showing inability to have children. > > Ketu in trines indicates ability to work with hair? > > Rahu and Venus join, this causes blood-related problems. > > + Saptamsa + > > - Surya - > Sun is joined with Mars in Leo, gaining Rasi Dristi from Jupiter and > Mercury. > There doesn't seem to be any severe problems in getting pregnant. > > - Chandra - > Moon is joined with debilitated Ketu, causing quick miscarriages. The same > is aspected by Debilitated Venus, and Rahu. > > - Lagna, etc. - > Lagna is joined by Deb-Venus, in Exchange with Mercury with Saturngiving > Graha Dristi. Surely her sexual activities have taken a toll on her ability > to procreate.. If this Yoga dominates she cannot procreate. > > 9th lord is Venus, being debilitated and aspected by the nodes and Moon, > giving very little if any fortune from these activities. > > - Putra Karaka - > With Both Chara Putra Karaka and Naisargika Putra Karaka debilitated, as > Moon is joined a debilitated malefic, i'll conclude that she cannot > procreate > > > - Individual children - > > Lagna lord is in exchange so 5th house shows first child. > > 1st child: > Badhakesh occupied 5th giving health obstacles. > Lorded by retrogade Saturn gives alternative means of getting children. > Mars gives Rasi Dristi on 5th, so an adoption may come.. As Jupiter lords > 7th, this may be through marriage.. also Mars doesn't give Graha Dristi, so > she may not wanto adopt, but will through marriage. > > Saturn is in Cancer giving a boy. > > > Please consider my above attempt, and be clear in correcting me. Did i miss > anything? > Best wishes, Visti. > > -- > These calculations were made using " Jagannatha Hora Lite " . It is a > free software from Sri Jagannath Vedic Centre. You can download it > from or > -- > > Date of Birth: January 22, 1974 > Time of Birth: 7:00:00 pm > Time Zone of Birth: 11:00 East of GMT > Longitude of Birth: 143 E 34 > Latitude of Birth: 35 S 21 > Lunar month (maasa): Pushya > Lunar day (tithi): Krishna Chaturdasi > Tithi balance: 0.0152 > Nakshatra balance: 0.0324 > Sun-Moon Yoga: Harshana > Sun-Moon Karana: Sakuna > Vara (weekday): Tuesday > > Sunrise = 6:33 am (Apparent rise - upper limb) > Ayanamsa = 23-29-58 > Dasa year length chosen = 365.2500 days > > Planet Position Pada CharaK > > Ascdt 13 Ge 00 Aardra 2 - > Sun 8 Cp 25 U.Shaa. 4 GK > Moon 26 Sg 14 Poo.Shaa. 4 AmK > Mars 17 Ar 55 Bharani 2 MK > Mercury 17 Cp 00 Sravanam 3 PiK > Jupiter 25 Cp 44 Dhanishtha 1 BK > Venus ® 10 Cp 58 Sravanam 1 PK > Saturn ® 5 Ge 29 Mrigasira 4 DK > Rahu 3 Sg 17 Moola 1 AK > Ketu 3 Ge 17 Mrigasira 3 - > BhavaLg 14 Cn 27 Pushyami 4 - > HoraLg 21 Cp 00 Sravanam 4 - > GhatiLg 10 Le 42 Makha 4 - > Dhooma 21 Ta 45 Rohini 4 - > Vyati 8 Aq 14 Satabhisham 1 - > Pari 8 Le 14 Makha 3 - > I.Chapa 21 Sc 45 Jyeshtha 2 - > Upaketu 8 Sg 25 Moola 3 - > Kaala 7 Cp 03 U.Shaa. 4 - > Mrityu 20 Aq 29 Poo.Bhaa. 1 - > ArthaPr 12 Pi 32 U.Bhaa. 3 - > YamaGha 4 Ar 29 Aswini 2 - > Mandi 29 Ta 21 Mrigasira 2 - > Gulika 17 Ta 57 Rohini 3 - > > > +----------------------+ > | | | | Ket | > | | | Glk | | > | | Mar | | SatR | > | | | Mnd | | > | | | | Asc | > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| > | | | | > | | | | > | | | BL | > | | | | > | | | | > |-------------| R A S I |-------------| > | Sun VenR | | | > | | | | > | Mer | | GL | > | | | | > | HL Jup | | | > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| > | | | | | > | Rah | | | | > | | | | | > | Moo | | | | > | | | | | > +----------------------+ > > +----------------------+ > | | | | | > | | Rah | | Glk | > | Sun | | | | > | | VenR | | Mer | > | | | | | > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| > | | | | > | | | GL | > | | | | > | | | HL | > | | | | > |-------------| N A V A M S A |-------------| > | | | | > | | | | > | Asc | | Jup | > | | | | > | | | | > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| > | | SatR | | | > | | | | Mar | > | | BL | Ket | | > | | | | Mnd | > | | Moo | | | > +----------------------+ > > > Vimsottari Dasa: > > Venu 1974-01-22 > Sun 1974-09-15 Moon 1975-01-03 Mars 1975-07-04 Rahu 1975-11-09 Jupi > 1976-10-03 > Satu 1977-07-22 Merc 1978-07-04 Ketu 1979-05-11 Venu > 1979-09-15 > Moon 1980-09-15 Mars 1981-07-16 Rahu 1982-02-14 Jupi 1983-08-16 Satu > 1984-12-15 > Merc 1986-07-16 Ketu 1987-12-16 Venu 1988-07-16 Sun > 1990-03-16 > Mars 1990-09-15 Rahu 1991-02-11 Jupi 1992-03-01 Satu 1993-02-05 Merc > 1994-03-16 > Ketu 1995-03-14 Venu 1995-08-10 Sun 1996-10-09 Moon > 1997-02-14 > Rahu 1997-09-15 Jupi 2000-05-28 Satu 2002-10-22 Merc 2005-08-28 Ketu > 2008-03-16 > Venu 2009-04-03 Sun 2012-04-03 Moon 2013-02-26 Mars > 2014-08-28 > Jupi 2015-09-15 Satu 2017-11-03 Merc 2020-05-16 Ketu 2022-08-22 Venu > 2023-07-29 > Sun 2026-03-29 Moon 2027-01-15 Mars 2028-05-16 Rahu > 2029-04-22 > Satu 2031-09-15 Merc 2034-09-18 Ketu 2037-05-28 Venu 2038-07-07 Sun > 2041-09-06 > Moon 2042-08-19 Mars 2044-03-19 Rahu 2045-04-28 Jupi > 2048-03-04 > Merc 2050-09-15 Ketu 2053-02-11 Venu 2054-02-08 Sun 2056-12-09 Moon > 2057-10-15 > Mars 2059-03-17 Rahu 2060-03-13 Jupi 2062-09-30 Satu > 2065-01-05 > Ketu 2067-09-15 Venu 2068-02-11 Sun 2069-04-13 Moon 2069-08-18 Mars > 2070-03-20 > Rahu 2070-08-16 Jupi 2071-09-03 Satu 2072-08-09 Merc > 2073-09-18 > > Ashtottari Dasa: > > Satu 1974-01-22 Venu 1974-08-18 Sun 1976-07-29 > Moon 1977-02-17 Mars 1978-07-09 Merc 1979-04-06 > Jupi 1980-11-01 Rahu 1984-03-06 Venu 1986-04-16 Sun 1989-12-25 Moon > 1991-01-15 > Mars 1993-09-05 Merc 1995-02-01 Satu 1998-01-28 > Rahu 1999-11-02 Venu 2001-03-03 Sun 2003-07-03 Moon 2004-03-02 Mars > 2005-11-01 > Merc 2006-09-22 Satu 2008-08-12 Jupi 2009-09-21 > Venu 2011-11-02 Sun 2015-12-02 Moon 2017-01-31 Mars 2020-01-01 Merc > 2021-07-23 > Satu 2024-11-11 Jupi 2026-10-22 Rahu 2030-07-03 > Sun 2032-11-01 Moon 2033-03-03 Mars 2034-01-01 Merc 2034-06-12 Satu > 2035-05-23 > Jupi 2035-12-12 Rahu 2037-01-01 Venu 2037-09-01 > Moon 2038-11-01 Mars 2040-12-01 Merc 2042-01-11 Satu 2044-05-22 Jupi > 2045-10-12 > Rahu 2048-06-02 Venu 2050-01-31 Sun 2053-01-01 > Mars 2053-11-01 Merc 2054-06-06 Satu 2055-09-08 Jupi 2056-06-05 Rahu > 2057-11-01 > Venu 2058-09-22 Sun 2060-04-12 Moon 2060-09-21 > Merc 2061-11-01 Satu 2064-07-05 Jupi 2066-01-31 Rahu 2069-01-28 Venu > 2070-12-19 > Sun 2074-04-09 Moon 2075-03-20 Mars 2077-07-29 > Satu 2078-11-01 Jupi 2079-10-06 Rahu 2081-07-09 Venu 2082-08-19 Sun > 2084-07-29 > Moon 2085-02-17 Mars 2086-07-09 Merc 2087-04-06 > > Kalachakra Dasa: > > Cp 1974-01-22 Ar 1974-03-23 Pi 1974-07-20 Aq 1975-01-06 > Sg 1975-03-15 Cn 1976-05-13 Le 1978-10-22 Ge 1979-05-22 Ta 1980-06-08 > Ar 1982-04-18 Pi 1983-02-10 Aq 1984-04-09 Cp 1984-09-26 > Ar 1985-03-15 Ta 1985-09-10 Ge 1986-10-24 Cn 1987-06-11 Le 1988-11-29 > Vi 1989-04-06 Li 1989-11-22 Sc 1991-01-05 Sg 1991-07-03 > Ta 1992-03-15 Ge 1994-10-06 Cn 1996-03-15 Le 1999-07-25 Vi 2000-05-12 > Li 2001-10-20 Sc 2004-05-12 Sg 2005-06-25 Ar 2007-01-31 > Ge 2008-03-15 Cn 2009-01-05 Le 2010-11-26 Vi 2011-05-09 Li 2012-02-29 > Sc 2013-08-08 Sg 2014-03-26 Ar 2015-02-18 Ta 2015-10-06 > Cn 2017-03-15 Le 2021-08-12 Vi 2022-08-30 Li 2024-07-21 Sc 2027-11-30 > Sg 2029-05-20 Ar 2031-06-26 Ta 2032-12-14 Ge 2036-04-24 > Le 2038-03-15 Vi 2038-06-15 Li 2038-11-26 Sc 2039-09-14 Sg 2040-01-20 > Ar 2040-07-21 Ta 2040-11-25 Ge 2041-09-14 Cn 2042-02-25 > Vi 2043-03-15 Li 2044-01-05 Sc 2045-06-14 Sg 2046-01-30 Ar 2046-12-25 > Ta 2047-08-12 Ge 2049-01-19 Cn 2049-11-11 Le 2051-10-02 > Li 2052-03-15 Sc 2054-10-06 Sg 2055-11-19 Ar 2057-06-25 Ta 2058-08-08 > Ge 2061-02-28 Cn 2062-08-08 Le 2065-12-18 Vi 2066-10-06 > Sc 2068-03-15 Sg 2068-09-10 Ar 2069-05-23 Ta 2069-11-18 Ge 2071-01-01 > Cn 2071-08-20 Le 2073-02-06 Vi 2073-06-14 Li 2074-01-30 > Sg 2075-03-15 Ar 2076-03-15 Ta 2076-11-25 Ge 2078-07-03 Cn 2079-05-28 > Le 2081-07-03 Vi 2082-01-01 Li 2082-11-26 Sc 2084-07-02 > > > Ashtakavarga Tables (before reduction): > > Ar Ta Ge Cn Le Vi Li Sc Sg Cp Aq Pi > Sun 4 5 4 4 2 6 4 5 4 3* 4 3 > Moon 5 4 3 4 6 3 6 6 3* 3 2 4 > Mars 3* 4 6 1 2 1 4 6 3 2 3 4 > Merc 4 5 5 4 2 6 3 6 5 6* 3 5 > Jupi 6 4 4 4 4 4 8 7 1 5* 6 3 > Venu 4 3 3 3 6 6 5 5 3 4* 5 5 > Satu 3 2 5* 1 5 3 4 6 3 2 3 2 > Total 29 27 30 21 27 29 34 41 22 25 26 26 > > Ashtakavarga Tables (after reduction): > > Ar Ta Ge Cn Le Vi Li Sc Sg Cp Aq Pi > Sun 2 2 0 1 0 3 0 0 2 0 0 0 > Moon 2 1 1 0 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 > Mars 1 1 3 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 > Merc 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 > Jupi 5 0 0 1 3 0 4 0 0 1 1 0 > Venu 1 0 0 0 3 3 2 1 0 1 1 2 > Satu 0 0 2 0 2 0 1 5 0 0 0 1 > Total 7 2 4 0 5 0 2 7 0 0 0 5 > > Sodya Pindas: > > RasiP GrahaP SodyaP Rasi Nakshatra > > Sun 71 26 97 Le U.Bhaa. > Moon 69 21 90 Pi Revathi > Mars 82 55 137 Ge Aardra > Merc 62 68 130 Pi Satabhisham > Jupi 113 67 180 Pi Jyeshtha > Venu 114 35 149 Ar Visakha > Satu 95 10 105 Ge Jyeshtha > > > +----------------------+ > | | | | | > | | | | | > | | | Mar | | > | | | | | > | | | | | > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| > | | | | > | | | Glk | > | | | | > | | | Mnd | > | | | | > |-------------| H O R A |-------------| > | | | | > | | | Ket SatR | > | | | | > | | | Asc Rah | > | | | | > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| > | | Mer | BL | | > | | | | | > | GL | HL | Sun | Moo | > | | | | | > | | Jup | VenR | | > +----------------------+ > > +----------------------+ > | | | | | > | | | VenR | Ket | > | | | | | > | | | Mer | SatR | > | | | | | > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| > | | | | > | | | | > | | | | > | | | | > | | | | > |-------------| D - 3 |-------------| > | | | | > | Mnd | | Mar | > | | | | > | Sun | | Moo | > | | | | > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| > | | | | Glk | > | GL | | | | > | | BL | Asc | HL | > | Rah | | | | > | | | | Jup | > +----------------------+ > > +----------------------+ > | | | | | > | | Sun | | Ket | > | | | | | > | | VenR | | SatR | > | | | | | > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| > | | | | > | | | Mer | > | Mnd | | | > | | | HL | > | | | | > |-------------| D - 4 |-------------| > | | | | > | | | | > | | | | > | | | | > | | | | > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| > | | | Mar | | > | | Glk | | Asc | > | Rah | | BL | | > | | GL | | Moo | > | | | Jup | | > +----------------------+ > > +----------------------+ > | Glk | Ket | | | > | | | | | > | BL | SatR | | | > | | | | | > | Mer | Rah | | | > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| > | | | | > | | | | > | GL | | | > | | | | > | | | | > |-------------| D - 5 |-------------| > | | | | > | | | | > | HL | | | > | | | | > | | | | > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| > | | | | | > | Mar | Mnd | | Sun | > | | | Moo | | > | Asc | Jup | | VenR | > | | | | | > +----------------------+ > > +----------------------+ > | | | | | > | Mnd | Ket | | Asc | > | | | SatR | | > | Jup | Rah | | GL | > | | | | | > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| > | | | | > | | | | > | HL | | Mar | > | | | | > | | | | > |-------------| D - 6 |-------------| > | | | | > | Glk | | | > | | | | > | Mer | | | > | | | | > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| > | | | | | > | BL | | | | > | | Sun | | Moo | > | VenR | | | | > | | | | | > +----------------------+ > > +----------------------+ > | | | | | > | | | | Ket | > | Glk | BL | Mnd | | > | | | | Moo | > | | | | | > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| > | | | | > | | | | > | | | SatR | > | | | | > | | | | > |-------------| D - 7 |-------------| > | | | | > | | | Mar | > | Jup | | | > | | | Sun | > | | | | > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| > | | | | | > | | | GL | Asc | > | Rah | HL | | | > | | | Mer | VenR | > | | | | | > +----------------------+ > > +----------------------+ > | | | | | > | | | | Sun | > | | Glk | | | > | | | | VenR | > | | | | | > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| > | | | | > | GL | | Mnd | > | | | | > | Moo | | BL | > | | | | > |-------------| D - 8 |-------------| > | | | | > | | | Mar Ket | > | | | | > | | | Rah Mer | > | | | | > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| > | | | | | > | | | | SatR | > | | Asc | Jup | | > | | | | HL | > | | | | | > +----------------------+ > > +----------------------+ > | | | | | > | | | | | > | | HL | Jup | Glk | > | | | | | > | | | | | > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| > | | | Ket | > | | | | > | Mer | | SatR | > | | | | > | | | BL | > |-------------| D - 1 0 |-------------| > | | | | > | | | | > | Rah | | Moo | > | | | | > | | | | > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| > | | | | | > | | GL | Mnd | | > | VenR | | | Mar | > | | Sun | Asc | | > | | | | | > +----------------------+ > > +----------------------+ > | | | | | > | Ket | SatR | | Asc | > | | | Moo | | > | GL | Jup | | BL | > | | | | | > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| > | | | | > | | | | > | HL | | | > | | | | > | | | | > |-------------| D - 1 1 |-------------| > | | | | > | Mnd | | | > | | | | > | Mer | | | > | | | | > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| > | | | | | > | | | Mar | Glk | > | | VenR | | | > | | | Sun | Rah | > | | | | | > +----------------------+ > > +----------------------+ > | | | | | > | | Mnd | | | > | | | VenR | | > | | Sun | | | > | | | | | > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| > | | | | > | | | Ket | > | | | | > | | | Mer | > | | | | > |-------------| D - 1 2 |-------------| > | | | | > | | | | > | Rah | | SatR | > | | | | > | | | | > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| > | Glk | Mar | | | > | | | | | > | BL | Asc | Moo | HL | > | | | | | > | GL | Jup | | | > +----------------------+ > > +----------------------+ > | | | | | > | | | Glk | | > | HL | | | Asc | > | | | Jup | | > | | | | | > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| > | | | | > | | | | > | SatR | | | > | | | | > | | | | > |-------------| D - 1 6 |-------------| > | Mar Ket | | | > | | | | > | GL Rah | | Sun | > | | | | > | Moo Mer | | | > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| > | | | | | > | | Mnd | | | > | | | | VenR | > | | BL | | | > | | | | | > +----------------------+ > > +----------------------+ > | | | | | > | Mar | | | | > | | Asc | | HL | > | Mer | | | | > | | | | | > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| > | | | | > | | | Mnd | > | | | | > | | | GL | > | | | | > |-------------| D - 2 0 |-------------| > | | | | > | BL | | | > | | | | > | Moo | | | > | | | | > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| > | | Glk | | | > | | | Ket | Sun | > | | SatR | | | > | | | Rah | Jup | > | | VenR | | | > +----------------------+ > > +----------------------+ > | | | | Mnd | > | VenR | GL | | | > | | | | Asc | > | Jup | Moo | | | > | | | | BL | > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| > | | | | > | | | | > | | | | > | | | | > | | | | > |-------------| D - 2 4 |-------------| > | | | | > | | | | > | Sun | | Mer | > | | | | > | | | | > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| > | | | Mar | | > | | | | | > | SatR | HL | Ket | Glk | > | | | | | > | | | Rah | | > +----------------------+ > > +----------------------+ > | | | | | > | | | | Rah | > | Moo | VenR | | | > | | | | Jup | > | | | | | > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| > | SatR | | | > | | | | > | BL | | | > | | | | > | Sun | | | > |-------------| D - 2 7 |-------------| > | | | | > | GL | | | > | | | Mar | > | HL | | | > | | | | > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| > | | | | | > | | | | Mnd | > | Ket | Glk | Mer | | > | | | | Asc | > | | | | | > +----------------------+ > > +----------------------+ > | Glk | | | | > | | Ket | | | > | BL | | | | > | | Rah | | | > | Mer | | | | > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| > | | | | > | | | | > | SatR | | | > | | | | > | | | | > |-------------| D - 3 0 |-------------| > | | | | > | | | | > | HL | | | > | | | | > | | | | > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| > | Mar | | | | > | | Mnd | | Sun | > | Asc | | Moo | | > | | Jup | | VenR | > | GL | | | | > +----------------------+ > > +----------------------+ > | | | | | > | | | | | > | Mar | | BL | GL | > | | | | | > | | | | | > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| > | | | | > | Moo | | | > | | | | > | HL | | | > | | | | > |-------------| D - 4 0 |-------------| > | | | | > | | | Ket Rah | > | Mnd | | | > | | | Mer Jup | > | | | | > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| > | | | | Glk | > | | | | | > | VenR | SatR | | Asc | > | | | | | > | | | | Sun | > +----------------------+ > > +----------------------+ > | | | | | > | | Mnd Ket | | Mar | > | Moo | | Mer | | > | | Rah Sun | | Jup | > | | | | | > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| > | | | | > | | | | > | | | Asc | > | | | | > | | | | > |-------------| D - 4 5 |-------------| > | | | | > | | | SatR | > | BL | | | > | | | VenR | > | | | | > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| > | | | | | > | | | | | > | GL | HL | Glk | | > | | | | | > | | | | | > +----------------------+ > > +----------------------+ > | | | | | > | Mar | Glk SatR | GL | | > | | | | Rah | > | Mnd | Moo Jup | Sun | | > | | | | | > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| > | | | | > | | | | > | | | HL | > | | | | > | | | | > |-------------| D - 6 0 |-------------| > | | | | > | | | | > | | | Asc | > | | | | > | | | | > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| > | | | | | > | | BL | | | > | Ket | | VenR | | > | | Mer | | | > | | | | | > 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Guest guest Posted September 10, 2001 Report Share Posted September 10, 2001 Om Gurave Namah ---------------------- Dear Sanjay, Yes I noticed the Hair cutting in both Rasi and Dasamsa. Two questions: 1. Why did you consider A3 instead of A9? 2. In Saptamsa Lagna Lord is in Parivartana reversing the order. Why didn't you reckon this in reverse? Please explain your reasoning, or my vision will be akin to seeing the flowers without stems, and the stars without sky. How do i learn from that? Best wishes, Visti. * * * Dear Visti,My observations:A3 is in the sixth from Sun showing some physical obstruction and thisconjoined sat & Ketu shows that her tapasya is coming on the way or someother obstruction is there. She needs to see a doctor for this (perhaps!).See D-7: First two beautiful daughters and then a powerful son. PiscesNarayana dasa has just started this year and this will bloom to be a greatpewriod for her.Can you see HAIR (KETU) CUTTING/SHORTEN (STAURN) in the 11th from her ArudhaLagna? So, this Karma is coming on her way.Best WishesSanjay Rath Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 11, 2001 Report Share Posted September 11, 2001 Om Gurave Namah -------------------------- Dear Visti, A3 is stronger than A9 and 3rd house aspected by its Lord, Jup and Mercury is stronger than the ninth house. These are the rules similar to Shoola dasa for father. also remember that the shoola dasa is based on the basic period of pregnancy of 9 months. Secondly, I agree that there is a Parivartana between Lagna and second Lords and this has the tendency to reverse the reckoning. So, first should be son and then two daughters. I missed that. Moon is very important and this needs to be strengthened. Best Wishes Sanjay Rath - Visti Larsen <vlarsen <varahamihira > Monday, September 10, 2001 5:16 PM Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Childbirth prospects? > Om Gurave Namah > ---------------------- > > Dear Sanjay, > > Yes I noticed the Hair cutting in both Rasi and Dasamsa. > > Two questions: > > 1. Why did you consider A3 instead of A9? > 2. In Saptamsa Lagna Lord is in Parivartana reversing the order. Why didn't > you reckon this in reverse? > > Please explain your reasoning, or my vision will be akin to seeing the > flowers without stems, and the stars without sky. > > How do i learn from that? > > Best wishes, Visti. > > * * * > > Dear Visti, > > My observations: > A3 is in the sixth from Sun showing some physical obstruction and this > conjoined sat & Ketu shows that her tapasya is coming on the way or some > other obstruction is there. She needs to see a doctor for this (perhaps!). > See D-7: First two beautiful daughters and then a powerful son. Pisces > Narayana dasa has just started this year and this will bloom to be a great > pewriod for her. > Can you see HAIR (KETU) CUTTING/SHORTEN (STAURN) in the 11th from her Arudha > Lagna? So, this Karma is coming on her way. > > Best Wishes > Sanjay Rath > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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