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Sanjay Rath re. Asura Yoga

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Om Gurave Namah


Dear Robin,

Your observations are very correct. Sura is the Sun and generally indicates

the Government and laws. Jupiter is the great law maker and enforcing agent

is Mars. Thus with Jupiter in the 8th house the person is an ASURA or ONE

WHO DOES NOT HESITATE TO BREAK THE LAW. Now this definition of law or what

is the order of the day is another thing, but such people will challenge the

practise of the day and may set new standards.

In the chart of sankaracharya we find that Jupiter is also the ninth lord of

dharma and is in the tenth from the Arudha Lagna so, the asura Yoga resulted

in his challenge to the people who were denouncing the Vedic Tradition andd

he reestablished Hinduism i.e. gave it a new look as compared to the then

prevailing order or view.

When there is Gajakesari Yoga and that too by conjunction, then jupiter gets

functional exaltation i.e. as if in Cancer and such a Jupiter tends to

overlook the law breaking of the ASURA yoga that the first example in your

letter does.

As I said this is just a single planet position Yoga and its results will

have to be read with other placements. Yogas like Dharma Karmadhipati or 2

planet Yogas are more strong to give their results provided the Karaka for

these yoga are also indicating similar results. Three planet Yogas like the

Parijatha Yoga (Labhesha Vidyesha Dhanesha Yoga i.e 11. 4 & 2 Lords) are

even more powerful in their indications of results. In this manner the

effect of Yoga has to examined.

Best Wishes

Sanjay Rath



<gjlist >

Sunday, September 09, 2001 2:13 AM

Re: [gjlist] Sanjay Rath re. Asura Yoga



> In a message dated 9/8/2001 12:03:56 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

> arun.uthayan writes:



> > Dear Sanjay,

> >

> > Though I had wanted to ask this question for sometime, I had not

> > paused it as I could not feel your presence in the list.

> >

> > Many months ago, while discussing a topic you had mentioned

> > about " Asura Yoga " caused by Jupiter's placement in the eigth house.

> > Will you please elaborate on that yoga. How does Jupiter's eigth

> > house placement in one of his own houses (Sagittarius/Pisces) differ

> > from others?

> >

> > Thank you ,

> > Arun

> >


> I am so glad you brought this up, Arun! I would also really like to

> know everything possible about Asura Yoga, it is something that keeps


> up in charts of people I know. Can tell you one thing, the ones I have in

> mind have this in common: they seem to " get away with murder " --take all

> sorts of risks and never a scratch. (One drives drunk every night and we


> talking falling down--no problem at all. Pulls out in front of cars with


> lights on, all sorts of stuff--never a peep out of the law. Jupiter in


> conj Moon--could be the Jupiter conj Moon rather than Jupiter in 8th


> this one to get away with things.)

> One person I know has this and seems very sweet, is very psychic, it

> really surprised me to see this in his chart based on the other Jupiters


> 8ths. But I told him now I wonder what it is he's getting away with! He

> just laughed. He's not into astrology himself, but he's willing to be a


> subject. He has Jupiter in Virgo, I don't know if Jupiter works that well


> that sign.

> So, anyway, I'm very curious also. Have 2 Sanjay Rath books and have

> read what's in there about Asura Yoga there--enough to say also, please

> elaborate!

> Thanks,

> Namaste

> Robin




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Om Gurave Namah


Dear Nitish,


The asura Yoga present is totally defunct and non functional in the face of

the Kala-Amrita Yoga. Kala sarpa Yoga are of 2 typea KSY and KAy indicating

the two extremes of Criminals and Saints. You belong to the latter category

and suffering is there in both cases. the specific sarpa Devata for you is

Mahapadma see my website at http://sanjayrath.tripod.com for more details of

the mantra for Mahapadma etc.


Nitish Arya

December 12, 1979

Time: 10:27:00

Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

Longitude: 77 E 12' 00 "

Latitude: 28 N 36' 00 "

Altitude: 0.00 meters


Lunar Year: Siddarthi

Lunar Month: Margasira

Tithi: Krishna Navami (93.98% left)

Weekday: Wednesday

Nakshatra: U.Pha. (54.67% left)

Yoga: Ayushman

Karana: Taitula

Hora Lord: Jupiter


Sunrise: 7:04:18

Sunset: 17:24:30

Janma Ghatis: 8.4458


Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi Navamsa ChKarak


Lagna 15 Cp 33' 22.09 " Sravanam 2 Cp Ta -

Sun 25 Sc 59' 17.14 " Jyeshtha 3 Sc Aq AK

Moon 2 Vi 42' 38.59 " U.Pha. 2 Vi Cp DK

Mars 15 Le 16' 45.17 " Poo.Pha. 1 Le Le PiK

Mercury 5 Sc 58' 54.34 " Anuradha 1 Sc Le PK

Jupiter 16 Le 20' 11.97 " Poo.Pha. 1 Le Le MK

Venus 23 Sg 20' 19.85 " Poo.Shaa. 4 Sg Sc AmK

Saturn 2 Vi 50' 53.27 " U.Pha. 2 Vi Cp GK

Rahu 9 Le 22' 09.87 " Makha 3 Le Ge BK

Ketu 9 Aq 22' 09.87 " Satabhisham 1 Aq Sg -

Bhava Lagna 16 Cp 31' 12.03 " Sravanam 2 Cp Ta -

Hora Lagna 7 Pi 11' 42.10 " U.Bhaa. 2 Pi Vi -

Ghati Lagna 9 Le 13' 12.32 " Makha 3 Le Ge -

Vighati Lagna 19 Vi 20' 43.38 " Hastha 3 Vi Ge -

Pranapada Lagna 19 Ta 29' 18.55 " Rohini 3 Ta Ge -

Sree Lagna 28 Ge 44' 43.91 " Punarvasu 3 Ge Ge -

Indu Lagna 2 Ar 42' 38.59 " Aswini 1 Ar Ar -

Kunda 0 Cn 02' 49.24 " Punarvasu 4 Cn Cn -





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| / \ 10 / \ |

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| / \ / Mar \ |

| / \ / Jup Rah \ |



Best Wishes

Sanjay Rath



Nitish Arya <aryanitish

<gjlist >

Sunday, September 09, 2001 10:51 PM

Re: [gjlist] Sanjay Rath re. Asura Yoga



> Dear Sanjay,

> I have Jupiter in 8th house but it is vargottama too. My ascendant is

> capricorn. Does it make asura yoga? Can you please tell ,What is the


> of being born in asura yoga? For details my birth data is :-

> My date of birth is 12-12-1979,10:27am, delhi,india

> thanks in anticipation,

> regards,

> nitish


> > " Sanjay Rath " <srath

> >gjlist

> ><gjlist >

> >Re: [gjlist] Sanjay Rath re. Asura Yoga

> >Sat, 8 Sep 2001 22:22:45 +0530

> >

> >

> >Om Gurave Namah

> >--------------------------

> >Dear Arun,

> >

> >ASURA is different from DAITYA and PAAPA. To appreciate this we need to

> >constantly remember that Bhakta Prahalad was also born an Asura. Sura

> >refers

> >to Surya and Jupiter is the Sura Guru. The mere placement of Jupiter in


> >eighth may produce the potential for Asura Yoga and this can be activated

> >provided other influences are also present. Dr Raman has given both the

> >charts of Benito Mussolini and Sankaracharya in his book on Notable

> >horoscopes with Jupiter in the eighth house. while he classifies


> >as an Asura, he has not classified Sankaracharya. Why? In fact Sankara is

> >considered an incarnation of Shiva and the jagat Guru. Jupiter is a

> >functional benefic for Cancer Lagna and its placement in aquarius results

> >in

> >a situation where is akin to exaltation. It is also in trines to


> >Lagna Lord Moon. This alters the situation completely.

> >

> >For Capricorn Lagna, Jupiter is a first rate malefic and its placement in

> >8th results in Asura yoga. more so if Jupiter is in Badhak or 3rd house

> >(Marana Karaka Sthana) from Paka Lagna. The Yoga needs to be examined in

> >totality with the chart. I have never believed in independant working of


> >Yoga.

> >

> >Best Wishes

> >Sanjay Rath

> >-

> ><arun.uthayan

> ><gjlist >

> >Saturday, September 08, 2001 9:32 AM

> >[gjlist] Sanjay Rath re. Asura Yoga

> >

> >

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear Sanjay,

> > >

> > > Though I had wanted to ask this question for sometime, I had not

> > > paused it as I could not feel your presence in the list.

> > >

> > > Many months ago, while discussing a topic you had mentioned

> > > about " Asura Yoga " caused by Jupiter's placement in the eigth house.

> > > Will you please elaborate on that yoga. How does Jupiter's eigth

> > > house placement in one of his own houses (Sagittarius/Pisces) differ

> > > from others?

> > >

> > > Thank you ,

> > > Arun

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Om Gurave Namah


Dear Arun,

I am not sure whether I agree with your interpretation of the Rig Veda. In

fact Indra and other demi Gods like Agni are Sura whereas Varuna is Asura.

Specifically Indra is the lawmaker Jupiter's deity and Agni is the Law

upholder Surya's deity. Varuna is the deity of the seas and rules

international trade and waters and is also the father of Lakshmi and is

associated with the Jala tatwa of venus.


Asura Yoga does not really give super human powers. It merely gives an

attitude. One of defying the order of the day. Powers come from the lords of

the trines and abilities to use these come from the lords of the Kendra.


Best Wishes

Sanjay Rath




<gjlist >

Monday, September 10, 2001 7:56 AM

[gjlist] Re: Sanjay Rath re. Asura Yoga



> Sanjay,


> I thank you for taking time to clarify.


> Will it be fair to treat the yoga as giving super human power or

> strength to the chart that will accentuate the inherent proclivities?


> Interestingly, in Rig Veda the term Asura has been used to denote

> the Supreme Spirt and has also been applied to some deities such as

> Indra, Agni and Varuna. But, later on the term has come to denote

> demons and enemies of gods. Somtimes the term is used to denote Sun,

> based on the sanskrit root 'As'- to shine.


> Regards,

> Arun



> gjlist, " Sanjay Rath " <srath@v...> wrote:

> > on some topic roclivities.

> > Om Gurave Namah

> > --------------------------

> > Dear Arun,

> >

> > ASURA is different from DAITYA and PAAPA. To appreciate this we

> need to

> > constantly remember that Bhakta Prahalad was also born an Asura.

> Sura refers

> > to Surya and Jupiter is the Sura Guru. The mere placement of

> Jupiter in the

> > eighth may produce the potential for Asura Yoga and this can be

> activated

> > provided other influences are also present. Dr Raman has given both

> the

> > charts of Benito Mussolini and Sankaracharya in his book on Notable

> > horoscopes with Jupiter in the eighth house. while he classifies

> Mussolini

> > as an Asura, he has not classified Sankaracharya. Why? In fact

> Sankara is

> > considered an incarnation of Shiva and the jagat Guru. Jupiter is a

> > functional benefic for Cancer Lagna and its placement in aquarius

> results in

> > a situation where is akin to exaltation. It is also in trines to

> Sankara's

> > Lagna Lord Moon. This alters the situation completely.

> >

> > For Capricorn Lagna, Jupiter is a first rate malefic and its

> placement in

> > 8th results in Asura yoga. more so if Jupiter is in Badhak or 3rd

> house

> > (Marana Karaka Sthana) from Paka Lagna. The Yoga needs to be

> examined in

> > totality with the chart. I have never believed in independant

> working of a

> > Yoga.

> >

> > Best Wishes

> > Sanjay Rath





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