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Mars/Ketu transit in Sag troublesome

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Om Gurave Namah


Dear Doug,

You can add.


Pisces wondering what to do,

as Jupiter continues with Rahoo.

Aries & scorpio in financial doldrums,

As Mars is fuming when Ketu has fun.

Jobless Taurus & Libra batter their head,

Wily Saturn has stolen their bread.

Gemini & Virgo have broken marriage and home,

Time can build houses but not a home.

Capricorn has Sleepless nights ,

Mars & ketu are like ghosts having a fight.

Aquarius the thinker is overcome with strife,

Has lost his lands and clings to his life.


O God! Have mercy.....

Best Wishes

Sanjay Rath


Doug Riemer <vedic

<vedic astrology >

Tuesday, September 11, 2001 1:22 AM

[vedic astrology] Mars/Ketu transit in Sag troublesome



> I wonder if others in the group are experiencing typical Mars/Ketu

> stuff - sensitive emotions, accidents, off-balance physical

> reactions...?


> Also notice that Saturn is slowing down in Taurus - more economic

> pressures as restrictions increase.


> World events appear to reflect this - gyrating stock market,

> religious fanaticism, very violent crimes.


> For me, Libra Asc., lots of tension, too fast reactions. Other

> Ascendants: Taurus - accidents, Leo - overstimulated mind, Virgo -

> irritable....


> I believe the world will be somewhat different by the end of the

> month?


> doug riemer










> ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......





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Aum Gurave Namah!

Dear Gurudev!


Excellent composition. I didn't know your poetic abilities.






varahamihira, " Sanjay Rath " <srath@v...> wrote:


> Om Gurave Namah

> --------------------------

> Dear Doug,

> You can add.


> Pisces wondering what to do,

> as Jupiter continues with Rahoo.

> Aries & scorpio in financial doldrums,

> As Mars is fuming when Ketu has fun.

> Jobless Taurus & Libra batter their head,

> Wily Saturn has stolen their bread.

> Gemini & Virgo have broken marriage and home,

> Time can build houses but not a home.

> Capricorn has Sleepless nights ,

> Mars & ketu are like ghosts having a fight.

> Aquarius the thinker is overcome with strife,

> Has lost his lands and clings to his life.


> O God! Have mercy.....

> Best Wishes

> Sanjay Rath

> -

> Doug Riemer <vedic@k...>

> <vedic astrology>

> Tuesday, September 11, 2001 1:22 AM

> [vedic astrology] Mars/Ketu transit in Sag troublesome



> > I wonder if others in the group are experiencing typical Mars/Ketu

> > stuff - sensitive emotions, accidents, off-balance physical

> > reactions...?

> >

> > Also notice that Saturn is slowing down in Taurus - more economic

> > pressures as restrictions increase.

> >

> > World events appear to reflect this - gyrating stock market,

> > religious fanaticism, very violent crimes.

> >

> > For me, Libra Asc., lots of tension, too fast reactions. Other

> > Ascendants: Taurus - accidents, Leo - overstimulated mind, Virgo -

> > irritable....

> >

> > I believe the world will be somewhat different by the end of the

> > month?

> >

> > doug riemer

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Om Gurave Namah--------------------------Dear Ron,

I am not very happy with the Makr Sankranti charts and have been trying this for a long time. The Full Moon chart instead of the New Moon chart as used in the east india & punjab seems to give better results. Take a look at this chart for washington DC. The Lagna rising is Gemini with rahiu in it and Mars and Ketu in the seventh house. The Arudha Lagna is in Aries and the third from AL is seen for death. This is again Gemini with Rahu (Dushta Marana Yoga) in airy Gemini aspected by Mars (War/Fire etc) and Ketu(rules aerial direction) from sagittarius (Fall from height).


Let us make the Narayana Dasa for this period of one year and you will see that the disaster occured during the Narayana Gemini Dasa. You can also try Vimsottari (compressed) but his will give mercury dasa both from the Lagna sphuta and Moon calculations.



May 7, 2001Time: 8:53:00Time Zone: 5:00:00 (West of GMT)Longitude: 77 W 02' 00"Latitude: 38 N 54' 00"Altitude: 0.00 meters


Lunar Year: VrishaLunar Month: VaisakhaTithi: Pournimasya (0.01% left)Weekday: MondayNakshatra: Visakha (76.03% left)Yoga: VyatipataKarana: BavaHora Lord: Mars


Sunrise: 5:05:28Sunset: 19:06:08Janma Ghatis: 9.4802


Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi Navamsa ChKarak


Lagna 21 Ge 09' 12.37" Punarvasu 1 Ge Ar -Sun 23 Ar 11' 47.93" Bharani 3 Ar Li AKMoon 23 Li 11' 44.69" Visakha 1 Li Ar AmKMars 5 Sg 04' 34.74" Moola 2 Sg Ta DKMercury 8 Ta 43' 54.91" Krittika 4 Ta Pi PKJupiter 21 Ta 02' 41.56" Rohini 4 Ta Cn BKVenus 12 Pi 45' 04.59" U.Bhaa. 3 Pi Li PiKSaturn 8 Ta 11' 20.03" Krittika 4 Ta Pi GKRahu 15 Ge 06' 39.30" Aardra 3 Ge Aq MKKetu 15 Sg 06' 39.30" Poo.Shaa. 1 Sg Le -Uranus 0 Aq 46' 09.64" Dhanishtha 3 Aq Li -Neptune 14 Cp 54' 11.15" Sravanam 2 Cp Ta -Pluto ® 20 Sc 45' 43.21" Jyeshtha 2 Sc Cp -Bhava Lagna 19 Ge 55' 31.02" Aardra 4 Ge Pi -Hora Lagna 16 Le 48' 24.34" Poo.Pha. 2 Le Vi -Ghati Lagna 7 Aq 27' 04.32" Satabhisham 1 Aq Sg -Vighati Lagna 20 Ge 40' 24.19" Punarvasu 1 Ge Ar -Pranapada Lagna 20 Ge 49' 34.43" Punarvasu 1 Ge Ar -Sree Lagna 17 Vi 26' 18.93" Hastha 3 Vi Ge -Indu Lagna 23 Ge 11' 44.69" Punarvasu 1 Ge Ar -Kunda 3 Cn 25' 41.62" Pushyami 1 Cn Le -Dhooma 6 Vi 31' 47.93" U.Pha. 3 Vi Aq -Vyatipata 23 Li 28' 12.07" Visakha 2 Li Ta -Parivesha 23 Ar 28' 12.07" Bharani 4 Ar Sc -Indra Chapa 6 Pi 31' 47.93" U.Bhaa. 1 Pi Le -Upaketu 23 Pi 11' 47.93" Revathi 2 Pi Cp -Kaala 13 Li 59' 27.47" Swathi 3 Li Aq -Mrityu 5 Ge 47' 58.46" Mrigasira 4 Ge Sc -Artha Prahara 28 Ge 28' 01.77" Punarvasu 3 Ge Ge -Yama Ghantaka 19 Cn 35' 39.81" Aasresha 1 Cn Sg -Maandi 1 Vi 42' 59.17" U.Pha. 2 Vi Cp -Gulika 21 Le 06' 04.91" Poo.Pha. 3 Le Li -Varnada Lagna 7 Sc 57' 36.71" Anuradha 2 Sc Vi -


+--------------+|Ven |Sun AL |Mer Jup |Asc Rah || | |Sat | || | | | || | | | || | | | ||-----------+-----------------------+-----------||GL | | || | | || | | || | | || | | ||-----------| Rasi |-----------|| | |HL Glk || | | || | | || | | || | | ||-----------+-----------------------+-----------||Mar Ket | |Moo |Mnd || | | | || | | | || | | | || | | | |+--------------+


+--------------+|Mer Sat |Asc Moo |Mar |AL || | | | || | | | || | | | || | | | ||-----------+-----------------------+-----------||Rah | |Jup || | | || | | || | | || | | ||-----------| Navamsa |-----------||Mnd | |Ket || | | || | | || | | || | | ||-----------+-----------------------+-----------||GL | |Sun Ven |HL || | |Glk | || | | | || | | | || | | | |+--------------+

Narayana Dasa of D-1 chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa):


Maha Dasas:


Sg: 2001-05-07 (08:53:00) - 2001-05-22 (14:07:32) Ar: 2001-05-22 (14:07:32) - 2001-06-15 (22:30:49) Le: 2001-06-15 (22:30:49) - 2001-07-01 (03:45:22) Vi: 2001-07-01 (03:45:22) - 2001-07-13 (07:57:01) Cp: 2001-07-13 (07:57:01) - 2001-08-06 (16:20:17) Ta: 2001-08-06 (16:20:17) - 2001-09-09 (03:52:18) Ge: 2001-09-09 (03:52:18) - 2001-10-12 (15:24:19) Li: 2001-10-12 (15:24:19) - 2001-10-30 (21:41:46) Aq: 2001-10-30 (21:41:46) - 2001-11-27 (07:07:58) Pi: 2001-11-27 (07:07:58) - 2001-12-27 (17:37:04) Cn: 2001-12-27 (17:37:04) - 2002-01-24 (03:03:15) Sc: 2002-01-24 (03:03:15) - 2002-01-30 (05:09:04) Sg: 2002-01-30 (05:09:04) - 2002-02-20 (12:29:26) Ar: 2002-02-20 (12:29:26) - 2002-03-04 (16:41:05) Le: 2002-03-04 (16:41:05) - 2002-03-26 (00:01:27) Vi: 2002-03-26 (00:01:27) - 2002-04-19 (08:24:44) Cp: 2002-04-19 (08:24:44) - 2002-05-01 (12:36:22) Ta: 2002-05-01 (12:36:22) - 2002-05-04 (13:39:17) Ge: 2002-05-04 (13:39:17) - 2002-05-07 (14:42:11) Li: 2002-05-07 (14:42:11) - 2002-05-25 (20:59:39) Aq: 2002-05-25 (20:59:39) - 2002-06-04 (00:08:23) Pi: 2002-06-04 (00:08:23) - 2002-06-10 (02:14:12) Cn: 2002-06-10 (02:14:12) - 2002-06-19 (05:22:56) Sc: 2002-06-19 (05:22:56) - 2002-07-19 (15:52:02)


I hope you find this useful. Normally I don't like to make such statements unless i am personally fully satisfied about the working of a method. I have been trying out all three methods for a long time and find this method used in East india and Punjab to be the best.

Best WishesSanjay Rath



<vedic astrology >

Wednesday, September 12, 2001 3:10 PM

[vedic astrology] Re: Mars/Ketu transit in Sag troublesome

> Aum Krishna Guru> > Dear Friends,> > vedic astrology, rajesh_lakhani wrote:> > > > well it cant be only conjuction that brigs in dissaster. because > mars > > will conjuct evry planet every year. so do we have dissaster every > > year. The rasi the lagna f place of occurance and rahu and jt in > > seventh house should aslo be considered.> > just a point for discussion> > rajesh> > > > Try using Makar Sankranti Chart(s) for USA to accurately predict and > pinpoint this event. > > Unfortunately, none of us would have thought of looking there for > such; *before* such events occur. > > With that...> > Please give my best regards to all your loved ones ever and you take > care too. > > Aum Namo Narayana> > Kind regards, > > Ron> > >

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