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[Hare Rama Krishna] Navamsha...

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Jaya Jagannatha!


> Om Gurave Namah

> --------------------------

> Dear Chandru,

> There are many rules correlatin the Rasi & Navamsa and I shall give you

> some for a start..


> RULE 1) A planet, even if exalted in rasi chart, if debilitated in navamsa

> can cause rajabhanga Neecha Yoga.

> {Notes:

> a) If the said planet in the Kendra or trikona from Arudha Lagna and is a

> benefic, then the native himself has Rajabhanga Yoga.

> b) If the said planet is a benefic and is in a dusthana like 3 or 6 from

> arudha Lagna, then the natives enemies have Rajabhanga and the native

> actually enjoys Rajyoga.

> c) If the said planet is a malefic in Kendra or Trikona from Arudha Lagna

> then the native enjoys Rajyoga by the destruction of evil around him.

> d) If the said planet is a malefic and is placed in the 3 or 6 from AL,

> then the native although aspiring for rajyoga will lose to his enemies.


> RULE 2) The sign in the second house from the Navamsa Lagna as viewed in

> the rasi chart, shall be the focus for the past Karma of the native to

> fructify in this life. For example, if the Navamsa Lagna is in the 11th

> house from Natal Lagna, then the second from this is the sign in the 12th

> house from Natal lagna. this deals with Moksha and Jaimini accordingly

> prescribes spirituality and Moksha.


> RULE 3) The chara Karakas placed in kendra and trikona from the Navamsa

> Lagna shall prosper whereas those in dusthana shall suffer. For example

> even if the Atmakaraka is strong in the rasi chart, if it is in the 6th

> house the native shall be afflicted by diseases.


> I can just go on and on from my little grey memory left...


> Best Wishes

> Sanjay Rath

Please go on for our benefit!

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