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Sanjay Rath re. Asura Yoga - Arudha Lagna

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Pranama Gurudeva,


I asked this question earlier and it ended up in discussing strength of Rasi in Narayana Dasa.


But, your explanation to this Asura yoga query forced me to ask this question again.


We have been taught to consider the co-lordship of dual lord signs in calculating arudha padas. My question is how to assess the Strength of the planets participating in the co-lordship? I was using the strength rules used in Narayana dasa. However, in your article about ABVajpayee, you have taken Mars as the lord of Scorpio, so the resultant AL is placed in Virgo. But, Ke is exalted and conjoins two planets, whereas Mars is placed alone in its own sign Aries. This has confused me.


Similarly, in my case, my lagna is Aq. Saturn is in lagna and the other lord Rahu (Atmakaraka) exalted in Gemini. As per the Narayana dasa rule, if one lord is in the sign, then other lord qualifies as the lord of the sign. On that basis, AK Rahu is the lord of Aq. and AL falls in 9th house Li. However, I feel that it could fall in Scorpio if Saturn is the lord. This doubt arise after seeing your analysis for Mr.Vajpayee.


I am currently running Jupiter Dasa. Jupiter gave me all grief and grief and pushed me to only one place that is god. Except the Jupiter -Jupiter period which gave me very good education all other periods are grief centered and at the beginning of last antar dasa of Rahu it pushed towards more spiritual side with the help of SJVC. So, I think this Viparitha pravraja yoga wherein Jupiter is placed 6th from AL if the lagna lord is Saturn, suits better than AL in Libra.


I request you to help me in fixing my AL and also please enlighten us with the reason for selecting Mars as lord of Scorpio in Mr.Vajpayee's chart.



Your sisya

Solai Kannan



Sanjay Rath [srath]Wednesday, September 12, 2001 9:34 PMvarahamihira Subject: Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Re: [gjlist] Sanjay Rath re. Asura YogaOm Gurave Namah--------------------------Dear Virendra,No, simple reason jupiter in sixth from AL shall be exalted to give highspirituality.Best WishesSanjay Rath-Dr.V.K. Parashar <parasharvk<varahamihira >Monday, September 10, 2001 9:02 PMRe: [Hare Rama Krishna] Re: [gjlist] Sanjay Rath re. Asura Yoga> Respected Guruji and other scholars> I also have jupiter in eighth house and the moon in sixth house> while the lagan is in sagitarius (Dhanu). Does it also reflect> ASURA YOGA. The sun-moon yoga is INDRA> --> These calculations were made using "Jagannatha Hora Lite". It> is a> free software from Sri Jagannath Vedic Centre. You can download> it> from http://www.geocities.com/~astrowhiz or> http://www.sjvc.net.> -->> Date of Birth: January 23, 1967> Time of Birth: 4:41:11 am> Time Zone of Birth: 5:30 East of GMT> Longitude of Birth: 77 E 12> Latitude of Birth: 28 N 36> Lunar month (maasa): Pushya> Lunar day (tithi): Sukla Dwadasi> Tithi balance: 0.5554> Nakshatra balance: 0.7853> Sun-Moon Yoga: Indra>> Sunrise = 7:15 am (Apparent rise - upper limb)> Ayanamsa = 23-23-38> Dasa year length chosen = 365.2425 days>> Planet Position Pada CharaK Resi OwnTara InTara> Rasi Nava Naks Sub>> Ascdt 0 Sg 12 Moola 1 - - - Sadhana> Ju Ma Ke Ke> Sun 8 Cp 51 U.Shaa. 4 PiK 42% Mitra Mitra> Sa Ju Su Ve> Moon 26 Ta 11 Mrigasira 1 AmK 73% P.Mitra Janma> Ve Su Ma Ju> Mars 0 Li 05 Chitra 3 DK 99% Janma Janma> Ve Ve Ma Me> Mercury 12 Cp 07 Sravanam 1 BK 21% Pratyak P.Mitra> Sa Ma Mo Rh> Jupiter ® 5 Cn 41 Pushyami 1 PK 63% Vipat Kshema> Mo Su Sa Me> Venus 26 Cp 50 Dhanishtha 2 AK 78% Naidhana Janma> Sa Me Ma Ju> Saturn 2 Pi 17 Poo.Bhaa. 4 GK 86% Kshema Vipat> Ju Mo Ju Rh> Rahu 18 Ar 45 Bharani 2 MK 24% Sampat Naidhana> Ma Me Ve Rh> Ketu 18 Li 45 Swathi 4 - 24% Sadhana Sampat> Ve Ju Rh Mo> BhavaLg 29 Sc 28 Jyeshtha 4 - 95% -- Pratyak> Ma Ju Me Sa> HoraLg 20 Li 59 Visakha 1 - 38% -- Vipat> Ve Ma Ju Ju> GhatiLg 25 Ge 31 Punarvasu 2 - 69% -- Vipat> Me Ve Ju Me> Dhooma 22 Ta 11 Rohini 4 - 47% -- P.Mitra> Ve Mo Mo Ve> Vyati 7 Aq 48 Satabhisham 1 - 49% -- Sampat> Sa Ju Rh Rh> Pari 7 Le 48 Makha 3 - 49% -- Sadhana> Su Me Ke Ju> I.Chapa 22 Sc 11 Jyeshtha 2 - 47% -- Pratyak> Ma Sa Me Su> Upaketu 8 Sg 51 Moola 3 - 42% -- Sadhana> Ju Me Ke Ju> Kaala 6 Li 45 Swathi 1 - 56% -- Sampat> Ve Ju Rh Rh> Mrityu 19 Sc 49 Jyeshtha 1 - 31% -- Pratyak> Ma Ju Me Ve> ArthaPr 12 Sg 26 Moola 4 - 18% -- Sadhana> Ju Mo Ke Me> YamaGha 9 Cn 14 Pushyami 2 - 40% -- Kshema> Mo Me Sa Ve> Mandi 3 Vi 40 U.Pha. 3 - 77% -- Mitra> Me Sa Su Sa> Gulika 22 Le 35 Poo.Pha. 3 - 49% -- Naidhana> Su Ve Ve Sa>>> +----------------------+> | | | | |> | | | | |> | Sat | Rah | Moo | GL |> | | | | |> | | | | |> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|> | | | |> | | | |> | | | JupR |> | | | |> | | | |> |-------------| R A S I |-------------|> | Sun | | |> | | | |> | Mer | | Glk |> | | | |> | Ven | | |> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|> | | | Mar | |> | | | | |> | Asc | BL | Ket | Mnd |> | | | | |> | | | HL | |> +----------------------+>> +----------------------+> | Ket | HL | | |> | | | | |> | BL | Asc | GL | |> | | | | |> | Sun | Mer | | |> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|> | | | |> | | | |> | Mnd | | Sat |> | | | |> | | | |> |-------------| N A V A M S A |-------------|> | | | |> | | | Moo |> | | | |> | | | JupR |> | | | |> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|> | | | | |> | | | Glk | Rah |> | | | | |> | | | Mar | Ven |> | | | | |> +----------------------+>>> Vimsottari Dasa:>> Mars 1967-01-23 Satu 1967-12-13 Merc 1969-01-21> Ketu 1970-01-18 Venu 1970-06-16 Sun> 1971-08-16 Moon 1971-12-22> Rahu 1972-07-22 Jupi 1975-04-04 Satu 1977-08-28 Merc> 1980-07-04 Ketu 1983-01-21> Venu 1984-02-09 Sun 1987-02-09 Moon> 1988-01-03 Mars 1989-07-04> Jupi 1990-07-23 Satu 1992-09-09 Merc 1995-03-23 Ketu> 1997-06-28 Venu 1998-06-04> Sun 2001-02-02 Moon 2001-11-21 Mars> 2003-03-23 Rahu 2004-02-27> Satu 2006-07-23 Merc 2009-07-25 Ketu 2012-04-03 Venu> 2013-05-13 Sun 2016-07-13> Moon 2017-06-25 Mars 2019-01-24 Rahu> 2020-03-04 Jupi 2023-01-09> Merc 2025-07-22 Ketu 2027-12-19 Venu 2028-12-15 Sun> 2031-10-16 Moon 2032-08-21> Mars 2034-01-21 Rahu 2035-01-18 Jupi> 2037-08-06 Satu 2039-11-12> Ketu 2042-07-22 Venu 2042-12-18 Sun 2044-02-18 Moon> 2044-06-24 Mars 2045-01-23> Rahu 2045-06-22 Jupi 2046-07-10 Satu> 2047-06-16 Merc 2048-07-25> Venu 2049-07-22 Sun 2052-11-20 Moon 2053-11-21 Mars> 2055-07-22 Rahu 2056-09-21> Jupi 2059-09-21 Satu 2062-05-22 Merc> 2065-07-22 Ketu 2068-05-22> Sun 2069-07-22 Moon 2069-11-08 Mars 2070-05-10 Rahu> 2070-09-15 Jupi 2071-08-10> Satu 2072-05-28 Merc 2073-05-10 Ketu> 2074-03-16 Venu 2074-07-22> Moon 2075-07-22 Mars 2076-05-22 Rahu 2076-12-21 Jupi> 2078-06-22 Satu 2079-10-22> Merc 2081-05-22 Ketu 2082-10-21 Venu> 2083-05-22 Sun 2085-01-20>> Ashtottari Dasa:>> Venu 1967-01-23 Rahu 1970-03-24> Sun 1972-07-23 Moon 1972-11-22 Mars 1973-09-22 Merc> 1974-03-04 Satu 1975-02-12> Jupi 1975-09-03 Rahu 1976-09-22 Venu> 1977-05-24> Moon 1978-07-24 Mars 1980-08-23 Merc 1981-10-02 Satu> 1984-02-12 Jupi 1985-07-03> Rahu 1988-02-22 Venu 1989-10-23 Sun> 1992-09-22> Mars 1993-07-23 Merc 1994-02-25 Satu 1995-05-31 Jupi> 1996-02-25 Rahu 1997-07-23> Venu 1998-06-13 Sun 2000-01-02 Moon> 2000-06-12> Merc 2001-07-23 Satu 2004-03-27 Jupi 2005-10-23 Rahu> 2008-10-19 Venu 2010-09-09> Sun 2013-12-29 Moon 2014-12-09 Mars> 2017-04-20> Satu 2018-07-23 Jupi 2019-06-27 Rahu 2021-03-30 Venu> 2022-05-10 Sun 2024-04-19> Moon 2024-11-08 Mars 2026-03-30 Merc> 2026-12-26> Jupi 2028-07-23 Rahu 2031-11-26 Venu 2034-01-05 Sun> 2037-09-15 Moon 2038-10-06> Mars 2041-05-27 Merc 2042-10-23 Satu> 2045-10-19> Rahu 2047-07-23 Venu 2048-11-21 Sun 2051-03-24 Moon> 2051-11-22 Mars 2053-07-23> Merc 2054-06-13 Satu 2056-05-02 Jupi> 2057-06-12> Venu 2059-07-23 Sun 2063-08-23 Moon 2064-10-22 Mars> 2067-09-22 Merc 2069-04-12> Satu 2072-08-02 Jupi 2074-07-13 Rahu> 2078-03-23>> Kalachakra Dasa:>> Cn 1967-01-23 Sg 1967-09-24> Sc 1970-03-04 Li 1971-11-18 Vi 1975-10-15 Le> 1977-12-26> Ge 1979-03-17 Ta 1980-03-08 Ar 1981-12-01 Sg 1982-09-04 Cp> 1983-10-05> Aq 1984-03-12 Pi 1984-08-17 Ar 1985-09-17 Ta> 1986-06-22> Ta 1988-03-16 Ar 1991-04-17 Sg 1992-08-22 Cp 1994-07-27 Aq> 1995-05-04> Pi 1996-02-10 Ar 1998-01-14 Ta 1999-05-22 Ge> 2002-06-21> Ar 2004-03-16 Sg 2004-10-18 Cp 2005-08-22 Aq 2005-12-23 Pi> 2006-04-25> Ar 2007-02-27 Ta 2007-10-01 Ge 2009-02-05 Ta> 2009-11-09> Sg 2011-03-17 Cp 2012-05-30 Aq 2012-11-22 Pi 2013-05-17 Ar> 2014-07-31> Ta 2015-06-04 Ge 2017-05-08 Ta 2018-06-08 Ar> 2020-05-12> Cp 2021-03-16 Aq 2021-05-26 Pi 2021-08-04 Ar 2022-01-27 Ta> 2022-05-30> Ge 2023-03-08 Ta 2023-08-13 Ar 2024-05-21 Sg> 2024-09-21> Aq 2025-03-16 Pi 2025-05-26 Ar 2025-11-18 Ta 2026-03-21 Ge> 2026-12-28> Ta 2027-06-04 Ar 2028-03-12 Sg 2028-07-13 Cp> 2029-01-05> Pi 2029-03-16 Ar 2030-05-30 Ta 2031-04-03 Ge 2033-03-07 Ta> 2034-04-07> Ar 2036-03-12 Sg 2037-01-14 Cp 2038-03-30 Aq> 2038-09-22> Ar 2039-03-17 Ta 2039-10-18 Ge 2041-02-22 Ta 2041-11-26 Ar> 2043-04-03> Sg 2043-11-05 Cp 2044-09-08 Aq 2045-01-09 Pi> 2045-05-12> Ta 2046-03-16 Ge 2049-04-16 Ta 2051-01-10 Ar 2054-02-09 Sg> 2055-06-17> Cp 2057-05-21 Aq 2058-02-27 Pi 2058-12-05 Ar> 2060-11-08>> +----------------------+> | | | Rah | |> | | | | |> | | Mar | Ket | |> | | | | |> | | | HL | |> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|> | | | |> | Mnd | | Moo |> | | | |> | Sat | | BL |> | | | |> |-------------| H O R A |-------------|> | | | |> | | | |> | Glk | | Asc |> | | | |> | | | |> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|> | | | JupR | |> | | | | |> | | Ven | Sun | GL |> | | | | |> | | | Mer | |> +----------------------+>> +----------------------+> | | | | |> | | | | |> | Sat | Glk | Mer | HL |> | | | | |> | | | | |> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|> | | | |> | GL | | JupR |> | | | |> | Ket | | BL |> | | | |> |-------------| D - 3 |-------------|> | | | |> | Moo | | |> | | | Rah |> | Sun | | |> | | | |> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|> | | | | |> | | | | Mnd |> | Asc | | Mar | |> | | | | Ven |> | | | | |> +----------------------+>> +----------------------+> | | | | |> | GL | Ket HL | | |> | | | Glk | |> | Sat | Sun Mer | | |> | | | | |> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|> | | | |> | | | |> | Moo | | JupR |> | | | |> | | | |> |-------------| D - 4 |-------------|> | | | |> | | | |> | | | BL |> | | | |> | | | |> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|> | | | Rah | |> | | | | |> | Asc | | Mar | Mnd |> | | | | |> | | | Ven | |> +----------------------+>> +----------------------+> | | | JupR | |> | | Mar | | Rah Glk |> | Mer | | Mnd | |> | | Asc | | Ket HL |> | | | Sat | |> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|> | | | |> | | | |> | | | |> | | | |> | | | |> |-------------| D - 5 |-------------|> | | | |> | | | |> | | | |> | | | |> | | | |> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|> | | Moo | | |> | | | | |> | | BL | GL | Sun |> | | | | |> | | Ven | | |> +----------------------+>> +----------------------+> | Moo | | | |> | | Mar | | |> | BL | | | |> | | Asc | | |> | Ven | | | |> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|> | | | |> | | | Rah |> | | | |> | | | Ket |> | | | |> |-------------| D - 6 |-------------|> | | | |> | | | Glk |> | | | |> | | | HL |> | | | |> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|> | | | | |> | | JupR | Mnd | |> | Mer | | | GL |> | | Sun | Sat | |> | | | | |> +----------------------+>> +----------------------+> | | | | |> | | | | |> | Mnd | | Moo | |> | | | | |> | | | | |> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|> | JupR | | |> | | | |> | Ket | | |> | | | |> | HL | | |> |-------------| D - 7 |-------------|> | | | |> | Glk | | |> | | | Rah |> | Ven | | |> | | | |> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|> | | | | Sun |> | | GL | | |> | Asc | | Mar | Mer |> | | BL | | |> | | | | Sat |> +----------------------+>> +----------------------+> | | | | Moo |> | | | | |> | | Mar | JupR | Glk |> | | | | |> | | | | Sun |> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|> | | | |> | | | BL |> | GL | | |> | | | Mer |> | | | |> |-------------| D - 8 |-------------|> | | | Mnd |> | | | |> | | | Asc |> | | | |> | | | Sat |> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|> | | | | Rah |> | | | | |> | | Ven | | Ket |> | | | | |> | | | | HL |> +----------------------+>> +----------------------+> | | | | |> | | JupR Ket | | |> | Glk | | Ven | Mnd |> | | HL BL | | |> | | | | |> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|> | | | |> | | | |> | GL | | |> | | | |> | | | |> |-------------| D - 1 0 |-------------|> | | | |> | | | |> | Mer | | |> | | | |> | | | |> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|> | | | | |> | | Sun | Rah | |> | Asc | | | Moo |> | | Sat | Mar | |> | | | | |> +----------------------+>> +----------------------+> | | | | |> | | Ket | HL | |> | JupR | | | |> | | Ven | Sat | |> | | | | |> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|> | | | |> | | | |> | | | BL |> | | | |> | | | |> |-------------| D - 1 1 |-------------|> | | | |> | | | Glk |> | | | |> | | | Asc |> | | | |> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|> | | | Rah | |> | Moo | GL | | |> | | | Mar | |> | Mnd | Mer | | |> | | | Sun | |> +----------------------+>> +----------------------+> | | | Glk | |> | Moo | GL | | |> | | | Ket | HL |> | Sat | Sun | | |> | | | Mer | |> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|> | | | |> | | | |> | | | |> | | | |> | | | |> |-------------| D - 1 2 |-------------|> | | | |> | | | |> | | | |> | | | |> | | | |> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|> | | | Mnd | |> | | Rah | | |> | Asc | | Mar | JupR |> | | Ven | | |> | | | BL | |> +----------------------+>> +----------------------+> | | | | |> | | | | |> | HL | Mar | | Ven |> | | | | |> | | | | |> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|> | | | |> | Rah | | |> | | | JupR |> | Ket | | |> | | | |> |-------------| D - 1 6 |-------------|> | GL | | |> | | | Glk |> | Mnd | | |> | | | Sun |> | Sat | | |> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|> | | | | |> | | | | |> | Asc | BL | Mer | Moo |> | | | | |> | | | | |> +----------------------+>> +----------------------+> | | Rah | | |> | | | Moo | |> | Glk | Mar | | |> | | | HL | |> | | Ket | | |> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|> | | | |> | | | JupR |> | | | |> | | | BL |> | | | |> |-------------| D - 2 0 |-------------|> | | | |> | | | |> | GL | | Asc |> | | | |> | | | |> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|> | | | | Sun |> | | | | |> | Mer | | Mnd | Ven |> | | | | |> | | | | Sat |> +----------------------+>> +----------------------+> | | GL | | |> | | | | |> | Moo | Mer | | BL |> | | | | |> | | Ven | | |> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|> | | | |> | Glk | | |> | | | |> | Sun | | |> | | | |> |-------------| D - 2 4 |-------------|> | | | Mar |> | | | |> | | | Asc |> | | | |> | | | Sat |> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|> | | Rah | | |> | | | | |> | HL | JupR | | Mnd |> | | | | |> | | Ket | | |> +----------------------+>> +----------------------+> | | | | |> | BL | HL | | Moo |> | | | Mer | |> | Sat | Asc | | JupR |> | | | | |> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|> | | | |> | Ket | | |> | | | Ven |> | Sun | | |> | | | |> |-------------| D - 2 7 |-------------|> | | | |> | | | Rah |> | | | |> | | | GL |> | | | |> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|> | | | | |> | | | Mnd | |> | Glk | | | |> | | | Mar | |> | | | | |> +----------------------+>> +----------------------+> | | | | |> | | Mar | Mnd | Rah Glk |> | Mer | | | |> | | Asc | Sat | Ket HL |> | | | | |> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|> | | | |> | | | |> | | | |> | | | |> | | | |> |-------------| D - 3 0 |-------------|> | | | |> | | | |> | | | |> | | | |> | | | |> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|> | | Moo | | |> | | | | JupR |> | | BL | GL | |> | | | | Sun |> | | Ven | | |> +----------------------+>> +----------------------+> | | | Rah | |> | | Mar | | |> | | | JupR | |> | | Asc | | |> | | | Ket | |> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|> | GL | | |> | | | |> | Mnd | | HL |> | | | |> | Mer | | |> |-------------| D - 4 0 |-------------|> | | | |> | BL | | |> | | | Moo |> | Sat | | |> | | | |> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|> | | | | |> | | | | Sun |> | | | Glk | |> | | | | Ven |> | | | | |> +----------------------+>> +----------------------+> | | | Glk | |> | | Mar | | |> | Sat | | Mnd | |> | | BL | | |> | | | Sun | |> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|> | | | |> | | | |> | GL | | |> | | | |> | | | |> |-------------| D - 4 5 |-------------|> | | | Rah |> | | | |> | | | Ket |> | | | |> | | | Ven |> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|> | | | | |> | JupR | Moo | | |> | | | Mer | |> | Asc | HL | | |> | | | | |> +----------------------+>> +----------------------+> | | | | JupR |> | | | Rah | |> | HL | Mnd | | Sun |> | | | Glk | |> | | | | Ven |> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|> | | | |> | | | |> | | | Sat |> | | | |> | | | |> |-------------| D - 6 0 |-------------|> | | | |> | | | |> | Mer | | |> | | | |> | | | |> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|> | | | | Moo |> | | | | |> | Asc | Ket | Mar | GL |> | | | | |> | | | | BL |> +----------------------+>>>>> --- Sanjay Rath <srath wrote:> >> > Om Gurave Namah> > --------------------------> > Dear Nitish,> >> > The asura Yoga present is totally defunct and non functional> > in the face of> > the Kala-Amrita Yoga. Kala sarpa Yoga are of 2 typea KSY and> > KAy indicating> > the two extremes of Criminals and Saints. You belong to the> > latter category> > and suffering is there in both cases. the specific sarpa> > Devata for you is> > Mahapadma see my website at http://sanjayrath.tripod.com for> > more details of> > the mantra for Mahapadma etc.> >> > Nitish Arya> > December 12, 1979> > Time: 10:27:00> > Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)> > Longitude: 77 E 12' 00"> > Latitude: 28 N 36' 00"> > Altitude: 0.00 meters> >> > Lunar Year: Siddarthi> > Lunar Month: Margasira> > Tithi: Krishna Navami (93.98% left)> > Weekday: Wednesday> > Nakshatra: U.Pha. (54.67% left)> > Yoga: Ayushman> > Karana: Taitula> > Hora Lord: Jupiter> >> > Sunrise: 7:04:18> > Sunset: 17:24:30> > Janma Ghatis: 8.4458> >> > Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi Navamsa> > ChKarak> >> > Lagna 15 Cp 33' 22.09" Sravanam 2 Cp Ta> > -> > Sun 25 Sc 59' 17.14" Jyeshtha 3 Sc Aq> > AK> > Moon 2 Vi 42' 38.59" U.Pha. 2 Vi Cp> > DK> > Mars 15 Le 16' 45.17" Poo.Pha. 1 Le Le> > PiK> > Mercury 5 Sc 58' 54.34" Anuradha 1 Sc Le> > PK> > Jupiter 16 Le 20' 11.97" Poo.Pha. 1 Le Le> > MK> > Venus 23 Sg 20' 19.85" Poo.Shaa. 4 Sg Sc> > AmK> > Saturn 2 Vi 50' 53.27" U.Pha. 2 Vi Cp> > GK> > Rahu 9 Le 22' 09.87" Makha 3 Le Ge> > BK> > Ketu 9 Aq 22' 09.87" Satabhisham 1 Aq Sg> > -> > Bhava Lagna 16 Cp 31' 12.03" Sravanam 2 Cp Ta> > -> > Hora Lagna 7 Pi 11' 42.10" U.Bhaa. 2 Pi Vi> > -> > Ghati Lagna 9 Le 13' 12.32" Makha 3 Le Ge> > -> > Vighati Lagna 19 Vi 20' 43.38" Hastha 3 Vi Ge> > -> > Pranapada Lagna 19 Ta 29' 18.55" Rohini 3 Ta Ge> > -> > Sree Lagna 28 Ge 44' 43.91" Punarvasu 3 Ge Ge> > -> > Indu Lagna 2 Ar 42' 38.59" Aswini 1 Ar Ar> > -> > Kunda 0 Cn 02' 49.24" Punarvasu 4 Cn Cn> > -> >> >> > Rasi> > +--------------+> > | \ Mnd / \ / |> > | \ Ket / \ Ven / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / Glk \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > |HL x Asc x Mer Sun |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ 10 / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | x |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > |AL x x Sat Moo |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / GL \ |> > | / \ / Mar \ |> > | / \ / Jup Rah \ |> > +--------------+> >> > Best Wishes> > Sanjay Rath> >> > -> > Nitish Arya <aryanitish> > <gjlist >> > Sunday, September 09, 2001 10:51 PM> > Re: [gjlist] Sanjay Rath re. Asura Yoga> >> >> > > Dear Sanjay,> > > I have Jupiter in 8th house but it is vargottama too. My> > ascendant is> > > capricorn. Does it make asura yoga? Can you please tell> > ,What is the> > result> > > of being born in asura yoga? For details my birth data is :-> > > My date of birth is 12-12-1979,10:27am, delhi,india> > > thanks in anticipation,> > > regards,> > > nitish> > >> > > >"Sanjay Rath" <srath> > > >gjlist > > > ><gjlist >> > > >Re: [gjlist] Sanjay Rath re. Asura Yoga> > > >Sat, 8 Sep 2001 22:22:45 +0530> > > >> > > >> > > >Om Gurave Namah> > > >--------------------------> > > >Dear Arun,> > > >> > > >ASURA is different from DAITYA and PAAPA. To appreciate> > this we need to> > > >constantly remember that Bhakta Prahalad was also born an> > Asura. Sura> > > >refers> > > >to Surya and Jupiter is the Sura Guru. The mere placement> > of Jupiter in> > the> > > >eighth may produce the potential for Asura Yoga and this> > can be activated> > > >provided other influences are also present. Dr Raman has> > given both the> > > >charts of Benito Mussolini and Sankaracharya in his book on> > Notable> > > >horoscopes with Jupiter in the eighth house. while he> > classifies> > Mussolini> > > >as an Asura, he has not classified Sankaracharya. Why? In> > fact Sankara is> > > >considered an incarnation of Shiva and the jagat Guru.> > Jupiter is a> > > >functional benefic for Cancer Lagna and its placement in> > aquarius results> > > >in> > > >a situation where is akin to exaltation. It is also in> > trines to> > Sankara's> > > >Lagna Lord Moon. This alters the situation completely.> > > >> > > >For Capricorn Lagna, Jupiter is a first rate malefic and> > its placement in> > > >8th results in Asura yoga. more so if Jupiter is in Badhak> > or 3rd house> > > >(Marana Karaka Sthana) from Paka Lagna. The Yoga needs to> > be examined in> > > >totality with the chart. I have never believed in> > independant working of> > a> > > >Yoga.> > > >> > > >Best Wishes> > > >Sanjay Rath> > > >-> > > ><arun.uthayan> > > ><gjlist >> > > >Saturday, September 08, 2001 9:32 AM> > > >[gjlist] Sanjay Rath re. Asura Yoga> > > >> > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > > Dear Sanjay,> > > > >> > > > > Though I had wanted to ask this question for sometime, I> > had not> > > > > paused it as I could not feel your presence in the list.> > > > >> > > > > Many months ago, while discussing a topic you had> > mentioned> > > > > about "Asura Yoga" caused by Jupiter's placement in the> > eigth house.> > > > > Will you please elaborate on that yoga. How does> > Jupiter's> === message truncated ===>>> > > Get email alerts & NEW webcam video instant messaging with Messenger> http://im.>

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