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Om Gurave Namah



Shri Sanjay,


Namaste. Thanks for your reply. In your case, Hamsa

Yoga is already very much in evidence. Ask hundreds of

us, whom you constantly lead to Light & Truth. May the

Yoga manifest more, so that many more can benefit.


Sanjayji, I have once asked you and the list members

about a baffling dream of mine, which I tried to

interpret in my own inept way. It's about


" A subterranean cave. A majestic Lady, with long hair

and a huge bindi, dressed in dark clothes(black?)

sitting on a rock-seat. She wore no ornaments

whatsoever. I felt that She was doing tapasya.


Though she was so starkly dressed, the whole cave was

lit up by a golden light. So was the rock seat, which

shone like gold. Two stone pillars on either side of

the lady, whirled with great speed and shone like

gold. Gold coins rained.


Then, suddenly, the Lady,in front of my eyes, shrunk

into a palm-sized, diamond shaped metallic object,

with four corners joined by slightly ridged, raised

lines. The centre was also raised.


The Object flew with great speed and it's shadow was

golden. Suddenly I had an impression of a jungle and

infront of me was a closed ancient door of detailed

artwork. The Object disappered at the closed door. "


Guruji, I have started chanting Lakshmi Sahasranamam

ever since you advised me, along with " Guru pooja " on

Thursday. Yesterday (14.09.2001), being a Friday, on

completion of the morning prayers, I opened my eyes

and right in front of my eyes is the diagram of the

exact " diamond shaped object " and written next to it

is " Om Naarayanaaya Vidhmahe, Vaasudevaaya Dheemahi,

Thanno Vishnu Prachodayaath " written on a small piece

of paper and pasted on the wall above my Puja Mandir.

It must have been there always, but I have never

noticed it earlier.


Yet, on Friday, in a moment of rare clarity, I knew

that " diamond shaped object " is the core / heart

(MahaLakshmi) of " Narayana Yantra " sans the circle

enclosing it. I was stunned. It was like an epiphany.

I have hitherto been familiar only with " Srichakram "

and I really do not know any other " yantras " .


As you have very rightly said, It's only with the

grace of " God " and " Guru " that Truth is illuminated.


Thanks for guiding me and I hope to get your guidance

in future too.


Best wishes for the forthcoming " BAVA " conference.






--- Sanjay Rath <srath wrote:


> Om Gurave Namah



> Dear Laxmi,

> To be a Mahapurusha is not an easy thing. The pancha

> pandava were the

> example of Pancha Mahapurusha Yoga. The Mahapurusha

> Yoga becomes effective

> only by the presence of Bhagavan. I shallgive you an

> example. Arjuna was the

> undefeated hero of Mahabharata and so long as

> Krishna was in this planet

> (i.e. literally with him) he was never defeated.

> After Krishna left this

> world of mortals, Arjuna was defeated by a band of

> thieves. What happened to

> the Mahapurusha Yoga?? Thus, Mahapurusha yoga need

> the blessings of Bhagavan

> (SUN & MOON) to florish like all other Rajyoga.


> In the case you mention, both the Yoga exist and

> both shall work. Family

> pressures will prevent the Hamsa yoga from blooming

> early. this is also true

> in my case where the second lord aspects jupiter.

> But then this is Mars, but

> family pressure is there..

> Best Wishes

> Sanjay Rath

> -

> lakshmi ramesh <b_lakshmi_ramesh

> <varahamihira >

> Thursday, September 13, 2001 1:23 PM

> Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Sanjay Rath re.

> Asura Yoga - Arudha Lagna -

> chart enclosed



> > Om Gurave Namah

> > --------------------------

> >

> > Shri Sanjay and dear friends,

> >

> > Namaste.

> >

> > Hamsa Mahapurusha Yoga, as given in Dr. Raman's

> book

> > on 300 important combinations, is tainted if

> Jupiter

> > is in conjunction with or aspected by a malefic

> and

> > the results of the yoga are modified accordingly.

> In

> > the same book, there is a reference to " Go Yoga " ,

> > which says that " strong Jupiter should occupy his

> > Moolathrikona with the lord of the 2nd house and

> the

> > lord of Lagna should be in exaltation " .

> >

> > Results: Hailing from a respectable family, a king

> or

> > equal to him, wealthy and strong.

> >

> > Now, for a native of Sagittarius ascendant, where

> the

> > 2nd lord is Saturn, if Jupiter is in Lagna, in 0

> 37 48

> > of Moola Nakshatra(Moolatrikona-Hamsa Yoga), with

> > Saturn(Go Yoga) & Moon in lagna too, both Hamsa

> Yoga

> > and Go Yoga are applicable.

> >

> > 1) In this case, will " Go yoga " be more effective

> than

> > Hamsa yoga ?

> > 2)Or is Saturn's malefic nature modified, because

> as

> > 2nd lord, he'll give the effects of Jupiter & Moon,

> his

> > associates in Lagna? Saturn's Moolatrikona is in

> > Aquarius, 3rd house.

> > 3) Are the five Mahapurusha Yogas also equally

> > vulnerable to malefic influences, like other

> yogas?

> > Then, what sets them apart? Doesn't the word

> > " Mahapurusha " itself imply someone who is above /

> has

> > overcome evil?

> >

> > Looking forward to your response(s),

> >

> > Regards,

> > Lakshmi

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Terrorist Attacks on U.S. - How can you help?

> > Donate cash, emergency relief information

> >



> >


> > Archive:

> varahamihira

> > Files:

> varahamihira

> >

> varahamihira/database

> >

> >

> >

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