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Fw: A humble request for world peace

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> A Humble Request For World Peace


> There is just too much violence and malice in the world

> today. Some groups of people and governments are

> diligently doing whatever they think will solve the

> problem. That is excellent. Is there anything else that

> small people like us can do?


> When India's Mahatma Gandhi fought a battle with the

> British empire, he chose non-violence as his weapon. When

> he was angry with something, he simply punished himself

> by fasting. This seemingly silly weapon worked wonders

> for him.


> If you believe in God - whether it is Allah and Christ or

> Krishna or Buddha or whoever - please pause for a moment

> and think. Anger and violence are the most basic human

> instincts. Isn't overcoming them virtuous? If you punish

> yourself instead of someone else when you are angry,

> won't that please God?


> If you think this self-punishment is a silly idea, please

> stop reading this mail. Otherwise, kindly co-operate with

> us by participating in a **MASS FAST**.


> Please keep FAST during the daytime of **SEPT 27, 2001**

> (Thursday). Fast means not taking any food. But it is

> unadvisable for weak people. Such people should consider

> eating fruits or some light food when they feel weak. If

> you never fasted before, approach it carefully.


> What do we intend to achieve? We are just showing our

> anger and frustration in a non-violent manner and

> appealing to God to have mercy on us and on this world.

> Please consider this. The more people participate in

> this, the better.


> Please forward this to people who you think may be

> interested. After Sept 27, stop forwarding it.


> God bless you!

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Aum Gurave Namah:


Thanks for bringing this important message, I will definetly forward

it. BTW I'm happy to met Sanjaya in London he was brilliant !. I

can say that his lecture impacted everyone's mind and heart, I can

say so just by seeing people's eyes when he finished the lecture,

the time just fly, also I bough the rest of the books and Your

book ' Vedic Astrology and Integrated approach'. Hopefully in the

next few weeks I will make some commets and and may be questions.


may you remain in the grace of God


Hare Ram Krishna


Chaitanya S. das



varahamihira, " Narasimha P.V.R. Rao " <pvr@c...> wrote:

> > A Humble Request For World Peace

> >

> > There is just too much violence and malice in the world

> > today. Some groups of people and governments are

> > diligently doing whatever they think will solve the

> > problem. That is excellent. Is there anything else that

> > small people like us can do?

> >

> > When India's Mahatma Gandhi fought a battle with the

> > British empire, he chose non-violence as his weapon. When

> > he was angry with something, he simply punished himself

> > by fasting. This seemingly silly weapon worked wonders

> > for him.

> >

> > If you believe in God - whether it is Allah and Christ or

> > Krishna or Buddha or whoever - please pause for a moment

> > and think. Anger and violence are the most basic human

> > instincts. Isn't overcoming them virtuous? If you punish

> > yourself instead of someone else when you are angry,

> > won't that please God?

> >

> > If you think this self-punishment is a silly idea, please

> > stop reading this mail. Otherwise, kindly co-operate with

> > us by participating in a **MASS FAST**.

> >

> > Please keep FAST during the daytime of **SEPT 27, 2001**

> > (Thursday). Fast means not taking any food. But it is

> > unadvisable for weak people. Such people should consider

> > eating fruits or some light food when they feel weak. If

> > you never fasted before, approach it carefully.

> >

> > What do we intend to achieve? We are just showing our

> > anger and frustration in a non-violent manner and

> > appealing to God to have mercy on us and on this world.

> > Please consider this. The more people participate in

> > this, the better.

> >

> > Please forward this to people who you think may be

> > interested. After Sept 27, stop forwarding it.

> >

> > God bless you!

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