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[Hare Rama Krishna] Graha Malika - Dane Rudhyar

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Om Gurave Namah


Dear Zoran,


I didn't do rectification myself, but just reported the time as



Dhanus lagna does fit better. His facial features match this sign. In

addition he was a prolific author, writing thousands of published

articles, and lecturing extensively throughout his life, travelling

frequently in the process.


As luck would have it, I have come across a very extensive, and

illustrated biography of the fellow, with many pictures of his face.




The only ill health appears to be the surgical removal of a kidney at

the age of 13.


With Mars/Rahu in 7th and Venus in 6th marital success is denied.

June 1930 was his first marriage in the cycle of Jupiter-Rahu. With

Dhanus navamsa lagna, Jupiter is lagnesh, and Rahu is in the 7th.


His first divorce was in April 1947, and he married soon after a

second time. The dasa for both events, Sat-Rahu again has Rahu in the

7th indicating marriage. For Capricorn ascendant Rahu is in the 6th,

and could not give marriage twice.


Third marriage March, 1964. Mercury-Jupiter to a much younger woman.

He divorced her in 1976.


He remarried on 31 March 1977.


Sun aspecting the 1st, and Moon the 5th gives his musical abilities.

His career for a considerable period surrounded his musical

composition, which is shown by Sun/Moon in the 10th/11th.


In 1968-69 He became famous. His books sold hundreds of thousands of

copies. Ketu dasa situated in AL made him famous as an astrologer.


In the 12th exalted Saturn should promote spiritual direction, and

cause a poverty duryoga, but he is placed in the 3rd from AL, so

material success to some extent is shown.


Rahu's purpose in this chart is the main cause of his revolutionary

thinking. His strong placement in the 4th of education gave him great

success in his schooling during his dasa, and made him develop

revolutionary new fields in not only astrology, but music

composition, art, and literature/poetry as well. Occult learning is

strong as well with studies of Hindu thought, music and theosophy

prevalent. His name Rudhyar was taken after a sanskrit word and



warm regards,


Alex J

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