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Sai's Chart.

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Vyam Vysadevaya Namaha!



Dear Saikumar,


You wrote:

I thought that Jupiter in 5th house(gochara) with Jupiter majorperiod was good for me.


Jupiter is transiting Gemini.. the 6th from Lagna.


Besides Jupiters effect on carreer should be checked in Dasamsa, as well as its position from Arudha Lagna. And the Antar Dasa is very important, whilst the PratyAntar Dasa will help in timing the effects more acurately.


Your Vimshottari Dasa is; Jupiter-Moon, Moon should be inauspiciously placed from Lagna, or in 5th, to denote loss of job, however its placed in 7th, unaspected, whilst it lords 11th where Venus is. This can't be acurate.


Please describe your job and the circumstances that led to the loss.


Best wishes, Visti.

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