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[Hare Rama Krishna] Sanjay in London

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Jaya Jagannatha,

Dear Pearl,

Thank-you for your post.maybe you would be so kind to share some of your new found realizations in astrology. Also other gems you learned from Sanjay....would be eagerly heard by those of us who couldnt attend.

Thanks-Lakshmi K.



Pearl Finn


Cc: varahamihira ; gjlist

Tuesday, September 25, 2001 1:37 PM

[Hare Rama Krishna] Sanjay in London


"When the clouds appear in the sky, the peacock begins to dance in ecstasy, as a sincere soul becomes overwhelmed with joy on the appearance of a saint at his house." from Light of the Bhagavata


Dear Sanjay,

Thank you for a wonderful conference. I feel very privileged to

have been blessed with the opportunity to experience your teaching in person. Your humour, warmth, wisdom, compassion and your vast knowledge has made this last weekend the most inspiring and uplifting experience I have had in my pursuit of spiritual truth.


The profound insights you brought to us helped to lift the veil of ignorance and gave us an opportunity to understand what the ancient rishis meant by what they did and said.


There are those who feel that you are more suited to the advanced astrology student given your high level of knowledge and I

would have to say that I cannot agree with them. You are not

just a teacher of rules but you look for understanding also, this

is often lacking. A profound concept simply explained enriches all who experience it. You have unique ability to spiritually uplift while imparting your divine knowledge that should be available to all. Also to learn the basics from such a pure source is the best

protection against mis-information.


As many of us come from a different culture we desperately need

teachers like you, while we may have every technological tool at our fingertips but we are still immersed in ignorance. Without the teachers we are destined to flounder around in the dark hoping that the next book, tape etc will fill the void.


Since first I read your words on GJlist I knew you were a gift to us

and this weekend completely confirms that. You gave us a glimpse of the possibilities, but unfortunately the time was too

short, if you had spoken for the 4 days it wouldn't have been long enough. Which just opens the doors to further possibilities

and I look forward to seeing you in Ireland in the future.




Sincerely yours, Pearl Finn


p.s. Also it was a real pleasure to meet some of the people

on this list. As Sanjay explained the antardasa show the types of people one will meet and I am now running Jupiter exalted AD.

Hello again to Chaitanya, Sat Siri, Visti, John, Ram


p.p.s. For those of you who could not make it I would strongly recommend the tapes.



OM TAT SATOM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database

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Hare Rama Krishna,


Kindly let me know, where and how to order the tapes.





--- Pearl Finn <pearls wrote:

> " When the clouds appear in the sky, the peacock

> begins to dance in ecstasy, as a sincere soul

> becomes overwhelmed with joy on the appearance of a

> saint at his house. " from Light of the Bhagavata


> Dear Sanjay,

> Thank you for a wonderful conference. I feel very

> privileged to

> have been blessed with the opportunity to experience

> your teaching in person. Your humour, warmth,

> wisdom, compassion and your vast knowledge has made

> this last weekend the most inspiring and uplifting

> experience I have had in my pursuit of spiritual

> truth.


> The profound insights you brought to us helped to

> lift the veil of ignorance and gave us an

> opportunity to understand what the ancient rishis

> meant by what they did and said.


> There are those who feel that you are more suited to

> the advanced astrology student given your high level

> of knowledge and I

> would have to say that I cannot agree with them.

> You are not

> just a teacher of rules but you look for

> understanding also, this

> is often lacking. A profound concept simply

> explained enriches all who experience it. You

> have unique ability to spiritually uplift while

> imparting your divine knowledge that should be

> available to all. Also to learn the basics from

> such a pure source is the best

> protection against mis-information.


> As many of us come from a different culture we

> desperately need

> teachers like you, while we may have every

> technological tool at our fingertips but we are

> still immersed in ignorance. Without the teachers

> we are destined to flounder around in the dark

> hoping that the next book, tape etc will fill the

> void.


> Since first I read your words on GJlist I knew you

> were a gift to us

> and this weekend completely confirms that. You gave

> us a glimpse of the possibilities, but unfortunately

> the time was too

> short, if you had spoken for the 4 days it wouldn't

> have been long enough. Which just opens the doors

> to further possibilities

> and I look forward to seeing you in Ireland in the

> future.




> Sincerely yours, Pearl Finn


> p.s. Also it was a real pleasure to meet some of

> the people

> on this list. As Sanjay explained the antardasa

> show the types of people one will meet and I am now

> running Jupiter exalted AD.

> Hello again to Chaitanya, Sat Siri, Visti, John, Ram



> p.p.s. For those of you who could not make it I

> would strongly recommend the tapes.








Rema Menon




Get email alerts & NEW webcam video instant messaging with Messenger.


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Aum Gurave Namah:


Dear Rama you can order the following tapes : Working with Arudhas,

The Influence of the Nakshatras and Techniques of Jaimini Astrology

from confcass

tel/fax 01453 766411


Best wishes


Hare Ram Krishna


Chaitanya S. das

varahamihira, Rema Menon <remamenon> wrote:

> Hare Rama Krishna,


> Kindly let me know, where and how to order the tapes.


> Thanks,

> Rema


> --- Pearl Finn <pearls@t...> wrote:

> > " When the clouds appear in the sky, the peacock

> > begins to dance in ecstasy, as a sincere soul

> > becomes overwhelmed with joy on the appearance of a

> > saint at his house. " from Light of the Bhagavata

> >

> > Dear Sanjay,

> > Thank you for a wonderful conference. I feel very

> > privileged to

> > have been blessed with the opportunity to experience

> > your teaching in person. Your humour, warmth,

> > wisdom, compassion and your vast knowledge has made

> > this last weekend the most inspiring and uplifting

> > experience I have had in my pursuit of spiritual

> > truth.

> >

> > The profound insights you brought to us helped to

> > lift the veil of ignorance and gave us an

> > opportunity to understand what the ancient rishis

> > meant by what they did and said.

> >

> > There are those who feel that you are more suited to

> > the advanced astrology student given your high level

> > of knowledge and I

> > would have to say that I cannot agree with them.

> > You are not

> > just a teacher of rules but you look for

> > understanding also, this

> > is often lacking. A profound concept simply

> > explained enriches all who experience it. You

> > have unique ability to spiritually uplift while

> > imparting your divine knowledge that should be

> > available to all. Also to learn the basics from

> > such a pure source is the best

> > protection against mis-information.

> >

> > As many of us come from a different culture we

> > desperately need

> > teachers like you, while we may have every

> > technological tool at our fingertips but we are

> > still immersed in ignorance. Without the teachers

> > we are destined to flounder around in the dark

> > hoping that the next book, tape etc will fill the

> > void.

> >

> > Since first I read your words on GJlist I knew you

> > were a gift to us

> > and this weekend completely confirms that. You gave

> > us a glimpse of the possibilities, but unfortunately

> > the time was too

> > short, if you had spoken for the 4 days it wouldn't

> > have been long enough. Which just opens the doors

> > to further possibilities

> > and I look forward to seeing you in Ireland in the

> > future.

> >


> >

> > Sincerely yours, Pearl Finn

> >

> > p.s. Also it was a real pleasure to meet some of

> > the people

> > on this list. As Sanjay explained the antardasa

> > show the types of people one will meet and I am now

> > running Jupiter exalted AD.

> > Hello again to Chaitanya, Sat Siri, Visti, John, Ram

> >

> >

> > p.p.s. For those of you who could not make it I

> > would strongly recommend the tapes.

> >

> >


> >



> =====

> Rema Menon




> Get email alerts & NEW webcam video instant messaging with

Messenger. http://im.

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