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[Hare Rama Krishna] Request for advice

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Om Gurave Namah--------------------------Dear Mohan,

Your begining analysis has been excellent showing good aptitude. Other comments below:Best WishesSanjay Rath



ANMOHIEY <anmohiey

<varahamihira >

Thursday, September 27, 2001 5:41 PM

[Hare Rama Krishna] Request for advice


JAI GURUDEVPujya Guruji/Respected list members,Enclosed is horoscope of self, after applying rectification time of birth. Birth time rectification has been done as per KP guidelines with My humble, limited knowledge.Originally, as per the birth chart got prepared by My parents says My birth time is 11-00pm on May, 18th 1967, at Lat:14-26N, Long:74-27E. How ever Guruji felt, I need to work out My exact Lagna. Now, time of birth, in My opinion falls around 10-50pm on above said date and place.Owing to change in Birth time, My Lagna falls in Dhanas, instead of Makara. Consequently, all Arudhas stands changed. In modified chart, AL and UL are at 6-8 (shadastaka) position indicating not a smooth married life. In fact I do admitt that this may be the case. However earlier also, 12th Lord posited in 7th and position of 7th lord in 8th were giving clue for this but AL and UL are placed mutually in Konas. I am little bit confused, because, tension in My married life is not severe and hence whether, can I accept the modified placement of AL and UL?

Rath: Agreed, but that does not indicate enmity as they are mitra shadastaka.( Friendly 6/8)

I have got one more doubt, whether should We, study the chart with respect to Bava Chalita also? If it is the case, houses not get much changed, after rectification of birth time. Major change would be, Jupitor stands as 1, 3 and 12 house Lord compared to earlier 3 and 12 house Lord.

I have a topugh job at hand. Till now i was aware of the fact that Jupiter owns two signs and hence two houses. How did you get three? The chalit stuff with the MC and various house systems will distort the basic Vedic astrology Paradigm. use the fact that the RASI=HOUSE and even if the Lagna is in first or Last degree there is no difference in Rasi and house.

I have given an earlier mail on Bhava and aura etc.. you can read this if interested and if someone can point this out.

Obviously earlier, Saturn was Lord for 1st house and 2nd house and now lord for only 2nd house. It was my feeling that, my suffering during Rahu-Jup Dasa were more than at present running Rahu-sat dasa. Can I expect better results during coming Rahu-Mer period?Rath: jupiter is a benefic exalted in the sixth house from AL. This makes you spiritual and will not be good for material benefits. Do not use Pokhraj stone. Sat aspects the 11th from AL and can give some gains.Please give your expert comments.Yours obediently, Mohan Hegde.anmohiey

Here are your Narayana Dasa and chart. see if this works:

Narayana Dasa of D-1 chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa):


Maha Dasas:


Ge: 1967-05-18 (22:50:00) - 1978-05-18 (18:35:07) Aq: 1978-05-18 (18:35:07) - 1989-05-18 (14:13:21) Li: 1989-05-18 (14:13:21) - 1997-05-18 (15:20:42) Vi: 1997-05-18 (15:20:42) - 2001-05-18 (16:06:45)

Terrible for finance as this is the eighth house from AL with a malefic in it indicating temporary Kemadruma yoga. Ta: 2001-05-18 (16:06:45) - 2002-05-18 (22:11:26)

Not much better as this aspects the 12th from AL. But, this has the ninth and tenth Lord sun & mercury indicating dharma Karma dhipati yoga, a new begining and a new Guru or learning. this changes so many things...new life. Cp: 2002-05-18 (22:11:26) - 2012-05-18 (11:41:39) Sg: 2012-05-18 (11:41:39) - 2020-05-18 (12:48:19)

This will be a golden phase of your life Le: 2020-05-18 (12:48:19) - 2023-05-19 (07:15:02) Ar: 2023-05-19 (07:15:02) - 2028-05-18 (14:09:13) Pi: 2028-05-18 (14:09:13) - 2037-05-18 (21:30:44) Sc: 2037-05-18 (21:30:44) - 2048-05-18 (17:05:54) Cn: 2048-05-18 (17:05:54) - 2059-05-19 (12:38:57) Ge: 2059-05-19 (12:38:57) - 2060-05-18 (18:59:58) Aq: 2060-05-18 (18:59:58) - 2061-05-19 (01:13:23) Li: 2061-05-19 (01:13:23) - 2065-05-19 (01:41:51) Vi: 2065-05-19 (01:41:51) - 2073-05-19 (02:57:51) Ta: 2073-05-19 (02:57:51) - 2084-05-18 (22:33:30) Cp: 2084-05-18 (22:33:30) - 2086-05-19 (10:46:46) Sg: 2086-05-19 (10:46:46) - 2090-05-19 (11:30:18) Le: 2090-05-19 (11:30:18) - 2099-05-19 (18:45:27) Ar: 2099-05-19 (18:45:27) - 2106-05-20 (13:52:16) Pi: 2106-05-20 (13:52:16) - 2109-05-20 (08:29:38) Sc: 2109-05-20 (08:29:38) - 2110-05-20 (14:26:33) Cn: 2110-05-20 (14:26:33) - 2111-05-20 (20:34:51)

Mohan Hegde-2 Natal Chart May 18, 1967Time: 22:50:00Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)Longitude: 74 E 27' 00"Latitude: 14 N 26' 00"Altitude: 0.00 meters Lunar Year: PlavangaLunar Month: VaisakhaTithi: Sukla Dasami (86.45% left)Weekday: ThursdayNakshatra: Poo.Pha. (25.19% left)Yoga: HarshanaKarana: TaitulaHora Lord: Sun Sunrise: 6:04:35Sunset: 18:53:06Janma Ghatis: 41.8927 Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi Navamsa ChKarak Lagna 29 Sg 06' 59.73" U.Shaa. 1 Sg Sg -Sun 3 Ta 40' 54.80" Krittika 3 Ta Aq DKMoon 23 Le 18' 28.44" Poo.Pha. 3 Le Li AKMars ® 21 Vi 58' 22.92" Hastha 4 Vi Cn AmKMercury 12 Ta 08' 54.44" Rohini 1 Ta Ar PKJupiter 5 Cn 53' 07.99" Pushyami 1 Cn Le GKVenus 16 Ge 07' 34.19" Aardra 3 Ge Aq MKSaturn 15 Pi 30' 47.82" U.Bhaa. 4 Pi Sc PiKRahu 12 Ar 37' 42.50" Aswini 4 Ar Cn BKKetu 12 Li 37' 42.50" Swathi 2 Li Cp -Uranus ® 26 Le 55' 28.42" U.Pha. 1 Le Sg -Neptune ® 29 Li 28' 10.07" Visakha 3 Li Ge -Pluto ® 24 Le 36' 13.35" Poo.Pha. 4 Le Sc -Bhava Lagna 14 Cp 21' 55.94" Sravanam 2 Cp Ta -Hora Lagna 25 Vi 43' 17.72" Chitra 1 Vi Le -Ghati Lagna 29 Li 47' 23.03" Visakha 3 Li Ge -Vighati Lagna 20 Ar 07' 49.61" Bharani 3 Ar Li -Pranapada Lagna 20 Sg 48' 10.24" Poo.Shaa. 3 Sg Li -Sree Lagna 28 Vi 25' 47.60" Chitra 2 Vi Vi -Indu Lagna 23 Cn 18' 28.44" Aasresha 2 Cn Cp -Kunda 18 Li 26' 38.35" Swathi 4 Li Pi -Dhooma 17 Vi 00' 54.80" Hastha 3 Vi Ge -Vyatipata 12 Li 59' 05.20" Swathi 2 Li Cp -Parivesha 12 Ar 59' 05.20" Aswini 4 Ar Cn -Indra Chapa 17 Pi 00' 54.80" Revathi 1 Pi Sg -Upaketu 3 Ar 40' 54.80" Aswini 2 Ar Ta -Kaala 21 Ar 56' 27.04" Bharani 3 Ar Li -Mrityu 2 Sg 51' 37.74" Moola 1 Sg Ar -Artha Prahara 22 Sg 28' 59.28" Poo.Shaa. 3 Sg Li -Yama Ghantaka 13 Cp 38' 23.22" Sravanam 2 Cp Ta -Maandi 2 Pi 14' 52.17" Poo.Bhaa. 4 Pi Cn -Gulika 19 Aq 26' 59.77" Satabhisham 4 Aq Pi -Varnada Lagna 24 Ge 50' 17.45" Punarvasu 2 Ge Ta - +--------------+|Sat Mnd |Rah |Sun Mer |Ven || | | | || | | | || | | | || | | | ||-----------+-----------------------+-----------||Glk AL | |Jup || | | || | | || | | || | | ||-----------| Rasi |-----------|| | |Moo || | | || | | || | | || | | ||-----------+-----------------------+-----------||Asc | |Ket GL |MarR HL || | | | || | | | || | | | || | | | |+--------------+ +--------------+|Glk |Mer AL | |GL || | | | || | | | || | | | || | | | ||-----------+-----------------------+-----------||Sun Ven | |MarR Rah || | |Mnd || | | || | | || | | ||-----------| Navamsa |-----------||Ket | |Jup HL || | | || | | || | | || | | ||-----------+-----------------------+-----------||Asc |Sat |Moo | || | | | || | | | || | | | || | | | |+--------------+




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