Guest guest Posted September 28, 2001 Report Share Posted September 28, 2001 Dear Sanjay, What a comeback.. Excellent..! 1.What happens when Atmakaraka itself becomes IshtaDevata, as is the case as you know in my chart. Shani, which is placed in karakamsa with Ketu? 2.What aslo happens when 12th house from karakamsa is ruled by two grahas(kumba). I took shani as ruler being stronger as Atma and in Yuti with ketu in pisces. I understand that Lord Brahma is not to be worshipped in such case but instead Lord Naryana with ashtakshari mantra. 3. Is the result of Atmakarak in Navamsa similar viewed from Paka Navamsa Lagna, since Guru is Natural Significator of Paka Lagna, while Navamsa is Dharma? Welcome back Zoran Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 28, 2001 Report Share Posted September 28, 2001 Om Krishna Guru -- Dear Sanjay, I am grateful to you for sharing this lesson with us. It brings many points to light that is perfect for this time of struggle for many of us. I do have one doubt that I'm hoping you can clear up about finding the ista devata. You wrote: >If the 12th house is occupied by a planet, then this indicates the Ista >devata; If more than one occupy, then the strongest shall indicate the >Ista devata and if none occupy this sign, then the Lord of the sign >shall indicate the Ista Devata. Is this to mean that we should not consider planets aspecting by rasi dristi first before considering lord of the 12th from karakamsa as taught in your previous lesson on ista devata? Also, could you provide the correct birth data for Jesus Christ and Mohammad? your sishya, Karen Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 28, 2001 Report Share Posted September 28, 2001 Compulsory exercise #1 Due: Sept 28, 2001 AK: Saturn falls into the 11th house at 26:49 Capricorn 4th pada, in Rasi, in the Nakshatra of Dhanishta. The karakamsa falls into Virgo also the 11th house of D-9. This man’s AK, Saturn is retrograde, showing a deep rooted desire to return to life and as a malefic indicates a spiritual tendency on his part. The emphasis of the AK in the 11th house of both the Rasi and the D-9 charts suggests there may be an over whelming desire to focus on gain in this life. I suspect it will be in the achievement of the gain where he suffers the greatest frustration. Looking at his Rasi chart with Mercury in the 6th house of enemies and caught in a Pappakatari yoga he may be unable to protect himself, or those close to him from his enemies. Given this planet also rules his 4th house and his 7th house the people involved may be his family and spouse. Interestingly his AK is three house from the D-9 asc and 3 houses from his Rasi asc. brining Mars into play, as karaka of the 3rd house. This underscores the role of younger siblings. Plus SA rules the 3 and 4th houses in his D-9 chart offering more support. Until he takes steps to acknowledge his Ishta Deva, Sri Krishna, as represented by Mercury in the 2nd drekkana he may well do at this time, he will continue to be powerless in the face of his losses. As a remedy he could chant Vishnu Sahasranama, make offerings of grains and seek the support and guidance of his maternal aunts and uncles. In addition he could donate 1.4 % of his income to the work of Sri Krishna. Given he is currently under the Vimshottari dasa of ME/KE/SA one can expect he will be in pain. Interestingly he is in the Narayana dasha of Capricorn the sign holding his AK so will have made some strides since entering this dasha in Aug of 91. However he is currently in the pratyantardasa of Gemini the sign owned by the planet representing his Ishta Deva and also his AK therefore one could expect he may come to a fresh understanding of his position at this time. - Sanjay Rath Varahamihira Thursday, September 27, 2001 8:24 AM [Hare Rama Krishna] Lesson: Compulsory for all Om Gurave Namah-------------------------- Lesson on Ista Devata by Sanjay Rath (September 2001) I have been getting a lot of mail regarding troubles and difficulties from students and others. It is necessary to tell you all that the root cause of our sorrow and happiness is the Ista devata whcih is seen from the Atmakaraka. Parasara says that the Atmakaraka is like a king in the horoscope and if the AK is benevolent, then all troubles vanish. How can we make the AK benevolent and how do we determine when He is happy? For this the first step is to determine the Atmakaraka and the Ista devata. Chara Atma Karaka Among the EIGHT chara karaka, the planet with the highest degree is the Atmakaraka. The sign/navamsa occupied by the Atnakaraka gives us a clue as to the desire of the Atma and the nature of the Atmakaraka gives us vital information about the nature of the Atma, its spiritual development etc. If a malefic planet is the Atmakaraka, it indicates a high level of spiritual development whereas a benefic planet as the Atmakaraka indicates a relatively lower level. Example: Rahu was the Atmakaraka for Srila Prabhupada and Ramakrishna Paramhamsa. The Atmakaraka, invariably indicates suffering during its Vimsottari Dasa, especially if a malefic. during the Narayana dasa of the sign occupied by the Atmakaraka or those aspecting it, great achievements are made. If the native is spirtually inclined then the dasa of the Atmakaraka can be benneficial. A retrograde Atmakaraka indicates a deep rooted desire as being the cause of the birth. Planets as Atmakaraka: Sun as AK indicates the native has to learn to overcome his ego and should become humble. Moon as AK indicates that the native should be very caring and compassionate. Mars as AK indicates that the native should refrain from all forms of violence and stick to the path of Ahimsa. Mercury as AK indicates that the native should control his speech and be truthful at all times. Jupiter as AK indicates that the native should always respect the Guru, husband and care for children. Venus as AK indicates that the native must have a very clean character and refrain from illegitimate sex/lust. Saturn as AK indicates that the native cannot give sorrow to others and will have to share the sorrow of many others. Rahu as AK indicates that the native maybe cheated often and will still have to be free from guile and clean hearted. Maharishi Jaimini has indicated the results of various navamsa for the placement of AK. Read this carefully and make a list for ready reference. Results of AK in different houses from Navamsa Lagna: (Hint: Count the number of signs from AK to Navamsa Lagna, the number shall indicate the results of the house that shall predominate. check the strength of Karaka of such house; do this exercise both in Rasi and Navamsa Chart; Rasi chart results like that of Sri Krishna & other great persons while navamsa for all others.) If AK is in Navamsa Lagna, the native belongs to a royal family/ is of noble birth and lineage. If Navamsa Lagna Lord conjoins AK, then the native, although of humble origin shall rise to a high rank equal toa king. If the AK aspects Navamsa Lagna, then Royal association shall be present from birth. The natural karaka of 1st house (Sun) should be strong to indicate the extent of Rajyoga. If AK is in 2nd house, the native shall be very spiritual and a great saint. If saturn is strong, the renunciation shall be complete whereas if Venus is strong the native shall perform severe austerities. If AK is in 3rd house, the native shall be rich and successful in many undertakings. He shall be a freind of many powerful people. If AK is in 4th house the native shall be a Karma Yogi. if the moon and jupiter are strong, he shall have fame whereas if the Sun is strong rajyoga and a strong saturn indicates a hard working person. If AK is in 5th house the native is Dharma Parayana i.e. obeys the laws of his dharma diligently and is straightforward. if the sun is strong, he shall have many good yogas. Blesssings of his father shall always protect him. If AK is in 6th house, the native is diseased and troubled. Propitiate as per saturn or Lord Satya Narayana, fast on full moon days and speak the truth OM TAT SAT. If AK is in seventh house, the native is blessed with a clean heart and many joys. If Venus is strong, marriage shall be a great blessing. If AK is in 8th house, the native has many troubles and weaknesses. He is defeated in war. Propitiate as per saturn or Lord Satya Narayana, fast on full moon days and speak the truth OM TAT SAT. If AK is in 9th house, the native is a very pious person and is wealthy and fortunate. If AK is in 10th house, the native is blessed with a clean heart and good home. He shall be a a pillar for his family and mother. the moon in strength shall be an added blessing for this. If AK is in 11th house, the native shall be brave, successful in war and capable of executing any task. if Mars is strong there shall be Rajyoga. If AK is in 12th house the native is very rich and blessed by Lakshmi. Ista Devata The Ista Devata is seen from the 12th house from the Karakamsa (i.e. the sign occupied by AK in Navamsa Chart). If the 12th house is occupied by a planet, then this indicates the Ista devata; If more than one occupy, then the strongest shall indicate the Ista devata and if none occupy this sign, then the Lord of the sign shall indicate the Ista Devata. Planets & Indications If the Sun is Ista Shiva, Agni the fire God etc are indicated. If the Moon is Ista, Gouri, Jala devi etc are indicated If Mars is Ista, Kartikeya is indicated If Mercury is Ista and is in first drekkana in Rasi, Sri Rama is indicated whereas in the second and third drekkana Sri Krishna is indicated. If Jupiter is ista then Sadashiva or Guru's are indicated If Saturn is Ista then Narayana is indicated If Venus is Ista then Annapoorna, Lakshmi, Radha etc are indicated. If Rahu is Ista then Durga is indicated If ketu is Ista then Ganapati is indicated. The native will also like to worship the avatar as per the teachings of Ista Devata by Parasara i.e. Sun-Rama, Moon, Krishna etc. This is also seen in the Vimsamsa. The Karaka indicated by the Ista devata planet shall indicate the relation/person who shall lead the native to the Ista Devata. The AK/Ista devata holds the key to a chart and it is important to have excellent relations with such people who are indicated by the Ista devata planet. Illustrations CASE #1: Male Natal Chart June 14, 1960Time: 15:11:00Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)Longitude: 76 E 39' 00"Latitude: 10 N 47' 00"Altitude: 0.00 metersLunar Year: SharvariLunar Month: JyeshthaTithi: Krishna Shashthi (37.60% left)Weekday: TuesdayNakshatra: Satabhisham (93.70% left)Yoga: VishkambhaKarana: VanijaHora Lord: VenusSunrise: 6:01:07 Sunset: 18:46:03 Janma Ghatis: 22.9116Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi Navamsa ChKarakLagna 11 Li 01' 54.98" Swathi 2 Li Cp -Sun 0 Ge 01' 06.92" Mrigasira 3 Ge Li DKMoon 7 Aq 30' 23.19" Satabhisham 1 Aq Sg MKMars 2 Ar 19' 06.00" Aswini 1 Ar Ar GKMercury 24 Ge 09' 38.95" Punarvasu 2 Ge Ta AmKJupiter ® 6 Sg 09' 12.63" Moola 2 Sg Ta PiKVenus 27 Ta 45' 29.96" Mrigasira 2 Ta Vi AKSaturn ® 23 Sg 25' 54.22" Poo.Shaa. 4 Sg Sc BKRahu 26 Le 39' 44.67" Poo.Pha. 4 Le Sc PKKetu 26 Aq 39' 44.67" Poo.Bhaa. 2 Aq Ta -Bhava Lagna 17 Li 07' 25.54" Swathi 4 Li Pi -Hora Lagna 4 Pi 35' 36.87" U.Bhaa. 1 Pi Le -Ghati Lagna 27 Ar 00' 10.87" Krittika 1 Ar Sg -Vighati Lagna 19 Cp 03' 00.87" Sravanam 3 Cp Ge -Pranapada Lagna 19 Ta 24' 53.59" Rohini 3 Ta Ge -+--------------+|HL |Mar GL |Ven |Sun Mer || | | | || | | | || | | | || | | | ||-----------+-----------------------+-----------||Moo Ket | | || | | || | | || | | || | | ||-----------| Rasi |-----------|| | |Rah Glk || | | || | | || | | || | | ||-----------+-----------------------+-----------||JupR SatR | |Asc |Mnd ||AL | | | || | | | || | | | || | | | |+--------------+ Comments: Venus is the atmakaraka and also the Lagna Lord and is placed in the eighth house in its own sign. This shows troubles and strife in life and that the native may have to live away from home. Depending on the strength of Saturn, the Yogas will fructify as saturn is the karaka of the sixth house (cpunt from AK to lagna).+--------------+| |Mar Mnd |Mer JupR | || | |Ket | || | | | || | | | || | | | ||-----------+-----------------------+-----------|| | | || | | || | | || | | || | | ||-----------| Navamsa |-----------||Asc | |HL || | | || | | || | | || | | ||-----------+-----------------------+-----------||Moo GL |SatR Rah |Sun |Ven AL ||Glk | | | || | | | || | | | || | | | |+--------------+ Comments: The atmakaraka venus is debilitated in Navamsa resulting in Rajbhanga Neecha yoga. this indicates considerable suffering and troubles in life and many situations where the native will have to reap the fruits of some bad karma related to Venus. The AK is in the ninth house from Navamsa Lagna and this indicates blessings from Jupiter (Count from AK to Navamsa Lagna). today happens to be a Thursday as I analyse this chart and look for a solution for the native. The 12th sign from karakamsa (Virgo) is leo that is unoccupied and its Lord the Sun is also debilitated in Libra Navamsa. this is a terrible situation where the AK and Ista are both debilitated and the suffering is going to be considerable. The Sun indicates Shiva as his Ista devata or Sri Rama. From the Navamsa Lagna the sun (Ista Devata) rules the 8th house indicating that the native has a debt to pay to Shiva for which the native shall himself be in debt until this debt is paid. Note that the Sun is darakaraka - hence the spouse shall lead him to the Ista devata and it is very important to keep the wife happy all the time. Note also that the sun is placed with the ninth Lord in ninth house in Rasi chart indicating that a Guru shall also show him the way. Upadesa: In view of the above, the native should donate 5% (Sun =6 years /120 years =5%) of his earnings to any temple of Lord Shiva or to his Guru (as Shiva is the ultimate Guru) religiously. Gradually his debt shall go and he shall be free from the blemish. he should also worship Lord Shiva with the Mritunjaya Mantra (ruled by Venus). Since the Sun is also the Badhak Lord placed in 9th house, see the upadesa for this in Vedic remedies in astrology. Remedy When?: The remedy normally comes from Guru or a Jyotish or such people who can see during the periods of the lagna Lord or the atmakaraka as it is the prime duty of the Atmakaraka to guide the native spiritually and to help in clearing past Karma. the native was under Saturn Dasa Venus Antardasa Jupiter Pratyantar when he wrote to the author. Note that the dasa Lord is linked to the placement of the AK in the Rasi chart in the eighth house; the Antardasa is of the AK itself and the Pratyantar is linked to the planet which is significator of the fifth house (count from karakamsa to navamsa lagna).Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon):Rah Rah 1959-04-26 Jup 1962-01-08 Sat 1964-06-01 Mer 1967-04-08 Ket 1969-10-29 Ven 1970-11-16 Sun 1973-11-16 Moo 1974-10-11 Mar 1976-04-07 Jup Jup 1977-04-25 Sat 1979-06-15 Mer 1981-12-27 Ket 1984-04-01 Ven 1985-03-08 Sun 1987-11-10 Moo 1988-08-28 Mar 1989-12-27 Rah 1990-12-04 Sat Sat 1993-04-26 Mer 1996-04-28 Ket 1999-01-08 Ven 2000-02-16 Sun 2003-04-17 Moo 2004-03-29 Mar 2005-11-01 Rah 2006-12-10 Jup 2009-10-17 Case #2 Male Native March 28, 1962Time: 6:29:00Time Zone: 5:50:00 (East of GMT)Longitude: 85 E 17' 00"Latitude: 22 N 06' 00"Altitude: 0.00 metersLunar Year: PlavaLunar Month: PhalgunaTithi: Krishna Sapthami (66.93% left)Weekday: WednesdayNakshatra: Jyeshtha (3.69% left)Yoga: VyatipataKarana: VishtiHora Lord: MercurySunrise: 6:07:19Sunset: 18:22:27Janma Ghatis: 0.9038 Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi Navamsa ChKarakLagna 19 Pi 50' 00.44" Revathi 1 Pi Sg -Sun 13 Pi 32' 21.83" U.Bhaa. 4 Pi Sc PKMoon 29 Sc 30' 29.40" Jyeshtha 4 Sc Pi AKMars 18 Aq 59' 31.68" Satabhisham 4 Aq Pi MKMercury 26 Aq 01' 48.27" Poo.Bhaa. 2 Aq Ta BKJupiter 7 Aq 08' 12.85" Satabhisham 1 Aq Sg DKVenus 28 Pi 06' 44.49" Revathi 4 Pi Pi AmKSaturn 15 Cp 44' 06.80" Sravanam 2 Cp Ta PiKRahu 22 Cn 07' 53.09" Aasresha 2 Cn Cp GKKetu 22 Cp 07' 53.09" Sravanam 4 Cp Cn -+--------------+|Moo Mar | |Mer Sat | ||Ven | | | || | | | || | | | || | | | ||-----------+-----------------------+-----------||HL | |Ket GL || | | || | | || | | || | | ||-----------| Navamsa |-----------||Rah Mnd | | || | | || | | || | | || | | ||-----------+-----------------------+-----------||Asc Jup |Sun |Glk |AL || | | | || | | | || | | | || | | | |+--------------+ Comments: The Atmakaraka Moon is placed in Pisces. The native is very compassionate and caring. The 12th house from karakamsa is Aquarius and its Lord saturn conjoins Mercury (Saturn with Mercury is stronger than Rahu who is alone). There are no planets in Aquarius. Thus, Saturn & Mercury will indiacte the Ista Devata. Here Mercury is stronger and will show Krishna (Mercury is in 3rd Drekkana). Since Mercury is also the Bhratri karaka it also indicates the Guru and this is again Krishna. The person leading him to the Ista Devata shall be his younger brother as Mercury is Bhratri karaka (i.e. younger brother significator). this will happen during the current Mercury Bhukti in Moon dasa.Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon):Sun Sun 1989-11-15 Moo 1990-03-02 Mar 1990-09-04 Rah 1991-01-08 Jup 1991-12-03 Sat 1992-09-22 Mer 1993-09-03 Ket 1994-07-09 Ven 1994-11-15 Moo Moo 1995-11-16 Mar 1996-09-15 Rah 1997-04-13 Jup 1998-10-16 Sat 2000-02-12 Mer 2001-09-16 Ket 2003-02-12 Ven 2003-09-16 Sun 2005-05-14 Questions & dates for answer: Determine the Ista Devata in the following charts: Male born 7 Aug, 1963 at 9:15' PM IST at Sambalpur India. What remedy would you recommend for the native to reduce the suffering and obstacles in life? [28 Sept 2001] Sri Aurobindo Ghose 15 Aug, 1872 at about 1 ghati (i.e. 24 minutes) before sunrise at Calcutta, India. Explain the reason behind his great work Savitri (Savitur) and the interpretation of the Rig Veda.[29 Sept 2001] Nathuram Vinayak Godse 19 May 1910 at 8-29 AM ; 73E52' 18N31' India. He was supposed to be a god fearing person, yet he committed homicide! What are the factors by which this happened?[30 Sept 2001] Mahatma Gandhi 2 Oct 1869; 7-45 AM; 21N37', 69E49' India. He chanted the name of Sri Ram to lead india to independance and followed the path of Ahimsa strictly. Bring this out in his chart and show how he had developed the power to direct such a great number of people.[1 Oct 2001] Study the chart of Jesus Christ and show why he worshipped the Holy Ghost or the Father of all creation. does this have any link to the Christians worshipping on Sundays?[2-4 Oct 2001] Study the chart of prophet Muhammad and show why the muslims worship on Fridays. [5-8 Oct 2001] Examine the chart of at least one President of the United States to bring out the relationship between the Atmakaraka and Rajyoga.[9-11 Oct 2001] Study the chart of atleast one member of any royal family to bring out the Rajyoga due to birth. [12-15 Oct 2001] Examine your own horoscope and determine your Ista devata [16-20 Oct 2001]OM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 28, 2001 Report Share Posted September 28, 2001 Vyam Vysadevaya Namaha! -- Dear Karen, Please let me take the liberty to answer this question. Sanjay taught something very important whilst in london, regarding this. Why should one consider the planets aspecting(Rasi and Graha Dristi)? Fact is that the planet giving Graha Dristi on the 12th from Karakamsa, will eventually lead to the desire of worshipping the actual Ishta Devata.. the reason for this desire maybe complicated. Similarly the planets giving Rasi Dristi can always see the actual Istha Devata, and will eventually lead the person to worshipping the Ishta. So recommend any of those grahas, as eventually the person will worship the Istha.. But lets make the journey easier, and give the actual Istha. Sanjay taught that we all have a natural affinity with the Istha Devata, the chart can only remind the person of this. Best wishes, Visti. p.s. Your Istha Devata is Shiva/Agni, acording to your Navamsa.. how do you feel about that? - Karen Skoler varahamihira Friday, September 28, 2001 2:44 AM Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Lesson: Compulsory for all Om Krishna Guru -- Dear Sanjay, I am grateful to you for sharing this lesson with us. It brings many points to light that is perfect for this time of struggle for many of us. I do have one doubt that I'm hoping you can clear up about finding the ista devata. You wrote: >If the 12th house is occupied by a planet, then this indicates the Ista >devata; If more than one occupy, then the strongest shall indicate the >Ista devata and if none occupy this sign, then the Lord of the sign >shall indicate the Ista Devata. Is this to mean that we should not consider planets aspecting by rasi dristi first before considering lord of the 12th from karakamsa as taught in your previous lesson on ista devata? Also, could you provide the correct birth data for Jesus Christ and Mohammad? your sishya, Karen OM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 28, 2001 Report Share Posted September 28, 2001 Vyam Vysadevaya Namaha! --------------------- Dear Ravinder, <<3 So what should be my Ishtadevta ? Is it Lord Narayana ?>> Is Saturn stronger than Rahu? if so then yes. <<4 What are the role of Ketu and Mars in Pisces Navamsa with Atmakaraka Saturn ?>> It shows how easy the path to worshipping Istha Devata is, and what you must endure to get the full teachings of the Istha. Best wishes, Visti. - Ravinder Grover varahamihira Friday, September 28, 2001 3:55 PM Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Lesson: Compulsory for all Dear Zoran ji and Sanjay ji1 In Rasi Kundali, my Lagna is Gemini and Saturn is the Atmakaraka.2 In Navamsa Kundali, Lagna is Gemini again and Saturn is in house 10in sign Pisces with Ketu and Mars3 In Navamasa Kundali, 12th house from Saturn, i.e, House 9 is NOToccupied by any planet and the sign is Aquarius.3 So what should be my Ishtadevta ? Is it Lord Narayana ?4 What are the role of Ketu and Mars in Pisces Navamsa with AtmakarakaSaturn ?LoveRavinder GRover Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 28, 2001 Report Share Posted September 28, 2001 Om Gurave Namah --------------------- Compulsory Lesson: Part1 Determine the Ista Devata in the following charts: 1. Male born 7 Aug, 1963 at 9:15' PM IST at Sambalpur India. What remedy would you recommend for the native to reduce the suffering and obstacles in life? [28 Sept 2001] Retrograde Saturn is the Atmakaraka of the native. Saturn being a malefic, indicates high spiritual development, and " retrograde " connotes some residual responsibilities from the previous births, which the native must fulfill in this birth. Saturn stands for success through struggle, and also for great maturity, detachment (carried over to this birth ?) and hardwork. His placement in earth signs both in Rasi (capricorn-own house)and Navamsa (virgo) indicate his " karmabhoomi " and suggest the channels of philosophy and service as his vocation. Saturn is also the " ultimate teacher " of " Truth " through harsh realities. AK aspects Lagna in both D1 and D9. This indicates not losing sight of the " cause " for which he's born. And that he shall always be associated with the king, and with Jupiter on throne in Pisces, shall himself be a king among his kind. a) Saturn's placement in the 11th house both in D1 and D9 b) Saturn is also the lord of the 12th house and is aspecting Jupiter in Pisces in D1(the natural house of moksha) c) Saturn also aspects the 12th lord Venus, Ketu (mokshakaraka) and Pisces in D9. These show the extent of his evolution through several births and his final goal. As AK is placed in the 11th house, which is a house of gains, which will grow with time, his struggles will not be in vain, and in his endeavours he will be helped along by his elder brother (like Jagannatha himself?) and friends. Ishtadevata ------------ The native had started Saturn Pratyantar dasa today in Mercury mahadasa and Ketu antardasa. All planets connected to self-actualisation through meditation and worship. The 12th house from karakamsa is Leo with Mercury in it and indicates " Vishnu " as Ishtadevata. With Saturn's (in Virgo) influence on both Sun (in Aquarius) and Mercury this deduction is strengthened. Sun being the opposing principle to Saturn is the natural 12th house to Saturn. While AK represents self or ego, the 12th house indicates the negation of ego. The worship of Ishtadevata also leads to the same. So, I feel that Sun also should be considered for determining the Ishtadevata in this case. Sun (in the 5th house from Karakamsa)himself is described as " Bramhaswaroopamudaye madhyahnamthu maheswaram saayamdhyayeth sadaa vishnum trimoortyamchya divakaram " (Bramha in the morning, Maheswara in the afternoon, and Vishnu in the evening, embodying " AUM " or Satyam, Sivam, Sundaram).Mercury being a malleable planet can reflect all these facets of the Godhead. Further, Jupiter's aspect on the 12th house from karakamsa also indicates worship of Vishnu as " Krishnam Vande Jagdgurum " . Worship of the cosmic form or " Viswaroopa " of Krishna, and reading of Bhagavadgita would enhance the higher qualities of Saturn, i.e., maturity, detachment, enrichment on all fronts and pave the way for mokskha. Regards, Lakshmi --- Sanjay Rath <srath wrote: > Om Gurave Namah > -------------------------- > Lesson on Ista Devata > by Sanjay Rath (September 2001) > I have been getting a lot of mail regarding troubles > and difficulties from students and others. It is > necessary to tell you all that the root cause of our > sorrow and happiness is the Ista devata whcih is > seen from the Atmakaraka. Parasara says that the > Atmakaraka is like a king in the horoscope and if > the AK is benevolent, then all troubles vanish. How > can we make the AK benevolent and how do we > determine when He is happy? For this the first step > is to determine the Atmakaraka and the Ista devata. > > Chara Atma Karaka > Among the EIGHT chara karaka, the planet with the > highest degree is the Atmakaraka. The sign/navamsa > occupied by the Atnakaraka gives us a clue as to the > desire of the Atma and the nature of the Atmakaraka > gives us vital information about the nature of the > Atma, its spiritual development etc. > 1.. If a malefic planet is the Atmakaraka, it > indicates a high level of spiritual development > whereas a benefic planet as the Atmakaraka indicates > a relatively lower level. Example: Rahu was the > Atmakaraka for Srila Prabhupada and Ramakrishna > Paramhamsa. > 2.. The Atmakaraka, invariably indicates suffering > during its Vimsottari Dasa, especially if a malefic. > during the Narayana dasa of the sign occupied by the > Atmakaraka or those aspecting it, great achievements > are made. If the native is spirtually inclined then > the dasa of the Atmakaraka can be benneficial. > 3.. A retrograde Atmakaraka indicates a deep > rooted desire as being the cause of the birth. > 4.. Planets as Atmakaraka: > 1.. Sun as AK indicates the native has to learn > to overcome his ego and should become humble. > 2.. Moon as AK indicates that the native should > be very caring and compassionate. > 3.. Mars as AK indicates that the native should > refrain from all forms of violence and stick to the > path of Ahimsa. > 4.. Mercury as AK indicates that the native > should control his speech and be truthful at all > times. > 5.. Jupiter as AK indicates that the native > should always respect the Guru, husband and care for > children. > 6.. Venus as AK indicates that the native must > have a very clean character and refrain from > illegitimate sex/lust. > 7.. Saturn as AK indicates that the native > cannot give sorrow to others and will have to share > the sorrow of many others. > 8.. Rahu as AK indicates that the native maybe > cheated often and will still have to be free from > guile and clean hearted. > 5.. Maharishi Jaimini has indicated the results of > various navamsa for the placement of AK. Read this > carefully and make a list for ready reference. > 6.. Results of AK in different houses from Navamsa > Lagna: (Hint: Count the number of signs from AK to > Navamsa Lagna, the number shall indicate the results > of the house that shall predominate. check the > strength of Karaka of such house; do this exercise > both in Rasi and Navamsa Chart; Rasi chart results > like that of Sri Krishna & other great persons while > navamsa for all others.) > 1.. If AK is in Navamsa Lagna, the native > belongs to a royal family/ is of noble birth and > lineage. If Navamsa Lagna Lord conjoins AK, then the > native, although of humble origin shall rise to a > high rank equal toa king. If the AK aspects Navamsa > Lagna, then Royal association shall be present from > birth. The natural karaka of 1st house (Sun) should > be strong to indicate the extent of Rajyoga. > 2.. If AK is in 2nd house, the native shall be > very spiritual and a great saint. If saturn is > strong, the renunciation shall be complete whereas > if Venus is strong the native shall perform severe > austerities. > 3.. If AK is in 3rd house, the native shall be > rich and successful in many undertakings. He shall > be a freind of many powerful people. > 4.. If AK is in 4th house the native shall be a > Karma Yogi. if the moon and jupiter are strong, he > shall have fame whereas if the Sun is strong rajyoga > and a strong saturn indicates a hard working person. > > 5.. If AK is in 5th house the native is Dharma > Parayana i.e. obeys the laws of his dharma > diligently and is straightforward. if the sun is > strong, he shall have many good yogas. Blesssings of > his father shall always protect him. > 6.. If AK is in 6th house, the native is > diseased and troubled. Propitiate as per saturn or > Lord Satya Narayana, fast on full moon days and > speak the truth OM TAT SAT. > 7.. If AK is in seventh house, the native is > blessed with a clean heart and many joys. If Venus > is strong, marriage shall be a great blessing. > 8.. If AK is in 8th house, the native has many > troubles and weaknesses. He is defeated in war. > Propitiate as per saturn or Lord Satya Narayana, > fast on full moon days and speak the truth OM TAT > SAT. > 9.. If AK is in 9th house, the native is a very > pious person and is wealthy and fortunate. > 10.. If AK is in 10th house, the native is > blessed with a clean heart and good home. He shall > be a a pillar for his family and mother. the moon in > strength shall be an added blessing for this. > 11.. If AK is in 11th house, the native shall be > brave, successful in war and capable of executing > any task. if Mars is strong there shall be Rajyoga. > 12.. If AK is in 12th house the native is very > rich and blessed by Lakshmi. > Ista Devata > The Ista Devata is seen from the 12th house from the > Karakamsa (i.e. the sign occupied by AK in Navamsa > Chart). > 1.. If the 12th house is occupied by a planet, > then this indicates the Ista devata; If more than > one occupy, then the strongest shall indicate the > Ista devata and if none occupy this sign, then the > Lord of the sign shall indicate the Ista Devata. > 2.. Planets & Indications > 1.. If the Sun is Ista Shiva, Agni the fire God > etc are indicated. > 2.. If the Moon is Ista, Gouri, Jala devi etc > are indicated > 3.. If Mars is Ista, Kartikeya is indicated > 4.. If Mercury is Ista and is in first drekkana > in Rasi, Sri Rama is indicated whereas in the second > and third drekkana Sri Krishna is indicated. > 5.. If Jupiter is ista then Sadashiva or Guru's > are indicated > 6.. If Saturn is Ista then Narayana is indicated > > 7.. If Venus is Ista then Annapoorna, Lakshmi, > Radha etc are indicated. > 8.. If Rahu is Ista then Durga is indicated > 9.. If ketu is Ista then Ganapati is indicated. > 10.. The native will also like to worship the > avatar as per the teachings of Ista Devata by > Parasara i.e. Sun-Rama, Moon, Krishna etc. This is > also seen in the Vimsamsa. > 3.. The Karaka indicated by the Ista devata planet > shall indicate the relation/person who shall lead > the native to the Ista Devata. > 4.. The AK/Ista devata holds the key to a chart > and it is important to have excellent relations with > such people who are indicated by the Ista devata > planet. > Illustrations > CASE #1: Male Natal Chart > June 14, 1960Time: > 15:11:00Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of > GMT)Longitude: 76 E 39' 00 " Latitude: 10 N 47' > 00 " Altitude: 0.00 meters > Lunar Year: SharvariLunar Month: JyeshthaTithi: > Krishna Shashthi (37.60% left)Weekday: > TuesdayNakshatra: Satabhisham (93.70% left)Yoga: > VishkambhaKarana: VanijaHora Lord: > Venus > Sunrise: 6:01:07 Sunset: 18:46:03 Janma > Ghatis: 22.9116 > Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada > Rasi Navamsa ChKarak > Lagna 11 Li 01' 54.98 " Swathi 2 Li > Cp -Sun 0 Ge 01' 06.92 " > Mrigasira 3 Ge Li DKMoon 7 > Aq 30' 23.19 " Satabhisham 1 Aq Sg MKMars > 2 Ar 19' 06.00 " Aswini 1 Ar Ar > GKMercury 24 Ge 09' 38.95 " Punarvasu 2 > Ge Ta AmKJupiter ® 6 Sg 09' 12.63 " > Moola 2 Sg Ta PiKVenus 27 > Ta 45' 29.96 " Mrigasira 2 Ta Vi AKSaturn > ® 23 Sg 25' 54.22 " Poo.Shaa. 4 Sg Sc > BKRahu 26 Le 39' 44.67 " Poo.Pha. 4 > Le Sc PKKetu 26 Aq 39' 44.67 " > Poo.Bhaa. 2 Aq Ta -Bhava Lagna 17 Li > 07' 25.54 " Swathi 4 Li Pi -Hora Lagna > 4 Pi 35' 36.87 " U.Bhaa. 1 Pi Le > -Ghati Lagna 27 Ar 00' 10.87 " Krittika 1 > Ar Sg -Vighati Lagna 19 Cp 03' 00.87 " > Sravanam 3 Cp Ge -Pranapada Lagna 19 Ta > 24' 53.59 " Rohini 3 Ta Ge > -+--------------+|HL > |Mar GL |Ven |Sun Mer || > | | | || > | | | || | > | | || | > | | > ||-----------+-----------------------+-----------||Moo > Ket | | || > | | || > | | || | > | || | > === message truncated === Listen to your Mail messages from any phone. http://phone. 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Guest guest Posted September 28, 2001 Report Share Posted September 28, 2001 Dear Zoran ji and Sanjay ji 1 In Rasi Kundali, my Lagna is Gemini and Saturn is the Atmakaraka. 2 In Navamsa Kundali, Lagna is Gemini again and Saturn is in house 10 in sign Pisces with Ketu and Mars 3 In Navamasa Kundali, 12th house from Saturn, i.e, House 9 is NOT occupied by any planet and the sign is Aquarius. 3 So what should be my Ishtadevta ? Is it Lord Narayana ? 4 What are the role of Ketu and Mars in Pisces Navamsa with Atmakaraka Saturn ? Love Ravinder GRover - <ahimsa <varahamihira > Friday, September 28, 2001 12:13 AM Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Lesson: Compulsory for all > Dear Sanjay, > What a comeback.. Excellent..! > 1.What happens when Atmakaraka itself becomes IshtaDevata, as is the > case as you know in my chart. Shani, which is placed in karakamsa with > Ketu? > 2.What aslo happens when 12th house from karakamsa is ruled by two > grahas(kumba). I took shani as ruler being stronger as Atma and in Yuti > with ketu in pisces. I understand that Lord Brahma is not to be > worshipped in such case but instead Lord Naryana with ashtakshari > mantra. > 3. Is the result of Atmakarak in Navamsa similar viewed from Paka > Navamsa Lagna, since Guru is Natural Significator of Paka Lagna, while > Navamsa is Dharma? > Welcome back > Zoran > > > > > OM TAT SAT > Archive: varahamihira > Files: varahamihira > varahamihira/database > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 28, 2001 Report Share Posted September 28, 2001 Om Krsnaaya Namah Pranaams Sanjay, Here's my attempt on Question One: " Determine the Ista Devata in the following charts: Male born 7 Aug, 1963 at 9:15' PM IST at Sambalpur India. What remedy would you recommend for the native to reduce the suffering and obstacles in life? [28 Sept 2001] " Your atmakaraka is Saturn, and being a natural malefic it confirms other indications in the chart that in this lifetime you are here to concentrate on spiritual life, and to continue on from where you left in your last lifetime. Being retrograde, the AK suggests that some deep desire is the reason you had to take birth this time, especially as the AK is in the eleventh house of desires in both the Rasi and Navamsa. The twelfth from the karakamsa is occupied by Mercury alone, and this reveals your Ishta Devata to be Sri Vishnu. As Mercury is in the second Drekkana, the Specific form of Sri Vishnu is Sri Krsna, and this explains the fact that Bhagavan Sri Jagannatha is your Ishta Devata. So the best remedy for you to reduce your suffering and obstacles would be for you to worship Sri Krsna/Jagannatha, through any of the nine primary processes (sravanam kirtanam vishnoh, smaranam pada-sevanam, arcanam vandanam dasyam, sakhyam atma-nivaidanam). Thanks for your time and the lesson, Jaya Jagannatha! Pursottam _______ Get your free @ address at Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 28, 2001 Report Share Posted September 28, 2001 Hare Rama Krishna, Pranam GuruDeva, My humble attemts to do Q.1: Male born 7 Aug, 1963 at 9:15' PM IST at Sambalpur India. What remedy would you recommend for the native to reduce the suffering and obstacles in life? [28 Sept 2001] Saturn is the Ak. A malefic as Ak- high level of spiritual development. AK is retrograde-a deep rooted desire the cause for this birth. Saturn as Ak also indicates that the native will have to share the sorrow of many others. GL and HL aspects the AK. 7th House Mercury and AK are mutually aspecting. The role the AK plays during this life time would be with the association of the 7th lord ( wife or other associates). Saturn period is now over. That must have been a tough period of learning. Now the dasa of Mercury is also significant due to the aspect. Navasma Karakamsa is in the 11- the purpose of the Soul wil be gainful. The debt will be paid. 12th from karamsa is mercury-second drekkana - krishna is the Eshta Deva. Worship of lord Jagannatha is apt. Pranams, Rema ===== Rema Menon Listen to your Mail messages from any phone. http://phone. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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