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Pujya Guruji/Respected list members,

Enclosed is horoscope of self, after applying rectification time of birth. Birth time rectification has been done as per KP guidelines with My humble, limited knowledge.Originally, as per the birth chart got prepared by My parents says My birth time is 11-00pm on May, 18th 1967, at Lat:14-26N, Long:74-27E. How ever Guruji felt, I need to work out My exact Lagna. Now, time of birth, in My opinion falls around 10-50pm on above said date and place.

Owing to change in Birth time, My Lagna falls in Dhanas, instead of Makara. Consequently, all Arudhas stands changed. In modified chart, AL and UL are at 6-8 (shadastaka) position indicating not a smooth married life. In fact I do admitt that this may be the case. However earlier also, 12th Lord posited in 7th and position of 7th lord in 8th were giving clue for this but AL and UL are placed mutually in Konas. I am little bit confused, because, tension in My married life is not severe and hence whether, can I accept the modified placement of AL and UL? I have got one more doubt, whether should We, study the chart with respect to Bava Chalita also? If it is the case, houses not get much changed, after rectification of birth time. Major change would be, Jupitor stands as 1, 3 and 12 house Lord compared to earlier 3 and 12 house Lord. Obviously earlier, Saturn was Lord for 1st house and 2nd house and now lord for only 2nd house. It was my feeling that, my suffering during Rahu-Jup Dasa were more than at present running Rahu-sat dasa. Can I expect better results during coming Rahu-Mer period?

Please give your expert comments.

Yours obediently, Mohan Hegde.anmohiey

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