Guest guest Posted September 29, 2001 Report Share Posted September 29, 2001 Sanjay, Date of Birth: August 7, 1963Time of Birth: 9:15:00 pmTime Zone of Birth: 5:30 East of GMTLongitude of Birth: 83 E 58Latitude of Birth: 21 N 27Lunar month (maasa): Sravana Lunar day (tithi): Krishna TritiyaTithi balance: 0.590934Nakshatra balance: 0.997407Sun-Moon Yoga: Atiganda Sunrise = 5:29:14 am (Apparent rise - upper limb)Ayanamsa = 23-17-38.76Dasa year length chosen = 365.2425 days Planet Position Pada CharaK Ascdt 14 Pi 07'55.90" U.Bhaa. 4 - Sun 21 Cn 07'32.78" Aasresha 2 BKMoon 20 Aq 02'04.44" Poo.Bhaa. 1 MKMars 13 Vi 43'56.92" Hastha 2 PKMercury 13 Le 26'16.36" Poo.Pha. 1 GKJupiter 26 Pi 10'55.43" Revathi 3 AmKVenus 14 Cn 59'03.25" Pushyami 4 PiKSaturn ® 26 Cp 52'40.83" Dhanishtha 2 AKRahu 25 Ge 48'41.53" Punarvasu 2 DKKetu 25 Sg 48'41.53" Poo.Shaa. 4 - +----------------------+| Asc | | | || | | | Glk || BL | | | || | | | Rah || Jup | | | ||-------------|---------------------------|-------------|| | | || | | Ven || Moo | | || | | Sun || | | ||-------------| R A S I |-------------|| | | || | | || SatR | | Mer || | | || | | ||-------------|---------------------------|-------------|| | | | || | GL | | || Ket | | | Mar || | HL | | || | | | |+----------------------+ Sani is AK, he is in 11th from Lagna. He is retrogade, indicating deep rooted desire as being the cause of the birth; shows that the native cannot give sorrow to others and will have to share the sorroe of many others. A deep desire from past comes due to unsatisfied soul. In the last life, the native should have deviated from spiritual path and does get Guru Sapa. So, in this life the native shoud do remedy to the wrath of Guru by serving the Guru (or the ultimate teacher Jagannatha) for a prolonged period. Kuja, the karaka of 3rd house, should be strong for the yogas to be felt. +----------------------+| | | | || | | Rah | || | Moo | | || | | Mar | || | | | ||-------------|---------------------------|-------------|| | | || Glk | | || | | GL || Jup | | || | | ||-------------| N A V A M S A |-------------|| | | || | | || Sun | | Mer || | | || | | ||-------------|---------------------------|-------------|| | | | || | Ven HL | | || BL | | | SatR || | Ket Asc | | || | | | |+----------------------+ Sani is in Virgo in D-9 again in 11th from Lagna. So, Kuja is an inmportant planet. The native will be brave, successful in war and capable of executing any task. Budha in 2nd drekkana is in 12th from AK in D-9. So, krishna would be ishta. Budha is also Gnati Karaka. So, one of gnati may lead the native to Poori jagannatha. May be younger brother. Budha is in 6th in Rasi. (Budha is in vargottama). younger gnati. So, the solution is in the feet of jagannatha. QUESTION 2: Date of Birth: August 15, 1872Time of Birth: 4:47:00 amTime Zone of Birth: 5:30 East of GMTLongitude of Birth: 88 E 22Latitude of Birth: 22 N 32Lunar month (maasa): Sravana Lunar day (tithi): Sukla EkadasiTithi balance: 0.558398Nakshatra balance: 0.574908Sun-Moon Yoga: Vishkambha Sunrise = 5:12:58 am (Apparent rise - upper limb)Ayanamsa = 22-01-26.60Dasa year length chosen = 365.2425 days Planet Position Pada CharaK Ascdt 23 Cn 41'55.75" Aasresha 3 - Sun 0 Le 22'07.25" Makha 1 DKMoon 5 Sg 40'04.43" Moola 2 PKMars 5 Cn 26'21.03" Pushyami 1 GKMercury 23 Le 33'41.41" Poo.Pha. 4 AKJupiter 21 Cn 38'34.24" Aasresha 2 BKVenus 8 Le 35'09.55" Makha 3 PiKSaturn ® 23 Sg 32'51.28" Poo.Shaa. 4 AmKRahu 16 Ta 40'07.76" Rohini 3 MKKetu 16 Sc 40'07.76" Jyeshtha 1 - SreeLg 26 Sg 43'55.42" U.Shaa. 1 - BhavaLg 22 Cn 55'57.68" Aasresha 2 - HoraLg 16 Cn 26'25.80" Pushyami 4 - GhatiLg 26 Ge 57'50.18" Punarvasu 3 - VarndLg 10 Sc 08'21.55" Anuradha 3 - V2 10 Cp 08'21.55" Sravanam 1 - V3 10 Pi 08'21.55" U.Bhaa. 3 - V4 10 Ta 08'21.55" Rohini 1 - V5 10 Cn 08'21.55" Pushyami 3 - V6 10 Vi 08'21.55" Hastha 1 - V7 10 Sc 08'21.55" Anuradha 3 - V8 10 Cp 08'21.55" Sravanam 1 - V9 10 Pi 08'21.55" U.Bhaa. 3 - V10 10 Ta 08'21.55" Rohini 1 - V11 10 Cn 08'21.55" Pushyami 3 - V12 10 Vi 08'21.55" Hastha 1 - Uran 10 Cn 48'55.02" Pushyami 3 - Nept ® 4 Ar 14'02.73" Aswini 2 - Plu 28 Ar 47'42.09" Krittika 1 - Dhooma 13 Sg 42'07.25" Poo.Shaa. 1 - Vyati 16 Cn 17'52.75" Pushyami 4 - Pari 16 Cp 17'52.75" Sravanam 2 - I.Chapa 13 Ge 42'07.25" Aardra 3 - Upaketu 0 Cn 22'07.25" Punarvasu 4 - Kaala 24 Pi 49'51.86" Revathi 3 - Mrityu 13 Ta 39'19.61" Rohini 2 - ArthaPr 4 Ge 00'25.91" Mrigasira 4 - YamaGha 22 Ge 50'58.36" Punarvasu 1 - Gulika 0 Aq 46'54.12" Dhanishtha 3 - +----------------------+| | | | || | | | || | | Rah | GL || | | | || | | | ||-------------|---------------------------|-------------|| | | Mar HL || | | || Glk | | Jup || | | || | | BL Asc ||-------------| R A S I |-------------|| | | Sun || | | || | | Ven || | | || | | Mer ||-------------|---------------------------|-------------|| | | | || Moo | | | || | Ket | | || SatR | | | || | | | |+----------------------+ Mercury is AK. From AK Lagna is in 12th. So, the Kethu should be strong. So, if yogas had to manifest, the native should go spiritual. Kethu is in 5th. He will get lot of sishyas during his travel in the spiritual path. +----------------------+| | | | Rah || | | | || | Sun | Moo | GL || | | | || | | | Ven ||-------------|---------------------------|-------------|| | | || | | || Asc | | || | | || | | ||-------------| N A V A M S A |-------------|| | | || Jup | | || | | Mar || BL | | || | | ||-------------|---------------------------|-------------|| | HL | | || | | | || Ket | Mer | Glk | || | | | || | SatR | | |+----------------------+ Venus owns Libra (12th from Mercury in Sco). Lagna is in 4th from AK. Venus is also karaka of 4th house (comfort and travel). Venus should be ishta. Annapoorna/Lakshmi/Radha should be ishta. I guess, it should be Radha. (Mercury is along with Sani and Kethu). AK is along with Ravi and Sukra in Leo in Rasi. He might have written Savitri due to this. (Savitur - Sun) Venus - Lakshmi/Radha Gayatri Mata? In D-9, Budha was aspected by Guru (the veda parajnanam), and Ravi (the holder of all the veda jnana). Budha is a natural writer. Thus was the effort explained. Vimsottari Dasa: Ketu Ketu 1869-08-24 Venu 1870-01-20 Sun 1871-03-22 Moon 1871-07-28 Mars 1872-02-26 Rahu 1872-07-24 Jupi 1873-08-11 Satu 1874-07-18 Merc 1875-08-27Venu Venu 1876-08-23 Sun 1879-12-24 Moon 1880-12-23 Mars 1882-08-24 Rahu 1883-10-24 Jupi 1886-10-24 Satu 1889-06-24 Merc 1892-08-23 Ketu 1895-06-24Sun Sun 1896-08-23 Moon 1896-12-11 Mars 1897-06-11 Rahu 1897-10-17 Jupi 1898-09-11 Satu 1899-06-30 Merc 1900-06-12 Ketu 1901-04-19 Venu 1901-08-24Moon Moon 1902-08-25 Mars 1903-06-25 Rahu 1904-01-24 Jupi 1905-07-25 Satu 1906-11-24 Merc 1908-06-24 Ketu 1909-11-24 Venu 1910-06-25 Sun 1912-02-23Mars Mars 1912-08-24 Rahu 1913-01-20 Jupi 1914-02-08 Satu 1915-01-15 Merc 1916-02-23 Ketu 1917-02-20 Venu 1917-07-19 Sun 1918-09-18 Moon 1919-01-24Rahu Rahu 1919-08-25 Jupi 1922-05-07 Satu 1924-09-30 Merc 1927-08-06 Ketu 1930-02-23 Venu 1931-03-13 Sun 1934-03-13 Moon 1935-02-05 Mars 1936-08-06Jupi Jupi 1937-08-24 Satu 1939-10-12 Merc 1942-04-25 Ketu 1944-07-31 Venu 1945-07-06 Sun 1948-03-06 Moon 1948-12-24 Mars 1950-04-25 Rahu 1951-03-31Satu Satu 1953-08-24 Merc 1956-08-27 Ketu 1959-05-07 Venu 1960-06-15 Sun 1963-08-15 Moon 1964-07-27 Mars 1966-02-26 Rahu 1967-04-06 Jupi 1970-02-10Merc Merc 1972-08-24 Ketu 1975-01-20 Venu 1976-01-17 Sun 1978-11-17 Moon 1979-09-24 Mars 1981-02-22 Rahu 1982-02-19 Jupi 1984-09-08 Satu 1986-12-15Ketu Ketu 1989-08-24 Venu 1990-01-20 Sun 1991-03-22 Moon 1991-07-28 Mars 1992-02-26 Rahu 1992-07-24 Jupi 1993-08-12 Satu 1994-07-18 Merc 1995-08-27 QUESTION 3: Date of Birth: May 19, 1910Time of Birth: 8:29:00 amTime Zone of Birth: 5:30 East of GMTLongitude of Birth: 73 E 52Latitude of Birth: 18 N 31Lunar month (maasa): Vaisakha Lunar day (tithi): Sukla EkadasiTithi balance: 0.637935Nakshatra balance: 0.071011Sun-Moon Yoga: Vajra Sunrise = 6:0:24 am (Apparent rise - upper limb)Ayanamsa = 22-33-5.34Dasa year length chosen = 365.2425 days Planet Position Pada CharaK Ascdt 10 Ge 04'42.23" Aardra 2 - Sun 4 Ta 42'30.25" Krittika 3 DKMoon 9 Vi 03'11.48" U.Pha. 4 PKMars 18 Ge 10'02.82" Aardra 4 BKMercury ® 14 Ta 16'47.84" Rohini 2 MKJupiter ® 12 Vi 20'40.98" Hastha 1 PiKVenus 20 Pi 17'35.17" Revathi 2 AmKSaturn 7 Ar 40'13.10" Aswini 3 GKRahu 5 Ta 53'56.11" Krittika 3 AKKetu 5 Sc 53'56.11" Anuradha 1 - SreeLg 14 Ta 30'52.21" Rohini 2 - BhavaLg 11 Ge 45'27.13" Aardra 2 - HoraLg 18 Cn 54'21.51" Aasresha 1 - GhatiLg 10 Sc 21'04.63" Anuradha 3 - VarndLg 1 Li 00'56.27" Chitra 3 - V2 1 Le 00'56.27" Makha 1 - V3 1 Ge 00'56.27" Mrigasira 3 - V4 1 Ar 00'56.27" Aswini 1 - V5 28 Ta 59'03.73" Mrigasira 2 - V6 28 Cn 59'03.73" Aasresha 4 - V7 28 Vi 59'03.73" Chitra 2 - V8 28 Sc 59'03.73" Jyeshtha 4 - V9 28 Cp 59'03.73" Dhanishtha 2 - V10 1 Ar 00'56.27" Aswini 1 - V11 1 Aq 00'56.27" Dhanishtha 3 - V12 1 Sg 00'56.27" Moola 1 - Uran ® 2 Cp 31'47.07" U.Shaa. 2 - Nept 24 Ge 41'57.49" Punarvasu 2 - Plu 3 Ge 08'10.47" Mrigasira 3 - Dhooma 18 Vi 02'30.25" Hastha 3 - Vyati 11 Li 57'29.75" Swathi 2 - Pari 11 Ar 57'29.75" Aswini 4 - I.Chapa 18 Pi 02'30.25" Revathi 1 - Upaketu 4 Ar 42'30.25" Aswini 2 - Kaala 4 Le 43'33.10" Makha 2 - Mrityu 20 Vi 58'30.88" Hastha 4 - ArthaPr 13 Li 50'30.46" Swathi 3 - YamaGha 3 Ta 47'18.03" Krittika 3 - Gulika 20 Ge 39'34.27" Punarvasu 1 - +----------------------+| | | Sun | || | | | Asc BL || Ven | Sat | Rah | || | | | Mar Glk || | | MerR | ||-------------|---------------------------|-------------|| | | || | | || | | HL || | | || | | ||-------------| R A S I |-------------|| | | || | | || | | || | | || | | ||-------------|---------------------------|-------------|| | | | || | Ket | | Moo || | | | || | GL | | JupR || | | | |+----------------------+ +----------------------+| | | | || Mar | Glk | | || | | MerR | Sat || Moo | JupR | | || | | | ||-------------|---------------------------|-------------|| | | || Sun | | || | | || Rah | | || | | ||-------------| N A V A M S A |-------------|| Asc | | || | | || BL | | Ket || | | || Ven | | ||-------------|---------------------------|-------------|| | | | || | | | || HL | | GL | || | | | || | | | |+----------------------+ Rahu was AK. The native may have been cheated often and will still have to be free from guile and clean hearted. Rahu was in Aq (2nd from Lagna). Kethu should be strong for him if he should succeed in the mission. In the 12th from AK Venus is alone. So, Lakshmi may be his ishta. AK is with Ravi. Ego problems?! Rahu is aspected by retrogant Guru from 4th. In Rasi also Rahu is with Ravi and retrogant Budha. Guru was in 4th in Rasi and Navamsa. 4th house shows knowledge and understanding. He might have been irritated by some misunderstandings of Ganhi's teachings. In navamsa, AK is in 2nd. Venus is very strong. (exalted in Rasi and is in Lagna in Cp in Navamsa). Saturn was debiliated in Rasi. Thus the native is likely to perform severe austerities! and he did. Vimsottari Dasa: Sun Sun 1904-10-21 Moon 1905-02-07 Mars 1905-08-09 Rahu 1905-12-15 Jupi 1906-11-08 Satu 1907-08-28 Merc 1908-08-09 Ketu 1909-06-15 Venu 1909-10-21Moon Moon 1910-10-21 Mars 1911-08-21 Rahu 1912-03-22 Jupi 1913-09-20 Satu 1915-01-20 Merc 1916-08-21 Ketu 1918-01-20 Venu 1918-08-21 Sun 1920-04-21Mars Mars 1920-10-21 Rahu 1921-03-19 Jupi 1922-04-06 Satu 1923-03-13 Merc 1924-04-21 Ketu 1925-04-18 Venu 1925-09-14 Sun 1926-11-14 Moon 1927-03-22Rahu Rahu 1927-10-21 Jupi 1930-07-03 Satu 1932-11-26 Merc 1935-10-03 Ketu 1938-04-21 Venu 1939-05-10 Sun 1942-05-10 Moon 1943-04-03 Mars 1944-10-02Jupi Jupi 1945-10-21 Satu 1947-12-09 Merc 1950-06-21 Ketu 1952-09-26 Venu 1953-09-02 Sun 1956-05-03 Moon 1957-02-19 Mars 1958-06-21 Rahu 1959-05-28Satu Satu 1961-10-20 Merc 1964-10-23 Ketu 1967-07-03 Venu 1968-08-11 Sun 1971-10-12 Moon 1972-09-23 Mars 1974-04-24 Rahu 1975-06-03 Jupi 1978-04-09Merc Merc 1980-10-20 Ketu 1983-03-19 Venu 1984-03-15 Sun 1987-01-14 Moon 1987-11-20 Mars 1989-04-21 Rahu 1990-04-18 Jupi 1992-11-04 Satu 1995-02-10Ketu Ketu 1997-10-20 Venu 1998-03-18 Sun 1999-05-18 Moon 1999-09-23 Mars 2000-04-23 Rahu 2000-09-20 Jupi 2001-10-08 Satu 2002-09-14 Merc 2003-10-24Venu Venu 2004-10-20 Sun 2008-02-19 Moon 2009-02-19 Mars 2010-10-20 Rahu 2011-12-20 Jupi 2014-12-20 Satu 2017-08-20 Merc 2020-10-20 Ketu 2023-08-21Sun Sun 2024-10-20 Moon 2025-02-06 Mars 2025-08-08 Rahu 2025-12-14 Jupi 2026-11-08 Satu 2027-08-27 Merc 2028-08-08 Ketu 2029-06-14 Venu 2029-10-20 Best regards, Vijay pvklnrao Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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