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[Hare Rama Krishna] Lesson: Compulsory for all

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Om Krishna Guru


Dear Visti,


Thanks for answering my question. With your explanation it makes perfect sense now.


You wrote:


>p.s. Your Istha Devata is Shiva/Agni, acording to your Navamsa.. how do you feel >about that?


Well as you know, my parents were Christian and I came to jyotish through the study of hatha yoga and meditation I never worshipped Shiva or Sri Ram in a ritualistic way, but my views of worship is very ecumenical so I wouldn't be opposed to it either. Sanjay-ji writes in JUS that the Sun to Christians represents the Holy Spirit. My natural inclination is to worship the Divine Mother and more recently I have been fascinated with Kali who is one of Shiva's feminine forms. Perhaps because my AK , mars, trines my rasi lagna is in a feminine sign, Taurus, in yuti with another feminine planet Venus? Do you think? Or maybe because Sun in rasi is with Mercury( Vishnu) would better indicate Sri Ram. I do notice that in time of great struggle the mantras "Om namah Shivaya" and "Om Sri Ram Jaya Ram Jaya Jaya Ram" seem to come to me and didn't know why.


Attached is my chart in .jhd format for anyone who wants to follow along.


Thank again Visti,

Best Wishes,



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Vyam Vysadevaya Namah


Hello Karen,


Kali is the 'fallen' image of Shakti, and is rekoned from a Waning Moon, whereas a Waxing Moon indicates Parvati. Lord of 12th from Karakamsa is joined with Moon, which could very well be indicated through your appraisal.


In your Chart Moon is waxing.. its debilitated in Rasi, but in own sign in Navamsa, so inclination towards the holy mother is explainable. More should be seen in Vimsamsa.


All we need is faith.

Best wishes, Visti.



Om Krishna Guru


Dear Visti,


Thanks for answering my question. With your explanation it makes perfect sense now.


You wrote:


>p.s. Your Istha Devata is Shiva/Agni, acording to your Navamsa.. how do you feel >about that?


Well as you know, my parents were Christian and I came to jyotish through the study of hatha yoga and meditation I never worshipped Shiva or Sri Ram in a ritualistic way, but my views of worship is very ecumenical so I wouldn't be opposed to it either. Sanjay-ji writes in JUS that the Sun to Christians represents the Holy Spirit. My natural inclination is to worship the Divine Mother and more recently I have been fascinated with Kali who is one of Shiva's feminine forms. Perhaps because my AK , mars, trines my rasi lagna is in a feminine sign, Taurus, in yuti with another feminine planet Venus? Do you think? Or maybe because Sun in rasi is with Mercury( Vishnu) would better indicate Sri Ram. I do notice that in time of great struggle the mantras "Om namah Shivaya" and "Om Sri Ram Jaya Ram Jaya Jaya Ram" seem to come to me and didn't know why.


Attached is my chart in .jhd format for anyone who wants to follow along.


Thank again Visti,

Best Wishes,



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Om Gurave Namah

Jaya Jagannatha!

> 1.. If a malefic planet is the Atmakaraka, it indicates a high level of

> spiritual development whereas a benefic planet as the Atmakaraka indicates

> a relatively lower level. Example: Rahu was the Atmakaraka for Srila

> Prabhupada and Ramakrishna Paramhamsa.


> 3.. A retrograde Atmakaraka indicates a deep rooted desire as being the

> cause of the birth.



> 7.. Saturn as AK indicates that the native cannot give sorrow to

> others and will have to share the sorrow of many others.



> 3.. If AK is in 3rd house, the native shall be rich and successful in

> many undertakings. He shall be a freind of many powerful people.


> 11.. If AK is in 11th house, the native shall be brave, successful in

> war and capable of executing any task. if Mars is strong there shall be

> Rajyoga.


> 4.. If Mercury is Ista and is in the second and third drekkana Sri

Krishna is

> indicated.


> 3.. The Karaka indicated by the Ista devata planet shall indicate the

> relation/person who shall lead the native to the Ista Devata.

> 4.. The AK/Ista devata holds the key to a chart and it is important to

> have excellent relations with such people who are indicated by the Ista

> devata planet.

Dear Gurudeva Sanjay,


> Questions & dates for answer:

> 1.. Determine the Ista Devata in the following charts:

> 1.. Male born 7 Aug, 1963 at 9:15' PM IST at Sambalpur India. What

> remedy would you recommend for the native to reduce the suffering and

> obstacles in life? [28 Sept 2001]


Istadevata is Kri Krishna(mercury),remedy would be strenghtening the

jupiter, worship of guru and wearing yellow sapphire since native will have

to share the sorrow of many others,best way is to teach them about spiritual

and knowledge of jyotisha(Guru) to ultimately relieve their sorrow

forever.in navamsa guru is ruler of chandra's house,and if native

worships(strenghtens) guru it will automatically make him worship krishna

in form of Hari Nam mantra(japa).As ruler of first in first in rasi it will

protect the whole chart.


I am doing the exercise since you have ordered it is compulsory for

all,although I am probably reasoning completely wrong.


your sisya

mayapur das

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Respected Sanjayji,


I am sorry for the delay in posting this lesson due to lack of time. However, with my limited knowledge I am very cofused with this chart. I have used LMT



Q 1.4

Mahatma Gandhi 2 Oct 1869; 7-45 AM; 21N37', 69E49' India. He chanted the name of Sri Ram to lead india to independance and followed the path of Ahimsa strictly. Bring this out in his chart and show how he had developed the power to direct such a great number of people.




AK is Mo. Mo as AK indicates that the native should very caring and compessionate.


12th from karakamsa is Aqu without any planet. It is having rashi dristi from Ari (Ke), Can (none) and Li(Ra). This is confusing as Ra & Ke will have same deg. So should we take Aqu lord Sa who represents Narayana. As we know Rama was his Ishta and an Avatar of Narayana. (I am not very sure about this simple explanation).


6th from AL is Sag whose lord Ju is in 10th from AL. Most probably this explains his firm believe in Ahimsa and interrelation in his believe and karma (10th house).


Ra Moon combination in AL or 10th from Asc in rashi must be explaining his area of karma (placement of Ra in 10th) ragarding mother country (10th lord moon, moon is natural karaka for mother)


Sa (masss) in 5th (follower) from AL explains his mass following.


AK is in 3rd from lagnamsa- native shall be successfull in many undertakings and be a friend if powerfull people. This is true as we know.


He was assasinated in his Ju-Ve-Ve dasa. Ju is his 6th (enemy) lord in 7th. Ju is his Amk also. Ve is 8th lord (longivity). Association of 2nd & 7th lord Ma with Mo & Ju explains the violent death. One interesting aspect here. Ju is in star of Sun - who is badhakesh. Ve & Ma both are in the star of Ju. Association of Ju explains dharma being reason of his death (?). Does it mean that such clear association of 6th,8th & 2nd lord and if Ma is also involved will bring such violent death? Why Ve - being lagna lord, has not protected him? Of course I am also not sure if this is sufficient logic for his assacination.


In D-10, 10th lord from AL is Me and with Ju. This may explain his proffession in law. But why he sacrificed the profession? Is it due to that Ju - Me combination occurs at 12th in D10 asc. and it is with 12th / Asc lord Sa himself?


My question:


why he became so famous worldwide?



Please correct my attempt - if your time permits.



Best regards



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Om Gurave Namah


Dear Sanjay-ji,


Thank you so much for your reply. It is so wonderful to have your guidance

and to know that my " inner guidance " is on the right track.

It's a great feeling.


your sishya,



> --------------------------

> Dear Karen,

> Your inner impulse is right. Trust the natural attraction. The love for


> is due to the close conjunction between the Moon & sun in Navamsa where


> as lord of 12 from Karakamsa makes the decision. Moon is also stronger


> the Sun. Kali is represented by the Moon and if you study Prasna Marga

> carefully, then you will find the mention that the Moon in the signs of

> Mars/saturn give attraction towards Kali & Chamundi.


> This is what I have been teaching. Show initisl light and then the native

> will go naturally to the Ista. don't worry.

> Best Wishes

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Dear Sanjay,


I will attempt Q1 of the lesson. This is not a usual area for me so please bear with any mistakes I make.


Saturn as AK is retrograde and indicates a deep desire has been responsible for this birth. In the D-60 chart, assuming this is correct, saturn is in the 12th house and rules both the 7th house and UL. I think this may indicate a spouse or relationship in a previous birth. As Saturn was in the 12th house in D-60 this could indicate a relationship that was not fulfilled in that life. The sun in the 7th is also a separative influence, and add the aspect of rahu on the sun and the 7th, venus in the 6th with mars, and there seems to be sufficient evidence to indicate a broken relationship. Sun in the the 7th indicates a strong partner who was the dominating influence, and did not really give in. Mars and venus together give a passionate nature, and the aspect on saturn is both by rasi and graha drishti. rahu and ketu also aspect saturn by rasi drishti, indicating that this is a karmic matter. Sun in the 7th also shows a person for whom relationships arevery important. And here sun and moon (and moon also rules the ascendant and is karaka for desires) are in the kama trikona of 3/7/11.


In this life too, relationships are fraught with stress as mars is in the 7th,7th ruler is in the 6th, saturn aspects venus, venus is with 6th ruler. Mercury in the 6th can cause digestive upsets due to stress.


In both rasi chart and d-60, Jupiter is strongly placed in the ascendant, as ascendant lord in own sign in D-1 and as exalted 9th lord in D-60. This shows a person who has been a force for good over many lifetimes. in D60, Ketu as 5th ruler is placed in the 9th aspected by 9th lord jupiter. Both a very spiritual chart and also a very passionate chart.


Ishta Devata is Vargottama Mercury aspected by the Sun. Mercury I know stands for Vishnu, and Sun for Shiva. I am not sure what the combination mean. But it may be that the ishtadevata will lead him through the path of analytical truth to freedom and enlightenment. AK Saturn in the navamsa of Virgo possibly confirms this.


Both in rasi and navamsa saturn and mars aspect the ascendant by graha drishti. This can cause a fragility in the body. But with ascendant ruler well placed in both rasi and navamsa, there is a great deal of actual resilience. Possibly operations cannot be avoided. Saturn in Gemini when it is aspecting Pisces is a time to be careful, especially when mars also aspects the ascendant. But mars is also the 9th lord, so there is also protection from it.


There is also problems due to children or followers as 5th lord is in the 12th, 3rd, 6th and 8th lords are joined in the 5th. But the aspect of Jupiter in the 5th, give good personal decisions that resolve this.


Mercury dasa is running at the moment. This could involve intermittent digestiv troubles. It could be a time of some scandal due to followers, children etc. Or with the aspect between the 7th lord and the 5th in the 6th 12th axis, it could be a problem with a relationship. As both mercury and moon and 4th ruler are involved, it does not promise well for peace and happiness. When saturn moves into gemini, it will stop aspecting the 5th lord moon and start aspecting the 7th lord mercury. And it will be in the 4th house. A time to be fairly careful, but all this assumes someone just going with the flow, rather than taking their own stand in life.


I will attempt the other questions when I return from UK next week.


Best Regards,







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