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Ishta Devata Lesson: Q1.

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Aum SatyaGurave Namaha



Pranaams Gurudeva,



1. Male born 7 Aug, 1963 at 9:15' PM IST at Sambalpur India. What

remedy would you recommend for the native to reduce the suffering and

obstacles in life? [28 Sept 2001]



CharaAtmaKaraka is Sa®. The retrogression of the AK shows the deep

rooted desire from the past life. Since this is the 11H and planet

being Saturn, the desire may be in the form of spreading Astrology,

Philosophy or Detachment.

So the native should continue to spread these words/wisdom as best as



Sa® being a malefic, shows high level of spiritual development.


An important point to note in this chart is that because Lagna is

stronger than Moon, Lagna Dasa at birth is that of CharaAtmaKaraka Sa

®, as if to suggest and strengthen the point earlier of the deep

rooted desire from past birth and the destiny in this life to fulfill



Also the Dasa of AtmaKaraka invariably indicates suffering and this

suffering for this native is in the form of rebirth!!!


The native should also try and limit the suffering he causes to

others and share/alleviate the grief of others.


The Ishta Davata of the native is Sri Rama as the 12H from AK is Me

in the 2nd Drekkana. Me is also CharaGnaatiKaraka, so the native

will/should maintain cordial relationsip with Cousins/Enemies and

Intellectuals or Younger/Fellow brothers as represented by Me.


From Navamsa Lagna Ishta Devata(Me) rules 8H, indicating the debt

from past life and he should work(Me in 10H) hard to gain relief(Me

is also 11L).


The native is undergoing the Dasa of Ve as per Lagna Vimsottari Dasa,

which is aspected by Sa® in Navamsa, showing that from

approximately around Mid 1991 his remedial measures were initiated in

spreading the good and wise word of Astrology.


Moreover Ve is also conjunct with Ke in Navamsa Lagna signifying a

Tapaswi which will help him realize his goals/desire, this fact is

further strengthened by the fact of the placement of AK in 11H from

Navamsa Lagna.


Another Remedial Measure would be to read RamaCharitaManas or

literature related to Sri Rama. Note that Me is vargottama iN Navamsa

& Vimsamsa in Leo!!!!


The Native is running the D-1 Narayana Dasa of Cp housing the



Your Sisya,


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